单词 | 受贿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 受贿 —briberyaccept a bribeExamples:受贿案—bribery case See also:贿—bribery 贿 n—bribe n
此外,该制度滋生腐败,伊拉克和国外的 相关人员存在受贿现象。 daccess-ods.un.org | The system was also corrupt and there [...] were incidents of bribery among those involved [...]in the system in Iraq and abroad. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果已经给凶犯定了 罪,则监狱系统可能因不安全或受贿 嫌 疑 致使犯人逃脱或通过行贿获得保释。 daccess-ods.un.org | If perpetrators are convicted, [...] prison systems may be [...] insecure or susceptible to corruption, resulting in prisoners escaping or bribing their way out [...]of detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,缔约国没有出具任何证据证实他犯 有 受贿 罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the State party presented no evidence confirming [...] the commission of bribery. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外, 缅甸工资通常很低,这为部分官员和普通居百姓参 与 受贿 行贿 提供了经济动因。 crisisgroup.org | Furthermore, salaries are often low, providing an incentive for some officials, and indeed members of the general population, to participate in corrupt practices”. crisisgroup.org |
反贪腐也是联合国全球契约的基石, [...] “十项原则”中的一项就是:企业应当反 对各种形式的贪腐,包括敲诈勒索和 行贿 受贿。 tetrapak.com | Fighting corruption is a cornerstone of the UN Global Compact. Its [...] tenth principle states that “businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, [...] including extortion and bribery”. tetrapak.com |
刚 果共和国在发展方面还 面临挑 战 : 改善执 政 、 反腐败、 反贪污、 反 欺 诈 、 反 受 贿、改 善劳动者的社会条件,尤其是青年和其他弱势群体。 daccess-ods.un.org | These are the developmental challenges that Congo is still facing: improving governance; combating corruption, misappropriation of public funds, [...] fraud and [...] influence-peddling; and improving the social situation of workers, particularly young people and other [...]vulnerable groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
可能因法官接审案件数量过多造 成拖延审理,或法官也可能因受贿而 延 迟审理或赦免凶犯。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judges’ dockets may be so overcrowded that cases are delayed for years, or [...] judges may also take bribes to delay cases or [...]absolve perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国除了可以在多边合作以及遵守条约方面开 [...] 展活动之外,他们还可以像美国一样立即采取措施 阻止受贿人、 行贿人及其资金进入其领土,并在打 [...] 击毒品方面,在毒品药品委员会召开会议时为新调 查系统提供支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to acting on their treaty commitments and increasing multilateral cooperation, States could also, like the United States, take immediate measures to deny entry to [...] their territory on the part of public [...] officials who received bribes as well as those [...]who supplied them and, in terms of the [...]anti-drug effort, support the new questionnaire system at the reconvened session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. daccess-ods.un.org |
禁止第三方直接或间接地代表林德集团实施或 收 受贿 赂。 linde.com.ph | Third parties acting on behalf of Linde are prohibited [...] from giving or accepting bribes, directly or [...]indirectly. linde.com.ph |
尚未实施《联合国反腐败公约》关于外国公职人员和国际公 共组织官员受贿的非 强制性条款,所报告的挑战包括现有的规范性措施不充足 [...] 和能力有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | The non-mandatory UNCAC [...] provisions on passive bribery of foreign public [...]officials and officials of public international [...]organizations have not been implemented, and reported challenges include the inadequacy of existing normative measures and limited capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
武器走私虽然 需要跨越国界——比方说从美国和墨西哥之间——但 大数武器是利用造假的文件和受贿的 官 员通过商业 渠道运送的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although arms are smuggled across borders — for example between the United States and Mexico — most weapons are just shipped through commercial channels, relying on fraudulent papers and corrupt officials. daccess-ods.un.org |
2.13 2008 年11月11 [...] 日,提交人向尼甘布治安法院提交了一份书面证词,指称 因指控警察受贿和施行酷刑,她和家人受到严重威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | 2.13 On 11 November 2008, the author filed an affidavit at the Negombo Magistrate’s Court, alleging that there were serious threats against [...] her and her family in relation to her pursuit of [...] her complaints of bribery and torture instituted [...]against police officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年《犯罪法令》第 134(1)、136(1)、135(1)和 137(1)条以及《预防贿赂法 案》第 [...] 4(1)和 4(2)条和《刑法》第 106(a)和(b)条将行贿和受贿定为 刑事犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sections 134(1), 136(1), 135(1) and 137(1) of the Crimes Decree 2009 as well as Sections 4(1) and 4(2) of the [...] Prevention of Bribery Promulgation and Sections 106(a) and (b) of the Penal Code [...] criminalize active and passive bribery. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为《联合国反腐败公约》的缔约国,塞拉利 昂继续审判受贿官员以克服该祸患。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a State party to the United Nations [...] Convention against Corruption Sierra Leone continued to address the issue of [...] corruption by bringing corrupt officials to [...]justice. daccess-ods.un.org |
他因为拒绝受贿而被 称为“清廉先生”,不过有一位投资银行家表示:“习近平的妻子是著名歌手,赚很多钱,他不需要冒 险 受贿。 amccsm.org | He has been referred [...] to as ‘Mr Clean' for refusing to take bribes, though one investment banker commented, "Xi has no need to risk taking bribes given the amount of money his wife, a famous [...]singer, pulls in" (Reuters). amccsm.org |
在中国五代南唐时,有一个叫王鲁的人,他在当涂县(现安徽省马鞍山市下辖的一个县)当县令时,常常 接 受贿 赂 、 不遵守法规。 chinesestoryonline.com | In the southern Tang Dynasty, there was a greedy [...] magistrate named Wang Lu (王鲁) in Dang Tu (当涂) County who [...] took many bribes and never concerned with how to serve the people. chinesestoryonline.com |
对于《联合国反腐败公约》的非强制性规定,圣多美和普林西比可考虑采取以 下步骤,以加强其国内措施的有效性: [...] 将外国公职人员和国际公共组织官员 接 受贿 赂 、 主动和被动形式的影响力 交易以及私营部门的贿赂定为刑事犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Criminalizing passive bribery of foreign public officials and officials of public [...] international organizations, trading in influence in both the active and [...] passive forms, and bribery in the private sector. daccess-ods.un.org |
行贿或受贿,或 授权或许可任何人代表我们 行贿或受贿。 tenneco.com | offer or accept any bribes or authorize or permit anyone to make or receive bribes on our behalf. tenneco.com |
小学未毕业者、被剥夺公民权者、未依法服兵役者、被剥夺公共服务资格者、曾因过失罪以外的罪名被判处1年及以上有期徒刑和重刑者;因贪污和侵吞公款、作弊 、 受贿 、 盗 窃、诈骗、造假、滥用宗教和欺诈性破产等不名誉罪行,以及走私、政府采购舞弊、泄露国家机密、参与恐怖活动及煽动、鼓励此类行为等罪行中任意一种而获刑者,即便获赦,也不得参选议员。 global.tbmm.gov.tr | Persons who have not completed their primary education; who have been deprived of legal capacity; who have not performed compulsory military service; who are banned from public service; who have been sentenced to a prison term totaling one year or more excluding involuntary offences, or to a long imprisonment; those who have been convicted of [...] dishonorable offences, such as [...] embezzlement, corruption, bribery, theft, fraud, forgery, [...]breach of trust, or fraudulent [...]bankruptcy; and persons convicted of smuggling, conspiracy in official bidding or purchasing; of offences related to the disclosure of state secrets; of involvement in acts of terrorism, or incitement and encouragement of such activities, shall not be elected as a deputy even if they have been granted amnesty. global.tbmm.gov.tr |
在《刑法典》,主要是第 16 章(妨害公共当局罪)、第 30 章(商业犯罪)、第 32 章(受贿和洗 钱罪)和第 40 章(职务犯罪)中,将《联合国反腐败公约》规定 的犯罪都定为刑事犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCAC-based offences are all criminalized in the Criminal Code, mostly under Chapter 16 (Offences against public authorities), Chapter 30 (Business Offences), Chapter 32 (receiving and money laundering offences), and Chapter 40 (Offences in office). daccess-ods.un.org |
这些刑事案件中 的控罪各不相同,有战争罪、洗钱、有组织犯罪、恐怖主义行为 、 受贿 等。 daccess-ods.un.org | The charges in these criminal cases included war crimes, money-laundering, organized crime, acts [...] of terrorism and accepting bribes. daccess-ods.un.org |
遵循科罗马总统树立的榜样,该委员会已指示公务官员不迟于 2009 年 1 月 [...] 30 日申报财产,该委员会还提请逮捕了一名涉 嫌 受贿 的 高 等法院法官。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the example set by President Koroma, public officials have been directed by the Commission to declare their assets no [...] later than 30 January 2009, and the Commission initiated the arrest of a High Court [...] judge for alleged receipt of bribes. daccess-ods.un.org |
企业应反对任何形式的腐败行为,包括敲诈勒索和 行 贿受贿。 daccess-ods.un.org | Principle 10 Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, [...] including extortion and bribery. daccess-ods.un.org |
第 004/PR/00 号法律 对挪用公款、受贿、贪 污、行贿和类似违法行为做出了规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Currently, it is Act No. 004/PR/00 on the suppression of embezzlement of public property, corruption, misappropriation of public funds, influence peddling and similar offences that is applicable in this field. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据最高人民检察院3月提交给全国人民代表大会的报告,检察官对33,688件贪污 、 受贿 或 玩 忽职守案件进行了立案调查;2006年,最高人民检察院总共调查了29,966名官员,并起诉了40,041名官员。 embassyusa.cn | According to the SPP's March report to the NPC, [...] prosecutors filed and investigated 33,688 cases [...] of embezzlement, bribery, or dereliction of [...]duty, and they prosecuted 29,966 officials [...]while investigating a total of 40,041 officials in 2006. eng.embassyusa.cn |
2009年2 月达沙古兹一 [...] 所女子监狱发生的一名女性囚犯遭殴打事件,委员会关切地注意到,虽然监狱长 因受贿罪被免职,但是没有对实施暴力的监狱官员实施任何刑事制裁(第2、11、 [...]12和16条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to the incident of beatings of a female inmate in February 2009 in the women’s prison colony in Dashoguz, the Committee notes with [...] concern that, while the head of the [...] colony was dismissed on bribery charges, no criminal [...]sanctions were imposed on the officials [...]responsible for this violence (arts. 2, 11, 12 and 16). daccess-ods.un.org |
通过将第 445 条(第 445.3 条)中使用的更广泛的 定义直接适用于关于受贿的一 般条款(第 419 条和第 420 条),把外国公职人员 和国际公共组织官员受贿也涵盖在内。 daccess-ods.un.org | The passive bribery of foreign public officials and officials of public international organizations is covered by a direct application of the broadened definition used in article 445 (article 445.3) to the general provision of passive bribery (article 419 and 420). daccess-ods.un.org |