

单词 变卖

See also:

spare no effort
show off or flaunt

External sources (not reviewed)

第一种是清算 程序,变卖公司 所有的资产,并把公司从 国家法院注册庭中注销。
Firstly, liquidation proceedings which result in the sale of all assets and the deletion of the company from the National Court Register.
这些权利或利 益,无论根据法院还是根据破产管理人的决定产生的,可能涉 变卖 资 产 和向 集团成员提供融资。
Those rights or interests, whether arising by decision of the court or the insolvency representative, may relate to sales of assets and provision of finance to group members.
价 格上涨迫使许多贫困家庭做出妥协,例如用缺少营养的食物替代有营养的食物变卖财产 、孩子辍学、放弃卫生保健和教育,或者仅仅减少食量。
The price increases forced many poor families to make compromises, such as replacing
more nutritious food with food that is
[...] less nutritious, selling productive assets, [...]
withdrawing children from school, forgoing
health care or education, or simply eating less.
例如,废弃变卖的旧电脑依然 出现在清单中。
For example, old reconditioned computers put on sale are still listed in the inventory.
科索沃塞族人被变卖财产离开科 索沃的事例层出不穷,令人遗憾,但这种情况仍得不 到重视。
Unfortunately, there still are numerous instances of Kosovo Serbs being forced to sell their property and leave the district, a situation to which no attention has been paid.
此外,如上文所 述,他们还抱怨说,一些国家试图不经过资产的利比亚合法所有人而没收 变卖 其资产。
They also complained that some countries are trying to confiscate their assets or sell them, without reference to the legal Libyan owner, as mentioned above.
In many cases, a proportion of these [...]
expenditures was offset by income from sale of equipment and vehicles.
他要求保护塞浦路斯希腊族业主的权利,为希 腊族人的财产变卖给外 国人感到遗憾。
The property rights of displaced Greek Cypriots must be safeguarded, and it was deplorable that their property was being sold to foreign citizens.
只有在买受人另外还知变卖违 反 了担保协议所规定的有担保债权人的权利的情况下,才对买受人的所有权设 置担保权。
It is only if the buyer additionally knows that the sale violates the rights of the secured creditor under the security agreement that the buyer’s title will be subject to the security right.
在仍然普遍采用联保借贷机制的国家,当被迫没收 变卖 借 款 人的质押 资产时,小额金融机构依赖于联保小组成员没收 变卖 抵 押 品。
When constrained to seize and sell a borrower’s pledged assets, in countries where the group lending mechanism is still widely used, MFIs rely on the group members to seize and sell the collateral.
杂项收入包变卖使用 过的财产或多余财产的收入、记入以前各期的支 出的退款、货币交易的净收入、所收到的未指明用途的款项和其他杂项收入。
(vii) Miscellaneous income includes income from the sale of used or surplus property, refunds of expenditure charged to prior periods, income from net gains resulting from currency translations, monies accepted for which no purpose was specified and other sundry income.
因此,同本文件开头部分论及的作为贷款抵 押将债务人资产扣押变卖的做 法相比,调解办法似乎既符合小额金融机构的 利益,也符合客户的最大利益。
Mediation therefore would appear to be in both the MFI and the client’s best interest versus a seizure and sale of the debtor’s assets used as loan collateral, which was discussed in the initial segment of this paper.
3. 提供担保或抵押,由本补偿机制通过 卖 或 者 变卖 的 方 式获得应归还的相应的资 金
3) Provide warrant or mortgage for auction or disposal in exchange of the compensation amount.
第 12 条的目的是确保当某项有关债务人的破产程序正在颁布国进行时,有 关该债务人的某项程序的外国破产管理人就将作为承认该外国程序的一种效 力,获得地位[(或“程序性合法”) ],就保护 变卖 或 分 配债务人的资产或与 外国程序的合作等问题提出申请、请求或主张。
100. The purpose of article 12 is to ensure that, when an insolvency proceeding concerning a debtor is taking place in the enacting State, the foreign representative of a proceeding concerning that debtor will be given, as an effect of recognition of the foreign proceeding, standing [(or “procedural legitimation”)] to make petitions, requests or submissions concerning issues such as protection, realization or distribution of assets of the debtor or cooperation with the foreign proceeding.
杂项收入,包括下列收入:房地租金 变卖 旧 财 产或多余财产所得、以 往各期支出所获退款、货币折算产生的净收益、保险赔偿金、新会员国加入 联合国当年的摊款、上文(j)㈢段所述的非会员国摊款、不指定用途的赠款 以及其他杂项收入
(ix) Miscellaneous income includes income from the rental of premises, the sale of used or surplus property, refunds of expenditures charged to prior periods, net gains resulting from currency translations, settlements of insurance claims, amounts assessed on new Member States for the year of admission to the United Nations, amounts assessed to non-Member States as stated in (j) (iii) above, monies accepted for which no purpose was specified, and other sundry income
这意味着需要付出额外的开 支,为此,家庭只能紧缩必需品的消费,借钱 变卖 资产
This entails additional expenditures, which families cover by reducing essential consumption,
[...] borrowing money and selling assets.
其他/杂项收入包括下列收入:房地租金、出版物销售所得、以往各年 支出所获退款变卖陈旧 设备所得、从捐助者收到的未指定用途的款项以及 其他杂项收入; ㈣ 同一财政期间预算账户的支出如有退款,将把退款贷记到相同账户,以 往财政期间支出的退款则贷记到杂项收入
(iii) Other/miscellaneous income includes income from the rental of premises, sales of publications, refunds of prior years’ expenditure, sales of obsolete equipment, monies accepted from donors without a specified purpose and other miscellaneous items
杂项收入,包括下列收入:房地租金 变卖 旧 财 产或多余财产所得、以往 各期支出所获退款、货币折算产生的净收益(下文(k)㈠段所述的本财政期债务 重新估值引起的净收益除外)、保险赔偿金、新会员国加入联合国当年的摊款、 上文(j)㈢段所述的非会员国摊款、不指定用途的赠款以及其他杂项收入
(viii) Miscellaneous income includes income from rental of premises, sale of used or surplus property, refunds of expenditures charged to prior periods, income from net gains resulting from currency exchange adjustments except for those arising from revaluation of current period obligations, as stated in paragraph (k) (i) below, settlements of insurance claims, amounts assessed on new Member States for the year of admission to the United Nations, amounts assessed on non-Member States, as stated in paragraph (j) (iii) above, monies accepted for which no purpose was specified and other sundry income
有待采取的步骤可能涉及继续运营,因为在有些情况下,可能似宜继续运营, 即便已经得出的结论是,由于公司拥有的资产如果在企业运营期限无法正确预 见的前提下予变卖则可 实现高许多的价值等原因,可能无法避免清算。
The steps to be taken might involve continuing to trade, as there may be circumstances in which it will be appropriate to do so even after the conclusion has been formed that liquidation cannot be avoided because, for example, the company owns assets that will achieve a much higher value if sold on a going concern basis.
( 从借款人到放款人)的担 保行之有效,这种建设性拥有权是不可或缺的,这样,一旦发生不偿还的情况, 银行就可以控制贷款所抵押的存货, 变卖 担 保品,偿还贷款。
This constructive possession is essential for the pledge (from the borrower to the lender) of the underlying commodity collateral to be enforceable, so that in the event of a default the bank can take control of the stocks for which loans are being made with a view to realizing the collateral to repay the loan.
其中 2 970 000 美元 属于教科文组变卖石林 城堡地皮、建筑和家具的收入所得。
US $3,280,000 for the UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme, of which US $2,970,000 were the proceeds received by UNESCO from the sale of the land, building and furniture of the Château du Bois du Rocher.
(2) (a) 原 创 美 术 作 品若被 购买者公开 拍卖或 通过专 业 艺 术 品 经 销变 卖,作 者有权获得转售的部分所得,只 变卖 价 高于购买者原先支付 的数额
(2) (a) where an original work of fine art is sold by the purchaser thereof at a public auction or through a professional art dealer, the author shall be entitled to a share of the resale price if that price is higher than the amount that had been originally paid by the purchaser
在这种程序中,债务人不可能在破产程序启 动日期之后继续拥有一个运行中的主要利益中心,因为其业务一般来说将在启 动时停止运作,除非它将作为一个经营中企业出售,或者正 变卖 其 尚 存合同 以尽量增加债权人的回报。
In such a proceeding, the debtor is unlikely to continue having an active centre of main interests beyond the date of commencement of insolvency proceedings as the business would generally cease operating at the time of commencement, except in those cases where it is to be sold as a going concern or is trading out extant contracts to maximize creditor returns.
截至 2008 年 12 月 31 日,《基金》特别账户的资本金达到 3 700 000 美元,而阿什伯 格特别帐户则达到 3 280 000 美元,其中 2 970 000 美元属于教科文组变卖石林 城堡地皮、 建筑和家具的收入所得。
As at 31 December 2008, the capital of the Special Account for the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture amounted to US $3,700,000 and that of the Aschberg Special Account stood at $3,280,000, of which $2,970,000 were the proceeds received by UNESCO from the sale of the land, building and furniture of the Château du Bois du Rocher.
在出现重组、合并变卖、建立合资企业、转让、过户或对 Garmin 的全部或任何部分业务、资产或股票进行其他处置(包括但不限于因破产或相似法律程序造成的处置)时,我们可能会向附属公司、子公司或第三方转让信息。
We may transfer information to an affiliate, a subsidiary, or a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of all or any portion of Garmin's business, assets, or stock, including, without limitation, in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding.
[...] 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击卖妇女 的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to
visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to
[...] combat trafficking in women by setting [...]
up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
国家必须尊重和 增进贫困儿童的权利,包括为儿童保护战略和方案增加和拨出必要的资源,尤其 要把重点放在被边缘化的儿童身上,例如,街头流浪儿童、儿童兵、残疾儿童、 被卖的儿 童、家庭的儿童户主和生活在收容机构的儿童――所有这些儿童都有 受到剥削和虐待的更大的风险。
States must respect and promote the rights of children living in poverty, including by strengthening and allocating the necessary resources to child protection strategies and programmes, with a particular focus on marginalized children, such as street children, child soldiers, children with disabilities, victims of trafficking, child heads of households and children living in care institutions, all of whom are at a heightened risk of exploitation and abuse.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气 变 化 、 防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 [...]
Other suggested areas of priority attention
[...] included: climate change, disaster prevention [...]
and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity
loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.




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