

单词 口活



support one's family [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

对于 每个区域,则使用私人自付支出与政府人均支出的比率计算消费者在 口活 动 方 面的支出。
For each region, the ratio of private out-of-pocket
versus per capita government expenditures was used to derive consumer
[...] expenditures in the case of population activities.
另一方面,其他的经济体(一般是一些比较小的经济体)一般更专注于再 口活 动。
On the other hand, other economies (generally smaller ones) are going to be more prone to
[...] specialize on re-exporting activities.
(e) 加强私营部门在筹集人口与发展资源、监测 口活 动 开支以及确保实现 财政目标和平等目标方面的作用。
population and development, in monitoring population expenditures [...]
and ensuring that financial targets and equity objectives are met.
委员会建议缔约国确保贩运人口者受到起诉并被处以与贩运人口罪行严重程度相 当的刑罚,在刑事诉讼中保护贩运 口活 动 的受害者,通过康复和辅导措施提供 充足的支持。
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure prosecution for traffickers, with sentences commensurate to the gravity of the crime of trafficking, as well as protection for victims of human trafficking in criminal proceedings, and adequate support for victims through recovery and counselling measures.
此外,為了應付在特殊情況下,可能需要 把口活家禽 送往工廠以外的地方,我們建議修訂第139A章 第 9A條,容許口活家禽 除運往持牌工廠外,亦可運往由高 級獸醫官指定的地方。
Moreover, to cater for special
[...] circumstances under which imported live poultry are required to be taken to places other than the PSPP, we propose to amend section 9A of Cap 139A so as to allow imported live poultry to be taken [...]
to a place other
than a licensed PSPP as designated by a senior veterinary officer.
其中包括努力发展索马里的渔业和 口活 动 ,这将有助于扩大该 国的经济机会,促进根除海盗活动(见 [...]
This includes efforts to develop Somalia’s
[...] fisheries and port activities, which would help [...]
expand economic opportunities in the
country and contribute to the eradication of piracy (see S/2011/30, annex).
谨代表组成“打击贩运人口之友小组”的 20 个会员国(巴林、白俄罗斯、孟 加拉国、玻利维亚多民族国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、印度、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯 坦、阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国、尼加拉瓜、尼日利亚、菲律宾、卡塔尔、 俄罗斯联邦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、阿拉伯联合酋长国、乌兹别克斯坦和委 内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国)转递联合国大会第六十五届会议期间、于2010年9月22 日召开的“打击贩运人口之友小组”部长级会议上通过的《全球努力打击贩运口活动宣言》(见附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith, on behalf of the 20 United Nations Member States that constitute the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking (Bahrain, Belarus, Bangladesh, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Ecuador, Egypt, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nicaragua, Nigeria, the Philippines, Qatar, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)), the Declaration on the Global Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons, which was adopted at the ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends United against Human Trafficking, convened on 22 September 2010 on the margins of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly (see annex).
20.65 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a)
拥有足够的国家统计数据和信息,这些 数据和信息可说明住房和土地管理情况,特别是可用于编写关于经济转型国家住房部门和土地 管理审查的国家概况研究;(b) 成员国具有执行住房委员会建议的政治意愿和适当机构;(c)
[...] 具有支持有关活动的政治意愿,以改善制定和执行人口政策和方案的知识库和提高其能力;以 及(d) 拥有开展口活动的预算外资源。
20.65 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) adequate national statistical data and information are available on the housing and land management situation, in particular for the preparation of the country profile studies on the housing sector and land administration reviews for countries with economies in transition, (b) political will and adequate institutions exist in member countries to implement the recommendations of the Committee on Housing and Land Management, (c) there is political will to support activities that improve the knowledge base and capacity
for designing and implementing population-related policies and programmes and (d) extrabudgetary resources are
[...] available for population-related activities.
加强与来源国、过境国和目的地国的国际、地区和双边合作,以通过 信息交流打击贩卖口活动。
(f) Intensify its cooperation at the international, regional and bilateral levels with countries of origin, transit and destination aimed at combating trafficking through information exchange.
为增强其竞争力,口活动被 置于迪拜 国际港的私营管理之下,并扩展至多哈莱新港,该新港可以接纳石油终端设备和 [...]
In a bid to increase its competitiveness,
[...] the country’s port activities have been put under [...]
the private management of Dubai Ports
International and expanded to the new site of Doraleh which can take oil tankers and containers.
因此,荷 兰本届政府虽然没有履行正式职责,但将继续开展工作,落实各项支持充分尊重 人权的主要政策措施,特别是保障公民人人平等,推进融合,通过惩处施害者和 保护受害者打击家庭暴力,打击贩运 口活 动 , 保护难民和寻求庇护者,促进社 会认同男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者,并在荷兰学校进行人权教育。
Therefore, the current Government, although officially not in function, would continue its work on the implementation of the main policy measures to endorse full respect of human rights, inter alia: guaranteeing the equality of every citizen, promoting integration, fighting domestic violence by punishing perpetrators and protecting victims, combating the trafficking of human beings, protecting refugees and asylum seekers, promoting social acceptance of LGBT people in society and human rights education in the Dutch school.
[...] 艾滋病署、世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、全球基金、欧盟、联合国 口活 动基 金、粮农组织、世界粮食计划署、非洲协作、 AWARE、USAID、CARE、 [...]
MSP 、 HKI 、德国技术合作署、扶轮社、喀麦隆方案、加拿大国际开发署
FOREDEN、ADAMS、AAPEC、AUPAES、尚塔尔·比亚基金会和喀麦隆红十 字会)。
For the implementation of initiatives in this area, the Government has received support from various international and nationals partners (UNAIDS, WHO,
UNICEF, Global Fund to Fight
[...] AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, European Union, UNFPA, FAO, WFP, African [...]
Synergy, AWARE, USAID,
CARE, MSP, HKI, GTZ, Rotary International, Plan Cameroon, CIDA, FOREDEN, ADAMS, AAPEC, AUPAES, Chantal Biya Foundation and Cameroon Red Cross).
口活动基 金提出是 否可能从其他方面得到捐助援助,并告诫说应当留有充分的余地,以反映出 [...]
UNFPA enquired about the [...]
possibility of obtaining financial assistance from other donors and cautioned that sufficient flexibility
should be allowed to reflect the emerging interests of countries.
名专门处理贩运口活动的 检察官。 几乎所有的警察部队都设有可供它们动用的监督小组,而在这方面取得的主要成 绩之一,是确定了由地方当局密切监督卖淫行业的活动。
Almost all police forces had supervision teams at their disposal and one of the main achievements was the establishment of close supervision by local authorities in the prostitution sector.
缔约国应保存本国已评估转让活动的记录,并 按照条约中商定的详细程度定期报告已授权的 口活 动。
They shall maintain national records of assessed transfers and
[...] regularly report on exports authorized to [...]
the level of detail agreed in the treaty.
[...] 生事務委員會一直密切留意政府當局在管 制本地和口活生食用牲口/家禽、冰鮮/冷藏肉類、包裝食物及其 [...]
The Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene has been closely monitoring the food safety standards
and the surveillance systems for the
[...] control of local and imported live food animals/poultry, [...]
chilled/frozen meat, packaged
food and other food products, in order to safeguard public health.
认识到打击贩运口活动的 某些努力缺乏对性别和年龄问题的必要敏感认 识,因而无法有效地处理尤易成为以性剥削、强迫劳动、服务及其他形式的剥削 [...]
为目的的贩运活动目标的妇女和女孩的境况,因此,突出强调有必要将对性别和 年龄问题有敏感认识的办法纳入打击贩运人口的所有工作中
Recognizing that certain
[...] efforts against trafficking in persons [...]
lack the gender and age sensitivity needed to address effectively
the situation of women and girls, who are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation, forced labour, services and other forms of exploitation, thus highlighting the need to incorporate a gender- and age-sensitive approach in all anti-trafficking efforts
另外,赞比亚敦促要求缔约国采取一切必要措施,不仅对 口活 动 , 而且对 条约范围内的所有转让活动都进行管制。
Zambia additionally urges that States parties be
required to take all necessary measures to
[...] control not only exports but all transfers [...]
included in the scope of the treaty.
1540(2004)号决议方 面出现的问题,必须基于下列原则:尊重《联合国宪章》和国际法、尊重国家独
[...] 立和主权、不干涉别国的内部事务、通过和平手段解决争端;扩散大规模毁灭性 武器的威慑作用不应被滥用到影响进 口活 动 以及为和平目的技术转让的地步。
Moreover, Viet Nam would like to reaffirm its hard position that reviewing and resolving matters arisen during the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) must be based on the following: respect for the Charter of the United Nations and international law, respect for national independence and sovereignty, non-interference into other countries’ internal affairs, settlement of disputes through peaceful measures; and that the deterrence of WMD proliferation
should not be abused to the extent
[...] that affects export-import activities as well as technological [...]
transference for peaceful purposes.
移民组织支持巴勒莫议定书及其对各国政府的 技术援助,以便逐步加强各国政府执行移民法律以及 识别和起诉参与此类贩运口活动的 犯罪团伙的能 力。
The technical assistance given by IOM to Governments in support of the Palermo Protocols was increasingly focused on improving their law enforcement capacities in relation to migration and identifying and prosecuting criminal organizations involved in the trafficking of persons.
认识到贩运口活动的 受害人特别受到种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有 关不容忍行为的威胁,妇女和女孩往往因其性别、年龄、族裔、文化、宗教和出 身等原因而受到多种形式的歧视和暴力侵害,这些形式的歧视本身又可能助长贩 运口活动
[...] that victims of trafficking are particularly exposed to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and that women and girl victims are often subject to multiple forms of discrimination and violence, including on the grounds of their gender, age, ethnicity, culture and religion, as well as their origins, and that those forms of discrimination themselves may fuel trafficking in persons
设 置或配置参数,如选择主机口、活 动 模 拟和打印机控制选项,全部根据打印 [...]
The settings, or configuration parameters, such as selecting the
[...] host interface, active emulation, and [...]
printer control options, are adjusted according
to the printer function switch descriptions in your printer's User's Manual.
文化:(1) 打击贩运口活动, 消除其文化根源;(2) 解决难民与移民的语言多样 [...]
性问题以及他们与接收国人民和平共处问题;(3) 强调文化在国家和地区发展战略 中的重要作用,从而消除移民的根本原因;(4) 给传统工艺定价,从而创造就业机 会(例如通过宣传传统知识和促进文化旅游)。
Culture: (1)
[...] fighting human trafficking by addressing [...]
its cultural dimensions; (2) addressing linguistic diversity and the
peaceful coexistence of refugees and migrants with the receiving countries’ populations; (3) emphasizing the crucial role of culture in national and regional development strategies to address the root causes of migration; (4) valorizing traditional crafts with a view to creating jobs (through the promotion of traditional know-how and of cultural tourism, for example).
某些国家提到了一些特定类型的雇主和员工:更容易受到贩运口活动影 响的行业部门的雇主;以及负责供应链管理(尤其是大规模运作)的 雇主和员工。
Some specific categories of employers and employees were mentioned: employers in sectors of an industry that could be more vulnerable to trafficking in persons; and employers and employees who were responsible for supply chain management, especially for large-scale operations.
委员会感到关切的是,缔约国仍然是贩运 口活 动 的 来源国和过境国,对 犯罪者的起诉相对于问题的规模而言比率过低。
The Committee is concerned that the State party continues to be a country of origin and transit for trafficking in persons, and that the prosecution rate of offenders is very low, given the extent of the problem.
在我们的共同边界地区,1996 年以来已经设立了 一个联合指挥部,由阿根廷、巴西和巴拉圭警察和安 全部队组成,在我们的共同边界地区执行任务,目前 正在打击非法贩运武器弹药和各种形式的走私、贩 毒、绑架、洗钱和非法贩运口活动 的 努力中发挥着 重要作用。
In our common border region, a joint command made up of police and security forces from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay has been operating in our common border region since 1996 and is playing an important role in efforts to combat illicit trafficking in weapons and ammunition, all form of smuggling, drug trafficking, kidnapping, money laundering and illegal trafficking in persons.
為 進 一 步 預 防 及 控
[...] 制 禽 流 感 爆 發 , 食 物 環 境 衞 生 署 與 國 家 質 量 監 督 檢 驗 檢 疫 總 局 就 落 實口 活 家 禽 接 種 禽 流 感 疫 苗 的 措 施 達 成 協 議 : 由 2004 年 1 月 15 日 開 始 , 所 有口 活 家 禽 ( 鴿 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 須 接 種 農 業 部 批 准 生 產 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 滅 [...]
活 疫 苗 , 才 可 以 進 口 香 港 特 別 行 政 區 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the
outbreak of avian flu,
[...] FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine have agreed that with effect from 15 January 2004, all live poultry (except [...]
pigeons and waterfowls)
must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu with deactivated vaccine authorized for production and use by the State Ministry of Agriculture before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
[...] 成功地执行其国家氟氯化碳淘汰计划;与各行业和各企业开展互动以确保淘汰工作的可持 续;发布通知以执行国家制冷剂管理条例;及开展提高公众认识活动以防止非法 口活 动。
Specifically, the continuation of successful implementation of its national CFC phase-out plan; interaction with industries and enterprises to ensure sustainability of phase-out; the issuing of notices to
enforce the national refrigerant management regulations, and;
[...] public awareness activities for prevention of illegal imports.
原因有二:a) 预计 93%
[...] 的城市化将出现在发展中国家(联合国 口活 动基 金会,2007 年);b) 尽管南方的市政当局通常也会 [...]
意识到生物多样性问题,但他们在能力和国家当局 的支持方面都可能受到比其同级的北方当局更多的 限制。
There are two reasons for this: a) 93% of
urbanization is expected to occur in
[...] developing countries (UNFPA 2007) and b) although [...]
often aware of biodiversity issues, municipalities
in the South may be more constrained than their Northern counterparts to manage biodiversity and ecosystem issues, both in terms of their capacity and support from their national authorities.
[...] 比如:联合国开发计划署、德国技术合作署、世界卫生组织、联合国教科文组 织、联合国口活动基金以及联合国妇女发展基金。
This work is supported by such development partners as UNDP, the German Technical
Cooperation (GTZ), the World Health Organization
[...] (WHO), UNESCO, UNPF and the United [...]
Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).




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