

单词 变态反应

See also:


perverted (slang)

反应 v

respond v
reply v


chemical reaction

应变 v

strain v

External sources (not reviewed)

这意味着气道对一些过敏原和污染物会变得更加敏感(反应过度),并不断重复这 变态反应。
This means they become more sensitive (hyperreactive)to a lot of allergens and pollutants and the cycle continues.
潜在不良事件:可能发生的潜在不良事件包括但不限于对抗凝剂和/或抗血栓药物或造影剂 变态反应 • 对镍钛合金变态反应• 动脉瘤• 动脉破裂• 动脉血栓形成• 动静脉瘘• 粥样栓塞(蓝趾综合征)• 死亡• 栓塞• 血肿/出血• 超敏反应• 感染• 穿刺部位感染/脓肿形成• 需要干预的缺血(搭桥或脚趾、足部或腿部截肢)• 假性血管瘤形成• 肾功能衰竭• 置放支架的动脉再次狭窄• 支架栓塞• 支架定位不良• 支架移位• 支架膨胀断裂• 血管穿孔或破裂•跛行加重/静息痛。
POTENTIAL ADVERSE EVENTS: Potential adverse events that may occur include, but are not limited to Allergic reaction to anticoagulant and/or antithrombotic therapy or contrast medium • Allergic reaction to nitinol • Arterial aneurysm • Arterial rupture • Arterial thrombosis • Arteriovenous fistula • Atheroembolization (Blue Toe Syndrome) • Death • Embolism • Hematoma/hemorrhage • Hypersensitivity reactions • Infection • Infection/abscess formation at access site • Ischemia requiring intervention (bypass or amputation of toe, foot or leg • Pseudoaneurysm formation • Renal failure • Restenosis of the stented artery • Stent embolization • Stent malapposition • Stent migration • Stent strut fracture • Vessel perforation or rupture • Worsened claudication/rest pain.
警示:对镍钛合金变态反应者可能对该植入物产 变态反应• 对紫杉醇变态反应者可 能对该植入物产 变态反应• 单 例患者植入4枚以上Zilver PTX药物洗脱外周支架的安全性和疗效尚未进行临床评估。
[...] Persons with allergic reactions to nitinol may suffer an allergic reaction to this implant • Persons allergic to paclitaxel may suffer an allergic reaction to this implant [...]
• The safety and
effectiveness of implanting more than four Zilver PTX Drug Eluting Peripheral Stents in a patient has not been clinically evaluated.
哮喘涉及两个因素:支气管狭窄和内衬管炎症,发病机制目前尚还不完全清楚,主要包括 变态反应 、 气道慢性炎症、气道高反应性、气道神经调节失常、遗传机制、呼吸道病毒感染、神经信号转导机制和气道重构及其相互作用等。
Asthma involves two conditions: a contraction of the small muscles surrounding the bronchial tubes and the inflammation of the lining of those tubes.
这样直接在力传递系统内的控制安排保证了对扭 变 化 的高 动 态反应 的 和 高度可靠性,以及系统的坚固耐用。
The arrangement directly in the flow of force
[...] ensures a highly dynamic reaction to changes in torque [...]
and a high degree of reliability and robustness of the system.
但是,由于已达到动物蛋白消费量的高水平,更多的发达经济体达到了饱和水 平,比低收入国家对收入增长和其 变 化 的 反应 要 低
However, having attained a high level of consumption of animal protein, more developed economies have been
increasingly reaching saturation
[...] levels and are less reactive than low-income countries to income growth and other changes.
我们是应力分析测试行业的领先供应商,可提供电阻应变计、应变计配件和特殊的电阻式传感器,同时也是开发和制造静态与 态应变 计 仪 器的专家。
For stress analysis testing, we are the leading supplier of electrical resistance strain gages, strain gage accessories, and special
resistive sensors and specialists in the development and manufacture of
[...] static and dynamic strain gage instrumentation.
在此情况下,科勒可能需审 计该供应商和(或)要求该应商提 供解释 态变 化 的 文件,包括纠正行动计 划。
In this case, the supplier may be audited by
Kohler and/or be required to provide
[...] documentation explaining the status change including a plan for [...]
corrective action.
鉴于已取得的进展、得到的经验教训、以及本报告和三次区域审查会议所 强调的执行《毛里求斯战略》的制约因素,会员国不妨考虑将重点放在以下四个
最需要集中行动的领域,以进一步解决脆弱性且支持小岛屿发展中国家可持续发 展:(a)
[...] 加大支持国家可持续发展战略和国家发展规划进程;(b) 支持能源可持 续发展的举措;(c) 增强脆弱态系统抵御气变化影响 的 应变 能 力;(d) 支持 进一步执行《行动纲领》的伙伴关系行动倡议。
In the light of the progress made, the lessons learned and the constraints on implementation of the Mauritius Strategy highlighted in the present report and in the three regional review meetings, Member States may wish to consider concentrating on the following four areas, where focused actions are needed most to further address the vulnerabilities and support the sustainable development of small island developing States: (a) strengthening support for national sustainable development strategies and national development planning processes; (b) supporting initiatives towards sustainable energy development; (c)
strengthening the
[...] resilience of fragile ecosystems to the impacts of climate change; and (d) supporting [...]
partnership initiatives
for action in the further implementation of the Programme of Action.
和自然生态一样,都市态应该遵 循自然生态的自净法则,有机地进行 变。
As well as the natural ecology,
[...] urban ecology should be organically changed according to the ecological purified function.
在对一位专家提出的关于“追加计划 应具 有灵活性,以便未预计到的和新出现的需求都能够得到满足的要求作答时,秘书处的代表确 认,该“追加计划”还将反映各国的发展战略和其它共同在国家一级开展的计划 反 映 不断 变化的需求和情况。
In response to the request by an expert to make “additional programme” flexible so that unforeseen/emerging needs can be accommodated, it was confirmed that the “additional programme” also would reflect national development strategies and other joint country-level programmes, as well as changing needs and circumstances.
态应用场合 软管发生弯曲或位变化的应 用场 合。
An application in which the hose flexes or changes position.
双方只有本着诚意进行谈判,才能在彼此间商定 一个结果,以终止冲突,调和巴勒斯坦的目标——即 按照商定的交换条件,建立一个以 1967 年边界为基
[...] 础的独立和有生存能力的国家——以及以色列关于 犹太国的目标,即应拥有能够反映 后来 事 态 发 展 并 符合以色列安全要求的安全和得到承认的边界。
Only through good-faith negotiations can the parties mutually agree on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable State based
on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish State with secure
[...] and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and [...]
meets Israeli security requirements.
因此,在加入 条约时附加保留的国家和认为应对该保留作 反 对 的 国家 态 度 , 均 应 以保 留符合条约目的和宗旨为标准。
It follows that it is the compatibility of a reservation with the object and purpose of the Convention that must furnish the criterion for the attitude of a State in making the reservation on accession as well as for the appraisal by a State in objecting to the reservation.
除 了经常性外展和宣传活动,该办公室将重视增加关 应变 小 组 对危机局势 反应 能力 ,增进值班监察员和调解员库,缩短该办公室的响应时间。
In addition to carrying out its regular
[...] outreach and awareness-raising activities, the Office will place emphasis on increasing its capacity to respond to crisis situations [...]
through a critical response team, by enhancing its pool of
on-call ombudsmen and mediators and improving its response time.
将欢迎对关于两性平等和工资差别的建议作出 更强烈反应。
It indicated that stronger responses to recommendations on gender equality and the pay gap would have been welcomed.
在发展筹资问题国际会议达成的《蒙特雷共识》中,22世 界领导人呼吁,全球治理体制的现代 应 更 符合全球经济结构的根本性改变,这 种变反映了 发展中国家重要性大大加强。
In the Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development,22 world leaders called for the modernization of the governance structures of global institutions to be
more consonant with the
[...] fundamentally changed structure of the global economy, which reflects the much greater weight [...]
of developing countries.
状况只能不完反映这一发变化,因为从状况中所能看到的通常只是一些职责分工 不清的不同实体的组合。
A description of current
[...] status only partially reflected that development, as [...]
it was generally portrayed as a collection
of separate entities with ill-defined responsibilities.
如果周围的像素大 多数是白色,该像素将变成白色, 反 之 亦 然。
The pixel will become white if the majority of the surrounding pixels are white and vise versa.
可通过制订和实施一系列经济手段采取具体步骤,确保可持续生产和消费模 式,并保证将使用自然资源的态后 果 反 映 在 价格上。
Concrete steps could be taken through the development and implementation of a range of economic instruments to ensure sustainable production and
consumption patterns and
[...] guarantee that the ecological consequences of using natural resources would be reflected in prices.
该类型的DLL主要用于此应用程序中,即开发者想授予用户对神经网络更多的控制权限,或者是权重需随着系统的 态变 化 而有必要进行周期性的再训练或者再调整的时候。
This type of
[...] DLL is used in applications when you want to give the users more control over the neural network or when a periodic re-training or re-tuning of the weights is necessary due to changes in the system dynamics over time.
该专家的结论是,认罪书是在精神 紧张态下写的,反映出 是在抄写一个具有纪录技能的人的自然优雅的讲话。
The expert concluded that the confession of guilt was written under
[...] mental tension and reflected the reproduction in [...]
writing of the spontaneous speech of
a person with skills in taking statements.
它还注意到举报侵害儿童的暴力案件的程序极其耗费时间,缺 乏作反应和为 受影响者提供照顾的全面措施。
It also noted that procedures for reporting cases of
violence against children were extremely long and lacked
[...] comprehensive measures to respond and provide care [...]
to those affected.
2011 年凸显了妇女署独特任务面临的挑战,有必要使规范性活动和业务活 动之间的联变得务实、态,反映 出对 2012 年四年期全面政策审查确实至为 重要的一个问题。
The challenges of the unique mandate of UN-Women were highlighted in 2011, and the imperatives of making the link
between normative and operational
[...] activities real and dynamic, reflecting a question surely central [...]
to the 2012 quadrennial comprehensive policy review.
新功能包括提高质量反锯齿(EQAA),它使用一种新的抽样方法,以帮助改善视觉质量, 态反 锯 齿 (MLAA),与任何DirectX ® 9兼容,支持DirectX ® 10或DirectX ® 11应用程序,改进的各向异性过滤。
New features include Enhanced Quality Anti-Aliasing (EQAA), which uses a new sampling
technique to help improve
[...] visual quality, Morphological Anti-Aliasing (MLAA), compatible with any DirectX® 9, DirectX® 10, or DirectX® 11 application, and improved [...]
anisotropic filtering.
这些市场调查显示了作为技术产业特点的快速和 态变 化, 通信和信息技术支助小组需要不断调查定价和技术变化,以确保本组织实现 [...]
These market surveys are indicative of
[...] the rapid and dynamic changes that define [...]
the technology industry, and the Communications
and Information Technology Support Team constantly needs to investigate pricing and technological changes to ensure that the organization achieves best value for money.
[...] 际社会尤其通过联合国系统,对允许长期歧视和忽视土著人民及其权利的法律原 则和社态度表示强反对, 过去几十年在许多方面取得的进展,尤其是《联合 [...]
He said that the international community, especially through the United Nations system, had
expressed strong rejection of the legal
[...] doctrines and social attitudes that perpetuated discrimination [...]
and disregard for indigenous
peoples and their rights, and many developments over the past several decades, especially the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, represented that rejection.
这不仅是要变态度的问题,也是改变结构——法律、规章和政策层 面的结构,还有与社会、文化和精神层面有关的结构。
It is not only a
[...] question of changing attitudes but also structures [...]
— structures which exist at the level of laws, regulations
and policies but which are also social, cultural and mental.
在这一方面,他敦促世贸组织下的“强化综合框架”和“贸易援助计划”等机制 更加一致应对供应能力 和生产制约问题,帮助最不发达国家缩小人力资源开发 方面的差距,以便通过变态度率先完成经济转型。
In this respect, he urged mechanisms such as the Enhanced Integrated Framework and Aid for Trade housed under WTO to deal more consistently with
supply-side capacity and production
[...] constraints, and help LDCs in bridging their gap in human resource development in order to take the leadership of economic transformations through attitudinal changes.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的 应 , 城 市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水 态 系 统 ,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing [...]
water resources,
aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.




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