

单词 变异型克雅氏症

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

(二) 1996 年 3 月,由於英國發生首宗非型克雅二 氏症 呈 報 個案,而 該症可能與瘋牛症有關,因此,香港暫停從英國進口牛肉。
(b) In March 1996, the importation of beef from the
United Kingdom was suspended pursuant to
[...] the first report of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease [...]
in the United Kingdom and its possible
relationship with BSE in cattle.
弗林特,伴随着他的宠物猴子,史蒂夫(尼尔·帕特 克 · 哈 里斯)的帮助下,发明了一种机制 变异 成 食品,称为FLDSMDFR水。
Flint, along with the aid of his pet monkey, Steve
[...] (Neil Patrick Harris), invents a mechanism that mutates water into food, called the FLDSMDFR.
由于水泥生产是能源高度密型产业 ,因此急需对粉磨工艺进行优化,以减 变异 性 , 并在增加生产量的同时,降低过磨。
Cement production is very energy intensive, there is
[...] great pressure to optimize grinding to reduce variability and increase throughput whilst reducing over-grinding.
在北美,PHOTOFRIN(R)还被批准用于治疗更多的适 症 , 如 加拿大和阿根廷批准用于治疗巴来特食管(BE)高 异型 增 生和膀胱乳头状癌。
Additional approved indications
for PHOTOFRIN(R) in North
[...] America are high grade dysplasia (HGD) in Barrett's esophagus (BE) and papillary bladder cancer in Canada and Argentina.
該院於 2003 年為一名疑似腦炎 病人進行腦組織檢查,後來化驗結果顯示該名病人患上 克雅二 氏症”。
The biopsy result later revealed that the patient was in fact suffering from Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
已 围绕下列假设做过研究:(a) 细胞和组织对低剂量辐射的适应性可使它们对癌症 的发展更具抵抗力(适应性反应);(b) 辐射对免疫系统的影响——免疫系统负责 识别并摧异常细胞——可影响症 发 展 的可能性;以及(c) 辐射可产变化, 从而对细胞 DNA 的稳定产生持久的、可传递的影响(基因组不稳定性),并且(或 者)激发从受损细胞向未受损的邻界细胞传送信号(旁观者效应);基因不稳定 和旁观者效应被认为是变辐射 相关癌症风险的可能因素。
There have been studies relating to the following hypotheses: (a) that adaptation of cells and tissues to low doses of radiation might cause them to become more resistant to cancer development (adaptive response); (b) that the effects of radiation on the immune
systems, which recognize
[...] and destroy abnormal cells, could influence the likelihood of cancer development; and (c) that radiation can produce changes that create long-lasting and transmissible effects on the stability of cellular DNA (genomic instability) and/or trigger the transfer of signals from damaged cells to their undamaged neighbours (bystander effects); both genomic instability and bystander effects have been suggested as possible factors that modify radiation-associated [...]
cancer risk.
轻度至中度抑郁症的型症状包括情 变 化 , 力量缺乏,睡眠障碍,焦虑,食欲紊乱,注意力不集中,抗逆性差。
Typical symptoms of major depression of mild to moderate [...]
severity include mood changes, lack of energy, sleep problems,
anxiety, appetite disturbance, difficulty concentrating and poor stress tolerance.
建築署署長建議把 56MM 號工程計劃和 57MM 號工程計劃提升 為甲級;按付款當日價格計算,估計所需費用分別為 2 億 8,720 萬元 和 1 億 2,240 萬元,用作加強九間公立醫院,即東區尤德夫人那打素 醫院、威爾斯親王醫院、瑪嘉烈醫院、伊利沙伯醫院、瑪麗醫院、屯 門醫院雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院、廣華醫院和基督教聯合醫院的感 染控制設施,以處理患上傳染病( 包括綜症) 的病人。
The Director of Architectural Services (D Arch S), with the support of the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food, proposes to upgrade 56MM and 57MM to Category A at an estimated cost of $287.2 million and $122.4 million respectively in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to enhance the infection control facilities in nine public hospitals, namely, PYNEH, PWH, PMH, QEH, QMH, TMH, AHNH, KWH and UCH for handling patients with infectious disease, including SARS patients.
(一 ) 警 方在全港 14 間 公立醫 院 的症室 均 設 有一個警 崗 ,雅 麗 氏 何 妙齡那打素 醫 院 及北區 醫 院 的 警 崗 外 , 所有警 崗 均有警 員 24 小 時 當值。
Except for Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital (AHMLNH) and North District Hospital (NDH), all police posts are manned 24 hours a day.
A.II.9 海綿性腦病諮詢委員會已成立逾15年,負責就牛隻海綿性腦 病克雅二氏症及癢 病等海綿性腦病向政府提供獨立的專家科學意 見。
A.II.9 The Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee (SEAC) has been in existence for more than 15 years, providing independent expert scientific advice to the
government on spongiform encephalopathies, such as Bovine Spongiform
[...] Encephalopathy, Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease and [...]
[...] 附設於醫院管理局轄下的一間醫院內,即東華醫院、仁濟醫院 雅麗 氏何妙齡那打素醫院。
Each of the CM outpatient clinics is attached to a separate
Hospital Authority (HA) hospital, namely Tung Wah Hospital, Yan
[...] Chai Hospital and Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole [...]
如今,该家族的精神依然留存:创意和精湛工艺是 克雅 宝 (V an Cleef & Arpels)灵魂的支柱,这种灵魂体现为神秘镶嵌法的精湛技艺, 变 革 艺术中的专有技术。
Today, the spirit of the family is alive: creativity
and craftsmanship are pillars of the
[...] Van Cleef & Arpels soul expressed through the technical mastery with the Mystery Setting or the expertise in the art of transformations.
阿尔克在D&B鄧氏過去 績效評核中,已超過所有行業在及時性,質量和成本上的平均值;并被評為本年度 型 企 業的最佳承包商。
Artech has exceeded all industry averages for timeliness, quality and cost on a Dun & Bradstreet Past Performance Evaluation and awarded as SBA Contractor of the Year.
海產及海產製品 重 金 屬、防腐劑和 添 加 劑、甲醛、二氧化 硫、放 射 物 質、硝基
[...] 喃、氯霉素、其他抗 生 素、海 洋 毒 素 、 沙氏菌、弧 菌、諾克 病 毒型肝炎 和 其他病 毒 、 寄 生 蟲 、致敏 原 (組 胺 [...]
)及 炭疽菌污染。
Seafood and seafood products Heavy metals, preservatives and additives, formaldehyde, sulphur dioxide, radioactivity, nitrofuran,
chloramphenicol, other
[...] antibiotics, marine toxins, salmonella, vibrio, noroviruses, hepatitis A and other viruses, [...]
parasites, allergen
(histamine) and anthrax contamination.
该项目将促雅克梅勒 和莱奥甘市区及近郊区 型 企 业和 小型 企业的发展,创造大约 3 250 个就业机会。
The project will promote micro and small enterprises in the urban and peri-urban zones of Jacmel and Leogane, creating some 3,250 jobs.
重要的一点是,症发展中的重 变异 事 件 往往依赖于辐 照细胞所在的器官,事件可分为两大类——单个基因中微小特定的基因变异;与 [...]
DNA 缺失有关的基因变异(有时横跨多个基因)。
Importantly, the key mutational events in cancer development [...]
are frequently dependent on the organ in which the irradiated
cell is located and fall into two general categories — small specific mutations in single genes and mutations involving loss of DNA (sometimes spanning more than one gene).
急性髓细胞白血病由正常造血干细胞的遗 变异 所 导 致,其定义为超过20%的的造血干细胞在骨髓内破裂,将抑制正常造血细胞的增长并导致全血细胞减 症 ( 红 血球细胞、白血球细胞和血小板缺乏)。
AML results from
[...] genetic alterations in normal hematopoietic stem cells and is defined as more than 20% blasts in the bone marrow, which suppresses the growth of normal hematopoietic cells leading to pancytopenia (low levels of red blood cells, [...]
white blood cells and platelets).
另一方面,B型流感 ,俗称流感,会在每年冬天发生,患 症 状 变 化 多端,常见的如高烧、肌肉剧痛、咳嗽、头痛等。
On the other hand, Influenza B, commonly called the flu, occurs as an epidemic each winter.
全球土地退化和改良情况评估使用的数据来源为全球资源清查、 型 和 测绘 研究以及 VASClimO 1.1(地表气候观变异性分析)。
Data sources used by GLADA are GIMMS
[...] (Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies) and VASClimO 1.1 (Variability Analyses of Surface [...]
Climate Observations).
变态通常由精神分症所引 致的,但严重抑 症 和 精 神 异 常 患者都会出现精 变 态。
Psychosis is most commonly caused by schizophrenia, but patients suffering from severe depression and related disorders can also present with psychosis.
对于海洋或船舶工程应用,ED752 通过了英国氏船级 社认证,其哈司合 金 C 型变 送 器 可最大限度地降低海水侵蚀。
For seawater or onboard ship applications the ED752 has Lloyds Register accreditation and a Hasteloy C option to minimize seawater erosion.
二零零三年七月十八日,立法會財委會批准把兩項 工程計劃( 即 56MM 號和 57MM 號 ) 提升為甲級( 見 PWSC(2003-04)47 號文件) ,所需費用合共 4 億 960 萬元, 以加強九間醫院( 即東區尤德夫人那打素醫院、威爾斯親王 醫院、瑪嘉烈醫院、伊利沙伯醫院、瑪麗醫院、屯門醫 院雅麗氏何妙 齡那打素醫院、廣華醫院和基督教聯合醫 院 ) 的感染控制設施。
Background On 18 July 2003, the LegCo FC approved via paper PWSC(2003- 04)47 the upgrading of two capital items, namely 56MM and 57MM, to Category A at a total cost of $409.6M for the enhancement of the infection control facilities in nine hospitals i.e. the Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, Princess Margaret Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Queen Mary Hospital, Tuen Mun Hospital, Alice Ho Mui Ling Nethersole Hospital, Kwong Wah Hospital and United Christian Hospital.
总干雅克·迪乌夫先生在讲话中对亚太区域过去二十年取得的快速经济增 长表示肯定,认为这在很大程度上减轻了贫困。
In his statement, Mr Jacques Diouf acknowledged the impressive economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region during the past two decades, which had resulted in a major reduction of poverty.
患消化腸道症的人士:進行腸切除手術或腸疾病 克 羅 恩 氏病 ( Crohn's disease),會影響小腸吸收營養素的能力,均容易患上貧血。
Surgical removal or
[...] diseases of the bowel that affects the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine such as Crohn's disease putting [...]
you at risk of anaemia
随后产生的症发展 并演变为恶性疾病则是一个多步骤的过程,这些步骤 也与细胞基变异或其他变化有关。
Subsequent cancer development and the onset of malignancy are believed to proceed in a multistep fashion, and these steps have also been associated with mutation or other changes [...]
involving cellular genes.
变异分析 和系统重建结果也表明,各地理单元之间不存在共享的单 型 , YN (云南地理单元) 与XL (相岭地理单元) 和QL (邛崃地理单元) 之间存在着显著的遗传分化,FST分别为0336和0351 (P<0001), [...]
The AMOVA and phylogenetic tree analysis demonstrated that no haplotype was shared among geographic regions, no geographic [...]
was observed, there was distinctive geographic phylogeography between YN and XL, QL ( F ST was 0336 and 0351, respectively, P <0001), but no obvious subdivision among other regions ( P >005).
(2) 採用較撒瑪利亞基金寬鬆的資助門檻,資助未能受惠
[...] 於撒瑪利亞基金的強直性脊椎炎、風濕科病症、潰瘍 性結腸炎克隆氏症患者使用生物製劑,以減輕他們 的經濟負擔。
(2) To adopt less stringent criteria than those of the SF in processing subsidy application
for the use of biological agents by patients (not covered by the SF) who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatic diseases,
[...] ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease so as [...]
to alleviate their financial burden.




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