

单词 受话器

See also:


words n
language n
talk n
conversation n
speech n
dialect n

what sb said
spoken words

External sources (not reviewed)

Then gently push on the receiver/speaker to separate [...]
the speaker section from the headband.
然后受话器/扬声 器轻轻地压入头带圈。
Gently press the receiver/speaker into the headband ring.
将 Cisco 电话听筒线插入放大器上带有听筒图标的插孔,然后将听 受话器 挂 回 电话上。
Install the Cisco
[...] telephones handset into the handset icon jack of the amplifier and then hang the handset receiver back on the phone.
如要佩戴,用一只手拿住头带,另一只手拿 受话器 / 扬 声 器。
To attach, hold the headband in one
[...] hand and the receiver/speaker in the other.
如要取下,只需将两只拇指放 受话器 / 扬 声 器的上部。
To detach, place both thumbs against the
[...] upper section of the receiver/speaker.
将 Cisco 电话听受话器从电 话上提起,您应在耳麦里听到拨号音。
Lift the Cisco telephone handset receiver off the phone [...]
and you should have dialtone in the headset.
作为V-Quest基础的PULSE™平台还提供范围广泛的分析能力,用于验证开发流程期间的声学设计,同时还可作 受话器 和 麦 克风等特性声学组件客观评价的多用途平台。
The PULSE™ platform, which is the foundation for V-Quest, also provides a wide range of analysis capabilities for the verification of the acoustic design during development process,
and is a versatile platform for objective evaluation of specific acoustical
[...] components such as receivers and microphones.
2010 年 3 月,作为部署前最后准备,Fekadu 和其受训人员被送到阿 斯马拉,参加 Wedi Eyasu 提供的有关利用移动话和机械定 器 引 爆 炸药的 简明课程。
In March 2010, as final preparation prior to
deployment, Fekadu and other
[...] trainees were sent to Asmara for a brief course with Wedi Eyasu on the use of mobile telephones and mechanical timers to detonate explosives.
古 巴欢迎文莱达鲁萨兰国以合作和建设性 话 的 精神 接 受 了 各 项建议。
Cuba welcomed Brunei
[...] Darussalam’s decision to accept the recommendations made by Cuba in a spirit of cooperation and constructive dialogue.
如果它没有连着 JTAG 仿器的话,也 可以通过一个可选的局部(固定在用户板上)扫描 控制器连接到 DSP。
The header can also be used to connect an optional local (embedded on the user target) boundary scan controller to the DSP when the JTAG emulator is not attached.
审计委员会感到关切的是,缺乏对实物和环境的充分控制措施可能导致擅 自使用服务器室,近东救济工程处可能无法防止服 器受 到 危 害。
The Board was concerned that the lack of adequate physical and environmental
controls might lead to unauthorized access to the server room and the inability of UNRWA to
[...] prevent hazards to the servers.
串行接口既可用作信号输入/输出以控制外部设备(例如通过继电器控制警铃和照明),也可以通过调制解 器 或 移动 电 话 传 输数据;或者作为 Web 终端,用于监控器;或 者用于连接某 受 支 持 的气象站以检索数据。
You can use the serial interface either as signal in-/output for controlling external devices (e.g. alarm bell and light using a
relay), for transferring data via a modem
[...] or mobile phone, as a web terminal for controlling/monitoring machines or to retrieve data from one of the supported weather stations.
关于使用卫 星受器、移动电话和因 特网,或是建立广播站、出版报纸和杂志,以及引进国 外出版物,伊拉克没有实施限制。
There are no restrictions on the use of satellite receivers, mobile telephones and the Internet [...]
or on the establishment
of broadcasting stations, the publication of newspapers and magazines and the importation of foreign press materials.
三分之一的项目是由非政府组织实施 的,其中 15
[...] 个项目与家庭暴力有关(2003 至 2005 年由基金资助):为妇女和儿童 家庭暴受害者开办收容所、SOS 电话,对与暴受害者和犯罪者工作的专家进 行培训,实施赋予贫困农村妇女经济权力方案,赋予妇女暴力受害者的附加资 格。
One third of the projects were implemented by non-governmental organizations, 15 of which related to domestic violence (funded by the Fund from 2003 to 2005): opening shelter houses
for women and
[...] children who are victims of violence, SOS telephones, training of experts for working with [...]
victims of violence and offenders, programmes
of economic empowerment of impoverished rural women, additional qualifications for women who are victims of violence.
如果委员会认为可受理的话,缔约国否认它将申诉 人遣回阿塞拜疆,违反了《公约》规定。
If the Committee
[...] considers the complaint admissible, the State party [...]
denies that it would violate the Convention by deporting
the complainant back to Azerbaijan.
首先,如果谷歌撤离中国话,受影 响的产品将不仅只局限于其搜索引擎服务,其他周边产品如电子邮件Gmail, 浏器Google Chrome, Google Reader, Google Books, Google Maps, Google News, Google Calendar等等也会受牵连。
Firstly, if Google leaves China they take with them not only their search engine but their additional services as well, such as Gmail, Google Reader, Google Books, Google Maps, Google News, Google Chrome, Google Calendar, and more.
联科行动将采取若干特派团支助举措:包括实施一项新技术,以增加卫星网 络吞吐量,并减少使用的卫星调制解调器数量;为联科行动人员安全制定一项综
[...] 水处理系统;根据科特迪瓦环境法规,将粪便收集和处理外包给一个私人承包商; 在器(移动电话,全球定位系统导 器 ) 上 安 装互动地图,以及在没有银行设施 的地方,利用银行服务提供现金每月为在该地区的人员发放津贴,而不是用联科 [...]
UNOCI will implement a number of mission support initiatives, including the implementation of a new technology to increase the throughput on the satellite network and reduce the number of satellite modems in use; the development of an integrated security management system for the security of the Operation’s personnel; the creation of a central repository of personnel data for better management of personnel movement; the introduction of an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment system; the outsourcing of the collection and disposal of septic waste to a private contractor in accordance with the environmental regulations of Côte d’Ivoire; the
deployment of interactive
[...] maps on smart devices (mobile phones, Global Positioning System navigators); and the use of [...]
banking services to deliver
cash for the payment of monthly allowances to personnel in the regions where there are no banking facilities, instead of its transport by UNOCI means.
The Batch Manager dialog box can also be [...]
displayed by selecting Batch>Open.
泰国已成立一个小组委员会, 负责监测预防贩卖儿童旅游相关人员的规划和政
[...] 策,并成立了危机中心,尤其关注女童和预防早孕, 还开设了热线话,为遭受虐待 或可能遭受虐待的 儿童建立了公共和私人庇护所。
A subcommittee had been set up in Thailand to oversee planning and policies to prevent the trafficking in persons linked with child tourism, and crisis centres focusing especially on girls
and the prevention of early pregnancy had
[...] been set up, as had telephone hotlines and public [...]
and private shelters for children
who were abused or at risk of abuse.
化学武器公约》缔约国的部长对化学 器受 害 者 及其家人给予了适当关 注,并声明其坚信,国际支助是一项紧急的人道主义需求,可以向所有遭受化 学器的受害者 提供特殊护理和援助,《公约》缔约国和禁止化学武器组织应 立即着重于满足这些需求,有可能包括通过设立一个国际支助网络。
The Ministers of the States Parties to the CWC,
while paying due respect
[...] to the chemical weapons victims and their families, declare their firm conviction that international support to provide special care and assistance to all victims suffering the effects of exposure to chemical weapons is an urgent [...]
humanitarian need and
that the States Parties to the Convention as well as the OPCW should pay urgent attention to meeting these needs including through the possible establishment of an international support network.
此外委员会还关注的是,这项服务难以 受 害 者话转给 负责青少年事务的市政秘书处,这是由于各种机构间缺乏协调,也由于 [...]
Furthermore, the Committee is concerned at the difficulties
that this service faces regarding the
[...] transfer of calls from victims to the municipal secretariats [...]
for the rights of childhood
and adolescence owing to a lack of coordination among the various institutions, as well as at the lack of an effective system for follow-up due to the high number of calls received.
中央名冊亦提供一個可靠 及有效的方法,讓器官移植聯絡主任確定在公立醫院身故的病人生前 表明死後捐贈器官的意願,以便可以盡快與其家屬聯絡和取得他們的 同意捐出死者的器官,救助有急切需要 受器 官 捐 贈的病人。
The CODR provides a reliable and effective means for transplant coordinators to ascertain, for people who passed away in public hospitals, their previously expressed wish to donate organs after death, and to approach their family as soon as possible to seek their consent to donate organs of the deceased, in order to save patients in urgent need of organ donation.
[...] 调其参加有关文书会议的时间安排,特别是关于清除爆炸危险以及向常规 器受 害者 提供援助的会议,各缔约国还应定期评估各个相关文书的工作协同增效的可 [...]
(f) The Meeting noted that States Parties, and in particular States Parties that are party to more than one related instrument, should pursue coherence in the scheduling of meetings of relevant instruments, particularly those meetings that deal with the clearance
of explosive hazards and
[...] assistance to the victims of conventional weapons, and, that the [...]
States Parties should regularly
evaluate the potential for synergy in the work of various related instruments, while acknowledging the distinct legal obligations of each.
切勿让本表接近磁性医疗装置(磁性项链,磁性橡 ⽪圈等)或冰箱的磁性门封,⼿袋的磁性扣,移动 话 的 扬 声 器 , 电磁烹饪装置等。
Do not allow the watch to come into close proximity to magnetic health devices (magnetic necklaces, magnetic elastic bands, etc.) or the magnets used in the latches of refrigerator doors, clasps used in handbags, the speaker of a cell phone, electromagnetic cooking devices and so on.
除了这些修建并扩大更多定居点的非法计划外,以色列占领军一直在发生死 亡事件的非法定居点附近的巴勒斯坦村庄进行突袭,并搜抓 18 岁至 40 岁的男子 去受问话。
In addition to these illegal plans to construct and expand more settlements, Israeli occupying forces have been raiding Palestinian villages in the vicinity of the illegal settlement where the deadly incident occurred, rounding up males between the ages of 18 and 40 to report for questioning.
[...] 的新方式,有助于加强决议的执行,包括:将煽动定为犯罪,同时也规定保护表 达自由的具体措施;加强社区和国家这两级的 话 ; 更 认真倾 受 害 人 之声并通 过受害人抵消恐怖主义煽动者的吸引力;为囚犯和在押人员设立恢复方案;将所 有反恐活动纳入全面综合战略,承认每项活动在实现预防恐怖主义袭击这一总体 [...]
The survey identified a number of new practical approaches that could help to strengthen implementation of the resolution, including criminalizing incitement while also providing specific protections
regarding freedom of
[...] expression; enhancing dialogue at the community and national levels; listening more attentively to the voices of victims and using [...]
victims to counter
the appeal of those who incite terrorism; setting up rehabilitation programmes for prisoners and detainees; and including all counter-terrorism activities within a comprehensive and integrated strategy that acknowledges the proper role of each activity in achieving the overall objective of preventing terrorist attacks.
包括联科行动、独 角 兽 部队和科特迪瓦官员在内的许多话 者 对 武 器 专 家 尚 未任命向专家组表示关切,并向其提供了 2011 年选举后危机之前和期间可能违 反制裁制度的有关材料。
A wide range of interlocutors, including UNOCI, Force Licorne and Ivorian officials, have conveyed their concerns to the Group regarding the absence of an arms expert, and have [...]
transmitted relevant
information concerning possible breaches of the sanctions regime before and during the 2011 post-electoral crisis.




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