

单词 变乱

See also:

in a confused state of mind
mix up
throw into disorder
illicit sexual relations
in confusion or disorder

External sources (not reviewed)

接到抢救电话后,红岗区民众医院的救护车立即赶 变乱 现 场 ,医生战皓敷陈记者,那时消防官兵已将逐一小部分钢条截掉,伤者还成心识,进行简单的查抄后,他们马大将伤者送到了油田总医院。
To rescue call, Honggang District People Hospital ambulances rushed to the scene of the accident, Dr. Zhan Hao tells reporter, then the fire officers and soldiers will have one small section steel cutting, the casualty is conscious, a simple check, they ' will be injured to the Oilfield General hospital.
[...] 我们的信仰和宗教开始,让仇恨变成关爱,绝望变成 希望,不容忍变成宽容,乱变成有序,冲突变成和 平。
That reconstruction should start in our minds and thoughts and our faiths and religions,
which can turn hatred into love, despair into hope, intolerance into
[...] tolerance, chaos into order and strife [...]
into peace.
这个祸害也是危 及国家内部稳定的其它威胁的根源,如军事 变 、叛 乱活动、资助武装团体、侵犯人权行为、社会紧张、 [...]
毒品换武器、资助恐怖活动、制造无法治理的局面、 人道主义危机、族裔暴力、犯罪活动渗入政治和商业、 区域不稳定以及招募儿童从事犯罪活动等各种威胁。
This scourge is also at the root of other
threats to internal State stability,
[...] such as military coups, insurgencies, the financing [...]
of armed groups, human rights violations,
social tensions, the trade in drugs for arms, the financing of terrorist activities, the creation of ungovernable situations, humanitarian crises, ethnic violence, the infiltration of crime into politics and business, regional instability and child recruitment in criminal activities, among others.
绘画风格上我确又在一变的乱了, 首先笔法上不是很控制性的,而是随意的,是那种没有练习过的,想象中的中国写意画。
I also stuck some photos in there, some photos of the singers and dancers from old Shanghai that I like, downloaded off websites.
此 外,专家组还同积极参加前解放卢旺达民主力量 变 、 M23 叛乱运动和其他武装 团体的人员保持定期接触。
Moreover, the Group has communicated regularly with several active participants of the ex-CNDP mutiny, the M23 rebellion, and other armed groups.
美国军队激增, 加上我国盟友与合作伙伴增派部队,有助于阿富汗更 多地区实现稳定,变了叛乱的势头。
The United States military surge, together with additional troops committed
by our allies and partners, has helped stabilize more of the
[...] country and shifted the momentum away from the insurgency.
源和推行各自的动机,区域的紧张局势因而进一步 升级,政策主导者的身份从变得混 乱 不 清
B “Competing Law Enforcement Agencies”, and Section IV.
不稳定非周期行为则复杂得多: 它不做重复运动,不断展现出任何细 变 化 动 乱 对 系统造成的影响。
Unstable aperiodic behavior is highly complex: it never repeats and it continues to manifest the effects of any small perturbation.
现在 预料的气变化将打乱或可 能永久性的 变 生 产 粮食的方式和地方。
The changes in climate now anticipated will disrupt and perhaps permanently alter how and where food is grown.
这些地方可变成在混乱环境 中相对有序的地 点,变成儿童可以进行游戏的时间和空间。
These spaces
[...] can become sites of relative order within a chaotic environment, [...]
where time and space are available for playing.
2011年2月至3 月,巴林经历了许多不幸事件,最初是多方面社会经济 需求进而变为暴乱和暴力行为。
During February- March 2011, Bahrain witnessed
unfortunate incidents, which began with multiple social and economic
[...] demands and evolved into acts of rioting and violence.
倘 因 下 列 情 形 而 引 致 之 任 何 损 失 , 包 括 : 遗 漏 或 延 误 寄 发 是 次 汇 款 之 讯 息 丶 付 款 或 通 知 付 款 ; 讯 息 丶 讯 号 丶 书 函 丶 电 报 或 其 他 文 件 在 寄 发 或 传 送 途 中 所 发 生 之 错 误 丶 残 缺 丶 遗 漏 丶 中 断 或 延 误 ; 其 他 同 业 机 构 丶 分 销 代 理 人 丶 其 他 代 理 人 或 其 他 人 士 ,
包 括 〔 Clearing House
[...] Automated Transfer System 〕 之 疏 忽 行 为 ; 战 争 丶 检 查 丶 封 锁 丶变 或 骚 乱 ; 本 地 或 外 地 政 府 或 其 行 政 机 构 所 施 行 之 一 切 法 律 [...]
丶 规 令 丶 条 例 丶 管 制
或 任 何 电 脑 丶 机 械 或 电 子 仪 器 之 损 毁 或 故 障 及 其 他 难 以 控 制 之 事 故 , 本 行 概 不 负 责 。
The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to omission or delay in sending any message relating to any transfer or in payment or in giving advice of payment; loss of items or any message or signals in transit or transmission or otherwise, mutilation, error, omission, interruption or delay in transmission or delivery of any item, message, signals, letter, telegram or cable, or the actions of omission of our correspondents, sub-agent, other agency or any other party involved in The Clearing House Automated
Transfer System (if
[...] applicable), or declared or undeclared war; censor-ship; blockade; insurrection; civil commotion; or any law, decree, [...]
regulation, control,
restriction or other act of a domestic or of foreign government or other group or groups exercising governmental powers, whether de jure or de facto, or breakdown or mal-function in or of any computer, mechanical or electronic instruments, apparatus or device, or any act or event beyond our control.
如果没有一个 中央治理机构负责在组织一级处理贯穿各领域的问题,这些组织就会冒受其信通 技术结变得分散零乱、效力低下和效益不彰的风险。
Without a central governance body dealing with cross-cutting issues at the corporate level, organizations risk having fragmented, inefficient and ineffective ICT structures.
They have no insight in their diseases as well as in the social situation, and perform bizarre behaviours.
本国经历了一系列军事变和内乱, 并 最终在1990 年爆发了长达10 年的内 战,当时发生了严重侵犯了人权的行为,包括谋杀、大规模强奸、截断肢体、强 [...]
The country has gone through a
[...] series of military Coups d’états and civil unrest culminating in a 10- [...]
year long civil war from
1990 that was characterised by gross violations of human rights including murder, mass rape, amputations, abductions, enforced marriage, destruction of property and a stagnating bundle of international human rights obligations needing urgent attention.
高级别小组还呼吁立即停止杀戮和导 致人命丧失的虐待,以及有可能会 变 成 骚 乱 和 暴 力的示威、游行和其他活动。
The Panel also called for an immediate end to killings and abuses that led to the loss of human lives, as well as demonstrations, marches and other activities likely to degenerate into disturbances and violence.
[...] 责,称他阻碍和平进程和耽误选举,国际社会过去通过了批评他的一些决议,随 随便便地忽视了以下事实,即他是在 2000 年自由和公正的选举中当选的,并且 当前的危机是在他任期快满两年时外部资助的未遂政变造成的,后来 变 发 展乱。
The President and his party stressed that, despite those concessions, he was often unfairly accused of impeding the peace process and delaying the elections and, that in adopting previous resolutions that criticized him, the international community had conveniently disregarded the fact that he was elected in a free and fair election in 2000 and that the current crisis was
created by an externally
[...] sponsored coup attempt, barely two years into his term of office, which had failed and developed into a rebellion.
刚刚摆脱冲突的国家由于公共秩序被 乱 , 现已 变得更加脆弱。
Countries emerging from conflict are even more vulnerable, given that public order has been disrupted.
提供这种方式的目的是为了避免在 WSDL 文档乱塞用于“临变量”的类型。
This alternative is
[...] provided to avoid cluttering WSDL documents with types for the "temporary variable" case.
虽然遭受了巨大的损失,但是联合国维和人员知道,他们的工作对于恢复稳定至关重要,在一片 乱 之 中, 也 变 得 更 加迫切。
Despite these tremendous losses, the UN peacekeepers knew that their vital work to restore
[...] stability was even more urgent amid the chaos.
防止因为日晒或油光引起的晕染!使 乱 的 睫 毛 变 得 规 则服帖,加强纤长效果,持久有型。
Fortifies bare lashes so they look long; stay strong.
大规模的侵犯人权行为和有罪不罚现象被认为是造成潜在冲突的主要和长 期原因,一旦爆发政治和社会运动,这些冲突往往会 变 为 暴力 骚 乱。
Massive human rights violations and impunity were identified as the main and continual sources of latent conflicts that often degenerate into violent disturbances when political and social movements erupt.
不管是在印度尼西亚的海啸之后还是在刚果民主共和国区域性的战争中,普 通女人、女孩、男孩和男人的生活被 乱 — — 永远的 变 了。
Whether it is in Indonesia after the
Tsunami or the DRC in the midst of fighting, the lives of ordinary women, girls,
[...] boys and men are disrupted — changed forever.
最后, 国际金融秩序乱和气候变化等 全球问题需要作出 全球性反应。
Finally, global problems such as the international financial
[...] disorder and climate change demand global responses.
乱类、方法变量和 其他程序集的名字。
It scrambles names of classes, methods, variables, and other assembly [...]
5月9日,LED照明产品标准与新技术研讨会将在广州召开,届时,推动相关标准的制定或为LED产业健康发展提供参照,再者,设立LED照明行业准入门槛,对 变 现 有 产业 乱 的 竞 争格局将提供有利条件。
On May 9, standard LED lighting products and new technology conference will be held in guangzhou, at the appointed time, push related standards or to provide reference for LED industry healthy development, moreover, to set up the LED
lighting industry admittance
[...] threshold, to change the existing industrial chaos of the competitive [...]
landscape will provide favorable conditions.
所有这些新闻都表明中国移动服务领域具有巨大增长潜力,已经催生出大量新产品,但某种程度上,这也是一个 乱 的 市 场,竞 变 得 很 激烈。
All of these tidbits underscore the huge growth potential of China’s mobile services space, which
has spawned a huge range of new products but also a
[...] somewhat unruly marketplace where competition has also become fierce.
必须指出,这些要求停止 60
[...] 多年来强加给巴勒斯坦人民的剥夺财产、流亡 和非正义状态的示威,是在席卷整个地区的 乱 和 变 革 的 最敏感背景下发生的。
It is important to note that these demonstrations, calling for an end to the dispossession, exile and injustice imposed on the Palestinian people for over
60 years, are taking place in the context of a most sensitive time
[...] of upheaval and change sweeping the region [...]
as a whole.
这种反映更广泛公众不满 情绪的乱,标志着已变了以 往针对国际民事和军事人员的零星示威游行的做 法;这令人甚为担忧,因为发生对国际社会进行精心策划的暴力骚乱的可能性依 然存在。
This kind of civil unrest, which is indicative of wider public discontent, marks a departure from [...]
the previous sporadic
demonstrations against the international civil and military presence and raises serious concern, given the possibility of orchestrated violent rioting against the international community.
1DMax 是行业最佳的一维条形码读取工具,它针对全方位条形码读取进行优化,可以处理在对比度、模糊度、损坏、空洞、镜面反射、分辨率、静音区 乱 和 透视 畸 变 上 的 巨大差异。
1DMax is a best-in-class 1D barcode-reading tool optimized for
omnidirectional barcode reading and
[...] can handle extreme variations in contrast, blur, [...]
damage, voids, specularity, resolution,
quiet zone violations and perspective distortion.




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