

单词 受难纪念

See also:


be difficult to bear
feel unwell
suffer pain

纪念 v

commemoration v
mark v
celebrate v
remember v

纪念 n

remembrance n
memorial n
mark n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 2012 年 1 月,新闻部为纪念年度缅怀大屠 受难 者 国 际 纪念 日 , 以“儿 童与大屠杀”为主题举办了几个活动。
(b) In January 2012, the Department carried out a number of activities organized in
observance of the annual
[...] International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust [...]
on the theme “Children and the Holocaust”.
该中心还协助了 2011 年举行的活动,如庆祝非洲裔人国际年、纳尔 逊·曼德拉国际日、消除种族歧视国际日和缅怀大 屠受难者国际纪念日。
It had also assisted in events held in 2011 to mark the International Year for People of African Descent, Nelson Mandela International Day, the International Day for the
Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the
[...] International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.
值此缅怀大屠受难者国际纪念日之 际,我们要在这个论坛上向受 害者致以敬意,就像我们每年在国内都这样做的那 样。
On this International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, [...]
we would like in this forum to pay
tribute to the victims, as we do every year in our country.
缅怀大 屠受难者的国际纪念日” 为我们提供了进行共同反思及追忆世界史中这段悲 惨往事的时机和空间。
This date, the
[...] International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, [...]
provides a time and a space
for collective reflection and remembrance of this tragic episode of world history.
2009 年 1 月,在“希望的真实基础:大屠杀纪念和教育”主题下举办了缅怀大屠受难者国际纪念日第 四次年度纪念活动。
The fourth annual observance of the
International Day of Commemoration
[...] in memory of the victims of the Holocaust was held in January 2009 under the theme “An authentic basis for hope: Holocaust remembrance and education”.
在阿根迁,布宜诺斯艾利斯联合国区域新闻中心与布宜诺斯艾利斯浩劫博 物馆开展了一项新闻运动,以念 2010 年缅怀大屠受难者国际纪念日。
, United Nations Information Centre in Buenos Aires carried out a communications campaign with the Buenos Aires Shoah Museum
(Museo del Holocaust Buenos Aires) to mark the 2010
[...] International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of Holocaust.
值此世界念“缅怀大屠受难者国 际 纪念 日”之际,我们要重申联合国所代表的理想,并呼吁各方 为恢复《宪章》所载的集体共存精神作出协调努力, [...]
As the world commemorates
[...] International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, [...]
we wish to echo the
ideals for which the United Nations stands and to call for a concerted effort to rekindle the spirit of collective existence, as enshrined in the Charter, in order to save the people of the Middle East — and indeed the whole world — from the scourge of war.
2010 年 1 月 27 日,联合国举办题为“纪念大屠杀:生存的遗产”第五个缅 怀大屠受难者国际纪念日纪 念活动,并在大会厅举行纪念仪式和音乐会。
On 27 January 2010, the United Nations observed
the fifth International Day of Commemoration in
[...] memory of the victims of the Holocaust, on the theme “Holocaust remembrance: the legacy [...]
of survival”, with a memorial ceremony and concert in the General Assembly Hall.
难民署与各国和合作伙伴开展了合作 纪念 1951 年《关难民地位的公约》 60 周年和 1961 年《减少无国籍状态公约》50 周年。
UNHCR worked with States
[...] and partners to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees of 1951 and the [...]
fiftieth anniversary
of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961.
大会在关于该问题的决议中,(a) 欢
[...] 迎任命一名亲善大使,以帮助国际社会再次关注可怕的奴隶制和跨大西洋奴隶贸 易及其遗留问题;(b) 决定将 3 月 25 日指定为缅怀受难者周年纪念日;并且(c) 欣见加勒比共同体倡议在基本建设总计划结束之后在联合国总部竖立一座永久 [...]
In its resolution on the subject, the General Assembly: (a) welcomed the appointment of the Goodwill Ambassador to assist in the re-engaging international attention on the horrific nature of slavery, the transatlantic slave trade and their legacy; (b) decided
to designate 25 March
[...] as the annual commemorative anniversary in honour of the victims; and (c) welcomed [...]
the initiative of the
Caribbean Community to erect a permanent memorial at United Nations Headquarters following the finalization of the capital master plan.
[...] 西洋贩卖奴隶、种族隔离、殖民主义和种族灭绝不 应被忘记,对此,他纪念受害者 所采取的措施表 示赞赏。
Slavery and the slave trade, especially the transatlantic slave trade, apartheid, colonialism and
genocide must never be forgotten and, in that regard, the measures
[...] taken to honour the memory of victims were welcomed.
该项目有三个组成部分:将过渡时期司法相关 文件存档,建造一座战受害者纪念 碑 , 建造一座博物馆,用以反映战争期间的难,并 反映该国正在争取实现持久和平的进程。
The project has three components: archiving of transitional
justice-related documents,
[...] building of a monument dedicated to war victims, and building a museum that reflects on sufferings during the war, and [...]
the process underway
towards achieving lasting peace in the country.
我们希望, 本组织将能领导全世界,不仅仅要牢记 难 , 而 且还纪念那些 为了恢复人的尊严和保证人人平等而英 勇献出生命者的勇气。
It is our hope that this Organization
[...] can lead the world in memorializing not only the suffering, [...]
but also the courage, of those
who bravely dedicated their lives to restoring human dignity and guaranteeing equality among all.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎联合国难民事务高级专员采取举措,与各国协商, 协助举纪念 1951 年《关难民地位的公约》六十周年和纪念 1961 年《减少无 国籍状态公约》五十周年的部长级政府间活动,赞赏地注意到高级专员办事处在 开展结构和管理改革方面、包括在执行全球需要评估倡议方面取得的进展,鼓励 办事处整合改革进程的各个方面,请高级专员向大会第六十六届会议报告其活动 情况(第 65/194 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the initiative of the High Commissioner to facilitate, in consultation with States, the convening of an intergovernmental event at the ministerial level on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the fiftieth anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, noted with appreciation the progress made in the implementation of the process of structural and management change, including the global needs assessment initiative, undertaken by the Office of the High Commissioner, encouraged the Office to consolidate the various aspects of the reform process, and requested the High Commissioner to report on his activities to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/194).
少数民族人员有权自由使用其母语――无论是书面还是口 头――来获得信息、传播信息和交流信息;有权以少数民族语言组织大众媒体, 出版文学作品;决定其宗教理念;庆祝其民族节日 纪念 其 历 史性事件,参加其 本族的仪式活动、尤其是使用其民族符号;以其母语所 受 的 形 式使用自己的 姓、名和教名(包括在公务行为中)。
Persons belonging to national minorities have the right to free use of their mother tongue, both in written and orally, to have access to information in this language, to disseminate it and to exchange information; the right to organise mass media, to publish literature in the language of national minorities; to determine their attitude towards religion; to
celebrate their national holidays and commemorate their historical events, to participate in the exercise of the rituals of their nations, to use in particular their national symbolic; to use their family name, given name and patronymic, including in official acts, in the form accepted by the mother tongue.
另一方面,根据《公共集会法》新第 15 条第 2 款的规定,更加容易禁止在 有重要特殊历史意义的纪念地点、以及专 纪念受 国 家 社会主义暴政桎梏和非人 道主义待遇迫害的难者的纪念地 点举行集会。
In addition, under the new article 15, paragraph 2, of the Assembly Act, gatherings can be more
easily banned when they
[...] are held at a commemorative site of special historic significance for the country as a whole and dedicated to the memory of the victims of inhuman [...]
treatment under the yoke
and the tyranny of National Socialism.
然而,我们作为政府一直要难民遵 纪 守法 ——当然,他们的人受到尊 重;而当发现犯罪分子 时,我们则在国际法原则范围内作出反应。
However, we as a
[...] Government have always demanded that the refugees act within the rule of law — of course [...]
their human rights are observed — and where criminal
elements have been discovered, we have responded within the tenets of international law.
本集团重申,永远都不应忘记奴隶制和奴隶贸 易,包括跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为和走私人口等奴隶制 新形式,不应忘记种族隔离和殖民主义,并在这方面
[...] 欢迎在联合国纽约总部采取行动,通过竖立纪念废除 跨大西洋贩卖奴隶和奴隶制 200 周年的纪念碑,纪 念受害者
The Group reiterates that slavery and the slave trade, including the transatlantic slave trade, new and emerging forms of slavery such as human trafficking, apartheid and colonialism, must never be forgotten, and in this regard welcomes actions undertaken at the premises of the United Nations in New York to honour the
memory of victims through the
[...] establishment of the memorial commemorating the 200-year [...]
anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade and slavery.
就关于奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行 受 害者纪念碑和对受害者的纪念的决 议草案 A/65/L.36 所涉方案预算问题的说明(A/C.5/65/11 和 Corr.1)而 [...]
言,教育今世后代、让他们知道奴隶制和跨大西洋贩 卖奴隶行为的原因、后果和教训非常重要,这一点无
With regard to the statement of programme budget implications of
draft resolution A/65/L.36
[...] on the permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the [...]
transatlantic slave
trade (A/C.5/65/11 and Corr.1), the importance of educating and informing current and future generations about the causes, consequences and lessons of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade could not be overemphasized.
纪念通过 1951 年《关难民地位的公约》和 1961 年《减少无国籍状态 公约》的周年,庇护、无国籍和自然灾害背景下的性别平等问题工作队与人权高 专办举行会议,以拟订关于流离失所和无国籍背景下的性别平等问题的声明。
A meeting took place between the task force on gender equality in the context of asylum, statelessness and natural disasters and UNHCR on the elaboration of a statement on gender equality in the context of displacement and statelessness relating to the anniversaries of the adoption of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
作为非政府组织移徙问题委员会的共同主席,该协会组织了以下活动:与社 会发展委员会的一项并行活动;全球移民与发展论坛 2010
[...] 年民间社会日最新情 况介绍;贩运人口问题工作队在东欧举行关于移民的讲座和一次专题介绍;关于 赋予移民妇女赋权的声明;在新闻部关于移民对世界各地家庭的影响的简要介绍 一起实施了一项方案,以庆祝国际家庭日;以及一 纪念 国 际 难 民 日 的方案。
As co-chair of the NGO Committee on Migration, the Association organized: a parallel event with the Commission for Social Development; an update of the 2010 Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development; a lecture on migrants in Eastern Europe and a presentation by the Task Force on Human Trafficking; a statement on the empowerment of migrant women; a programme in conjunction with the Department of Public Information briefing on the impact of
migration on families around the
[...] world, in observance of the International Day of Families; as well as a programme to mark International Refugee Day.
尽管黎巴嫩陆军针对位于黎巴嫩南部的马伦拉斯 纪念 大 灾 难 的 活动采取 了强化措施,但敌方以色列的部队向聚集在上述地点参加这一纪念活动的一群手 [...]
无寸铁的平民开火,打死 10 人,打伤 112 人,其中一些人伤势严重。
Despite the heightened measures taken by the Lebanese Army in
[...] relation to the commemoration of the Nakbah [...]
in Marun al-Ra’s, which is located in
southern Lebanon, Israeli enemy forces fired at a group of unarmed civilians who had gathered at the above-mentioned location to observe the occasion, killing 10 persons and wounding 112 others, some critically.
4 月 10 日发生 的事件就是历史上的此种时刻之一,波兰人民失去了 他们的已故总统——莱赫·卡钦斯基——以及第一夫
[...] 人和该国优秀的军事及文职领导人,他们是在前去出 席波兰烈士在卡廷大屠杀中难 70 周年纪念活动的 途中丧生的。
What happened on 10 April was one of those moments in history as the Polish people lost their President, the late Lech Kaczyński, together with the First Lady and the elite of the country’s
military and civil leadership while
[...] on their way to commemorate the seventieth anniversary [...]
of the Polish martyrs of the Katyn massacre.
关于广泛存在的对男 、 女 同 性恋者、 两
[...] 性恋者和 变 性者的 歧视, 包括对大屠杀男 、 女 同 性受 害者纪 念 馆 的 暴力袭 击 和 破坏,荷兰欢迎德国为保 护他们 [...]
不受仇 恨 犯罪之害所 采取的积极 措施,并建议德国继续努力,采取进一步行动,打击基于性倾向的仇恨犯罪。
Regarding the widespread stereotypes and discriminatory attitude towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
including violent attacks
[...] and damage to the memorial for lesbian and gay victims of the Holocaust, [...]
the Netherlands welcomed
Germany’s positive steps to protect them from hate crimes and recommended that Germany continue its efforts and take further initiatives to combat hate crimes based on sexual orientation.
1951 年公约》第 33 条第 1 款所载的不驱回原则指出,任何国家均不得以任何 方式难民驱 逐或返还(“驱回”)至会使 难 民 的 生命或自由因其种族、宗 教、国籍、某一特定社会团体的成员资格或政治 念 而 受 到 威 胁的疆域。
The principle of non-refoulement contained in article 33, paragraph 1 of the 1951 Convention,
states that no
[...] State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, [...]
of a particular social group or political opinion.
总干事现向执行局提交本文件第 II 部分所列的各项建议,请其作出决定,该部分提供 了各项已被受的周年纪念活动 的简要介绍及相关的人物生平和历史情况。
The Director-General submits to the Executive Board, for its decision, the proposals contained in Section II, which contains a description of each anniversary selected together with relevant historical and biographical information.
缅怀第二次世界大受害者 应当鼓励我们加倍 努力,以确保我们所有人的自由、和平、安全与民主, 并且避免 20 世纪大灾难的重演。
The memory of the victims of the Second World War should inspire us to redouble our efforts in order to ensure freedom, peace, security and democracy for us all, and to avoid any repetition of the great cataclysm of the twentieth century.
受鼓舞的是,智利愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例 难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童 受 教 育
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access to education for all children, especially those from marginalized communities, such as refugee children and children whose families [...]
live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要难是未 爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约》在确 受影 响 国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
在 2009 年 7 月至 2010 年 2 月期间共举办 17
[...] 次展览,其中包括“反对核武器”、“基于性别的暴力行为”、 “争取社会正义”、“妇女、水和井”、“民主视像挑战”、“巴勒斯 难 民 ” 以及专纪念大屠 杀的两次联合展览(“世代相传:生存和希望的遗产”和“杀人建筑: 奥斯维辛-比克瑙的蓝图”)。
Between July 2009 and February 2010, 17 exhibits were organized, including “Against Nuclear Arms”, “Gender-based Violence”, “Working for Social Justice”, “Women, Water and Wells”,
“Democracy Video
[...] Challenge”, “Palestine Refugees” and two joint exhibits devoted to Holocaust remembrance, “Generations: The [...]
Legacy of Survival and
Hope” and “Architecture of Murder: The AuschwitzBirkenau Blueprints”.




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