

单词 口口声声

External sources (not reviewed)

本基金匹配框架,使编辑器将显示图片并在本基金View er 窗 口声 音 片 段。
When doing Match Frame, FCP will show the
[...] Editor the image and sound clip of the merged “Object” on the Viewer window.
日本口声声称 ,它在为过去的罪行道歉方面已 经做了该做的一切。
Japan has claimed that it has done everything it had to do in terms of apologizing for its past crimes.
这些做法正是在那些口声声说 要捍卫这些法律 的人眼皮子底下继续进行的。
These practices continue with the full knowledge of those who claim to protect those laws.
在此,我谨强调——至少是第四次强调——如果 杀戮行动停止,如果口声声支 持民主的那些人停止 实施其针对叙利亚的图谋,如果向武装团体慷慨提供 [...]
数十亿美元资金和最先进武器与通讯手段,在本国首 都收留这些武装团体,以便协助这些武装团体针对叙 利亚人民及其财产从事犯罪行为的国家停止这样做,
那么叙利亚本会执行阿拉伯国家联盟的行动计划以 及该计划下的相关议定书。
Here, and
[...] for the fourth time at least, let [...]
me stress that if the killing had ceased, if those who pay lip service to democracy had ceased
to implement their designs against Syria, if those States that provide generous funds — billions of dollars — and the most modern weapons and means of communication to the armed groups, hosting them in their capitals in order to facilitate their criminal acts against the Syrian people and their property, if they had ceased to do so, Syria would have fulfilled the League of Arab States plan of action and the relevant protocol under that plan.
[...] A/C.2/65/L.65 所涉 方案预算问题口头声明,A/C.2/65/L.62 号文件被 [...]
said that in
[...] the light of the oral statement on programme [...]
budget implications for draft resolution A/C.2/65/L.65, document A/C.2/65/L.62 was withdrawn.
瑞士常驻代表团在 2011 年 12 月 5 日的信中通知专家小组说,向卡
[...] 塔尔出口上述弹药的条件是卡塔尔未经瑞士当局事先许可,不得将弹药转交给第 三方(不再口声明)。
In a communication dated 5 December 2011, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland informed the Panel that the aforementioned ammunition had been exported to the Qatar armed forces on condition that it would not
forward the ammunition to a third party without the prior consent of the Swiss
[...] authorities (non-re-exportation declaration).
把a-jar-stdio-terminal项目的Class文件附加到JAR中并改变文件的"Main-Clas s" 入 口声 明 , 就能够利用它提供的一个Swing屏幕窗口来访问System.out log信息和接收System.in控制台的输入。
Areca Backup also includes a transaction mechanism used to guarantee the integrity of your backups .
我们呼吁各方担负起自己的责任,特别是那些 口声 声 要 打击恐 怖主义和消除其根源而公然鼓励、赞助和保护犯有恐怖主义行为者的国家。
We call on all to shoulder their responsibilities, in particular those who speak of countering terrorism and eliminating its root causes even as they openly encourage, sponsor and protect those who commit acts of terrorism.
关于决议草案 A/C.2/63/L.67 第 16 和第 17 段, 它回顾,秘书长根据决议草案 A/C.2/63/L.31 中所载 的要求发表口头声明指 出,根据秘书处 2006 年举 行国际移徙与发展问题高级别对话的经验来看,举 办高级别对话涉及以下因素:协调联合国系统的投 入和起草所需的会前和会后报告及背景文件;与大 会主席办公室保持联系并提供所需的一切实务支 持;与大会和会议管理部保持联系并协助编写关于 高级别对话模式的背景文件;以及组织高级别会议 [...]
With regard to paragraphs 16 and 17 of draft resolution
A/C.2/63/L.67, it was
[...] recalled that the oral statement issued by the Secretary-General, in response to requests contained in draft resolution A/C.2/63/L.31, indicated that, based on the Secretariat’s experience of the High-level Dialogue on [...]
International Migration
and Development held in 2006, preparations for holding a high-level dialogue would involve coordinating inputs from the United Nations system and drafting the preand post-meeting reports and background documents required; liaising with the Office of the President of the General Assembly and providing all substantive support that it required; liaising with the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management and assisting in the preparation of background documentation on the modalities of the High-level Dialogue; and organizing preparatory events and activities, including side events, during the High-level Dialogue.
(ii) 如果在一个口国,声称符合一项通用标准的一个产品发现不符合该项标 准,无论是就产品所附的标签而言还是表现为其它方式,该进口国应向出口国主管 [...]
部门通告所有有关事实,特别是有争论产品原产地的详细情况(出口商的名称和地 址),如果认为出口国某个人对此负有责任的话。
(ii) Where, in an importing country, a product claimed to be in compliance [...]
with a general standard is found not to be in
compliance with that standard, whether in respect of the label accompanying the product or otherwise, the importing country should inform the competent authorities in the exporting country of all the relevant facts and in particular the details of the origin of the product in question (name and address of the exporter), if it is thought that a person in the exporting country is responsible for such non-compliance.
如果本订单中的买方条款和条件与卖方提出的条款相冲突或卖方提出了附加条款,则应以买方条款和条件为准,且买方条款和条件不因买方对本订单的任何书面 口 头 声 明 或 因对本订单的确认中之任何条款的原因而改变,除非此类冲突或附加条款已由买方针对此订单以书面形式接受并签署。
The terms and conditions of Buyer stated on this order shall govern in the event of any conflicting or additional terms proposed by Seller, and are not subject
to change by reason of
[...] any written or oral statements by Buyer or by any terms stated in Seller's acknowledgment of this order, unless such conflicting [...]
or additional terms
are accepted in a writing making reference to this order and signed by Buyer.
提交给证券交易委员会(SEC)的 Form 10-K
[...] 年度报告和其他材料所包含的某些信息(以及公司曾作出或将作出 口 头 声 明 或 其他书面声明中的信息)含有涉及以下内容的陈述:收购战略、对现有产品和新产品的依赖情况、竞争状况、专利、知识产权和许可、未来增长、技术和市场的快速变化、生产和采购风险、互联网基础设施和监管法规、国际运营、股票价格涨落、金融风险管理和经营业绩预期的不确定性等等。
Certain information included in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and other materials filed with the Securities and
Exchange Commission ("SEC") (as well as
[...] information included in oral statements or other [...]
written statements made or to be made
by the Company) contain statements relating to the following: acquisition strategy, dependence upon existing and new product offerings, competition, patents, intellectual property and licensing, future growth, rapid technological and market change, manufacturing and sourcing risks, Internet infrastructure and regulation, international operations, volatility of stock price, financial risk management and potential volatility in operating results, among others.
2009 年 6 月 11
[...] 日协定》的特别之处在于其针对国际科学与技术合作框架内 的管辖豁免的独特方法:口方声明 受 保护的所有产品在进口国境内不接受任何扣 [...]
The Agreement of 11 June 2009 is characterized by its unique approach to jurisdictional immunity in the framework of international scientific
and technological cooperation: all goods
[...] declared by the exporting party as protected [...]
shall not be subject to any seizure
or executive action in the territory of the importing State.
30 多项建议作出
[...] 答复,从而使得利益攸关者无法有效地参与审议。人们从代表 口 头 声 明 的 一般 性提法中很难了解多米尼加对于目前正在审议中的一些关键建议的立场。
The general
[...] references in the oral statement of the [...]
delegation made it difficult to know the position of the country on
some key recommendations still under consideration.
客户机开发者选择客户机代码中要使用的逻辑名称,并将它在 Web 服务客户机部署描述符中随所需的服务 口 一 起 声 明。
A client developer chooses the
logical name to be used in the
[...] client code and declares it along with the required Service Interface [...]
in a Web service client deployment descriptor.
审查这些基本要素自然将引导管理层处理愿景、透明度、问责、 成果等关键问题,并最终提高口基 金 的 声 誉。
The review of these fundamentals would naturally lead management to
address critical issues such as vision, transparency, accountability, results, ultimately
[...] enhancing the reputation of UNFPA.
远程排放型号有一个 1 英寸 npt(f) 排放口, 可安装声器或 铺设管道以排放到远处。
Remote exhaust models have a 1 in. npt(f) exhaust outlet,
[...] allowing installation of a muffler or plumbing to route [...]
exhaust to a remote location.
他可以随时 就正在讨论的任何问题向大会发口 头 或书 面 声 明。
He/she may, at any
[...] time, make either oral or written statements [...]
to the Conference on any question under discussion.
管理层的过渡提供了一个绝佳的机会,可借此将现有举措与有助于 口 基金声誉的其他战略努力结合起来。
The management transition provides an excellent opportunity
to integrate the existing initiatives into other strategic efforts
[...] that would help UNFPA to consolidate its reputation.
我谨随信转递格鲁吉亚外交部 2011 年 10 月 5 日关于重新开始非法从格鲁吉 亚阿布哈兹口惰性材料声明(见 附件)。
I have the honour to transmit herewith a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Georgia dated 5 October 2011
[...] concerning the resumption of the illegal export of inert materials [...]
from Abkhazia, Georgia (see annex).
1. 从泵排气口 (K) 上卸下声器 (U)。
Remove the muffler (U) from the pump air exhaust port (K).
Blanket statements of conformance are not acceptable.
[...] 略、医疗部门战略、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病国家计划、环境管理国家计划、国家口政策声明(D PNP)和正在制定的各种其他部门战略(性别、农村发展、工业可 [...]
Thus, a document entitled "Country analysis regarding development challenges in Cameroon: Common United Nations System assessment based on the PRSP of the Government of Cameroon" was drawn up through cooperation with agencies of the United Nations system and a participatory process ensuring the document's alignment with the national priorities contained in the PRSP, the NGP, SSE, SSH, the National Plan against HIV/AIDS, the
National Environmental Management
[...] Plan, the National Population Policy Statement (DPNP) and [...]
various other sectoral strategies
currently under preparation (inter alia, the policies on gender and on rural development, and the integrated programme of sustainable industrial development).
在使用客户机管理的端口访问服务时,部署工具必须对 Web 服务客户机部署描述符声明的每个 口 提 供 生成的存根或动态代理访问。
When client managed port access is used, the deployment tool must
provide generated stubs or dynamic
[...] proxy access to every port declared within the Web [...]
services client deployment descriptor.
项目简介: 风声JS窗口为模拟WEB弹出窗口和对话框提供一种方案。
Project Information: WEB wind JS pop-up window [...]
for the simulation to provide a program windows and dialog boxes .
(d) 注意到了《最声明》中关于口国 和 其他国家的利益互不抵触主题的 内容虽然不够充分,但符合众多沿海国或纯粹关注养护资源的国家提出的立场
(d) Have noted that the
[...] Outcome mentions compatibility, port States and other [...]
issues which, while insufficient, are moving
closer to the positions of many coastal States or simply those with an interest in maintaining resources
非洲统一组织承认之解放运动 非洲统一组织承认之非洲解放运动的观察员,经会议主持人同 意,可在全体会议以及委员会、专门委员会与其他附属机构的 会议上口头或书面声明。
Observers for African liberation movements recognized by the Organization of African Unity may make oral or written statements in plenary meetings and in meetings of committees, commissions and other subsidiary organs, with the consent of the presiding officer.
[...] 补充说,根据该项法令,主管法律当局必须宣布所有指控或诉讼不可受理,此外,任何人通 过口头或书面声明或 者任何其他行动,利用民族悲剧创伤攻击国家机构,攻击其工作人 [...]
员等名誉或者损害阿尔及利亚的国际名誉,都可以对其采取法律行动(第 46 条)。
The author adds that according to the Ordinance any allegation or complaint must be declared inadmissible by the competent legal authority, and that furthermore legal
action can be taken against anyone
[...] who, through his or her spoken or written statements [...]
or any other act, uses or takes advantage
of the wounds of the national tragedy to attack State institutions, weaken the State, impugn the honour of its agents or tarnish Algeria’s international reputation (art. 46).
几个代表团指出,私营标准在他们国家对进 口 和 经 济有负面影响,特别是小规 模的生产商;实施困难;没有科学基础;制定标准不公开透明;没有解决标准争议的程 序声称这些标准比公共标准安全可能会误导消费者。
Several delegations pointed out that
private standards had a
[...] negative impact on export and economies in their countries, especially on small scale producers; they were difficult to implement; they were not based on science; their development was not open and transparent; there was no dispute settlement procedure for these standards; [...]
and claims stating
that these standards were safer than public standards might mislead consumers.
[...] 材料,上面印有以“我们的年度,我们 声 音 ” 为 口 号 的 标志,以及其他工具, 包括一个录像公益广告。
Working with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and an interagency network, the Department of Public Information provided communications support and
produced communications materials —
[...] featuring a logo with the slogan “Our Year, Our Voice” [...]
— and other tools, including a video public service announcement.




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