

单词 变法



try different ways


Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt reform the Qing dynasty


Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt reform the Qing dynasty


calculus of variations

(想法等)发生改变 adv

round adv


perform conjuring tricks

External sources (not reviewed)

这项举措得到了政府的支持,是对国家环 境关注的第一次具体回应,以便 变法 国 的 消费行为。
This initiative, which is supported by the
government, is the first concrete response to the national
[...] environmental concerns to change French consumption behaviour.
另一个战略是,律师将法院案例提出来,以变 法律。
Another strategy was for lawyers to
[...] bring forward court cases with a view to changing the law.
非洲裔人被监禁的比例特别高再加上被剥夺表决 权,这就形成了一个雪上加霜的过程,使他们 变法 律 和 程序的能力大大降低。
The combination of disproportionate incarceration of people of African descent with the denial
of the right to vote
[...] constituted a self-reinforcing process as their ability to change laws and procedures [...]
was significantly diminished.
阿拉伯集团还重申,以色列所采取的旨在变法律、自然和人口状况的措施应是无效和没有法律 [...]
It also reaffirms that the measures taken by Israel
[...] aimed at changing the legal, physical [...]
and demographic situation there are considered
null and void and having no legal basis, as well as violating international law and the Charter of the United Nations.
人民代表大会也有权变法院判 决,但这种情况很少发生。
People's congresses also had
[...] authority to alter court decisions, [...]
but this happened rarely.
察今》这篇文章的目的在于说明为什 变法 势 在 必行,因此,作者列举很多相似的故事,反复说明:墨守陈规必然失败,制定法律要依据当代的情况。
This article was intended to expound the reason why
[...] reform must be enforced, thus the author put in many short stories [...]
with similar meaning to repeatedly
illustrate that making laws and taking measures had to be based on current situations, and conforming to conventional practices would certainly lead to failure.
[...] 63/250 号决议认可了行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议,即秘书 长和国际公务员制度委员会探讨 变法 定 离 职年龄的可能性,同时考虑到秘书处 人员的更新换代、职位的空缺率和这种行动方案所涉养恤基金精算事宜等问题。
Indeed, in resolution 63/250, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ARABQ) that the Secretary-General
and ICSC explore the
[...] possibility of changing the mandatory age of separation, taking into account such issues as [...]
the rejuvenation of the
Secretariat, vacancy rates and the actuarial implications of that course of action for the Pension Fund.
他强调,重大努力 不一定能带来即时的改善,因为 法变 革 本身必须 战胜长期以来沉浸在剥夺社会某些部门的权利这一 习惯中的文化做法。
He stressed that significant efforts did not necessarily lead
to instant improvements,
[...] since legislative changes themselves must override cultural practices that for too [...]
long had been steeped
in the habit of depriving some sectors of society of their rights.
它将成为编制下一双年度预算的基础,因为下一双年度预算将从注重投 入的开支分类法变为注 重产出的开支分类方法。
This will serve as a basis for preparing next biennium´s
[...] budget shifting from an expense category approach that is inputs-based [...]
to an outputs-based concept.
信息通信技术使世界变小了,也使分享经验和最佳 法变 得 更 为容易。
Information and communications technology has made the world smaller and has made it easier to
[...] share experiences and best practices.
变化日趋增加的技术环境以及用户日益 增长的需要,使这种法变得越 来越不合时宜。
A more dynamic technical environment, added to the higher demands of users, made this arrangement increasingly unsuitable.
(g) 《特别法庭规约》第 10 条把多数国际刑事法院和法庭采用的 法变为 明 文规定,即,赋予法庭庭长广泛的权力,规定庭长“应负责[法庭]有效运作 以及司法事务的妥善执行”。
(g) The statute of the Tribunal, in its article 10, codifies a practice followed by most international criminal courts and tribunals: it grants the Tribunal’s President extensive powers by providing that he or she shall “be responsible for [the Tribunal’s] effective functioning and the good administration of justice”.
[...] 罪集团的身份和手法;缔约国签发的旅行证件的真实性和应有形式,以及关于 空白的旅行或身份证件失窃或有关滥用情况;藏匿和运送人口的手段和方法以 及旅行证件或身份证件的法变更、 复制、获取或其他形式的滥用及其侦查办 法;预防和打击偷运移民活动的立法经验和做法及措施;有助于执法工作的科 学和技术信息,以提高各自预防、侦查和调查偷运移民及相关活动的能力。
Such information is to include embarkation and destination points as well as routes, carriers and means of transportation used to smuggle migrants; the identity and methods of organizations or organized criminal groups involved; the authenticity and proper form of travel documents issued by a State party and the theft or related misuse of blank travel or identity documents; means and methods of concealment and
transportation of persons and
[...] the unlawful alternation, reproduction or acquisition or other misuse of travel or identity documents and ways of detecting them; legislative [...]
experiences and practices and
measures to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants; and scientific and technological information useful to law enforcement so as to enhance each other’s ability to prevent, detect and investigate the smuggling of migrants and related conduct.
然而,持续建造定居点不祥地改变巴勒斯坦的地 理组成,并且有可能使根据要求在 1967 年边界的基础 上建立一个以东耶路撒冷为其首都、与以色列国和平 共处的主权、独立、民主、有生存能力和毗连的巴勒 斯坦国的压倒性呼声,达成一项两国解决 法变 得不 可能。
However, the continued settlement building ominously changes the geographical make-up of Palestine and has the potential to render impossible the capacity to bring about a two-State solution, in line with the overwhelming call for the creation of a sovereign, independent, democratic, viable and contiguous Palestinian State, coexisting peacefully alongside the State of Israel on the basis of the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
欧洲公司可 以通过以下四种方式中的一种成立:合并至
[...] 少两家股份制公司、成立控股公司、成立联 合子公司,或依据国法变更现 有的上市公 司。
A European Company may be formed in one of four ways: the merger of at least two jointstock companies, the formation of a holding company, the
formation of a joint subsidiary, or the conversion of a joint-stock company under the
[...] additional conditions prescribed by law.
我的意思是,这个版本的WordPress数据库的确改变了很多;用于这个版本的WordPress数据库表的奇特名字反映了现代内容管理系统的管理 法变 得 越 来越抽象和复杂,然而同时却保持着伸缩性。
I mean, WordPress database really changed a lot in this release; the nerdy-geeky names
used in the WordPress database table
[...] reflecting that the method of manage content [...]
in modern CMS are becoming more and more
abstract and complex also at the same time flexible.
我们的目的是使看待游戏的狭隘的 法变 得 宽 广,提供更加广阔的可能性和更加综合的基础 [...]
Our intention is to extend some
[...] of the narrow ways of looking at [...]
play and offer the possibility of a broader, more synthesised
base that considers the unique contexts of children’s lives.
如果这种法变得十 分普遍,是否在多边基 金不提供供资的情况下也能持续?
If this approach becomes very popular, [...]
can it be sustained without the Multilateral Fund providing funding?
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基法 索、 刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the
resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM
[...] SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.
法变得更 灵活了:基础学校中有更严重残疾的学生的学年,已经延长到 [...]
三年;判分制度也更加灵活,以确保智障学生获得基础教育和在中学水平上深造 的机会。
Legislation has been made more [...]
flexible: the school year of pupils with more serious disabilities in basic school has been
extended by up to three years; marking system has been made more flexible in order to ensure opportunities for acquiring basic education and for further study on secondary school level for pupils with mental disability.
当某一法典委员会决定制定一系列标准时,在一些情况下,委员会可能更容易提出 一项具体方法并要求分析和采样方法法典委员会(CCMAS)将该 法 “ 变 为 ” 适当的标 准。
When a Codex Committee decides that a set of criteria should be developed, in some cases the Committee may find it easier to recommend a specific method
and request the Codex
[...] Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CCMAS) to “convert” that method into appropriate [...]
你可以要求一家残疾服务机构的工作员来你家或别的什么地方和 你见面,帮助你把你的法变成计划。
You can request that a worker employed
by a disability service provider meet with you at your home, or somewhere else, to help
[...] develop your ideas into a plan.
[...] 和排斥,并很可能会引发其他各种(甚至更严重)问题,结果将使所谓的问题解决法变得脆弱和难以持久。
The reason for this is that its transgression will generate social criticism and repudiation of the chosen policy and its outcomes, and most likely will
trigger other types of problems (even more serious) that
[...] will make the alleged solution to the [...]
problem fragile and ephemeral.
最新的官方建议指出,以色列阿 拉伯人的问题应该是一个通过谈判解决的问题,这 一建议使得“转移”或驱逐等法变 成 为以色列的 官方政策,争论的焦点亦如此,那就是谈判应以土 地换人口原则为基础,而不是以土地换和平原则为 基础。
The recent official suggestion that the issue of Israeli Arabs should be a matter for negotiation made the idea of “transfer” or deportation an official Israeli policy, as did the contention that negotiations should be based on the principle of exchange of land and population rather than exchange of land for peace.
金融危 机加重了民间社会的压力,加剧了对“他人”利益的侵蚀,并使把经济利益的重 要性置于人权和政治自由之前的 法变 得 更 加糟糕。
The financial crises had exacerbated the pressures on civil society, the erosion of political support for the interests of “the other” and the prioritization of economic interests over human rights and political freedoms.
自第一届会议以来,委员会根据新的技术发展、商业 法变 化、国际趋势和发展、经济和金融危机以及影响和决定国际贸易的其他 力量,数次审议并修订工作方案。
On a number of occasions since that
first session, the
[...] Commission has considered and revised its work programme on the basis of new developments in technology, changes in business [...]
practices, international
trends and developments, economic and financial crises and other forces affecting and shaping international trade.
这类风险和不确定因素包括但不限于以下几项风险和不确定因素:(1)公司有业务运营或可能有业务运营的国家的政治经济状况;(2)汇率和天然气价格的波动;(3)公司获得债券和股票资本等外部资源的能力;(4)未能获得所需的管理机构批准;(5)包括环境 法变 化 在内的管理机构和政府决策;(6)劳动力、设备和管理资源的可获得性和成本。
Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties relating to: (i) political and economic conditions in the countries in which the Company operates or may operate; (ii) fluctuations in foreign exchange rates and natural gas prices; (iii) the Company's ability to access external sources of debt and equity capital; (iv) failure to obtain any required regulatory approvals; (v)
regulatory and governmental
[...] decisions including changes to environmental legislation; and (vi) availability [...]
and cost of labour,
equipment and management of resources.
委员会认为, 在申诉人以人道主义和情感理由提出的申请正在被审查的时候,申请人被遣返到 索马里――一个人权和人道主义形势特别不稳定的国家――的可能性会使补救法 变得无 效,因此,并不能化解委员会关切的威胁生命或遭受酷刑的真正风险。
The Committee considers that the possibility of the author’s removal to Somalia, a country in which the human rights and humanitarian situation is particularly precarious, while his application on humanitarian and compassionate grounds is under review would render the remedy ineffective and does therefore not dispose of the real risk of a threat to life or torture that is of concern to the Committee.




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