单词 | 受辱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 受辱—insultedless common: humiliated disgraced See also:辱v—humiliatev insultv 辱—disgrace dishonorAE self-deprecating be indebted to bring disgrace or humiliation to
我们坚决支持他们的正义事业,因为 我们不会让兄弟般的巴勒斯坦人民屈膝 受辱。 daccess-ods.un.org | We strongly support their just cause, as we will not allow the brotherly Palestinian people to be brought to its knees. daccess-ods.un.org |
社交恐惧症: 强烈和持续不断地恐惧别人的论断或监视,亦会因为个人的表现(例如演说)而感到尴尬或 受辱。 hsbc.com.hk | Social phobia: Persistent and intense fear of being watched and judged by others. hsbc.com.hk |
(n) 改善国家和地方关于处境危险儿童的数据收集及信息系统,以便为政 [...] 策提供参考,监测进展情况,防止针对儿童的性暴力行为,同时保障他们的尊严 和隐私权,并避免其受辱daccess-ods.un.org | (n) To improve national and local data-collection and information systems on children at risk so as to inform policy and monitor progress in order to prevent [...] sexual violence against children, while safeguarding their dignity and right to [...] privacy and averting child stigmatizationdaccess-ods.un.org |
最高 法院进一步指出,言论自由的行使“必须尊重其它人权,包括予以保护、以免由 于宗教信仰遭受侮辱和羞辱性歧视的权利”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Court further noted that freedom of expression must be exercised “with necessary respect for other [...] human rights, including the right to [...] protection against insulting and degradingdiscrimination [...]on the basis of religious belief”. daccess-ods.un.org |
(o) 改善国家和地方关于处境危险儿童的数据收集及信息系统,以便为决 策提供参考,监测进展情况,防止对儿童的性暴力行为,同时保障他们的尊严和 隐私权,并避免其受辱;(p) 确保儿童出生后立即得到登记,且登记手续简便、迅速、有效,仅收 取象征性费用或免费,并在国家、地区和地方各级宣传出生登记的重要性 daccess-ods.un.org | (o) To improve national and local data-collection and information systems on children at risk so as to inform policy and monitor progress in order to prevent sexual violence against children, while safeguarding their dignity and right to privacy and averting child stigmatization daccess-ods.un.org |
由于害怕蒙受耻辱,受害者常常选择 对遭受的性暴力和基于性别的暴力犯罪不做报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | Fearing such stigmatization, victims hadoften [...] chosen not to report crimes of sexual and gender-based violence committed against them. daccess-ods.un.org |
例 如 ﹐ 意 [...] 大 利 在 殖 民 地 的 争 夺中受 辱﹐使她 在 1882年 签 署 了 「 [...]三 国 同 盟 」 (Triple Alliance)作 为 报 复 。 另 一 方 面 ﹐ 泛 斯 拉 夫 主 义 ﹑ 法 国 对 [...]德 的 报 复 ﹑ 英 国 恢 复 海 上 霸 权 的 欲 望 ﹐ 这 些 因 素 使 专 制 的 和 自 由 化 的 大 国 走 在 一 起 ﹐ 成 为 另 一 个 阵 营 。 hkahe.com | For example, the humiliationofItaly in the colonial [...] conflicts led to the signing of the Triple Alliance 1882 as a sign [...]of revenge, while the Pan-Slavism, French revenge on Germany, and British desire on re-establishing hegemony on naval affairs put the autocratic and liberal powers together formatting the other camp. hkahe.com |
项目必须有效地阻断病毒尤其是通过母婴传播 [...] 的渠道,确保所有艾滋病毒携带者和艾滋病人都能得到延长生命的药物治疗,而不受羞辱和歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | Effective programmes must specifically address mother-to-child transmission of the virus and ensure that all [...] people living with the virus have access to appropriate life-extending [...] medications,free fromstigma anddiscrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽 然 他 在 1870 年 在 俾 斯 麦 的 帮 助 下 撤 消 了 《 黑 海 条 款 [...] 》 ﹐ 但 在 1878 年 再 一次受 辱﹐他被 迫 将 《 圣 斯 提 [...]法 诺 条 约 》 转 为 《 柏 林 条 约 》 。 hkahe.com | Though he was able to repudiate the [...] Black Sea Clause in 1870 with the help of [...] Bismarck,he was humiliatedagain in 1878 when [...]he was forced to change the Treaty [...]of San Stefano to Treaty of Berlin. hkahe.com |
如果实行了针对 [...] 性做法,各国政府必须遵守人权原则,这些原则尤其要求,尽量减少排斥错误, 确保针对性机制客观、透明、公开接受审查、不污 辱受益者。 daccess-ods.un.org | If targeting is adopted, Governments must comply with human rights principles that require, inter alia, minimizing exclusion errors and [...] ensuring that targeting mechanisms are objective, transparent, open to scrutiny [...] and do not stigmatizethe beneficiaries. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,委员会关切地 [...] 得悉,包括从儿童那里了解到,少数群体和土着儿童感到蒙受耻辱和虐待,包括 遭受其他儿童的虐待,而且残疾儿童申诉他们的权利未得到尊重。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is concerned at information, including from [...] children, that minority and indigenous [...] children feel stigmatized and maltreated, [...]including by other children, and that children [...]with disabilities complain that their rights are not respected. daccess-ods.un.org |
医疗报告证实了他 们的事实陈述,他们完全有理由担心第二次遣返后会再次遭受酷 刑和有辱人格的 待遇。 daccess-ods.un.org | Their account of the facts is corroborated [...] by medical reports and there is a well-founded fear of [...] repeated tortureand humiliating treatmentupon a [...]second return. daccess-ods.un.org |
人类中的一个群体——人贩子、奴隶 [...] 主和参与这一邪恶勾当并从中牟利的其他人——把 自己凌驾于另一个群体之上,凌辱受害者的基本人 格。 daccess-ods.un.org | One set of human beings — the traders, owners and others who [...] participated in and profited from that evil enterprise — elevated themselves above another, [...] assaulting their victims’veryessence. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会敦促缔约国采取一切可能的措施,避免《任择议定书》涵盖的违法 行为的受害儿童蒙受耻辱和社会边缘化,并进行必要的法例修订,确保这些儿童 既不被定罪,也不受处罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | (30) The Committee urges the State party to [...] take all possible [...] measures toavoid stigmatization and social marginalization of child victims of the offences [...]covered by the Optional [...]Protocol and make the necessary legislative amendments to ensure that these children are neither criminalized nor penalized. daccess-ods.un.org |
现代种族主义日益建立在文化、国籍和宗教的 基础上,通过媒体特别是互联网广泛传播,受到某 些政策的鼓励,主要针对的是社会弱势群体,他们 因为自己的不同而受到羞辱:土着居民、移民、外 国侨民、少数民族和宗教少数群体等。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was widely disseminated in the media, including on the Internet, it was encouraged by certain policies and it targeted vulnerable social groups, such asindigenous peoples, immigrants, non-nationals and religious and ethnic minorities, merely because of their differences. daccess-ods.un.org |
包括以下内容:恢复原状(恢复到发生违反行为之前的原有状态);满足(涵盖构成对受害国或受害人侮辱的非物质伤害);康复(医疗/心理护理、社会服务);保证不再发生。 daccess-ods.un.org | They include the following: restitution (restoration of the original situation before the violation occurred); satisfaction [...] (covers non-material injury [...] that amounts toan affront to the injured Stateor person); [...]rehabilitation (medical/psychological [...]care, social services); and guarantees of non-repetition. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 任何人以公开方式或怀着予以更广泛传播的意图发表一项谈话或给与其他信息,因此使 得一群人由于其种族、肤色、民族或人种、宗教或性倾向的原因而受到威 胁、侮辱或羞辱,应处以罚款或刑期不超过两年的监禁。 daccess-ods.un.org | (1) Any person who, publicly or with the intention of wider dissemination, makes a statement or imparts other information by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of their race, colour, nationalor ethnic origin, religion, or sexual inclination shall be liable to a fine or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years. daccess-ods.un.org |
对残疾的骚扰行为例子包括口头或书面形式的侮辱性言論或一些令人反 基於他人的种族而给予该人较差的待遇,或因某人或其近亲的种族而向该人作出不受欢迎、 谩骂、侮辱或令人反感的行为,以致令该人感到受冒 犯、羞辱或难 堪,这些行为可被视为触 犯《种族歧视条例》,或会引致法律诉讼。 cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk | Treating people less favourably on the basis of their race or engaging in an unwelcome, abusive, insulting or offensive behavior because of another [...] person’s or his / her [...] near relative’s race, which makes the person feel threatened, humiliatedor embarrassed might have contravened the Race Discrimination [...]Ordinance and [...]would entail legal consequences. cwstudent.vtc.edu.hk |
种无障碍形式(包括盲文)提供更多相关信息而采取的措施 面对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的传播蔓延以及艾滋病毒/艾滋病感 染者所受到的侮辱诋毁,为澄清相关信息,2009 年 11 月,秘鲁报业评议会主席、开发署在秘鲁的驻地代表、艾 [...] 滋病署负责秘鲁、厄瓜多尔和玻利维亚三国的协调员共同 [...]提交了“反对因艾滋病毒/艾滋病而引发的侮辱和歧视观点” 特别运动的第二版。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures taken to increase awareness and information in various accessible formats, including in Braille, for HIV/AIDS and malaria prevention Based on the conviction that the sole [...] antidote for the spread of [...] HIV/AIDSand of thestigmatization of personsaffected by HIV/AIDSis the [...]provision of relevant, [...]appropriate information, in November 2009 the President of the Peruvian Press Council, the Resident Representative of UNDP in Peru and the Coordinator of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) for Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia launched the second round of the very special campaign entitled “Pictures to Combat Stigmatization and Discrimination against Persons Living with HIV/AIDS”. daccess-ods.un.org |
动中遇到的挑战。她指出,几类维护者所面临的长期不安全情况;他们受到公职 人员和非国家行为者的侮辱;受到国家情报人员的非法监视;受到任意逮捕和拘 [...] 留,及其司法骚扰;非政府组织的房舍受到侵袭,信息也被盗窃。 daccess-ods.un.org | She points out the persistent insecurity faced by several categories of [...] defenders; theirstigmatization by public officials [...]and non-State actors; their illegal [...]surveillance by State intelligence services; their arbitrary arrest and detention, and their judicial harassment; and raids of non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) premises and theft of information. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴勒斯坦人民因而继续遭受占 领,在自己的家园成为囚犯,在加沙地带被包围和封 锁,在包括东耶路撒冷在内的西岸被定居点、隔离墙 和数百个军事检查站及以色列人专用公路所限制和侮辱,受到占领国的任意摆布,面临占领国的破坏性 侵略、殖民化和压迫行径。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Palestinian people thus remain under occupation, prisoners in their own homeland, besieged and blockaded in the Gaza Strip and confined and abused between settlements, walls and a matrix of hundreds of military checkpoints and Israeli-only roads in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, subject to the mercy of the occupying Power and its destructive acts of aggression, colonization and repression. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于现在迫切需要预防这种犯罪, [...] 红十字委员会与各国的红十字和红新月协会合作开 展了各项抵制侮辱受害者的宣传活动,还努力扩大 妇女在寻求和平方面的作用,让妇女参加各项预防、 [...]保护和重振计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the urgent need to prevent those crimes, ICRC was providing leadership, in partnership with national Red Cross and Red Crescent [...] Societies, for various advocacy [...] endeavours against victim stigmatizationandwasseeking [...]to expand women’s role in the quest [...]for peace by involving them in prevention, protection and recovery programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
同样有关的 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇 女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防残疾恶化的服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, 其中包括禁止未经自由同意进行医疗或科学试验。 daccess-ods.un.org | Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including among children and older persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent. daccess-ods.un.org |