

单词 变相

变相 ()

in disguised form

相变 verb ()

phase change v

External sources (not reviewed)

对理解暴力行为采取整体做法要求将暴力侵害妇 女现象置于连续统一体中,以便把握其各种不同的形式 变相 的 方 式。
A holistic approach to understanding violence requires violence against women to be situated along a continuum in order to capture its varied forms and incarnations.
为对付气候变化而采取的措施,包括单方面措施, 不应当构成任意或无理歧视变相限 制 国际贸易的一种手段。
Measures taken to combat climate change, including unilateral ones, should not constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable
[...] discrimination or a disguised restriction on [...]
international trade.
有时需要判定:驱逐的真正动机是否是合法的;驱逐实际上是否是 非法引渡或所谓的变相引渡 ”(见奥希金斯,27 Mod LR 521)。
At times, questions may arise as to whether the actual purpose of the expulsion is impermissible and
whether in truth an unauthorized, or what a
[...] writer has called ‘disguised extradition’ [...]
(see O’Higgins in 27 Mod LR 521), is on foot.
在本条草案中变相驱逐 是指一国以作为或不作为强迫外国人离开该 国,或者支持或容许本国公民采取行动促使外国人离开该国的行为。
For the purposes of
[...] this draft article, disguised expulsion shall [...]
mean the forcible departure of an alien from a State resulting
from the actions or omissions of the State, or from situations where the State supports or tolerates acts committed by its citizens with a view to provoking the departure of individuals from its territory.
此外,在无障碍和经济地获取食物以及在与营养体系 变相 关 的 特殊性方 面,残疾老年人往往遭受多重歧视。
In addition, elderly people with disabilities are often subjected to multiple forms of
discrimination with regard to physical and economic accessibility and the
[...] particularities related to a changed nutrition regime.
除非另有明确说明,该术语是指按照定期重复的时间间隔不 变相 并 且交替具有正值和负值的一种电流。
Unless distinctly specified otherwise, the term refers to a current which reverses at regularly recurring intervals of time and which has alternately positive and negative values.
关于第 A 条草案第 2 款中所变相驱逐 的定义,“强迫离开”一词遭受批 评,有人强调指出,该项禁止也应适用于外国人被强迫――即使没有使用武力―― [...]
With regard to
[...] the definition of disguised expulsion contained [...]
in draft article A, paragraph 2, the expression “forcible
departure” was criticized and it was emphasized that the prohibition in question should also cover situations in which an alien would be compelled — even without the use of physical force — to leave the territory of a State.
对于有变相驱逐 的第A条草案,他不一定反对将法文中的 变相 驱 逐 ” 短语改为在英文中词义相当的“建设性的驱逐”,这可以在仲裁裁决中找到可靠 的来源,不过需要采用等效的措辞方式。
[...] draft article A on disguised expulsion, he was not necessarily opposed to the replacement, in French, of the expression “disguised expulsion” [...]
by an equivalent of the
English expression “constructive expulsion”, which was well entrenched in arbitral awards, as long as the equivalent could be found.
查看灯源 中的光谱差异和强度变化可以变相纸 / 白基胶片上所打印图像的表观颜 色。
Spectral differences and intensity variations in the viewing light sources can change the apparent color of images printed on paper/white film.
第二天,林依晨发现,Eric将要结婚 变相 厄 休 拉。
The next day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be
[...] married to the disguised Ursula.
特别报告员曾指出,在他今后的 报告中,在解决程序性问题之前,他将 变相 驱 逐 、 基于有背于国际法规则的理由的驱逐、拘留的条件 和被驱逐者的待遇问题进行审查。
The Special Rapporteur had indicated that in his future
reports he would examine the
[...] problems of disguised expulsion, expulsion on grounds contrary to the rules [...]
of international law,
conditions of detention and treatment of persons being expelled, before turning to procedural questions.
国家同意,与技术变相关的 增支费用的可能的节余将相 应地减少本协定规定的总体供资数额
The Country agrees that potential savings in
[...] incremental costs related to the change of technology [...]
would decrease the overall funding level
under this Agreement accordingly
天窗发现,瓦妮莎其实变相的厄 休拉,并通知林依晨的婚礼驳船后,立即去。
Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is actually Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge.
(b) 解决非关税措施问题,减少或消除任意或不合理的即不符合世界贸易组
[...] 织规则的非关税贸易壁垒;标准和技术条例必须以透明方式制定,以不歧视方式 实施,应该在技术上合理,而且不构成对国际贸易 变相 限制
(b) Address non-tariff measures and reduce or eliminate arbitrary or unjustified non-tariff barriers, i.e., those that are not in conformity with World Trade Organization rules; standards and technical regulations must be developed transparently and applied in a
non-discriminatory manner, and should be technically justified and
[...] not constitute a disguised restriction on international trade
充分考虑到《公约》的所有有关规定和原则,特别是共同但有区别的 责任原则和各自能力,和促进有利开放的国际经济体系,以及发展中国家的特殊
[...] 经济、地理和社会条件,同时确认这些政策方针以及技术和业务措施应当以所有 涉及的缔约方的相互同意为基础,不应构成任意或无理歧视或对国际贸易 变相 限制
(b) To take fully into consideration all the relevant principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities and the promotion of a supportive and open international economic system, and the special economic, geographical and social conditions of developing countries, recognizing that such policy approaches and technical and operational measures should be taken on the basis of mutual consent of all Parties involved and
should not constitute a means of arbitrary and unjustifiable
[...] discrimination or a disguised restriction on international trade
考虑到《公约》的有关规定,并进一步认识到第三条第5 款所体现的原 则,缔约方在谋求实现《公约》目标和执行《公约》时,不得对从缔约方进
[...] 口的货物和服务采取任何构成任意或不合理的歧视或对国际贸易 变相 限制手段的措施,尤其是单边财税和非财税边境措施。
That, taking into account the relevant provisions of the Convention and further recognizing the principle enshrined in Article 3, paragraph 5, Parties in the pursuit of the objective and implementation of the Convention, shall not resort to any measures, in particular unilateral fiscal or non-fiscal measures applied on the border, against goods and services imported from
Parties, that constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustified
[...] discrimination or a disguised restriction on [...]
international trade.
儿子和女孩的金刚,包括我在内,都发誓要捕捉Kanambe伊波利特before 2010年2月,庆祝最后完沉变相注意到,比利时已选择排除在自己的合作伙伴名单喜欢在酝酿新的金 刚。
The son and the girls from the Kongo, me included, have sworn to capture Kanambe
Hyppolite before February 2010 to mark the final
[...] END SETTLEMENT disguised take NOTE that [...]
Belgium has chosen to exclude itself from
the list of partners preferred the new Kongo in gestation.
根据“关于军人地位”的联邦法,军人参加罢工 视变相的中 止服役,禁止以此种方式解决与服军役相关的问题。
Under the Federal Act on the status of military personnel, such persons are prohibited from participating in strikes or in any other suspension of their military duties used as a means to settle matters relating to their military service.
但她只会嫁给一变相根据 “响亮的名字发展合作,这在50年(1959年6月30日至2010年6月3 [...]
But she will only marry a disguised under the "famous [...]
name" of development cooperation, which in 50 years (June 30, 1959
to June 30, 2010), did not develop if it is corruption, paternalism and the plundering of natural resources in the country operating system.
(e) 促进可持续消费和生产措施的应用不应在情况相同国家之间构成任意
[...] 或不合理的歧视,不应构成对国际贸易 变相 限 制 ,而应符合世界贸易组织各项 协议的规定
(e) Efforts to promote sustainable consumption and production should not be applied in a manner that would constitute a means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination
between countries where the same conditions
[...] prevail, or a disguised restriction on [...]
international trade, and should otherwise
be in accordance with the provisions of agreements under the World Trade Organization
Z 相输出,是隔着朝向 0°位变化的相变点,在相对两侧的 相变 点 之间进行输出的。
The Z-phase output is issued between phase switching points around the point changing to the 0° position.
膨胀测定法交互练习演示了一种利用体积变化 产生连续冷相变(CC T)图的实验方法。
An interactive exercise on dilatometry demonstrates an experimental method that
makes use of the volume changes occurring
[...] during phase transformations to generate cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams.
当磁芯移动时,VA 与 VB 反相变化,输出 VOUT 的幅度和相位与运动成正比。
As the core is displaced VA differs from VB, and the output VOUT changes in magnitude and phase in proportion to the movement.
它主要用于在较大调压范围的应用中逆转调整电压 的极性例如相变压器 (见图 1)。
The COMTAP® ARS is primarily used to reverse the polarity
of the regulating voltage in applications with large regulating ranges
[...] (e.g., phase shifter transformers, [...]
see Figure 1).
本模块还介绍了相变的不 同机理,所附的辅 助练习研究了适合各种工艺的条件,测验了你对本 [...]
[...] mechanisms of phase transformation in steel are [...]
also introduced, with additional exercises to explore the conditions
that favour each process and test your understanding of this subject.
PowerPlus DC 系列 提供 4 至 32 VDC 或 90 至 140 VAC
[...] 的逻辑兼容控制输入,配有 IP20 “安全触摸” 透明塑料外壳相变热接口垫片。
The PowerPlus DC Series has available Logic Compatible Control Inputs of either 4 to
32 VDC or the new 90 to 140VAC, with optional IP20 "touch safe" clear
[...] plastic cover and installed thermal interface pad.
   UL 研发部门 (Corporate Research Center) 现正积极着手研究 PV AFCI 的测试方法,基于 PV AFCI
[...] [...] 必须要能够在各种不同的情境下及时准确地侦测到故障电弧并切断系统电源,研究的首要工作是设计可模拟各种真实故障电弧状况的测试机具,包括接点松脱、接触不良、接线断裂、绝缘材碳化、电线受潮、绝缘材破裂…等;另研发的工作尚涵盖仿真一些伪讯号,如系统启动时的突波、直流开关切换、变频器 相变 化 等 ,由于这类的讯号特征十分接近故障电弧,而良好的 [...]
PV AFCI 则必须能分辨出两者的不同。
UL R & D department ( Corporate Research Center ) is actively working on PV AFCI test methods, based on the PV AFCI must be able to in a variety of different situations timely and accurately detect the fault arc and cut off the power supply system, the primary research work is the design can simulate a variety of real fault arc status testing equipment, including contact loose bad contact, connection, fracture, insulating material, insulating material moisture, carbide wire rupture ... ; other R & D work still covers some pseudo signal simulation,
such as the system startup surge, DC
[...] switching converter, phase change, because this [...]
kind of signal characteristic is very close
to the arc fault, and good PV AFCI must be able to distinguish between the two different.
Katz 博士有六本著作,包括《因设计而改变:如何设计思维转换组织和激励创新》(2009 年,与 Tim Brown 合著),《NONOBJECT》(2010 年,与 Branko Lukic
[...] 合著),以及2011 年即将由麻省理工学院出版社出版的 相变 : 硅 谷设计的发展历史》。
Dr. Katz is the author of six books, including Change By Design: How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation (2009, with
Tim Brown), NONOBJECT (2010, with Branko
[...] Lukic), and Phase Change: The Dynamic History [...]
of Silicon Valley Design, to be published in 2011 by the MIT Press.
[...] 材料、热电模块和组件、热界面填隙材料 相变 材 料 以及具有先进热性能的电气绝缘和导电材料。
We have the right thermoelectric solution for your application: heatsinks, spring clips and hardware, thermally conductive grease, PCB materials, thermoelectric
modules and assemblies, thermal interface gap
[...] fillers, phase change materials, as [...]
well as electrically insulating and conductive
materials with advanced thermal properties.




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