

单词 变动

变动 noun ()

movements pl
flux n

变动 ()



有所变动 v

shift v


change gear


poikilothermal (cold-blooded) animal


manual gearbox

External sources (not reviewed)

咨询委员会注意到,秘书长按照第 58/269 号决议提
[...] 交了一份关于对两年期方案计划所 变动 的 综 合报告(A/66/82),供方案和协调 [...]
The Advisory Committee notes that the
Secretary-General has presented a consolidated
[...] report on the changes to the biennial [...]
programme plan (A/66/82) for review by the
Committee for Programme and Coordination in accordance with resolution 58/269.
为了方便读者,对该杂志的格式进行了轻 变动 并 减少 了页数。
For reader comfort, the magazine’s format has
[...] been slightly changed and the number [...]
of pages reduced.
必要时,将把薪变动数据 与接受调查的雇主数据相结合,以确定将适用于 [...]
If necessary, salary movement data will be [...]
combined with data from the surveyed employers to determine the final adjustment
to apply to the salary scales.
变动旨 在 确保为雇主和雇员提供的职业健康服务更便利、质量更好。
The change was intended to [...]
ensure better availability and quality of occupational health services for employers and employees.
[...] 民的任职状况受许多因素影响,尤其是受工作人员更替和经费分摊比额 变动等 因素的影响。
The representation status of Member States is affected by many factors, in particular the turnover
[...] of staff and changes in the scale [...]
of assessments.
[...] (毫米) 为单位的尺寸仅供参考, 可 能变动。
Dimensions, in inches (millimeters), are for reference only
[...] and are subject to change.
秘书长关于汇率和通货膨胀变动对 卢 旺达问题国际刑事法庭和前 南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 2010-2011 两年期拟议预算的影响报告(A/64/570) 中所述重计费用反映了实际通货膨胀的最新数据、薪金调查结果、年度 生活费调整、2009 年工作地点差价调整指变动,以及 2009 年业务汇率 变化的影响。
The recosting reflected in the report of the
Secretary-General on
[...] the effect of changes in rates of exchange and inflation on the proposed budgets of both the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the biennium 2010–2011 (A/64/570) reflects the impact of the latest data on actual inflation, the outcome of salary surveys, the annual cost-of-living adjustments, the movement of post adjustment indices in 2009 and the effect of the evolution of operational [...]
rates of exchange in 2009.
预计,石油价格水平将随着不同的政策组合 变动 , 但 有明显迹象表 明,“廉价石油的时代”已经结束,在无政策行动的情况下,石油价格将会大幅 上涨。
Oil price levels were projected to vary according to different policy scenarios, but there were clear indications that the “age of cheap oil” was over and that, in the absence of policy action, oil prices would rise substantially.
大会第 65/245 号决议第二节 A 第 7
段确认会员国区域集团和其他主要集团 的会议对于政府间机构会议顺利运作的重要性,请秘书长确保尽可能满足会员国
[...] 区域集团和其他主要集团会议对会议服务的一切要求,并尽早告知提出要求者是 否可以提供会议服务,包括是否可以提供口译服务,以及在会前可能发生的任变动。
A, paragraph 7, of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly recognized the importance of meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States for the smooth functioning of the sessions of intergovernmental bodies, and requested the Secretary-General to ensure that, as far as possible, all requests for conference services for the meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States were met and to inform the requesters as early as possible about the
availability of conference services, including interpretation, as
[...] well as about any changes that might occur [...]
before the meeting.
变动将提 高粮食援助方案的效率 和效力,同时确保最大限度的问责制和类似现金、购粮券和能力建设等新的粮食 [...]
These changes will increase the [...]
efficiency and effectiveness of food assistance programmes, while ensuring maximum accountability
and the transparent funding of new food assistance tools such as cash, vouchers and capacity-building.
该方案自从发起以来经历了一变动 , 包 括所覆盖 的产品增多,完善了补偿条件以及列入了减损条款等。
The scheme underwent
[...] a number of changes since its inception, including [...]
an increase in the number of products covered, compensation
conditions and derogation clause, among others.
我们审计了所附的安全理事会第 1958(2010)号决议所设联合国代管账户的
[...] 财务报表,其中包括:收入和支出及准备金和基金结 变动 表 (报 表一);截至 2010 年 12 月 31 [...]
日的资产、负债及准备金和基金结余表(报表二);2010 年 12 月 15 日至
31 日期间的现金流量表(报表三);以及财务报表附注。
17 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the United Nations escrow account established under the provisions of Security Council resolution 1958
(2010), comprising the statement of income and
[...] expenditure and changes in reserves and [...]
fund balances (statement I), the statement
of assets, liabilities and reserves and fund balances as at 31 December 2010 (statement II) and the cash flow statement for the period from 15 to 31 December 2010 (statement III), as well as the notes to the financial statements.
(c) 应当鼓励各国政府推行以下做法:支持向检察官和法官定期提供关于 新的禁毒法律、现有禁毒法律变动 以 及 依据现有法律做出的会影响执法行动 的重要法庭裁决等方面的最新信息。
(c) Governments should be encouraged to
introduce practices that
[...] support regular updates for prosecutors and judges on new anti-narcotics laws, changes to [...]
existing drug legislation
and important court rulings based on existing laws that have an impact on law enforcement operations.
变动更新 了粮食署的项目预算费用模式,纳入了非商品活动,并将 直接支助费用以吨位为基础改为以项目费用的百分比为基础。
These update the WFP project budget cost model to incorporate non-commodity activities and modified [...]
direct support costs
based on a percentage of project costs rather than tonnage.
我/我们明白,我子女进入“光明未来”学前班学习时: a. 他/她只需很少帮助就能使用卫生间; b. 一旦有关我子女的信息变动,我 /我们将及时通知其教师; c. 我/我们确认这些信息一定要始终保持准确无误,这样,我的子女在校期间生病或受伤时,学校就能及时与我联系; d. 我/我们同意遵守学前班的规章,严格遵守到校离校的时间。
I/We understand that during the time my child attends the Bright Futures preschool program: a. S/He will be able to use the toilet with minimal assistance; b. I/We will inform my child’s teacher when any of my child’s information changes; c. I/We will keep my child’s information accurate so that I can be contacted in the event my child becomes ill or injured while attending preschool; d. I/We will abide by the program policies and adhere to the scheduled arrival and departure times.
各机构为评级低提出了若干可能的原因,主要原因包括:国家臭氧机构 变动 ;如 提出的与前几年相关的问题,对评估时限存在误解;由于国家提供的数据不一致,导致机 构出现延误;针对牵头机构提出的评论意见所涉及的机构并不是牵头机构;对机构与执行 委员会为氟氯烃淘汰管理计划提供资金相关的绩效表示不满意;评级被撤销;在未雇用或 未准备雇用国内顾问时针对雇用国内顾问的评论;以及因国家政府 变动 , 机 构出现延 误。
Agencies indicated several possible
reasons for the low ratings
[...] largely due to changes in NOUs, misunderstandings about the evaluation timeframe as issues raised related to previous years, delays assigned to the agency but which were a result of data inconsistencies by the country, comments on the lead agency when the agency concerned was not the lead agency, dissatisfaction expressed on the agency’s performance that related to the funding received from the Executive Committee for the HPMP, ratings were withdrawn, comments on the hiring of national consultants when no consultants were hired or were to be hired, and delays assigned to the agency but which were the result of changes in the Government.
这需要将部队兵 力增至 17 731 名军警人员,还需要一系列增强能力和战斗力的手段,在行动需
要和切合实际的资源数量之间取得良好平衡,途径是:(a) 确定行动区的优先次 序;(b)
[...] 分阶段安排行动而不使预期目标产生重 变动 ; (c ) 保持原有兵力,以 增强能力和战斗力的手段弥补兵力的不足;(d) [...]
请埃塞俄比亚继续支持过渡联邦 政府/非索特派团在海湾州、巴科勒州和希兰州的行动;(e)
为过渡联邦政府安 全部队提供直接行动的后勤支援。
It entails raising the troop level to 17,731 uniformed personnel and a set of enablers and force multipliers aimed at achieving a fine balance between the operational requirements and a realistic level of resources through (a) the prioritization of areas of operation;
(b) the phasing of the operation
[...] without significantly altering the desired objectives; [...]
(c) trading force multipliers and
enablers for troop levels by maintaining capability; (d) requesting Ethiopia to continue to provide support to Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM operations in the Bay, Bakool and Hiraan regions; and (e) the provision of immediate operational logistics support to the Transitional Federal Government security forces.
(c) 某一特定采购各项单独协议的条款和条件的任 变动 都 是细微的,并 且只涉及那些有必要订立单独协议的规定。
(c) Any variation in the terms and [...]
conditions of the separate agreements for a given procurement is minor and concerns only
those provisions that justify the conclusion of separate agreements.
尽管出现了政变动,代表团仍然参加了工作 组会议,以期开展坦诚和建设性对话,代表团相信,对国家报告的客观评估与各 [...]
Despite the political changes, the delegation [...]
took part in the Working Group session with a view to an open and constructive
dialogue, confident that an objective assessment of the national report and the recommendations of States would serve the promotion and protection of human rights in Kyrgyzstan.
它考虑到一些 代表团对于保护其社会中宗教少数群体的关切,并 在相关人权文书范围内做变动。
It took account of the concern of some delegations for the protection of religious minorities in their societies, and did so within the context of the relevant human rights instruments.
但还是要请您注意:波兰的法变动性较 大,尤其是该国的税收制度在每个财 政年度都会至少有一处变化。
Please bear in mind that Polish law is changeable, especially taxation regulations at least once in a fiscal year.
(d) 为处境不利、特别是弱势儿童以及那些可能要求采取社会扶持措施的 情况确定战略预算项目,即使在经济危机和其他紧急情况下也确保 变动 这 些预 算项目。
(d) Define strategic budgetary lines for disadvantaged or children in particularly vulnerable situations and for those situations that may require affirmative social measures and ensure that those budgetary lines are protected even in situations of economic crisis, or other emergencies.
现在已经拟订多种改良的干预战略,以克服 以往几代项目所指出的挑战;其中包括:没有修订技术性解决方法以配合当地的 价值观和材料,而且建议采用的各种技术的成本很高;采用技术设施(例如把水
[...] 银制造厂集中一地以供进行汞齐化)但未适当考虑地方的要求和矿业社区的当地 动态;矿业人口迅变动,因 而冲淡提高意识运动的效果。
Improved intervention strategies have now been developed to overcome the challenges identified by previous generations of projects, which included: lack of adaptation of technical solutions to local values or materials, as well as high costs of proposed techniques; implementation of technical facilities (such as centralized mercury mills for gold amalgamation) without proper
consideration of local demand and local dynamics of the mining communities; and dilution of the effect of
[...] awareness-raising campaigns due to rapid changes in mining populations.
中国最终站在了俄罗斯这一边,要求草案做 变动 , 这 一 转变很可能是因为中国不愿被视为站在美国一边,共同对抗俄 [...]
China eventually joined Russia in
[...] asking for changes, possibly in order [...]
not to be seen as siding with the U.S. against Russia and Myanmar.
然而,在采用 大纲前将对这个数额加以调整,以列入咨询委员会和 第五委员提议的最新修正案,以及根据 2010-2011 两 年期方案预算第一次执行情况报告(A/65/589)所适 用的最新参数进行的重新费用计算,考虑到业务汇率
[...] 变化、实际通货膨胀、薪资情况、工作地点差价调整 乘变动和生活费调整数。
However, the amount would be adjusted prior to the adoption of the outline to include the latest amendments proposed by the Advisory Committee and the Fifth Committee and recosting based on the updated parameters applied in the first performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/589) in respect of operational rates of exchange,
actual inflation experience, payroll
[...] experience and the movement of post adjustment [...]
multipliers and cost-of-living adjustments.
[...] 国家协调人,但是由于政府部委中缺乏连续性和人员工 变动 的问题,培训中心选择建立一个有效的学院伙伴网络并寻求理事会成员的 [...]
It noted that APCICT had previously taken steps to identify country focal points through the designated
diplomatic channels but, due to continuity
[...] issues and staff movements within government [...]
ministries, had opted for establishing
an effective network of Academy partners and had sought the support of the members of the Governing Council to channelling information about the Centre’s activities in member countries.
她指出,会议侧重点的另一重变动 是 工 作安排,鉴于执行委员会将不设立小组委员 会,因此,将在全体会议上讨论所有事项,但化工生产问题分组的工作除外,该分组的工 [...]
She noted that
[...] the other important change of focus for the [...]
meeting concerned the organization of work and that, as the Executive
Committee would not be making use of sub-committees, all of its business would be addressed in plenary session, apart from the work of the Subgroup on the Production Sector, which would continue unchanged.
相反,按照这 一公式,现建议对分配给所涉各项计划的资源总额作 变动 , 以 便既能使用人事资源(例如员额、 短期雇员、特别服务协议等),又能使用非人事资源(例如:外包合同)。
Rather, the formula proposed to vary the total resources allocated to programs involved, allowing to use both personnel resources (such as posts, short-term employees, SSAs, etc.) and non-personnel resources (such as outsourcing contracts).
如果材变动仅限 于组成部件且不影响产品的其余部分,制造商可依据适用 要求对组成部件进行测试,并根据先前的第三方测试结果变动后组 成部件的测试结果对产品进行认证。
If the material change is limited to a component part and does not affect the rest of the product, manufacturer may test the component part to its applicable requirements and certify the product based on earlier third party test results and on test results of the changed component parts.
该公式不再将调整数仅仅与工 作人员员额挂钩,而是允许对分配给直接参与处理引 变动 的 工作量的各项计划的财政资源总额作 出调整。
The formula no longer links the adjustments to staff posts only, but rather allows for adjustments in overall financial resources allocated to the programs directly involved in the processing of the resulting workload.




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