

单词 口无择言

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

该设备的占用面积小,它集成的 19 寸 LCD 平台对于受限于空间的组织言无疑 是 最理想 择。
The device has a small footprint and an integrated 19” LCD platform that is ideal for organizations that face spaceconstrained environments.
2009 年在巴林举行的一次会议上通过了《关于贩运 口问 题抉择的麦纳麦言》, 重申了这些承诺。
Those commitments were reaffirmed
[...] in the Manama Declaration on Human Trafficking at the Crossroads, adopted in 2009 [...]
at a conference held in Bahrain.
有关复制命令言和重 复图形的详细信息,请转到 Minitab 帮助索引中的编辑器菜单 并择图形 窗口子项
For more
[...] information on Copy Command Language and Duplicate Graph, go to Editor menu and choose the Graph window subentry in the Minitab Help index.
答:如果无法看 到CFD符号,请右击"市场观察 " 窗 口 , 选 择 " 显 示 所有"。
A: If you are unable to see the CFD symbols, please right click in the "Market Watch" window and select "Show All".
无论如 何,查询人员必须了解究竟哪 一个查询逻辑为官方逻辑,也就是说,对于电子登记处 言 , 究 竟应当 择哪 一 个按钮或在哪一栏填入正确的身份识别特征登记系统才能自动适用查询逻 辑。
In any case, a searcher must know which
search logic
[...] is official, that is, in the case of an electronic registry, which button to select or in which field to enter the correct identifier and then the registry system [...]
will apply
the search logic automatically.
3、 选择图像类型--首先选中制作函数图像所需要的表中数据,利用Excel工具栏上的图表向导按钮(也可利用"插入"/"图表"),在"图表类型"中选择"XY散点图",再在右侧的"子图表类型"中 择"无 数 据 点平滑线散点图",单击 [下一步 ],出现"图表数据源 " 窗 口 , 不 作任何操作,直接单击 [下一步 ]。
3, select the image types - in the first image selected by the needs of the production function of the table data, use Excel toolbar Chart Wizard button (also can use the "Insert" / "chart"), the "Chart Type" select " XY scatter ", and then in the
right side of the"
[...] sub-chart type "select" line smoothing scatter numerous positions ", click [Next], the" Chart Data Source "window without any operation, [...]
a direct single - hit [Next].
总体言,无论是 提高人们对作为基本人权的言论自由的认识,还是实施有关的国际 公认的法律、伦理以及专业准则,都取得了进展。
[...] progress has been achieved in raising awareness about freedom of expression as a basic [...]
human right and in the application
of related internationally recognized legal, ethical and professional standards.
也就是说,一次只能扩展到一个国家, 但是在某些阶段,可以扩展到某些国家(例如,根据现存的经济条件, 口 限 制 等 的影响下,只有三年内扩展到日本才是最优化的 择 , 而 比较 言 , 英 国可以现在 马上执行扩展)。
That is, you can only expand into one country at a time, but at certain periods, you can only expand into certain countries
(e.g., Japan is
[...] only optimal in three years due to current economic conditions, export restrictions, and so forth, as compared to the U.K. expansion, [...]
which can be executed right now).
单击工具栏上的 OCR 向下箭头按 钮,可择 OCR 语言。
The OCR language can be selected by clicking on the OCR down arrow [...]
button on the toolbar.
对于机构(如总部外办事处)分散情况下的小量采购和需要专业技术知识的高度复杂 的采购言,外包不是一个好择, 无 法 确保采购注重结果,缩短交货时间,保证高质量和 具有成本效益。
Outsourcing is not an efficient option for small and low value procurement within a decentralized environment (e.g. at field office level) nor for highly complex procurement requiring specialized technical expertise, to secure a result-oriented procurement, shorten delivery times and securing high quality and cost-effectiveness.
可再生能源对可持续发展和气候变化都有重大意义,特别是在大多数 口无 法 享 有现代能源服务的非 洲更是如此。
Renewable energy was considered as a key issue for sustainable development and climate change,
especially in the case of Africa where the
[...] majority of the population was living without [...]
access to modern energy services.
此外, 对许多失业或面临着收入减少、而 无 法 享 受社会保障系统服务的人来说, 转而从事不稳定和非正规的就业往往是他们养家 口 的 唯一 选 择。
Furthermore, for many who have lost their job or whose income is reduced in the absence of social protection systems, shifting to vulnerable and informal employment is often the only way they can support themselves and their family.
任何代表均可用会议语文以外的语文发言,但他或她须作出安排将 言口译 成一种会议语文。
Any representative may make a speech in a language other than a language of the conference if he or she provides for interpretation into one of the languages of the conference.
强调国家生产和粮食供给而不强调个人 权利没有解决,比如城市贫困口、 无 土 地 农民或 自给农民的需求。
An emphasis on national production and availability of food rather than individual entitlement did not, for example, address the needs of the urban poor, landless peasants or subsistence farmers.
[...] 化遗产的古董复制品和艺术品可以 口 , 无 需 遵 守这些官方程序,但仍然需要国家文化研究 [...]
Replicas of antiquities, and works of art
not belonging to the National Cultural
[...] Heritage, may be exported without following [...]
these official procedures but still need
a prior certification issued by the National Institute of Culture.
在帮助口内,可选择目录 页查看相关主题;索引页查看关键词;或者通过 搜索页对帮助内容进行全文检索。
In the help dialog, select the Contents tab to [...]
see a hierarchical list of topics; the Index tab to view topics listed in
alphabetical order, or the Find tab for a full-text search of the Help system.
在Word表格里选中要填入相同内容的单元格,单击“格式→项目符号和编号”,进入“编号”选项卡,选择任意一种样式,单击“自定义”按钮,在“自定义编号列表” 口 中 “ 编号格式”栏内输入要填充的内容,在“编号样式”栏内 择 “ 无 ” ,依次单击“确定”退出后即可。
in Word form to fill in the same content in selected cells, click the "Format ¡ú Bullets and Numbering", enter
"No." tab, select any of the style, click the "Custom" button , in the
[...] "Custom code List" window "Number format" field enter the content to fill in the "No Style" column select "None", click "OK" to exit [...]
immediately after.
对于期望采用单一控制环境和 开发环境的机器制造商和最终用户 言 , 无 论 应 用规模和复杂程度如 何,这都是一种理想择。
The Rockwell Automation® Integrated Architecture™ system is unique in that it offers scalable, integrated safety, motion control, and visualization capabilities that are ideal for machine builders and end users who want a single control and development environment, regardless of the application size or complexity.
然而,就其最基本的意义言, 美国提供的医保择无论好 坏都大大超过英 国和德国,这也增加了这个话题的复杂性。
In the most basic sense, however, the US offers significantly more health insurance options—for better or worse—than the UK and Germany, which instantly adds to complexity.
例如,2008 年 11 月 24 日的秘书长报告表示,科索沃宣布独立以及其新《宪 法》对科索沃特派团行使其临时行政的能力造成困难和挑战,但该报告从未说过
[...] 不断变化的情况意味着违反安全理事会第 1244(1999)号决议;该报告从未试图宣 称独立言“无效”(第 21 段)。
Thus, the Report of the Secretary-General of 24.11.2008, for example, commented that Kosovo’s declaration of independence and its new Constitution posed difficulties and challenges to UNMIK’s ability to exercise its administrative authority, but it has never stated that the evolving circumstances represented a violation of
resolution 1244(1999) of the Security Council; it has never
[...] attempted to “annul” that declaration of independence [...]
(para. 21).
对于贫穷消费者和低收入国家言, 这些 选 择应 当 更易于获得、更负担得起而且更具吸引力。
They need to become more easily available, affordable and attractive to both poor consumers and low-income countries.
在步骤4单击"OK"后,屏幕就会以所 择 的 语 言 显 示
The screens are
[...] displayed in the selected language after [...]
clicking "OK" in step 4.
禁止从古巴或向古巴运货的船只进入美国 口 , 无 论 其 在哪国注册。
Vessels transporting goods from or to Cuba,
[...] regardless of the flag State, are banned from entering United States ports.
秘书处还注意到,没有考虑是否应制订程序,支持 口无 氟 氯 化碳且无需改造的设 备。
The Secretariat also noted that no consideration has been given to the establishment of procedures
[...] to favour the importation of non-CFC drop-ins.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦的名字被秘书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦 择 一 次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议言时 段 的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has been drawn by the representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity
as observer, will be
[...] invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
点击此图标后,会弹出一个对话口 , 在窗 口中选择要使 用的数据库,点击“对勾”图 标,选定的数据库将添加到列表中。
Choose an existing database by highlighting the database [...]
name and then confirming your choice by pressing the Icon (bottom right) with the green tick.
因此,每个人都应当能够用其择的 语言,特 别是用自己的母语来表达自己的思 想,进行创作和传播自己的作品;每个人都 有权接受充分尊重其文化特性的优质教育和 培训;每个人都应当能够参加其选择的文化 生活和从事自己所特有的文化活动,但必须 在尊重人权和基本自由的范围内。
All persons have therefore the right to express themselves and to create and disseminate their work in the language of their choice, and particularly in their mother tongue; all persons are entitled to quality education and training that fully respect their cultural identity; and all persons have the right to participate in the cultural life of their choice and conduct their own cultural practices, subject to respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
在将要言的发言者中,我们择了 一 个小组, 该小组代表了我们各种各样的维和行动,从 1948 年 建立的联合国停战监督组织这样的老的行动,到诸如 [...]
联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团(联刚稳定 团)、联合国利比里亚特派团、联合国海地稳定特派
Among those who will speak, we have chosen a panel that is very [...]
representative of the broad diversity of our peacekeeping
operations, from the oldest — the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, created in 1948 — to such multidimensional operations as the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), the United Nations Mission in Liberia, the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti and the United Nations Mission in the Sudan.
(c) 尊重和保护每一个人从事自己的文化实践的权利,与此同时,尊重人 权,而这又特别要求尊重思想、信仰和宗教自由;见解和表达自由;一个人使用 自己择的语言的自 由;结社和和平集会的自由;和选择和设立教育机构的自 由
(c) To respect and protect the right of everyone to engage in their own cultural practices, while respecting human rights which entails, in particular, respecting freedom of thought, belief and religion; freedom of opinion and expression; a person’s right to use the language of his or her choice; freedom of association and peaceful assembly; and freedom to choose and set up educational establishments
一份最近的救护车和 医院的重创资源分配 的研究发现直升机极 大地提高了在“黄金 小时”内到达重创中 心的人数, 同时也 发现美国超过四千六 百万口无法及时去 到重创中心。
A recent study using the Trauma Resource Allocation Model for Ambulances and Hospitals (TRAMAH) identified that helicopters significantly increased the number of persons who can
reach a trauma center
[...] within the “golden hour,” and also found that over 46 million persons in the U.S. cannot reach a trauma [...]
center in a timely manner.




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