单词 | 变糟的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 变糟的 adjective—sour adjSee also:变的 adj—static adj 糟—dregs • messy • ruined • rotten • draff • pickled in wine
首要的一点是我们不能使情况变得更 糟 , 增 加他 们 的 压 力 或使他们受到新的威胁。 globalprotectioncluster.org | Above all we must not exacerbate their situation, cause more stress or expose them to new threats. globalprotectioncluster.org |
这样做不一 定会提高密闭压力,还有可能因为对通常 柔软的充气 罩囊增加了压力而将充气罩囊 从喉部推开,从而使得漏气情况变得更 糟。 vitaid.com | This will not necessarily improve the seal pressure and may make the leak worse by adding tension to the normally soft cuff, pushing it away from the larynx. vitaid.com |
没有一个能够 让我真正信任的人,所以我就闭口不言,哪怕这样 会 变 得 更 糟。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no [...] one I can really trust so it just stays inside me, even if it gets worse that way. daccess-ods.un.org |
全球挑战将不会为了等待我们双边关 系 的 好 转 而暂停;恰恰相反----当我们仍然处于脱离状态时,它们将只 会 变 得 更 糟。 embassyusa.cn | Global challenges will not pause [...] to wait for upturns in our bilateral relationship; just the opposite -- they will only worsen while we remain disengaged. eng.embassyusa.cn |
而如果该国又没有自己的能源资源时, 情况就变得更糟。 undpcc.org | Their commitment is needed for the success of the project. undpcc.org |
因为我们高估了连环事件发生的机率,但低估了间隔事件发生的机率(这里有一份研究),我们很可能高估了超人类人工智能结果会变好的这一机率,因为X,Y和Z全部都会发生,而我们可能低估了超人类人工智能最 后 变 得 更 糟的 机 率,因为有许多方法会让超人类人工智能最后变得更糟,这并不依赖于还有多少其它事件会发生。 facingthesingularity.com | Because we overestimate the probability of conjunctive events but underestimate the probability of disjunctive events (here’s the study), we’re likely to overestimate the probability that superhuman AI will turn out okay because X, Y, and Z will all happen, and we’re likely to underestimate the probability that superhuman AI will turn out badly because there are many ways superhuman AI can turn out badly that don’t depend on many other events occurring. facingthesingularity.com |
表示关切 海洋和海岸生态系统的退化,尤其是海洋和海岸生物多样性的丧 [...] 失及陆源和海源污染对生物多样性的持续威胁,缺氧地带的数量增加,有害藻类 [...] 和外来入侵物种的繁殖,海洋和海岸资源的不可持续利用,包括对鱼类种群的过 度捕捞,生态系统的物理变化,糟糕 的 土 地使用规划以及社会和经济方面的压 力, 回顾 [...]规定了所有有关海洋的活动必须遵守的法律框架的文书《联合国海洋 daccess-ods.un.org | the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea as the instrument that sets out the legal framework within which all activities pertaining to the oceans and seas must be [...] carried out, the United Nations [...] Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol, [...]the Convention on Biological [...]Diversity and the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter and its 1996 Protocol daccess-ods.un.org |
这 可能会导致这样一个矛盾现象:尽管整个国家取得了进 [...] 展,但是按照相对标准,甚至以绝对标准来衡量,一些 人口群体——例如弱势群体、妇女和农村人口— — 的处 境却变得更糟。 daccess-ods.un.org | This can lead to the paradox whereby a country as a whole progresses, while some population groups [...] — the underprivileged, women and rural populations, for [...] instance — are worse off in relative and even in absolute terms. daccess-ods.un.org |
而 且不幸的是, 我们认为,情况在好转之前有可能 会变 得更糟糕。 daccess-ods.un.org | And, unfortunately, we believe it is likely to get worse before it gets better. daccess-ods.un.org |
金融危 机加重了民间社会的压力,加剧了对“他人”利益的侵蚀,并使把经济利益的重 要性置于人权和政治自由之前的做法 变 得 更 加 糟 糕。 daccess-ods.un.org | The financial crises had exacerbated the pressures on civil society, the erosion of political support for the interests of “the other” and the prioritization of economic interests over human rights and political freedoms. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果今后几年发展援助委 员会许多国家采取的新的财政 紧缩措施对官方发展援助产生不利影响,这种状况 甚至可能变得更糟。 daccess-ods.un.org | The situation may get even worse if, in the forthcoming years, the latest fiscal austerity measures introduced in many Development Assistance Committee countries negatively affect ODA. daccess-ods.un.org |
事情变得更糟时,持久性有机污染物被误认为是巨 大 的 头 摔 跤手,而当摔跤手四世界末日末底改的感情摔跤跌倒。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Things get worse when Pops is mistaken for the wrestler Huge-Head, and when the wrestler [...] Four-Armageddon is offended by [...]Mordecai’s feelings on wrestling. seekcartoon.com |
如果没有足够强的驱动力,在那些原生平台上进行开发的话,那么随后紧密控 制 的 应 用 程序开发和销售渠道会让事 情 变 得 更 糟 糕。 infoq.com | If developing for native platforms weren’t [...] enough of a drive-away force, their [...] tightly controlled application deployment and sales channels make things even worse. infoq.com |
更糟的是,它也出现在了[KIEPUSZEWSKI00 ]中,作者表示:就算并行、非结构化工作流能够转换成并行、结构化工作流,但这需要额 外 的变 化 和 (或)节点,以至于最终结果会导致对终端用户来说几乎无法读懂。 infoq.com | Worse, also in [KIEPUSZEWSKI00], the author shows that even when the transformation from a parallel unstructured workflow to a parallel structured one is possible, it requires the addition of several variables and/or nodes, so [...] that the final result [...]is almost unreadable to the end user. infoq.com |
更糟的是, java.util.Date与java.util.Calendar中的所有属性都是 可 变的 , 这 样在从访问器中返回时,Date类型(或是Time与Timestamp类型)的任何属性都需要被克隆一份。 infoq.com | Calendar are mutable, so that, for example, any property of type Date (or of type Time or Timestamp) needs to be cloned when being returned from an accessor. infoq.com |
更糟糕的 是,政变只会加剧该地区——不幸的是——已在面对 的各种问题,即武器和毒品贩运和流动、有组织犯罪、 [...] 伊斯兰激进组织的活动、几内亚湾海盗行为、人道主 义危机、数千名难民涌入以及分离主义倾向。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even worse, the putsch only adds to the [...] list of ills that the region is, unfortunately, already facing, namely, trafficking [...]and the movement of weapons and drugs, organized crime, the activities of radical Islamic groups, piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, the humanitarian crisis, flows of thousands of refugees as well as secessionist inclinations. daccess-ods.un.org |
她解释说,由于没有足够的地方 睡觉,到了晚上情 况会变得更糟糕。 daccess-ods.un.org | She explained that the situation was worse at night because there were not enough [...] places to sleep. daccess-ods.un.org |
8冲 突是身体致残的主要原因,而战争创伤则导致精神和情绪上的困扰:阿富汗经历 了 20 年的战争,留下众多残疾人。残疾人往往被社会埋没,在战争情况下,这 可能是致命的:冲突结束后,残疾人可能发现他 们 的 情 况 变 得 更 糟 , 因为提供照 顾者不在了,缺乏无障碍住房,辅助设备,可获得食物、水、卫生、信息和通信 技术以及基础设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are more conflicts in the world today than ever before, and wars tend to last longer.8 Conflict is a major cause of physical disabilities, and the trauma of war causes mental and emotional disturbances: Afghanistan has experienced 20 years of war, which left many disabled.8 Persons with disabilities are often made invisible by society and this can be lethal in a situation of war: in the aftermath of a conflict, persons with disabilities may find their situation exacerbated by the loss of caretakers, and the lack of accessible housing, aids and accessible food, water, sanitation, information and communications technology and infrastructure.9 daccess-ods.un.org |
出现糟糕的选择 性捕鱼时,导致误捕 其他鱼类物种和无脊椎动物,其中可能包括生态重要的和/或有经济价值物种的 幼体。 fao.org | When poorly selective fishing occurs, it leads to the incidental catch of fish and invertebrates, part of which may consist of juveniles of ecologically important and/or economically valuable species. fao.org |
在这生死总是很糟糕,不断变化的圆 的 (各种)条件的创建人是主体,首先是表示(即)婆罗门,并结束与(即)这些(刚才提到的不动产生物) 。 mb-soft.com | The (various) conditions in this always [...] terrible and constantly changing circle of births and [...]deaths to which created beings are [...]subject, are stated to begin with (that of) Brahman, and to end with (that of) these (just mentioned immovable creatures). mb-soft.com |
2007-2008 年的食品和燃料危机及全球金融和经济危机已使情 况 变 得 更 糟。 daccess-ods.un.org | The food and fuel crises in 2007-2008 and the global financial and economic crisis have made the situation worse. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008年8月14 日延长了紧急状 况。尽管国家公用事业公司能够在政 府 的 干 预 下向国际社区提供能源,并且临时 制定了能源政策,但能源工作组一致认为马绍尔群岛并没有脱离险境,事实上形 势只会变得更糟。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the national utility company was able to provide energy following government [...] intervention to the [...] international community, and the Energy Policy was developed in the interim, it is the consensus of the Energy Taskforce that the RMI is not out of the woods yet, and in fact the situation will only get worse. daccess-ods.un.org |
更糟的是, 有關 的資料使用者因違反保障資料原則而接獲執行通知後,他 [...] 可以先遵守有 關的執行通知,然後在短時間內重新作出其違規的行為。 legco.gov.hk | Worse still, it is technically [...] possible for a data user who has breached a DPP and who has been served with an enforcement [...]notice, to comply with the enforcement notice but subsequently resumes the contravening act within a short period of time. legco.gov.hk |
尽管确定和同意消除“最糟类型的童 工 ”可能相 对容易,但“可接受的工作”和“有害的劳工”之间的区别不总是 明确,当地和传统的实践和信仰使评估混乱。 fao.org | While it may be relatively easy to identify and agree to eliminate the “worst forms of child labour”, the distinction between “acceptable work” and “harmful labour” is not always clear and assessments can be muddled by local and traditional practices and beliefs. fao.org |
虽然阿比让的安全局势有所改善,但评估发现,威胁已变得更加分散,而在 国家权力虚弱和武器大量流通的科 特迪 瓦 的 其 他地区,安全局势 却 变 得 更 加糟 糕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although security has improved in Abidjan, it was assessed that threats have become more diffuse and the security situation has deteriorated in other parts of Côte d’Ivoire, where State authority is weak and large numbers of weapons are in circulation. daccess-ods.un.org |
法律也没有规定 拘留的最长期限,这导致了长期的,或者在 最 糟的 情 况下,潜在的无限期拘留的 情况――例如,在驱逐移民因法律或实际原因而无法实行时。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is no maximum length of detention established by law, which leads to prolonged or, in the worst case, potentially indefinite detention in cases, for example, where the expulsion of a migrant cannot be carried out for legal or practical reasons. daccess-ods.un.org |
千禧年生态系统评估警 告,假如这些生态系统和水源受到破坏,“不 单单令贫穷人士情況变得更糟,而 是当生态系 统变差时,贫穷人士的情況 会不合比例 地 变得 更糟。 worldinfo.org | If these ecosystems and water resources are destroyed, the Millennium [...] Ecosystem Assessment [...] warns that, “poor people are made not just worse off, but disproportionately worse off when ecosystems are degraded”. worldinfo.org |