

单词 变得模糊不清


(眼睛)变得模糊不清 v

mist v

See also:


cannot but
can't avoid
have no choice or option but to


blurred with age

模糊 adj

blurred adj
blurry adj



External sources (not reviewed)

出售类出版物与非出售类出版物之间,或者印刷出版物与电子出版物之间 过去的那些区别已变得模糊不清。
Traditional distinctions between for sale and free publications, or print versus electronic
[...] publications, have become blurred.
[...] 担着学生课外实践的职责,教室与车间的界限,教师与工程师的身份都开 变得模糊不 清了。
When undertaking their own business of production, those companies
also act as training fields for our students where the border between classroom
[...] and workshop, teacher and engineer blurs.
它们正在挑战因气候变化、大流行病和恐怖主义等全球威胁而变得模糊不清的 国家主权定义。
They were challenging definitions of
national sovereignty that
[...] had already become blurred by global threats such as climate change, pandemics [...]
and terrorism.
就纳米技术而言,人们熟悉的“应用”研究 和“基础”研究的界线变得模糊不清 了。
When it comes to nanotechnology, the familiar distinction between ‘applied’ and ‘basic’ research is also troublesome.
然而,2002 年,世界银行和经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)发展援助委员会
[...] (发援会)共同决定将所谓的“受冲突影响国家”和“脆弱国家”4 合并为一个机 构类别,适用同一套政策,从而使前述决变得模糊不清。
The clarity of this decision was lost, however, when the World Bank and the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) together decided in 2002 to
combine what they called “conflict-affected” and “fragile” States4 into one institutional
[...] category under one set of policies.
各国只有在这些条款不充分的情况下才采取更为详尽的标 准,这么做可能使条约不同条款(如关于专业服务和从属个人服务的条款)之间的 区变得模糊不清。
Only if those were not adequate did they adopt more detailed criteria, which could obscure the distinction between various treaty provisions, e.g., provisions on professional services and dependent personal services.
而如果楠榜二人 的叙述为实,那么组织圣战和个人圣战的界限在 这里变得更加模糊不清。
If the Lampung men are right, the line between organised and
[...] individual jihad becomes much more blurred.
因此,文件內所 載的資料缺乏連貫性、問題懸而未決,以致「促進健康」的遠大目標 得模糊不清。
As such, information gaps are left unfilled, questions remain unanswered, and the vision "towards better health" becomes obscure.
如果选择更高的快门速度,快速移动的主 不 会轻 易变得模糊,但图像将变得更暗淡。
When a higher shutter speed is selected,
[...] fast‑moving subjects do not become blurred easily but the images [...]
will be darker.
如果传统议会进程对青年人得模糊不清,难 以理解,他们就无法想象如何利用这些进程 变 一 个 他们认为 不公正的世界的结构。
If traditional parliamentary processes seemed
obscure and opaque to
[...] young people, they would not be able to imagine how they could use those processes to change the structure of a world [...]
they perceived as unjust.
ACP 协会、教科文组织、办事处签约主管工地的建筑师、监管局和业主之间的职责分 工得极为复杂模糊不清。
The distribution of responsibilities between ACP, UNESCO, the architect
contracted by the Bureau to manage the site, the Superintendency and the
[...] owner appears particularly complex and ambiguous.
[...] ,这种战略 情报 与 举 证的证据之间 的 界变得 含糊不 清 ,有利于不同形 式 的“国家安 全 考 [...]
虑 ”。
The Special Rapporteur has noted with concern that in different courts, the line between such
strategic intelligence and probative
[...] evidence has become blurred to the advantage of [...]
different forms of “national security imperatives”.
由于人类倾向于通过联想起相关事例的难易程度来评估一种情况出现的可能性,而这种认知偏好又是普遍存在的——也就是所谓的“可用性启发(availability heuristic)”,通常会令事变得更加 模糊不清。
The “availability heuristic” – a pervasive cognitive bias caused by people’s tendency to estimate the likelihood of a phenomenon by how easily an example of it comes to mind – routinely clouds the issue.
对“正在落实”的建议(加上 上文(a) 提到模糊不清的问 题)进行监督可能会流于形式,更何况外聘审计员职责范围内 确定的预算有限,不可能在总体监督各项建议的年度框架中 变 革 进 程进行真正深入的审计。
The monitoring of a recommendation in the “being implemented”
category (all the more so
[...] given the ambiguity mentioned under (a) above) may ultimately be a matter of form only, especially as the small budget provided for in the terms of reference of the External Auditor precludes any genuinely in-depth audit of processes of change within the general [...]
annual monitoring of the recommendations.
此等資料亦需易於理解、清 楚易讀 和 不 可 刪 除,以及不得以任何方式 隱藏、得 模糊不 清 或 被 任何其他 文 字 或圖像 材 料 遮 蓋 。
These particulars are also required to be easy to understand, clearly legible and indelible and are not in any way hidden, obscured or interrupted by any other written or pictorial matter.
如果現有的僱傭合約的條款在某方面不清晰,或僱主確實因負擔 能力而需要修改,不清晰 的地方作出澄清或更新有關的條款,雙方 可以在調解服務員的輔助和引導下,一方面 清模糊 的 地 方,另一方 面亦可以盡量瞭解雙方的困難和需要,以確保雙方的權益均能合理地 符合現行法例,同時得到法 律的合理保障。
If the terms of the current employment contracts are not clear in certain areas, or if employers really have to change these terms because of affordability, clarify the unclear areas
or update the relevant
[...] provisions, the two sides can clarify ambiguities and try their best to understand the difficulties and needs of both sides with the assistance and guidance of the mediator, so as to ensure that the interests of both sides can reasonably comply with the existing legislation and be reasonably protected under [...]
the law.
参加者认识到,培训课帮助他们澄清了那模糊或不甚清楚并 干扰他们履行职责的问题。
Participants recognized that the training courses had helped them to clarify
[...] issues that were ambiguous or not sufficiently [...]
clear and that were interfering
with the discharge of their responsibilities.
至于主张取消《宪章》和决议提法的其他两个国家表 示的保留意见,133
[...] 人们应该担心,这种取消两种提法的做法可能会使第 15 条变 得含糊不清,无 法采用;而且,以后可能制定关于侵略的规则的问题不能成为取 [...]
As to the reservations expressed by the other two States,133 which have advocated the deletion of the references both to the Charter and to the resolution, there is a risk
that this double deletion would make
[...] draft article 15 too vague and unusable; moreover, [...]
the possibility of future development
of the rules on aggression is not a reason to delete the references in question.
那些人和公司...先申请这些专利然后从成功的公 司中收取专利许可费,把专利制度当成了一种赌博...专利局对申请审批的长期拖延也对他们 有利,因为当别人在开发产品时,这种拖延 使 得 对 他 们专利范围的最终界定长 模糊不清。
The people and companies…who file these patents and extract license fees from successful businesses play the patent system like a lottery…The long delays in the patent
office work to their benefit
[...] by keeping the eventual coverage of their patents indefinite while others produce products.
为准备专家组第二次会议而进行的调查显示,虽然教科文组织极为宝贵的原则及其 使命以及总干事施行的改革都得大 力支持,但人们常常认为教科文组织是一个官僚作 风极盛、沟通不足的机构,且因其活动领域繁多而形 模糊不清。
Studies undertaken in preparation for the Expert Group’s second meeting have shown that while there is strong support for UNESCO’s principles and mandate, and
for the
[...] Director-General’s reforms, there is a widespread perception that UNESCO suffers from a stifling bureaucracy, poor communications, and an unfocused image because of its diverse activities.
尽管战争和迫害是司空见惯的现实,但其实质有 变 化 , 平民与军队之间的 界限以及军事行动与人道主义行动之间的界 模糊不清。
Although war and
[...] persecution are old realities, their nature has changed, with lines often blurred between civilians and the military and between [...]
military operations and humanitarian action.
2002 年蒙特雷会议后取得了重要进展,其中包括私营部门和 政府部门在危机预防和解决方面的工作关 得 到 改 善,促进了债务可持续性问题 的对话;清楚地 认识到要维持债务可持续性,包括新巴塞尔资本协定在内的规 则必须逆周期而动;在公债中更多地引入了集体诉讼条款;内债和外债的界限更模糊,产生了一系列新的问题。
Some of the salient developments since the Monterrey Conference in 2002 were the improved working relationship between the private and official sectors in the area of crisis prevention and resolution, which had contributed to a
better dialogue on debt sustainability; the
[...] increasing realization that regulations, including Basel II, had to be counter-cyclical in order to maintain debt sustainability; the increasing introduction of collective action clauses in bond issues; and the increased blurring between domestic and external debt, creating a new set of challenges.
拟议中的专属权利通常是赋予作品创作者的, 不 涉 及到信号的问题,否则就会在现有版权 之上又增加一层新的权利,这样信号保护和内容之间的分界线就 变得模糊。
The exclusive rights that are proposed are normally
reserved for creators of
[...] works and not in respect of the signals, as these would create a new layer of rights over those existing in copyrights, whereby the separation between signal protection and content could be blurred.
有人會說,按照舊法例是沒有新機制的,現在之所以弄得一 糊 塗, 最主要的原因就是法例得不清楚, 沒有一個調整租金的機制。
Some people may say, there is no new mechanism under the old law and
there is such a mess now
[...] is mainly because the law is not written too clearly and there is no mechanism for [...]
rent adjustment.
委员会审查了各实体现有的非消耗性财产安排,并注意到下列各种缺陷的实 例:(a) 盘存报告中开列的某些物品已不知 下 落,或者已经过时;(b) 没有足 够的实物盘点程序或者没有始终如一地进行实 清 点 ; (c) 实清点的 物品与固 定资产登记册中的物品之间存在出入;(d) 某些实体保持人工固定资产登记册, 容易出错,其数据的进出因设计 变得 难 以 操控;(e) 在没有证明文件的情况下 调整固定资产登记册;(f) 没有始终如一地对实物盘存和固定资产登记册进行对 账;(g) 有些物品并未一贯列入盘存报告;(h) 资产管理程序不够充分,例如给 各项资产加标签以及固定资产登记册中适当记录资产的详细情况。
The Board reviewed the existing non-expendable property arrangement across entities and noted the following examples of deficiencies: (a) the inventory
[...] [...] reports included items that could not be located or were obsolete; (b) there were inadequate physical inventory count procedures or physical counts were not always performed; (c) there were discrepancies between items physically counted and the items in the fixed asset registers; (d) some entities maintained manual fixed asset registers, which [...]
were prone to error and by design had weak data-access control; (e) adjustments were
made to fixed asset registers without supporting documents; (f) reconciliation was not always performed between physical inventory and the fixed asset register; (g) items were not always included in the inventory report; and (h) inadequate asset management procedures, such as tagging of individual assets and properly recording details of assets in the fixed asset registers.
此外,本港社會轉變迅速,文化價值系統亦受很大的衝擊而 得模糊不清 , 這 些因素 均使本港兒童生長在㆒個充滿壓力的社會,再加㆖㆒些家庭的支援系統出現問題,虐 待兒童的情況便自然會增加。
Besides, Hong Kong is a rapidly changing society and our cultural value system has become confused in the face of strong challenges.
涂謹申議員建議從擬議新訂第66A(2)條 刪去" 不論是否按照第(1)款提述的格式 作出的"
,並在《私隱條例》清楚訂 明,如答辯人拒絕按照私隱專員訂明的 格式作出答覆,可能會令答辯人處於不
[...] 利的位置,例如擬議新訂第66A(2)(b) 條所載的下述情況:如區域法院得答 辯人的答覆言詞閃爍或糊不清,區域 法院可從此事中作出它認為公正及公平 的推論。
Mr James TO's suggestion of deleting "whether or not in accordance with a form referred to in subsection (1)" from the proposed new section 66A(2) and clearly stipulating in PDPO that a respondent's refusal to reply in accordance with PCPD's prescribed form might bring the respondent in a disadvantaged position, such as the situation stated in the proposed new section 66A(2)(b),
which provided that if it
[...] appeared to the District Court that the respondent's reply was evasive or equivocal, [...]
the Court might
draw any inference from that fact it considered just and equitable to draw.
将数据写入磁媒体可产生效果不清晰的情况:磁盘的每个磁道保存了曾经写入的每个记录的映 像,此类记录(磁化层)的效果随着时间的推移 变得 越 来 越 不清 晰。
Writing to magnetic media leads to subtle effects summarized as follows: every track of a disc stores an image of every record ever written to it, but the effect of such records (magnetic layer) becomes more subtle as time passes.
次主题 2.2 下审查的问题包括:最近棉花、咖啡和其他部门在组织供应链和 保障小农生计方面开展改革所取得的经验教训;管理从自给自足转至大 模 市场 农业的创模式(包 括让小农协会有能力从事质量水平保 不变 的 生 产);可持续 地管理生物燃料的兴起,同时维护小农的谋生手段,特别是 得 土 地 的创 模 式。
The issues considered under sub-theme 2.2 included lessons learned from recent experiences with the reform of the cotton, coffee and other sectors with respect to organizing supply chains and securing the
livelihood of smallholders;
[...] innovative models aimed at managing the transition from self-sufficiency to a larger-scale, market-based agriculture (including providing associations of small farmers with the capacity to produce at a consistent level of quality); and innovative models aimed at sustainably managing the [...]
biofuels boom while upholding smallholders’ means of livelihood, in particular access to land.
工作组在其结论和 建议中还讨论了千年发展目标的优点和弱点、经济正义所面临的在体制结构方面 的障碍、对于从人权角度处理贸易和债务问题的抵抗心理、“全球伙伴关系”理 念的糊不清、对 于从承诺转化为实践缺乏政治连贯性和奖励措施,以及在发展 权方面的国家和国际责任之间得平 衡 等问题。
In its conclusions and recommendations, the task force further addressed the strengths and weaknesses of the Goals, structural impediments to economic justice, resistance to addressing trade and debt
from a human
[...] rights perspective, the ambiguity of “global partnership”, the lack of policy coherence and incentives to move from commitment to practice and the necessary balance between [...]
and international responsibilities for the right to development.




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