单词 | 变质 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 变质 noun —spoilage n变质 —deteriorateless common: degenerate • metamorphosis • go bad 质变 —qualitative changeExamples:变质岩 adj—metamorphic adj 变质作用—metamorphism (geology) (牛奶)变质的 adj—sour adj 变质岩—metamorphic rock (geology)
应以有效方式利用提供给维持和平特派团的资 源:不能允许联合国存放的物品被浪费 、 变质 或 放置 过时。 daccess-ods.un.org | The resources provided to peacekeeping missions should be utilized in an effective [...] manner: items held in storage by the Organization should not be allowed to [...] go to waste, deteriorate or become obsolete. daccess-ods.un.org |
在社会经济领域引发了严重恶 果。比如在 Bafoussam, 2006 年 4 月 4 日摧毁了 132 000 枚变质的蛋。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 4 April 2006, for instance, 132,000 spoilt eggs were destroyed in Bafoussam. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多被抽物质会导致普通泵油变质, 造 成机械故障。 vacuubrand.com | Many pumped substances can cause deterioration of common pump oil, leading to mechanical problems. vacuubrand.com |
教科文组织可以利用这一特别资金开展有关活动,支持会员国的中央和地方政府采取 紧急保护措施,使有关的古代艺术收藏品、各民族制作的器皿、文献和图书资料免遭毁坏、 自然蜕化变质、被 盗或者得不到充分利用,这与本组织保护文化遗址、非物质遗产和文化创 造性工作是相辅相成的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Activities under this special fund will enable UNESCO to support national and local governments of its Member States in undertaking emergency measures in the preservation of collections of ancient artefacts, ethnographic objects, archival and library material which are subject to risks of destruction, deterioration, theft and under-utilization, hence complement the Organization’s work in the protection of cultural sites, intangible heritage and cultural creativity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
双方的依存关系并不对 等——一旦双方关系变质,缅 甸的损失比中国更为 重大:中国是缅甸在安理会的保护者,在国际上为 [...] 孤立的缅甸提供强大的邻国支持,也是缅甸重要的 经济伙伴和投资来源。 crisisgroup.org | The dependence is asymmetric – Myanmar [...] has more to lose should the relationship sour: a protector in the Security Council, [...]support from a large neighbour amid international isolation, a key economic partner and a source of investment. crisisgroup.org |
在夏季,食物变质得更 快,因此食物中毒的风险也就更大。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In the summer, the risk for food poisoning is greater because food spoils faster in the heat. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
审计委员 会在审查 2008/09 年度战略部署物资储存的运作情况后,建议加强对流动缓慢的 战略部署物资储存的监测,以避免物 资 变质 和 因陈旧而被淘汰。 daccess-ods.un.org | After reviewing the operations of strategic deployment stocks for the 2008/09 period, the Board of Auditors recommended that the monitoring of slow-moving strategic deployment stocks should be strengthened to avoid deterioration and obsolescence. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了因鱼变质、产品被拒绝、扣押和召回的经济损失外,还 有公众对一个企业甚至一个国家的不好的看法、鱼源性疾病的成本对社区来说是 [...] 巨大的成本,因其有负面的健康影响、失去生产力以及医疗开支。 fao.org | In addition to the economic losses incurred [...] because of fish spoilage, product rejections, [...]detention and recalls, and the resulting [...]adverse publicity to an industry and even to a country, fish-borne illnesses cost vast amounts to the community because of adverse health effects, loss of productivity and medical expenses. fao.org |
如因长途送货引致货品倾泻、变质或 损 毁,此并非卓悦网的监察范围,本公司无须承担任何法律上的责任。 bonjourhk.com | If stocks are [...] damaged, transformed, broken, rotten or any changes due to long [...]distance delivery which is out of our control, [...]the responsibility does not go to Bonjour and we have not any legal responsibilities. bonjourhk.com |
这些代表团还表达了 对容许腐烂和内部损坏的关注,并要求把横向适用于新鲜水果和蔬菜食典标准的排除腐 烂和使产品不适于消费的任何其他类 型 变质 的 规 定,同样应适用于苹果,因而提议删除 这种容许限量或与横向规定相一致。 codexalimentarius.org | These delegations also expressed their concern on allowances for rotting and internal breakdown and requested that the provisions that exclude rotting and any other type of deterioration that make the product unfit for consumption, which apply horizontally to Codex standards for fresh fruits and vegetables, should also apply to apples, and therefore proposed that such tolerances be removed or aligned to the horizontal provisions. codexalimentarius.org |
餐厅服务处对其位于 Fontenoy 的存货定期进行实物盘存,并利用 Salamandre 系统对杂 货(即所谓的“长期易变质物品 ”)、酒窖、一次性物资和清洁产品的盘存结果形成报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Physical inventories of URS stores at the Fontenoy site are taken regularly and their results in regard to “long-life perishable” foodstuffs, the cellar, disposable materials and cleaning products are recorded in the Salamandre application. unesdoc.unesco.org |
很多国家的营销理事会效率低下,腐 败 变质 , 但 是在没有建立替代支持 机制的情况下贸然撤销这些理事会,同时盲目相信市场的供应能力,加剧了农民 面临的制度空白,这对于小农的影响尤其严重。 daccess-ods.un.org | These had become inefficient and corrupted in many countries, but their closure in the absence of alternative support mechanisms, together with a misplaced faith in the delivery capacity of markets, had exaggerated the institutional hiatus facing farmers, particularly smaller-scale ones. daccess-ods.un.org |
艾默生估计,通过在冷藏集装箱中使用高能效的艾默生数码涡旋压缩机,香蕉行业每年可以节省超过 1000 万美元的制冷燃料成本,并减少 5 亿美元的损耗和变质损失。 emerson.com | Emerson estimates that use of its energy-efficient digital scroll compressors in refrigerated containers can enable the banana industry [...] to save more than $10 million in fuel costs for refrigeration and [...] reduces shrink and spoilage by $500 million [...]annually. emerson.com |
有人认为, 新橡木桶可能释放营养物质, 它们会成 为酒香酵母菌繁殖的潜在基础, 因此, 增加了葡萄 酒变质的危险,这是真的吗 ? zh.seguin-moreau.fr | On the other hand, it is a different matter for a barrel of one or two uses that has previously contained wine contaminated by Brett. The inside surface of a blistered barrel is larger than that of an unblistered barrel, and can thus host the yeast more easily. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
研究类型(如基础 研究、工业研究或竞争前开发)或创新 类型(量变或质变)也在影响奖励性质 和额度的考量标准之内。 setupineurope.com | The type of research (basic research, industrial research or pre-competitive development for example) or the type of innovation (incremental or breakthrough) are among the criteria influencing the nature and amount of the incentive. setupineurope.com |
5我们集体行动我们单打独斗,我们是一些活动的分子,我们用 量 变 产 生 质变 , 我 们用单个的针尖刺入其他集体内部。 shanghaibiennale.org | 5. We act together, we fight alone; we [...] are a part of some movements; we turn the [...] quantitative into qualitative; we pierce other [...]collectives with a needlepoint. shanghaibiennale.org |
饮食结构发生变化( 由富含蛋白质 变为廉 价和高碳水化合物食品) ,引发了对矿物质和维他命缺乏的忧虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | There has been a shift in diet (from protein rich to low cost and high carbohydrate foods), triggering concerns over mineral and vitamin deficiencies. daccess-ods.un.org |
由加热或其它方式造成的蛋白质变性 , 以及随后发生的凝胶作用,是各种不同... malvern.com.cn | Protein denaturation induced by heating or other means, and the subsequent gelation that takes place, is a phenomenon which is of critical importance across a variety... malvern.de |
将 3A 包装材料方面的禁止使用物质变更到 2A 禁止使用物质的对象范 围内,将 3B 包装材料方面的限制使用物质变更到 2B 限制使用物质的 对象范围内,将 3C 包装材料方面的含有管理物质变更到 2C 含有管理 物质的对象范围内。 canon.com | The former “3A Prohibited substances in packaging materials” have been included the scope of “2A Prohibited substances,” “3B Use-restricted substances in packaging materials” in the scope of “2B Use-restricted substances,” and “3C Controlled substances in packaging materials” in the scope of “2C Controlled substances. canon.com |
在乌萨马·本·拉丹死亡后,委员会继续监察和评估基地组织及 其同伙所造成威胁的性质变化以 及这些变化如何影响委员会的今后工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the death of Usama bin Laden, the Committee [...] continues to monitor and [...] assess the changing nature of the threat posed by Al-Qaida and its associates and how that change affects the [...]future work of the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2005 年 10 月开始,开始实施新的家庭法院体系管理,这意味着出现了 量变,法官数量从 51 人上升到 258 人,但同时这也是一个质变,因 为所有的家庭 案件现在都由同一个法院审理和解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new system of family courts came into operation in October [...] 2005, and represents [...] both a quantitative change, with an increase from 51 children’s judges to 258 family judges, and a qualitative one, in that all [...]family matters are [...]now dealt with and resolved by a single court. daccess-ods.un.org |
厄立特里亚对外国武装反对派团体的支持过去仅限于传统的军事行动, 但在破坏 2011 年 1 [...] 月在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟首脑会议的阴谋中,计 划对平民目标进行大规模的杀伤性进攻,以及战略性地使用炸药来制造恐惧气 氛,表明厄立特里亚的战术发生了 质变。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whereas Eritrean support to foreign armed opposition groups has in the past been limited to conventional military operations, the plot to disrupt the African Union summit in Addis Ababa in January 2011, which envisaged mass casualty attacks against civilian [...] targets and the strategic use of [...] explosives to create a climate of fear, represents a qualitative shift in Eritrean [...]tactics. daccess-ods.un.org |
这 些 许可证 由有关政府部门(如管理水利、矿业、植物、动物等资源的主管部门)根据各自的权 限和项目的特点颁发,如设施的工业资质许可证、土地使用 性 质变 更 许 可证、污水系 统施工许可证,以及《水利法》中提到的水利工程建设许可证等。 uria.com | Those permits are granted by the corresponding state agencies (e.g., Water Agency, Mining Authority, Flora and Fauna) according to their own jurisdiction and the project’s specific characteristics, such as the industrial qualification of the facilities, the land use amendment, the permit for the construction of sewage systems, and the permit to build hydraulic works as referred to in the Water Law. uria.com |
国际人权机制称,公开处决使这种刑罚原本已经残酷、不人道和有辱人格 的性质变本加 厉,对受害者仅起到了去除人性的作用,对亲眼观看处决的人则产 生了残忍的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | International human rights mechanisms have stated that public executions add to the already cruel, inhuman and degrading nature of the penalty and can only have a dehumanizing effect on the victim and a brutalizing effect on those who witness the execution. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果材质变动仅 限 于组成部件且不影响产品的其余部分,制造商可依据适用 要求对组成部件进行测试,并根据先前的第三方测试结果 [...] 和变动后组成部件的测试结果对产品进行认证。 tuv-sud.cn | If the material change is limited to a [...] component part and does not affect the rest of the product, manufacturer may test [...]the component part to its applicable requirements and certify the product based on earlier third party test results and on test results of the changed component parts. tuv-sud.cn |
路径包括:(i)获得物质资源和控制物 质变化, 按收入和满足基本需求的水平;(ii)认知变化、知识水平、技能和对 [...] 更广泛环境认识的变化;(iii)知觉变化、自身个性、兴趣和价值的单个知觉变 化;以及(iv)关系变化、契约协议、议价力和承受开发能力的变化。 fao.org | The pathways [...] include: (i) material change in access to and [...]control over material resources, in level of income and in satisfaction [...]of basic needs; (ii) cognitive change, change in level of knowledge, skills and awareness of wider environment; (iii) perceptual change, change in individual perceptions of own individuality, interested and value; and (iv) relational change, change in contractual agreements, in bargaining power and in ability to resist exploitation. fao.org |
2. 如第 1 款所述驱离决定在作出后两年内未执行,成员国应审核当事 [...] 人当前对公共秩序或公共安全构成威胁的实际情况,并评估自驱离决定作出以 来,情况有无实质变化”。 daccess-ods.un.org | If an expulsion order, as provided for in paragraph 1, is enforced more than two years after it was issued, the Member State shall check that the individual concerned is currently and genuinely a threat to public policy or public [...] security and shall assess whether there [...] has been any material change in the circumstances [...]since the expulsion order was issued. daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,使得氧化铟锡和其他透明导电氧化物在显示器有用的特性,同样使这些薄膜层难以测量和建模,从而使测量在它们之上的任何 物 质变 得 困 难。 cn.filmetrics.com | In measuring any multilayer stack, optical techniques such as spectral reflectance and ellipsometry require the thickness and optical constants (refractive index and k) of every layer in the stack to be either measured or accurately modeled. filmetrics.com |
可在不干燥头发的情况下清除残留造型产品的高档洗发水则可配合泛酰醇等调理剂配制而成;不过,即使不加入添加剂,此类混合表面活性剂也会让各类 发 质变 得 清洁、柔软和亮泽。 cn.lubrizol.com | Fine upscale shampoos which remove styling product residues without drying hair may be produced by formulating with [...] conditioning agents, such as panthenol, but, even without additives, these blends leave all [...] hair types clean, soft and lustrous. lubrizol.com |