

单词 口沫

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他 還連續說了數次,旁若無人口沫橫 飛
He even said it for several times continuously; he acted arrogantly and kept putting forward many arguments.
其實, 我們同樣也聽 到 很 多意見, 說 以前有很 多 新 華 社 的 駐 港 官 員,即 使他們在鏡 頭 前 是 如口 沫 橫 飛 也 好 , 他們私底 下 其實也 是 溫 文 爾 雅 的 。
Actually, we have heard many people say that many of the officials from the Xinhua News Agency stationed in Hong Kong might speak so passionately in front of the camera, they are gentle persons in their private life.
我也感到很奇怪,我還未開口,他便已經滔滔不斷,在吃 飯口沫橫飛 ,大家當然沒有夾菜,而一直在聽他說話,即使捱餓也要聽他 說完這番話,因為他說得這麼清楚。
Despite our hunger, everyone still wanted to listen to him speak because he explained everything very clearly.
我們仍然看到市民經常在打噴嚏時不以紙巾掩着口鼻、說話 口沫 橫飛、患上傷風時沒有戴口罩、隨地吐香口膠、在車廂內吃東西,甚至 [...]
隨便拋垃圾等,以上種種均是不符合衞生的行為,縱使清潔的硬件做得 更好,假如市民不配合,工作也只會事倍功半。
We can still see some members of the public
not using tissues to cover their mouth and nose when
[...] sneezing, sending spittle flying when they [...]
speak, not wearing a mask
when they have a cold, spitting chewing gum onto the floor casually, eating in cabins or compartments and even littering.
配方厂家所口、第 5 条口国家泡沫塑料行业所使用含 HCFC-141b 的预混 多元醇跟踪系统的备选办法(第 66/51(d)和(e)号决定)。
Options for a tracking system for
HCFC-141b-based pre-blended
[...] polyols exported by systems houses and used by foam enterprises in [...]
importing Article 5 countries (decision 66/51(d) and (e)).
令人难以置信的是,犹太人是如此疯狂,以“舌头肆无忌惮地尖叫, 口 吐 白 沫 , 和声音嘶哑”(在书信的提多,三。
It is incredible that the Jews
were so frantic as to "scream with
[...] unbridled tongues, foaming at the mouth, and hoarse [...]
of voice" (on the Epistle to Titus, iii. 9).
口或者“泡沫、气 泡”的检测则是另一个重要的途径,为了是检测哨片中 两片苇片的“平衡”。
2) The aperture or the “bubble” test is another [...]
important way to check the balance of the reed blades.
在随后的讨论中,提出了一些问题,包括如何解决如下问题:在第二阶段转型上接 受资助的资格是适用于整个企业,还是适用于企业中的具体生产线;使用使用 HCFC-141b 的预混合多元醇的第二阶段转型企业是否符合资助条件,以及如何确保对向重要 口 国出 口用于泡沫塑料 制造业消费的配方厂家生产的使用进口的 HCFC-141b 预混合多元醇实际 上避免重复计算,因而根据氟氯烃淘汰管理计划需要消减。
During the ensuing discussion, a number of issues were raised, including how to resolve the issue of whether eligibility for funding for second-stage conversions was applicable to enterprises as a whole or to specific production lines within those enterprises, whether second-stage conversions in enterprises that used imported HCFC-141b-based pre-blended polyols were eligible, and how to ensure that doublecounting was avoided in instances where HCFC-141b-based pre-blended polyols were produced in a systems house for export to an importing country for consumption in the foam manufacturing sector, and were thus subject to reduction under an HPMP.
(a) 颁布管理条例,禁止批量口旨在 用于 沫 塑 料 行业的 HCFC-141b、禁止 泡沫塑料制造中使用 HCFC-141b 以及禁止进口含 HCFC-141b [...]
的预混多元 6 醇
(a) Enact
[...] regulations to ban bulk imports of HCFC-141b intended for usage in foam sector, ban [...]
the use of HCFC-141b in foam manufacturing and ban the import
of pre-blended polyol containing HCFC-141b
[...] 战略,阿尔及利亚政府提议根据《蒙特利尔议定书》的淘汰日程表发布年度进口配额;禁 止大量进口 HCFC-141b,冻结口生产泡沫塑料 所使用的含 HCFC-141b 的预混合多元 醇;维修期间禁止泄露 HCFC-22,并且禁止进口新的含 [...]
HCFC-22 的制冷和空调设备。
In line with the overarching strategy, the Government of Algeria proposes to issue import quotas on a yearly basis in accordance with the phase-out schedule of the
Montreal Protocol; ban imports of HCFC-141b in bulk, and
[...] freeze the import of HCFC-141b-based pre-blended polyols used in manufacturing of foam; prohibit venting [...]
off HCFC-22 during servicing
and ban the import of new HCFC-22-based refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment.
我 們 很 明 顯 看見, 要截斷 傳 染 鍊,除 了要注 重 個 人健康 外,對於一 些 傳 染 形 式,以 腸病毒為 例,口 傳 染沫傳 染 , 甚至接 觸 傳 染等, 我 們 也 要知道怎樣可以截斷 。
It is clear that in order to intercept the infection chain, apart from laying stress on personal health, we have to know the modes of transmission and intercept accordingly.
配方厂家所口和进口第5条国家沫 塑 料企业所使用含HCFC-141b的预混多元醇 的跟踪系统
Tracking system for HCFC-141b-based
[...] pre-blended polyols exported by systems houses and used by foam enterprises in [...]
importing Article 5 countries
关于淘汰进口预混多元醇中的 HCFC-141b ,开发计划署解释说,2009 年口多元 醇的沫塑料 企业已向其阿根廷和巴西的供应商咨询可供应给他们的非氟氯烃配方,以及 [...]
In regard to the phase-out of HCFC-141b in
imported pre-blended polyols, UNDP
[...] explained that the foam enterprises that imported polyols in 2009 [...]
sought advice from their suppliers
in Argentina and Brazil on the non-HCFC-based formulations that could be supplied to them, and on the resulting necessary modifications to their baseline equipment.
根据菲律宾 2005
[...] 年氟氯化碳淘汰方案,设想了一套具体活动:限制甲撑二苯基二异 氰酸酯行业的使用氟氯化碳的基甲撑二苯基二异氰酸酯 口 量 ; 完成 沫 塑 料和制冷设备 制造商向无氟氯化碳技术的转变;继续培训交通署检查员,以防止使用氟烷基的汽车空调 系统技术反弹;最终确定和全面采用维修制冷设备《良好做法准则》;最终确定和执行制 [...] [...]
Under the 2005 CFC phase-out programme for the Philippines, a set of specific
activities is envisaged:
[...] limiting the import of CFC-based MDIs in the MDI sector; completing the conversion of foam and refrigeration [...]
equipment manufacturers
to non-CFC technologies; continuing to train LTO inspectors, thus preventing backward retrofitting of HFC-based MAC systems; finalization and full introduction of the Code of Good Practice in servicing refrigeration equipment; finalizing and implementing the refrigerant reclamation scheme and continuing the public awareness campaign.
氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的第一阶段还将处理 沫 塑 料 行业口的预混多元醇中所含 HCFC-141b 的淘汰问题。
Stage I of the HPMP will also address the phase-out of HCFC-141b
[...] contained in imported pre-blended polyols in the foam sector.
[...] 言,为少数当地企业运营配方厂家在经济上并不可行,因此,这些企业全部 口 配 置沫塑料 配方(例如,玻利维亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、牙买加 [...]
For countries with a small foam sector, the operation of a systems house for a few local enterprises would not be
economically viable and, thus, these
[...] enterprises import fully formulated foam systems (e.g., Bolivia, [...]
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Jamaica and Paraguay).
(e) 注意到菲律宾政府承诺在 2013
[...] 年禁止在制冷和空调行业安装新的或者扩大 现有的使用氟氯烃的制造设施,在 2014 年禁止为制造沫塑料进口 HCFC 141b
(e) To note that the Government of the Philippines had committed to banning the installation of new, or the expansion of existing, manufacturing facilities using HCFC in the
refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in 2013, and to
[...] banning the import of HCFC-141b for foam manufacturing in 2014
無千斤頂升降台車配備可刺穿機身的刺針噴管,在機艙內噴射 水、沫或乾 粉,撲滅機艙內的火警,包括波及輔助動力裝置或 [...]
Jackless Snorkels are equipped with a nozzle which
can pierce through the fuselage and
[...] discharge water spray, foam and dry powder to [...]
tackle fire in the cabin of the aircraft,
including fire involving the auxiliary power unit or tail engine.
本文件是根据第 65/12(b)号决定而提出的,该决定要求秘书处编写一份关于跟踪系
[...] 统备选办法的文件,这一跟踪系统将按国家将配方厂家所出口含 HCFC-141 b 的预混多元 醇的数量与口第 5 条国家沫塑料企业所使用、已获核准将予淘汰的数量联系起来,这 [...]
This document is presented in response to decision 65/12(b) by which the Secretariat was requested to prepare a document on options for a tracking system to correlate, by country, the amounts of HCFC-141b-based pre-blended polyols
exported by systems houses, with the
[...] amounts used by foam enterprises in importing Article 5 countries [...]
that had been approved for
phase-out, which could be updated on a periodic basis.
从 1990 年代初到 2008
[...] 年,肯尼亚的氟氯烃消费量持续增长,2008 年,由于经济形势的影响以及用口 品 替 代了 沫 塑 料的生产,消费量出现了下降的趋 势。
HCFC consumption in Kenya grew consistently since the early 1990s until 2008,
when a decreasing trend began, influenced by the economic situation and
[...] the replacement of foam manufacturing by imports.
就此, 我 建議與 衞生署加強 合 作 ,
[...] 向 衞生署加撥 資 源 , 落 實 一 校 一 護 士 的方案,令 每所學 校可以定 期 有 護 士 到 校內宣 傳 如 何 打 斷 傳 染 鍊:如果有 我 們 剛 才所說的口 傳 染 , 便 應 勤洗手;如果是沫傳 染 , 便 應口 罩 。
In this regard, I propose that co-operation with the Department of Health should be strengthened. Additional resources should be allocated to the Department to implement the one-school-one-nurse proposal, so that nurses will visit schools on a regular basis to promote ways to intercept the
infection chain, such as in
[...] the case of fecal-oral transmission mentioned earlier, washing hands frequently is necessary; in the case of droplet transmission, [...]
wearing masks is necessary.
[...] 在拟议削减维修制冷和空调设备时HCFC-22的消费量;淘汰生产制冷和空调设备所用的 HCFC-22;以及淘汰生产聚氨酯沫塑 料的 进 口 多 元 醇所含的HCFC-141b的使用。
To meet its obligations during stage I of the HPMP, the Government is proposing to reduce the consumption of HCFC-22 in servicing RAC equipment; to phase out the HCFC-22 used in the manufacturing of RAC
equipment; and to phase out the use of HCFC-141b
[...] contained in imported pre-blended polyols in the manufacturing of PU foams.
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸 沫 塑 料 制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第 55/43(e)号决定,其目的是在全球传播经过 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮沫塑料 用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮 沫 塑 料 制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项 目不妨碍执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供资申请。
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent
in the manufacture of
[...] polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval [...]
of the project was
without prejudice to consideration of the future funding request for phase II of the project by the Executive Committee.
继联络小组讨论后,有关同整皮沫 塑 料 次级行业的成本效益、符合资格转换的沫塑料 企业问题和维修等行业等问题得到了满意的解决,对整皮 沫 塑 料部分的成本和管 理单位做了调整。
Following discussion in a contact group, issues concerning the
cost-effectiveness of the
[...] integral skin foam sub-sector, the eligibility of foam enterprises for conversion and the refrigeration servicing sector, among others, were satisfactorily resolved, and the costs of the integral skin foam element and the [...]
management unit were adjusted.
power tower its shape is generally divided into: the wine glass type, cathead type, font, stem fonts and five bucket Purpose: Strain tower, straight line tower, angle tower, transposition tower(tower replacement wire phase position), terminal tower and across the tower, the structural features of the tower are space truss structure, the rod is composed mainly by single equilateral angle or combination of angle iron, material generally used Q235 (A3Fboth) and Q345 (16Mn), the connection between the rod crude bolt by bolt shear connection, the whole tower angles, connecting steel plates and bolts, the individual components, such as tower leg by a few pieces of steel plate welded into a combinationparts, hot dip galvanized anti-corrosion, transportation, and construction is extremely convenient.
但是,如果熊猫标准(PS)指南及其农林细则与上述 CDM 的相关指南、程序和工具有不一致 的情况,则以熊猫标准指南及其农林细则为准。
However, in case of any inconsistency between PS AFOLU Sectoral Specification and PS Guid ‐ elines and tools/guidances approved by CDM Executive Board, PS-AFOLU Specification and PS Guidelines shall be applied in priority.
助方案;闭路电视的最有效利用;评估法院分流方案;预防网络犯罪和身份犯 罪;犯罪置换的风险和预防犯罪举措促成犯罪的影响;预防金融犯罪;欺诈和 洗钱;预防恐怖主义活动和资助恐怖主义行为;禁毒执法对策;减少与酗酒有
[...] 关的暴力;亲密伴侣实施的暴力或凶杀; 口 贩 运 ;以及关于重罪和有组织犯 罪以及预防山林纵火的会议。
Specific areas of research and dissemination of findings related to crime prevention include: planning for a national programme of technical assistance; the most effective use of closed-circuit television; evaluations of court diversion programmes; the prevention of cybercrime and identity crime; the risks of crime displacement and criminogenic effects of crime prevention initiatives; the prevention of financial crime; fraud and money-laundering; the prevention of terrorist activities and the financing of terrorism; law enforcement responses to drugs; the reduction of
alcohol-related violence; intimate partner violence
[...] and homicide; human trafficking; [...]
and conferences on serious and organized crime
and on bushfire arson prevention.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“
[...] 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ [...]
資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進
行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with
"saved due to the drop in the primary and
[...] secondary school student population [...]
to provide training for teachers on"; to delete
", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 63 段中提供了关于在联合国秘书处和
各特派团内与企业资源规划同时执行的几个相关举措的信息,其中包 括:《公共部门会计准则》的实施,人才管理系统(征聘和人员配置),
[...] 精益六西格玛(非系统程序改进),企业内容管理和客户关系管理,以及 为维持和平职能服务的燃料管理系统 口 粮 管 理系统。
In paragraph 63 of his report (A/64/380), the Secretary-General provides information on a number of related initiatives being implemented concurrently with ERP within the United Nations Secretariat and missions, including: IPSAS implementation, the talent management system (recruitment and staffing), Lean Six Sigma (non-systems process improvement), enterprise content management and customer
relationship management, as well as a fuel
[...] management system and a rations management system [...]
for peacekeeping functions.
各位部长认识到,贩运口和走 私移徙者仍对人类构成严重挑战,需要国 际社会在合作与信息共享的基础上做出协调一致的回应,并敦促所有国家为此 制定、实行和加强有效措施,防止、打击和消除各种形式的贩运 口 行 为 ,打 压对被贩运受害者的需求和保护受害者,特别是被强迫劳动、受到性剥削或商 业剥削、暴力和性虐待的妇女和儿童。
The Ministers recognised that trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants continue to pose a serious challenge to humanity and require concerted international response, based on cooperation and sharing of information, as appropriate and urged to that end, all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of trafficking in persons to counter the demand for trafficked victims and to protect the victims, in particular women and children subjected to forced labour, or sexual or commercial exploitation, violence and sexual abuse.




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