单词 | 口碑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 口碑noun—reputationn口碑—public praise public reputation commonly held opinions current idiom Examples:口碑流传—widely praised (idiom); with an extensive public reputation 俗谚口碑—common sayings (idiom); widely circulated proverbs 有口皆碑—every voice gives praise (idiom); with an extensive public reputation See also:碑—a monument stele an upright stone tablet 口n—mouthn
广州丰田凯美瑞:2008年初,CIC开始为广州丰田凯美瑞提供定制化月度口碑监测和研究报告,报告的一部分即包括消费者产品反馈分析。 ciccorporate.com | Toyota Camry: In January 2008, CIC started providing [...] customized monthly IWOM tracking and research [...]reports for Toyota Camry, including [...]a key part on Consumer insight for product service development. ciccorporate.com |
如今,Frontier生产多款罕见的药草和香料,作为天然植物产品的货源在其供货联系和口碑上都有很大的优势。 cn.iherb.com | Today, Frontier carries many uncommon herbs and spices, building both its supplier contacts and its reputation as a source of botanical products. iherb.com |
从在线口碑相传中得出的这些社交数据可以转换成为可执行的洞察建议,从而促进企业的营销、销售、客服和产品开发等。 hybris.com | The social data derived from [...] online word of mouth translates [...]into actionable insights that improve marketing, sales, customer [...]service, and product development. hybris.com |
通过组织线上及线下的活动,CIC市场营销团队不仅引领着中国网络口碑行业的发展,还帮助CIC巩固在行业内作为研究和咨询公司的领先地位。 ciccorporate.com | Through a combination of both online and offline promotional activities, CIC's marketing team has not [...] only pioneered the growth of China's [...] Internet Word ofMouth (IWOM) industry, but [...]has also helped CIC to retain its position [...]as a leading strategy and research consulting firm. ciccorporate.com |
凭借其出色的表现以及无懈可击的安全和环保管理体系,瓦克蔚山生产基地在业内赢得了良好口碑。 wacker.com | WACKER Ulsan has earned a good reputation in the industry for its outstanding performance and spotless safety & green management. wacker.com |
这也让房东在如美家社群里努力地营造他们的口碑,而每位房客也能详细地调查提供他住宿的房东。 roomorama.cn | This allows Hosts to build their reputation within the Roomorama community and every Guest to thoroughly research for the direct provider of their accommodation(s). roomorama.com |
三菱化学高新聚合物项目管理层要求,数字自动化供应商能够与其在日本的工程师以及在中国的工程公司共同协作,”艾默生过程管理亚太区总裁 Sabee Mitra 说:“而我们在中国具有强大的、实施大型自动化项目的能力,尤其在工作效率、团队合作以及竞争优势等方面拥有良好的口碑。 emerson.com | MAP officials needed a digital automation supplier to work as a team with engineers in Japan and the construction contractor in China," according to Sabee Mitra, president of Emerson Process Management Asia Pacific. "We emphasized our ability to implement large automation projects in China, and especially our track record of efficiency, teamwork, and competitiveness. emerson.com |
但是这样的成就并非一日之功;正因为 如此,无论怎样强调口碑(即:让他人为您和您的研究大唱 赞歌)的影响力都不为过。 biggerbrains.com | But it can take time to reach these achievements so even then the impact of having others spreading the word on how good you and your research are cannot be overstated. biggerbrains.com |
在众多不同的管道里,一个人从中所收 到的讯息,很难想像它具有公信力,因 此,人际沟通与口碑显然重要。 vemmaasia.com | Among the many varied channels through which a person today receives information, it is hard to [...] imagine any that carry the credibility, and as a result, the importance of [...] interpersonal communication orword-of-mouth. vemmaasia.com |
作为一家贸易公司,TED 在业内拥有极佳的口碑,它专门服务于电子行业,并在日本东京证券交易所挂牌上市。 linear.com.cn | TED has an excellent track record as a trading company, exclusively servicing the electronics industry, and is listed on the Tokyo Stock exchange. linear.com |
自成立以来,公司一直是世界上最大的实验室啮齿动物供应商之一,在持续生产高品质、定义明确的大鼠和小鼠方面拥有良好的口碑。 tipschina.gov.cn | Since then, the company has become one of the largest laboratory rodent providers in the world with a reputation for consistently producing high quality, well-defined rats and mice. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果上交所能对采掘类公司在向政 府支付资金方面制定明确的信息披露要求,将有利 于提升上交所在采掘业投资者与其他利益相关方群体 中的口碑,同时为中国公司创造更好的商业和投资环 境。 syntao.com | If the SSE sets clear reporting requirements for extractive industry payments to governments, it will not only draw the admiration of investors and other stakeholders in the extractive industry, but will also improve the overall business andinvestment climate in China. syntao.com |
回顾2011年,中国网络口碑环境发生了巨大的变化,从社会化媒体迈向社会化商业,其标志性的例子不胜枚举。 iwommaster.com | Looking back over 2011, we can draw on a [...] number of examples that highlight a sea [...] change in China‘s IWOMenvironment; the [...]evolution from social media to social business. iwommaster.com |
来自台湾的乐神公司乃第一次到阿根廷参加SAGSE展,在业界经营有悠久的历史与口碑。 taiwanslot.com.tw | LAXAN from Taiwan came to SAGSE in Argentina for the first time. taiwanslot.com.tw |
现在,他致力于把CIC打造成为解读中国网络文化,探索网络社区发展的先行者,引导诸如欧莱雅、百事、耐克等知名品牌意识到聆听和研究大量纷杂的中文网络口碑对于公司市场营销传播、客户关系管理、产品研发运作,以及战略规划的独特价值。 tfmchina.com | CIC is at the forefront of exploring Chinese digital culture, helping leading brands in China such as L’Oreal, Pepsi and Nike [...] understand how the [...] Internet Word of Mouth isimpacting and can be used to impact marketing communications, product researchand development, reputation [...]and public relations. tfmchina.com |
究其原因,中国国家博物馆在民众中的口碑极高,馆内藏品在中国乃至世界都是顶级珍品,其中部分藏品甚至影响了中国文化的变迁。 labbrand.com | The National Museum of China is highly regarded byChinese citizens to be one of the best museums which display top tier art pieces that contributed to culture changes in China. labbrand.com |
公司坚守顾客满意的原则,成为全球名贵手表领域享有极高诚信度与口碑的公司。 hk.ashford.com | Our company’s commitment to the ultimate in customer satisfaction has garnered us a worldwide reputation of integrity and superiority in the world of luxury watches. ashford.com |
他解 释说,这不仅是展示亚太统计所成就的一种方法,而且也会给亚太统 计所的品牌增光,对自己进行宣传,并为自己进行口碑营销;这也能 有助于亚太经社会为统计所争取支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | He explained that, not only would it be a way to showcase the achievements of SIAP, but it would also give SIAP a branding that would serve as an advocate in and of itself; it would also assist ESCAP in canvassing support for the Institute. daccess-ods.un.org |
之后,以此份专刊为基础,我们将于2012年下半年发布旅游行业网络口碑白皮书,帮助品牌获取营销创意或制订更有效的市场战略。 iwommaster.com | Looking ahead, this special edition of IWOMWatch will form part of a 2012 Travel Whitepaper, which will be released in the second half of the year. iwommaster.com |
这些报告会从所有社交网络及身份提供商处收集数据,为您提供社交活跃度、口碑流量及用户行为等情报。 hybris.com | Such reports pull data from all social [...] networks and identity providers to deliver intelligence on social [...] engagement, word-of-mouthtraffic and user [...]behaviors. hybris.com |
目前,信 息科学研究所成为一个口碑良好的区域中心,负责开发图书馆信息系统和监控评估科研成果 系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Today, the Institute of Information Science is a well-recognized regional centre for thedevelopment oflibrary information systems and systems for monitoring and evaluation of research results. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在以前的一篇文章《品牌“小偷” “抢夺”市场》当中,我们下了一个悲观的结论,即对一个在低端市场中竞争的公司来说,取一个与业已存在的知名品牌类似的品牌名是一个捷径,因为这样做可以利用那个知名品牌在市场中已经建立起的良好口碑。 labbrand.com | In a previous new post “Steal the Brand, Steal the Market”, we came to the unfortunate conclusion that for a firm competing in the low-value market, it may be beneficial to generate a brand name resembling that of an existing reputable brand to take advantage of the imitated brand’s well-established reputation in the marketplace. labbrand.com |
一大批高素质高校毕业生竞相前来报名,这也反映了该项目具有很好的口碑。 reports.wacker.com | This program has an excellent reputation, as can be seen in the high number of well-qualified graduates who wish to enroll. reports.wacker.com |
假冒伪劣产品横行,以次充好,摧毁了真品的市场和口碑。 tipschina.gov.cn | Counterfeiters and diverters have moved in with force, selling common foods as the high-value brand, destroying markets and reputation of the real item. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果公司能够减少GAAP/IAS的挥发性,这意味着公司将在财务分析领域拥有较好口碑。 12manage.com | If you can reduce your GAAP/IAS volatility, this may mean you will have [...] a better standing in the analyst [...]community. 12manage.com |
经过数年努力, 本店在香港业界和市场都有建立了口碑,客户一直给我们的正面的回馈,数据显示我们近12个月订购的客户当中有近42%为订多於一次的长期企业或个人客户,对於生客为多和流动性极大的送礼行业是一个傲视同群的指标。 givegift.com.hk | Latest statistics shows a stunning 42% of our orders in the [...] previous 12 months were placed by [...] return/longterm clients accounts, a figurevery [...]difficult to achieve, and we are most [...]proud of in a new-clients dominant and extremely high clients-mobility industry particularly in Hong Kong. givegift.com.hk |
我们可以看到,对于看重在环保方面具有良好口碑的地区和供应商必须具有有效环境管理要件的地区,ISO 14001认证有助于获得市场准入。 nemko.com | It has been shown that certification to ISO 14001 helps in achieving market access in areas where a good reputation related to environmental awareness is important and where effective environmental management is a criteria for being approved as a supplier. nemko.com |