

单词 口是心非

See also:




solar plexus
pit of the stomach
words and thoughts

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,其中一些建议由于之后的活动和新的 所需条件的出现,尤其是业务连续性中央管理股的设立而时过境迁,该 股的目联合国更广泛的基础上处理业务连续性问题,同时考虑 到预防大流行病规划和其 和通信技术方面(见 A/64/472 和本补 编第 A/64/7/Add.8 号文件),以及在因基本建设总计划而引起迁移的情 况下建立 1 个新的二级数据要(见 A/64/346/Add.1)。
However, some of those proposals have been superseded as a result of subsequent events and the emergence of new requirements, in particular the establishment of a central business continuity management unit to address business
continuity issues on a
[...] broader, Organization-wide basis, taking into account pandemic planningand other non-information and communications technology aspects (see A/64/472 and document A/64/7/Add.8 in the present supplement), as well as the requirement for a new secondary datacentre in the context of the relocations due to the capital master plan (see A/64/346/Add.1).
确定武器口是合条件的国际 标准,将防止军火进场和落入很可能把它们 转作他用或用于邪恶目的的人的手中。
International standardsthat determine eligibility
[...] requirements for armsexports would prevent arms from entering theillegal market and from falling [...]
into the hands
of those likely to divert or use them for nefarious purposes.
尽管该心是非机构,但与其他民间社会 组织(非政府组织、协会、地方团体、私营部门等)以及政府、区域和次区域组织、 国际组织以及国外财政合作伙伴维持着双边和多边的合作关系,以期改善妇女和 儿童(男童和女童)组成的目标活条件。
Although it isa non-profit organization, it works not only with all the other civil society stakeholders (NGOs, associations, local authorities, private sector, etc.), but also with governments, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies, regional and subregional organizations, international organizations and foreign financial partners, in the quest to improve the living conditions of itstarget population, composedof women [...]
and young people (girls and boys).
促进文化多样性,特别重视物质文化遗产:促进教科文组织关于保护和宣传 文化遗产的所有文件得到有效贯彻并对其落实情况进行监测, 心是 综合性方式保护遗 产。
Promoting cultural diversity, with special emphasis on tangible and intangible cultural heritage: An effective implementation and monitoring of all existing UNESCO instruments for the protection and promotion of cultural heritage will be pursued, while focusing on the promotion of a holistic approach of such heritage.
Sensor and
[...] Sensor-Interfaceis at theheart ofADI's technology.
考虑到必须要对其股东负主要责任,私营企业有必要以发达国家的市 场而不是以发展中国家的贫穷求为导向来制定研究计划,因此研究的重点主是 非性疾病。
Given that private companies have to be primarily responsible to their shareholders, this necessarily leads to a research agenda led by the market demand in the markets of the
developed world, rather
[...] than by the needs of poor people in the developing world, and thus a focus mainly on non-communicable disease.
黎巴嫩欢迎安全理事会及其主席为提高透明度 所采取的步骤,因为会成员国 可以由此得到有关安理会及其附属机构工作的情况。
Lebanon welcomes the steps taken by the Security Council and its presidency
to enhance transparency, as that is
[...] the window through which non-member States can be [...]
informed about the work of the Council and its subsidiary bodies.
专家们在会上作了发言,会议讨论的 心是主题:(a) 如何施 绿色革命;(b) 非洲农业融入全球市场;(c) 管理非洲农业转型。
Discussions during the meeting, supported by
presentations delivered
[...] by experts,were centredon three main themes: (a) how to operationalize a green revolution in Africa; (b)integrating [...]
African agriculture
into global markets; and (c) managing Africa’s agricultural transition.
这种境况不但影响到了亚洲的各制造和还有可能影响拉丁美洲发展中国家的原 材料及中间产品的出口。
Such a situation affected not only Asian
[...] manufacturing and exportinghubs;itwas also likely to affect the exports of raw materials and intermediate products of African and Latin American [...]
developing countries.
本次级方案的主要受益 域各国政府主管部门和官员,特制订、执行和管理社会政策、 方案和项目的有关方面以及区域和次区域组织、大学和其他学术机构、研究组织。
The main beneficiaries of the subprogramme will be government authorities and officials of the countries of the region,
especially those concerned
[...] with the formulation, implementation and management of social policies, programmes and projects as well as regional and subregional organizations; universities and other academic institutions; researchcentres;and non-governmental organizations.
伊斯兰会议组织回顾在大马士革举行的伊斯兰 会议组织第三十六次部长级会议上通过的第 2/36-PAL
号决议第 4
[...] 段,成员国在这一段中重申,根 据具有国际合法性的各项决议和国际盟约及公约,以 色列在圣城和其他被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的所有殖 民定居措施和做法都是无效的,这些国际文书认为以 色列旨在改变圣城的法律、筑、文化和传统 地位的所有立法、行政和殖民定居程序和措施是非
The OIC recalls paragraph 4 of resolution 2/36PAL, adopted at the thirty-sixth ministerial meeting of the OIC in Damascus, in which the members reaffirmed that all the Israeli colonial settlement measures and practices in Al-Quds and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory are null and void, in line with the resolutions of international legitimacy, as well as international covenants and conventions that consider all Israeli legislative, administrative and colonial settlement procedures
and measures aimed
[...] at altering the legal,demographic,architectural, cultural and heritage-related status of the holy city to be illegitimate.
这些心是非教育方面的综合性机构,重点从事有关增 强农村妇女同贫困作斗争的能力的工作。
Thecentres areintegrated non-formal education [...]
facilities, whose priority target is to further strengthen the empowerment
of rural women in various poverty reduction areas.
占领国开展这一不道德动的 口是 相邻 居点,然而事实上,真正迫切需要保护的是巴勒斯坦平民,他们的村庄长期 遭到定居者极端分子的袭击,同时,还遭受位于希布伦附近 [...]
Masafer Yatta 的非 法定居点和前哨的侵害。
The occupying
[...] Power is using the pretextofprotecting the adjacent illegalsettlement [...]
as the basis for carrying out this unlawful, immoral action, while in reality
it is the Palestinian civilian population that is in dire need of protection from the extremist settlers, who continue to attack the village, which at the same time is being encroached upon by the illegal settlements and outposts in Masafer Yatta near Al-Khalil.
欣见巴勒斯坦权力机构在安全方面作出的努力和取得的进展,吁请各方特促进安全和建立信任,继续开展对巴勒斯坦人和以色列人都有益的合作, 并希望这种进展扩大到所有主要
Welcoming the efforts and progress made in the security sector by the Palestinian Authority, calling upon the parties to continue cooperation that
benefits both
[...] Palestinians and Israelis, in particular by promoting security and building confidence, and expressing the hope that such progress will be extended toallmajorpopulation centres
(a) 中心在实施教科文组织计划中的作用:如本文件第 12 和 13 段所述,心非合教科文组织的整体目标,特生能源的目标。
(a) Roleof the Centreinexecuting UNESCO’s programme: as pointed out in paragraphs 12 and 13 of this document, the Centrefits well with [...]
UNESCO’s objectives
in general and renewable energy in particular.




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