文章补充,那些害怕战争的人是懦夫和 目光短浅的人,中国必须歼灭侵犯南海海域的所有外国 船只。 crisisgroup.org | He added that those who are afraid of going into a war were cowards and short-sighted, China must destroy all the foreign vessels traversing in its South China Sea waters. crisisgroup.org |
所有必要的操作例如立即转变方向或移动都可以进行。 voith.com | All necessary maneuvers such as turning on the spot or traversing can be carried out. voith.com |
该程序提供了两种访问对象的方法:选择对象以及遍历分级结构或直接浏览资源。 evget.com | The Builder provides two ways to access objects: by selecting objects and traversing their hierarchies, or by browsing resources directly. evget.com |
如果 UDP 资料 可以正常周游网路,教师将能够广播自己的萤幕或者清空学生萤幕。 lanschool.com.hk | If UDP data is traversing the network properly, the teacher will be able to broadcast his or her screen or blank student screens. lanschool.com.hk |
从纸卷直径和所需的包装纸层数开始,Twister控制系统能自动计算退卷装置的设置角和横向摆动速度,以及纸卷的旋转速度。 voith.com | Starting with the roll diameter and the required number of packaging paper plies, the Twister control automatically calculates the setting angle of the unwind unit and its lateral traversing speed, as well as the rotational speed of the paper roll. voith.com |
如果教师还可以检视学生清 单中的学生缩图或者远端检视学生萤幕,则 TCP 资料也可以正常周游网路。 lanschool.com.hk | If the teacher can also view thumbnails of the students in the Student List or remotely view student screens, then TCP data is also traversing the network properly. lanschool.com.hk |
鉴于项目的这种独特性质、战略性地理位置、投资的规模和实施方面的复杂 性,评价者认为,其利害关系远超过仅仅一个穿越海峡的越界运输工程项目,只 有参照这个项目的地缘战略背景,才能理解其全面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given this unique characteristic of the project, its strategic geographical position, the size of the investment and the complexity of implementation, the evaluator believes that much more is at stake than merely a cross-border transport construction project traversing a strait and that the project’s full implications can be grasped only in the light of its geostrategic context. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于国际社会消除索马里海盗威胁的努力产生的影响有限,2010 年 初后,船主更多地依靠“私营海上安保公司”为穿越红海、亚丁湾和广大 印度洋海域的船只和船员提供武装保护人员,这些人有时被称为“船舶搭 乘者”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the limited impact of international efforts on the threat of Somali piracy, since early 2010 ship owners have turned increasingly to private maritime security companies to provide armed protection teams, sometimes referred to as “shipriders”, to ships and crews traversing the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the wider Indian Ocean. daccess-ods.un.org |
私营海上保安公司在索马里沿海为穿越高危区18 的船只和船员提供武装保 护,而这些活动没有被置于监察和管制之下,可能成为向索马里及周边区域输送 武器和弹药的潜在新渠道。 daccess-ods.un.org | The unmonitored and largely unregulated activities of private maritime security companies off the coast of Somalia, offering armed protection to ships and crews traversing the high-risk area,18 may represent a potential new channel for the flow of arms and ammunition into Somalia and the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
总干事松浦晃一郎先生在主旨发言中指出,世界正处于大动荡时期,各种错综复杂的危机时有发生,贫 困和不平等现象与日益俱增,使这些危机愈演愈烈,从而使过去十年取得的成果有可能因此而付之东流。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In his introductory statement, the Director-General, Mr Koïchiro Matsuura, noted that the world was traversing a period of great uncertainty characterized by multiple and complex crises, and further affected by the quiet growth in poverty and inequalities, which all put in danger the progress realized over the last decade. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际海运公会和国际航运联合会为遏制亚丁湾 和索马里沿海的海盗行为制定了最好的管理作法,这 些作法仍然是各商船往返该海域时应采取的最佳积 极措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The best management practices developed by the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Shipping Federation to deter piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia remain the best proactive measure for merchant ships to adopt when traversing that area. daccess-ods.un.org |
储罐横动系统以及切断机可以确保损耗最小化 fleissner-manmadefibers.de | Can traversing systems and cutting devices ensuring minimized waste fleissner-manmadefibers.de |
剪叉式缩放结构,配有完全的缓冲垫安全保护,能够下降 至提取原材料堆垛的的最低高度。 emmegi.com | The copy router structure, completely protected by a safety bellows, lowers the traversing surface to a minimum height to pick up the stock of coarse material. emmegi.com |
专家小组建议,在中环湾仔绕道啓用前,政府应认真 考虑以不同收费安排(即隧道收费随日间不同时段而 变更),重新调整三条横跨维港的隧道收费,以纾缓 交通。 devb.gov.hk | Government should seriously consider differential tolling (tolling by time of day) by revamping the tolling arrangements of the three tunnels traversing the Victoria Harbour as a mitigating measure prior to the opening of the CWB. devb.gov.hk |
FireMon Access Path Analysis——利用FireMon正在申请专利的行为分析框架,IT人员可以通过网络配置积极主动地预测并取证性地记录数据包流量,同时获得详细的路径分析——包括数据包在穿越网络时遇到的路由、接口、防火墙和网络地址转换(NAT)规则。 tipschina.gov.cn | FireMon Access Path Analysis -- Taking advantage of FireMon's patent-pending behavior analysis framework, IT personnel can both proactively predict and forensically record the flow of packets through network configurations and obtain detailed path analysis -- including routes, interfaces, firewall and NAT rules that a packet encounters while traversing the network. tipschina.gov.cn |
数。 通过这个控制参数的运动自适应调 节,能实现的功能之一是对不同运动速度 导致的电机稳定性变化的控制环增益进行 自适应调节。 heidenhain.com.cn | Through this motion-dependent adaptation of the control parameters it is possible, for example, to realize a velocitydependent adaptation of the control loop gain on motors whose stability changes through the various traversing velocities. heidenhain.hu |
初期的B1在炮塔上装备一门47毫米炮,并且在车体的右前部安装了一门75毫米火炮,辅助武器为两挺7.5 毫米机枪,一挺在车体上,另外一挺安装在炮塔里,发动机的额定功率为250马力,实际上可以达到272马力。 trumpeter-china.com | The original Char B1 had a fully traversing APX1 turret with a 47 mm gun.it was armed with a 75 mm gun mounted in the right-hand side of the hull front and two 7.5 mm machine guns: one in the hull and the other in the turret. trumpeter-china.com |
摩擦热由部件以及耐磨的搅拌头摩擦产生,摩擦热造成前者在还没有达到熔点前软化,同时工具在焊缝中横向移动,塑化的材料被转移到搅拌器的动向尾端,并在搅拌器与柱形肩具之间形成同时被锻压。 esab.com.cn | Frictional heat between the wear resistant welding tool and the workpieces causes the latter to soften without reaching the melting point and allows traversing of the tool along the weld line. esab.it |
横向货叉的主要优势在於操作人员可以根据需要随意伸缩货叉,这一优势在加长货叉上体现得特别明显," 永恒力内燃叉车产品管理及行销部门负责人 Marek Scheithauer 解释并补充道 "横向货叉比伸缩臂式货叉更坚固耐用",因此其使用寿命更长。 matehk.com.hk | The key advantage, in particular with regard to elongated forks, consists in the driver being able to extend or retract the traversing forks as required," explains Marek Scheithauer, Head of Product Management and Product Marketing IC Trucks at Jungheinrich, adding that the traversing forks were "more rugged than telescopic forks" and consequently had a longer service life. matehk.com.hk |