单词 | 口干舌燥 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 口干舌燥 —lit. dry mouth and tongue (idiom); talk too muchSee also:口舌—dispute or misunderstanding caused by gossip • talk sb. round 干燥 n—dry n • dryer n • arid n 干燥—dull • uninteresting • desiccation • dry (of weather, paint, cement etc)
排气出口 E 可用于给 传感区域及弹簧室提供干燥、仪 用质量的空气,以防止腐蚀。 arca.de | The exhaust air outlet E can be used to supply the sensing area and the spring chamber with dry, instrumentation-quality [...] air to prevent corrosion. arca.de |
脱水体征(舌头干燥、皮肤组织缩小、 眼窝凹陷)。 thewpca.org | For signs of dehydration (dry tongue, reduced skin [...] turgor, sunken eyes). thewpca.org |
避免吸烟和喝酒类饮品,因为这些都会 使 口 腔 更 干燥, 进一步刺激口腔。 breastcancersingapore.com | Avoid tobacco and alcoholic drinks [...] because they will dry and irritate the mouth further. breastcancersingapore.com |
位于中部的直燃式焚燒爐被用于消除揮發性有機化合物,且無需維護,并確保爐腔內無污染物,煙霧和溶劑也不會 從 干燥 爐 出 口 排 出。 tipschina.gov.cn | A centrally located point-of-generation thermal oxidizer provides maintenance-free VOC abatement [...] and ensures that the chamber remains free of contaminates, and that smoke and [...] solvent do not leave the ends of the dryer. tipschina.gov.cn |
涂抹粘合剂之前,确保表面绝对干燥。 quadrantplastics.com | Ensure the [...] surface is completely dry before applying [...]the adhesive. quadrantplastics.com |
主 治 心 經 熱 盛 、 見 面 赤 狂 燥 、 口 糜 舌 瘡 、 咬 牙 口 渴 、 心 胸 煩 熱 、 或 心 移 熱 [...] 於 小 腸 、 小 便 短 赤 澀 、 尿 時 刺 痛 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Exuberant heat in the heart meridian manifesting as flushed [...] face with mania or agitation, stomatitis, tongue sores, grinding of [...]the teeth with thirst, vexing [...]heat accumulated in the chest, or heat migrating from the heart to the small intestine, short inhibited voiding of reddish urine and sharp pain during urination. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
故此,我們要小心,不要被灰心所勝,也要小心我們 的口舌,不要成為使別人灰心的出口。 lordsgrace.ca | Therefore, in our walk with God, we need to guard against the disease of discouragement, especially discouraging words that may come out of our mouth! lordsgrace.ca |
监察组成员在调查过程中曾前往比利时、加拿大、吉布提、埃塞俄比亚、芬 [...] 兰、法国、德国、希腊、印度、印度尼西亚、意大利、马来西亚、荷兰、尼日利 亚、沙特阿拉伯、塞舌尔、 新加坡、索马里、南非、瑞典、瑞士、土耳其、 乌干 达、 乌克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合 共和国和美利坚合众国。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the course of their investigations, members of the Monitoring Group travelled to Belgium, Canada, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, the [...] Netherlands, Nigeria, [...] Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, [...]the United Arab Emirates, [...]the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United Republic of Tanzania and the United States of America. daccess-ods.un.org |
我知道我说的话是白费口舌,秘书处也不会做 些什么,但有时候想到什么就说什么总是好的。 daccess-ods.un.org | I know that what I said was a waste of breath and that the Secretariat will do nothing, but sometimes it is good to say what we think. daccess-ods.un.org |
此处讲述的干燥 过程可以得到理想的结果,前提是 干燥 过 程 必须尽量与此接近。 secop.com | The drying process described here can give the wanted result, provided that the process is closely complied with. secop.com |
但这些学生已经在高中参加了至少一 年的宗教宣传活动和课外学习小组,他们在遇到 阿托克时,已经被激进化了,所以阿托克并不需 要多费口舌来拉他们入伙。 crisisgroup.org | But they had already been radicalised for at least a year through dakwah (religious outreach) activities in high school and extracurricular study groups, so that by the time they encountered Atok, it did not take much to convince them to sign up. crisisgroup.org |
所以我们告诉孩子的祖母擦干净 孩子干燥的嘴唇,为鹅口疮的 创面上抹上龙胆 紫。 thewpca.org | So we taught the [...] grandmother to clean her dry mouth and applied some GV [...]paint for the thrush. thewpca.org |
主席,我不會重複我手邊取得的數字,其他同事剛才已提出過, 我只是認為原議案,尤其是經易志明議員修正後的議案,不單 是 口舌 招尤,根本是白紙黑字地傷害到我們這個文明社會所相信的一套人倫 精神、在我們文明社會中運作的基本大原則,藉整件事陷商界於不義。 legco.gov.hk | President, I not am going to repeat the figures which I have got in hand for they have been mentioned by other colleagues earlier. I only think that the original motion, in particular the motion as amended by Mr Frankie YICK, has not only invited criticisms, but also actually harmed the human relations principles which our civilized society believes in, and the basic major principle under which our civilized society operates, by putting it down in black and white, and he has done the business sector an injustice through the whole incident. legco.gov.hk |
气候变化及其后续影响对世界特别是 较 干燥 、亚 热带、人口过多和经济发展不足区域的政治、经济和 社会稳定构成严重风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Climate change and its follow-on effects pose a severe risk to political, [...] economic and social [...] stability, in particular in drier, subtropical, overpopulated and [...]economically underdeveloped regions of the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 [...] 土的大麻药草绝大部分是经陆路走私; 经 干燥 后 , 大麻药草借助压力机和液压 千斤顶被装在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非法市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mexican authorities reported that the vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as [...] well as entering, its territory was [...] smuggled by land; once dried, the cannabis herb [...]was packed in plastic bags with the help [...]of presses and hydraulic jacks and then transported to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
安装条件:带有吸管或进料口的干燥 坑 道 ,地面平整 delaval.cn | Installation: dry pit with suction tube or hopper inlet, floor level delaval.ca |
除增加的意外支出外,资本成本的重要增长部分还包括添加的精 矿 干燥 和 精 矿存储基础设施和设 备,这些成本尚未计入 [...] PEA 中。 oceanicironore.com | Significant components of the increase in capital cost include the addition [...] of concentrate drying and concentrate [...]storage infrastructure and equipment which [...]had not been accounted for in the PEA, in addition to increased indirect costs. oceanicironore.com |
执行委员会还注意到,塞舌尔已采取若 干实质 性措施,如通过许可证和配额制度、海关干事和制冷维修技师的培训来加强消耗臭 氧层物质进口控制。 multilateralfund.org | The Executive Committee also notes that Seychelles has taken some significant steps; such as strengthened ODS imports controls through enforcement of their licensing and quota system, [...] training of customs [...]officers and refrigeration technicians. multilateralfund.org |
林局長可能在暗笑,他可能沒有甚麼才能,但他卻會經常出席立法會會 議,效口舌之勞。 legco.gov.hk | While he may not be particularly competent, he always attends meetings of the Legislative Council to perform the role of bickering. legco.gov.hk |
待所有部件干燥之后,在所有 O 形圈上薄薄地涂一层凡士林。 graco.com | After all parts are dry apply a light coat [...] of petroleum jelly all over o-ring. graco.com |
但在其他地方,在大量鱼上岸季节,天气恶劣会 影响干燥率,造成潜在的可观损失。 fao.org | However, in other locations, poor weather in glut fish landing [...] seasons will affect drying rates, with the [...]potential for substantial losses. fao.org |
我們要 知 道 , 亦須很清 晰 的 向各方表示 , 要 爭 取 的是改 善 香港的 管治,保障每一 個 市 民的權益 , 而並非 撩 是 非 , 亦 並 非 要 贏 一 些 口 舌 之 爭 、無無謂謂地 罵 街 。 legco.gov.hk | We know and we should tell all people that what we are going after is to improve the governance in Hong Kong and to protect the interest of every citizen. legco.gov.hk |
样品在干燥器中完全冷却后 再盖紧盖子,可以避免很多问题。 cn.lubrizol.com | Allowing the sample to cool [...] completely in the desiccator before tightly [...]replacing the top avoids many problems. lubrizol.com |
主治 肝 腎 不 足 、 其 陰 虧 損 、 精 血 枯 竭 、 憔 悴 贏 弱 、 腰 痛 足 酸 、 自 汗 盜 汗 、 水 泛 為 痰 、發 熱 咳 嗽 、 頭 暈 目 眩 、 耳 鳴 耳 聾 、 遺 精 便 血 、 消 渴 淋 瀝 、 失 血 失 音 、 舌 燥 喉 痛 、 虛火 牙 痛 、 足 跟 作 痛 、 下 部 瘡 瘍 等 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Yin deficiency of liver and kidney, consumption of essence and Blood manifesting as emaciation, lumbago, sore feet, spontaneous sweating and night sweating, phlegm induced by water flood, fever, cough, dizziness, tinnitus or even deafness, seminal emission or haematochezia, consumptive-thirst, terminal dribbling, loss of blood, aphasia, dry tongue with sore throat, toothache caused by the deficiency fire, ankle pain, sores and ulcers in the pubic region. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
剛才的二讀辯論,議員的發言雖然有一些火花,雖然政 黨之間有一些口舌之爭 ,各政黨就條例草案提出的修正案,很多時候都有一 些目標,但其實都是為香港好。 legco.gov.hk | But despite all the arguments among them, the various political parties all want to put forward CSAs with the objective of doing good to Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
14.34 该次级方案由设在卢旺达基加利的东非次区域办事处负责执行,它覆盖 以下 13 [...] 个国家:布隆迪、科摩罗、刚果民主共和国、吉布提、厄立特里亚、埃 塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马达加斯加、卢旺达、 塞 舌 尔 、 索马里、 乌 干 达 和 坦桑尼亚 联合共和国。 daccess-ods.un.org | 14.34 The responsibility for implementing the subprogramme lies with the subregional office for East Africa, located in Kigali, and provides coverage for the following 13 countries: Burundi, Comoros, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, [...] Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, [...] Madagascar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Uganda and the United [...]Republic of Tanzania. daccess-ods.un.org |
在布基 [...] 纳法索、柬埔寨、智利、中国、格鲁吉亚、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、阿拉伯利比亚 民众国、马尔代夫、秘鲁、塞舌尔、 土耳其、 乌 干 达 和 赞比亚进行了发展成果评 价,涵盖了开发署的所有区域。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ADRs were carried out in Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chile, China, Georgia, Guyana, [...] Indonesia, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, [...] Maldives, Peru, Seychelles, Turkey, Uganda and Zambia, covering [...]all regions of UNDP. daccess-ods.un.org |
毒品 和犯罪问题办公室还对埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、马达加斯加、 塞 舌 尔 、 乌 干 达和 坦桑尼亚联合共和国保健专业人员和非政府组织工作人员积极进行能力建设。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNODC has also been actively building the capacity of [...] health-care professionals and NGO workers in Ethiopia, [...] Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, Uganda and the United [...]Republic of Tanzania. daccess-ods.un.org |