

单词 变色龙


change color
become angry
change countenance

External sources (not reviewed)

(a) 针对现时本港市民新兴饲养的一些另类宠物,例如蜥蜴类变色龙蛇类、 蜘蛛类、陆龟类、鳄鱼、蝎子或水母等等,渔农自然护理署在过去五年(即 [...]
2008-09 至 2012-13 年度)有否针对售卖这些另类宠物的店铺,进行过任何抽查或执法行 动?
(a) Regarding the emerging trend of keeping some exotic pets,
[...] such as lizards, chameleons, snakes, spiders, [...]
tortoises, crocodiles, scorpions, jellyfish
etc., by Hong Kong people nowadays, has the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) conducted any random checks on or taken any enforcement actions against shops selling these exotic pets in the past five years (i.e. 2008-09 to 2012-13)?
刘江华议员今天仍未发言,刘议员正变 色龙表者,我很希望他会就 今天的辩题,说出他对於路祥安事件的看 [...]
He is preciselythebest chameleonaround. Ihope he [...]
will speak on the motion, on what he thinks of the Andrew LO affair and on his stand on this is.
我很少说一些 谩骂、人身攻击的话,但刚才郑家富议员提及变色龙又在报章上指我 们“欺骗选民、转 、走精面”等,加上刚才我引述了那些例子,究竟郑家 [...]
I seldom make any verbal abuse or personal
attack on people. But just now Mr
[...] Andrew CHENG mentioned "chameleon"and he hasaccused [...]
us in the newspapers that we are
"cheating the voters, changing our positions and going smart", and so on, plus the examples which I have just quoted.
我常常觉得,如果路祥安先生说自己是一 只鹦鹉,那麽民建联便是一变色龙为民建联处於不同空间、不同时间、 不同需要之下,便会说不同的话。
I hope very much that those who have said that Mr Andrew LO should resign would take the same position today. If
Mr Andrew LO speaks of
[...] himself as a parrot, then the DABis in fact achameleon,for theDAB has [...]
said different things at
different times and space and out of different needs.
此外,蜥蜴变色龙、蜘蛛和蝎子的某些 品种,以及陆龟和鳄鱼的所有品种已表列於《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》, [...]
而根据《保护濒危动植物物种条例》(第 586 章 ),买卖这些品种及管有这些品种 作出售用途亦遭禁止或受到发牌规管。
Besides, some
[...] species of lizards, chameleons, snakes,spiders [...]
and scorpions, and all species of land tortoises and crocodiles
are listed under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).
And this is what awaits you if you mainly concerned with urgent, but the insignificant things
(III): short-term interests, crisis
[...] management, reputationchameleon,plans andobjectives [...]
of the absence of the victim syndrome,
impulsivity, superficial communication, relationships have disappeared.
我们从东南亚的四入中国的大 门,然後逐步缩小到珠三角这种萎缩和低微的发展,是令 人感到很欷歔。
We proceeded from being one of
[...] the four LittleDragons of Asia to being the gateway to China, and then slowly grew even smaller to become the leader of the PRDRegion.
他又促请政 府当局在兴建西九龙文娱艺术区的设施前,制订具体的 文化政策,以及因应珠三角近年的讨西艺术区的
He also urged the Administration to formulate a concrete cultural policy before
the facilities in WKCD were developed and to review the
[...] role of WKCD in the lightof the changesinPRD in recent years.
I would very much like to
[...] know the cause of Mr CHEONG'schange.
如果我们真的一下子把它们改变,例如将一些楼时最 宏伟的 MegaBox 或最好看、接近港铁站的楼宇般,会出现甚麽现象呢?
If we must really
[...] introduce changes to them abruptly by, say, changing some of the buildings into something like the grandest MegaBoxin KowloonBayor those [...]
best-looking buildings
around the MTR stations, what would happen?
为了妥为担当地方营造者的起动事处不应强行推动展,应尊重九龙东的 工业传统和文化发展,小心聆听社区的意见,并在 进行地区的规划时采纳该等意见。
To well performthe role ofplace-maker, EKEO should not push for changes and developments [...]
but respect the industrial heritage
and cultural development of Kowloon East, listen to the views of the local community carefully, and adopt those views into the planning of the district.
大概她以为社会主义是很可怕,不少㆟会闻社 会主义色变是以此作为武器来攻击港同盟。
She might think that socialism was very horrible and many
[...] people would turn pale upon hearing the [...]
word, and so she used it as a weapon to
attack the United Democrats of Hong Kong.
The sound walk concept made a lot of sense as I sat in the quietness of Staten Island (well at least compared to its other island sibling) and heard the sounds on the tour of that “Manhattan.” Those sound waves that are ‘so’ Manhattan – the swift rhythm of crowds and traveling through the streets with backdrop of ambulances, fire trucks, telephones, loud New Yorker voices talking all at once, etc. – have become all too familiar to my ears and for a moment I thought I was back on the other island, but no, it was just Justin Bennett’s genius with city sounds at play.
瓷胎,胭脂红、铁红珐琅;平唇, 平面敛底, 突出凸形圈足;绘通体龙变,二五爪龙翱翔於天,彩云环布;二鲤鱼浮出水面,有鱼跃成龙、出人头地之吉祥意义;底铁红书“ 道光年制 ”无框篆款; 唇、颈内、腹内壁皆施釉
Ruby-pink and iron-red enamelson colourlessglazeon porcelain; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding convex footrim; painted with a continuousdesign of an [...]
imperial five-clawed
dragon amidst formalized clouds and flickering flames above formalized waves, from which two carp leap, their upper bodies out of the water and their tails curled upwards to break free of the waves; the foot inscribed in iron-red seal script Daoguang nian zhi (‘Made during the Daoguang period’); the lip, inner neck, and interior glazed
除了担当提供协助的起动事 处亦会以"土地营造"的方式在九龙东创造优质的公 共空间供市民享用,以及营造方便行人的环境。
Otherthan playing a facilitating role, EKEO would [...]
also apply the "place-making" approach to create quality public spaces
for public enjoyment and build a pedestrian-friendly environment in Kowloon East.
旺 角 和 油麻地 有 3 个 主 题
[...] :第一,是以海滨风光 为 主 题 , 配 合 西该 区 居 民 创造一 个 海 滨 [...]
休 闲 带 ; 第 二 ,是以 绿 色 万 花 筒 作 为中 部 核 心地区的主题 ,
加 强 现 有 景 点 的 固 有 特色, 包括例 如 天 后庙、 玉 器 市 场 和 花 墟 等;及第三,是 以休憩 园 地为主 题,描绘一 系 列 相 连 的 优 质休憩 用地, 包括京 士 柏山和 港 铁 红 磡 站 等 。
There are three themes for Mong Kok and Yau Ma Tei: first, with Coastal
Scenery as the theme, coupled with
[...] the waterfront characterof WestKowloon,awaterfront [...]
recreation zone is created for
the local residents; second, with Green Kaleidoscope as the theme of the central core area, the inherent characteristics of the existing attractions such as Tin Hau Temple, Jade Market, Flower Market, and so on, are enhanced; and third, with Parkland as the theme, a series of high quality linked open spaces, including King's Park, MTR Hung Hom Station, and so on, is depicted.
The lovely colorandappearance of macaron make Xebe wantto change it into USB sticks.
为确保香港能够继续保持区内经济发会促请政府尽 快着手研究香港未来经济发展的长远路向及策略,以制订相关的政 策;此外,本会亦促请政府增加对本港基建设施的投资,特别是跨境 [...]
That, in order to ensure that Hong Kong
[...] can maintain its role as theleader of economic developmentin the region, this [...]
Council urges the Government
to expeditiously study the long-term direction and strategy for Hong Kong's future economic development, with a view to formulating the relevant policies; furthermore, this Council also urges the Government to increase its investment in the infrastructures in Hong Kong, particularly the cross-boundary transport networks.
如果阁 下
[...] 把原来有先进、 洁净产科设施的 将 军 澳 医中心,人也 会 到 将 军 澳 医 院 分 娩 [...]
, 无须到柴 湾 了 。
If your good self can turn the TKOH, which has advanced
and clean obstetric facilities,
[...] into a centre, people in KowloonEastwill go to the TKOH [...]
for delivery and they will not have to go to Chai Wan.
今天的议案议题提到保持香港的区内 经济发竟何
The topic of today's motion is about maintaining
[...] Hong Kong's role as the leader of economic developmentin the region.
半透亮的暗蓝玻璃 (因光照的变移而色变)唇,微凸敛底,突出圈足,圈足底为一圆棱; 二正面以两个双头夔构成,每夔的一头像鸟头,肩部雕兽首衔环耳
Semi-translucent violet-blue glass (appearingas ultramarine-blue in normal light); withaflat lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved on each main side with the character long (‘dragon’), made up of four kuidragons sharing two [...]
bodies, two with bird-like
heads, the shoulders with mask-and-ring handles
相同的技术可应用到家电设计中,消费者可以简单地转动拨盘并定制他们自己的厨房,将颜色从色 变绿从薄色变亮的黄色。
This same technology can be transferred to appliance design, allowing consumers
to customize their kitchens with
[...] a simple turn ofadial, changing the color from red to green [...]
or mint to bright yellow.
建议定义与现行定义的主要分别,是 根据建议的定义,抗氧化剂亦包括防止食物因氧化变色加剂。
The major difference between the proposed and the existing definitions is that the proposed
definition of antioxidants includes those additives which protect
[...] foodstuffs against colourchanges caused by oxidation.
我看到大家的看法其实相当一致,均认为香港 应该致力保持在区内经济发展觉得内地经济发展强劲,对我 们有利,而我们亦应该趁此机会,发挥两地互惠互利的因素。
According to my observation, we, more or less, share the same views, all
agreeing that Hong Kong should make every
[...] effort to maintain itsrole as the leader of [...]
economic development in the region, and
that, as we stand to gain from strong economic growth on the Mainland, we should take such an opportunity to bring into play factors that are of mutual benefit to the two sides.
[...] 而有关基建项目的规划发展往往以深圳河为界,未有接驳香港的交通网络, 令我们在跨境交通网络上一直未能跟贴内地的步伐,色变分被动。
As a result, our cross-boundary transport
networks have failed to catch up with the pace on the Mainland, and we have assumed
[...] a very passive role inthis respect.
香港现时急须筹划如何融入珠三角经 济区,同时把握两岸四地的经济关系,还要促进港澳经济共同体的形成,而 香港在这些地域经济关系中必须担抗衡来自亚洲各地的挑 战。
Now Hong Kong must expeditiously find a way to merge into the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, and, at the same time, grasp the economic ties among the four places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and help to bring about an economic community between Hong Kong and Macau.
自该专责办事处成立以来, 一直深受市民支持,并继续以「地方营造者」的起动措施,推动概念总纲计划,以及邀请相关持份者参与,以促进九龙 东的转型。
Since its formation, we have received strong support from the community for the dedicated EKEO to continue taking forward the initiative as the “place-maker”, promoting the Conceptual Master Plan (CMP) as well as engaging the relevant stakeholders in facilitating the transformation process.
第二,庐山会议中,根据李锐先生 ⎯⎯ 他是毛泽东的秘书,就他 所回忆到的 ⎯⎯ 庐山会议原本是反左的,只是彭德怀触动突 然便右,是会议上突然改变了的。
Second, at the Lushan Conference, as recalled by Mr LI Rui (He was the personal secretary of MAO Zedong) …… The Lushan Conference was originally intended to purge the leftists within the party; yet because PENG Dehuai offended MAO, the "King", the purpose of the Conference suddenly turned to purge the rightists.
In the Color Accent Mode, you can select the color red, blue or green to reveal in the photo so that everything else is desaturated into black and white.
如果经典CHIFFRE ROUGE A03是今年时尚的织物表带类型北约提供,CHIFFRE胭脂T01有拨号模式绗缝,但不仅是时尚!这是动画的自动机芯Orny和吉拉尔丹两位天才的瑞士钟表制造商开发的人,我们还欠万
If the classic Chiffre Rouge A03 is offered this year trendy fabric strap type NATO, the Chiffre Rouge T01 has a dial pattern quilted but not only be stylish!




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