单词 | 受访 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 受访 verb —interview v受访 —be interviewed • give an interview • respond to (questions, a survey etc) Examples:受访者—an interviewee • participant in a survey • those questioned See also:访 v—visit v • investigate v • seek v 访—call on • inquire
许多接受访问的同伴 都指出追查甲基溴进口后的使用情况困难重重,不过常常指出需要官方监督和管制甲其 [...] 溴用于检疫和装船前消毒处理。 multilateralfund.org | Many of the visited counterparts indicated [...] difficulties in tracking MB use after import, although a requirement for official [...]supervision and control of QPS treatments with MB was indicated often. multilateralfund.org |
受访者认 为,委员会工作缺乏成效 的原因之一是有关各方难以达成共识,难以就敏感问题作出决定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Among the reasons given for the lack of effectiveness of the Board was the difficulty for the parties involved in reaching consensuses and taking sensitive decisions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于这一 话题的敏感性和潜在风险,大部分 受访 者 , 尤其 是身处缅甸的相关人士,均要求匿名。 crisisgroup.org | Most of those interviewed asked to remain [...] anonymous, due to the sensitive nature of the subject and because of potential [...]risks, particularly to those based in Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
总商会最新商业调查显示:54%的 受访 企 业 对2012年的经济前景感到不乐观。 sccci.org.sg | In a business survey recently concluded by the Chamber, results showed [...] that 54% of the respondents did not have [...]an optimistic outlook for the economy for the year 2012. english.sccci.org.sg |
这些评审组均提出报告认为,受访的 大多数电厂和电力公司的管理 层都致力于加强和维持高水平的运行安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The missions reported that the managements of most of the [...] plants and utilities visited were committed [...]to improving and maintaining a high level of operational safety. daccess-ods.un.org |
无回应可能导致结果偏差,受访 家庭 /个人并不总是能够或愿意给出准确答案,特别是在涉及到疾病诊断或所获 [...] 服务的时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | Non-response may cause biases in [...] the results, and interviewed households/persons [...]are not always able or willing to give [...]accurate answers, particularly regarding disease diagnoses or services received. daccess-ods.un.org |
半数受访企业 选择盗版对电影 产业总体就业水平的影响不大,原因在于,盗版拉动一部分非法就业的同时,也挤压了一部 [...] 分合法就业。 uschina.org | About half of the enterprises [...] that have been interviewed believe that the [...]impact of piracy on the overall level of employment [...]in the country’s movie industry is minor, pointing out that piracy squeezes some legal jobs while increasing some illegal ones. uschina.org |
另一名未成年的受访者声 称,警察曾对他施行了“干淹”待遇和头部击打以 及全身击打,以让他说出赃物的下落以及承认他矢口否认的其他罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another minor interviewed alleged that he had been subjected to the “dry [...] submarine” treatment and that he had been punched [...]in the head and received blows all over his body to make him reveal the whereabouts of a stolen object as well as to confess to other offences that he claimed not to have committed. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年 4 月 23 日至 27 日,第二大因特网旅行社 Orbitz Worldwide 公 [...] 司对美国公民进行调查,其中有 67%的受访者会支持允许美国人到古巴 旅行的政策,72%的人认为,“扩大到古巴的旅行和旅游会对古巴人民的 [...]日常生活产生积极影响”。 daccess-ods.un.org | From 23 to 27 April 2009, Orbitz Worldwide, the second largest Internet travel agency, conducted a survey of [...] United States citizens which showed that 67 per [...] cent of those polled would support [...]a policy that allowed United States citizens [...]to travel to Cuba and 72 per cent said that an expansion of travel and tourism to Cuba would have a positive impact on the daily life of the Cuban people. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,一些受访者表 示,尽管一再要求,他们未能通知家人。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the contrary, [...] several people interviewed indicated that [...]they had not been able to notify family, despite repeated requests. daccess-ods.un.org |
15位海外受访者中 有10位对此问题做出了回答;7位 中国受访者中 有4位对此问题做出了回答。 syntao.com | Of all respondents, 10 out of 15 foreign interviewees and 4 out of 7 Chinese interviewees answered this question. syntao.com |
关于法外处决、即决处决或任意处决问题特别报告员的拟议访问,莫桑比 克指出,莫桑比克对他及其他报告员开放 接 受访 问 , 对此没有任何限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | As for the proposed visit of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, [...] Mozambique stated that the country is open to [...] receiving his visit as well as that [...]of other rapporteurs and has no restrictions in this regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于海事安全,所有受访国均 执行了国际海事组织(海事组织)《国 际海上人命安全公约》国际船舶和港口设施保安规则(1974 [...] 年《国际海上人命安 全公约》的一个修正案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to [...] maritime security, all visited States have implemented [...]the International Maritime Organization (IMO) International [...]Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code (an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea “SOLAS” Convention of 1974). daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,一些接受访谈的 官员提议审视为联合国系统许多组织提供服 务的机构联合国电算中心的作用,并审视加强联合国各组织在这一领域合作的可 [...] 能性和方式,例如探讨各组织是否可能像设在纽约和日内瓦的一些组织已经实施 的那样,彼此成为相互的安全备份场所。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this context, some officers interviewed proposed looking into the role [...] of UN-ICC as the service provider for many United [...]Nations system organizations, and also into possibilities and ways of increasing cooperation among United Nations organizations in this area, for instance by exploring the possibilities of organizations serving as mutual safe backup sites for each other, as already practiced among some of the New York- and Genevabased organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(l) 74%的受访者同 认为关于网络成员标准的规定是合适的,倘若制订更加严格的规定则 [...] 需要投入更多的时间和资源,而削弱规定又会损害网络的特性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (l) The criteria stipulated for membership were considered [...] suitable by 74% of respondents since making [...]them more stringent would demand more time [...]and resources than available, and weakening them would undermine the identity of the Network. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一些司的司长 职位空缺一年以上,受访的工 作人员提到这些领导职位空缺对其所在司有效履行 [...] 职能构成挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some divisions have not had a director for more than one [...] year, and these leadership voids were [...] mentioned by staff interviewed as a challenge [...]to the effective functioning of their divisions. daccess-ods.un.org |
在专家组此 次任务期间记录或对以往任务的后续调查所涉 80 [...] 多起由国家情报和安全局实施 的任意逮捕和拘禁案中,没有一个 受访 者 告 诉专家组,政府当局曾对他们被拘禁 一事以及某些案件所涉及的酷刑进行过调查。 daccess-ods.un.org | In over 80 cases of arbitrary arrest and detention by NISS documented by the Panel during the current mandate [...] or followed up from the previous mandate, [...] none of those interviewed informed the Panel [...]that their detention, and in some cases [...]torture, was investigated by the Government authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
某些船上一些接 受访谈的船员说,他们以为准备首先驶往埃及,然后从西面进入加沙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some crew members interviewed from certain boats [...] said that they understood the intention to be to sail first to Egypt and [...]then enter Gaza waters from the west. daccess-ods.un.org |
的调查,百分之八十六的受访企业 表示计划在年内部署多媒体平板电脑。 seagate.com | Eighty-six percent of enterprises surveyed said that they plan to deploy media tablets this year. seagate.com |
调查显示,62.5%的受 访企业 认为,盗版大幅度降低了政府的税收收入;12. 5% 的 受访 企 业 认为,盗版降低了政府 的税收收入,但影响程度不大; 6.25%的受访企业 认为,盗版对政府的税收收入几乎没有影 响;18.75%受访企业认为,电影盗版行为增加了地方政府的税收收入(见图 3.3),他们认 为,盗版行为拉动地方城市的经济活力,扩大地方就业,增加地方税收,因此,地方政府官 员出于短期地方利益的考虑,在不同程度地对盗版行为持默许和纵容的态度。 uschina.org | Of the enterprises that have been interviewed, 62.5% believe that piracy has significantly reduced the government’s tax revenues; 12.5% hold that piracy has reduced the government’s tax revenue, but on a minor scale; 6.25% believe that piracy has had little effect on the government’s tax revenue; and 18.75% hold that piracy has increased local governments’ tax revenues (see Chart 3.3). The preceding group of interviewees believes that, given [...] the role of piracy in [...]driving the economic vitality of local cities, and in creating local employment opportunities as well as in increasing local tax revenues, local government officials have acquiesced to, and connived at piracy to different extents, out of short-term interests of their localities. uschina.org |
一位受访者说 ,为大会 关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议进行的筹备工作取得了很大成绩,并指出, [...] 经社部参与编写了这次首脑会议成果文件的全文,并通过建立、维持和扩大政治 框架做出了贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | One interviewee stated that the [...] preparations for the Highlevel Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on the Millennium [...]Development Goals were a great achievement, noting that the Department had co-written the entire text of the outcome document of the summit and had also contributed by creating, maintaining and amplifying a political framework. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,大 部分的受访者也 表示,每股社会贡献值对于业外人 士而言较难理解;而关于这一衡量标准的实际分析 价值,受访者也各执己见。 syntao.com | At the same time, the [...] majority of survey respondents also felt that SCVPS is difficult for external parties to comprehend and respondent opinion was divided about the real analytic value of the metric. syntao.com |
许多受访者称这些举措独到而有前景,但他们同时也认为中国政府以 及上交所需要明确与切实贯彻这些规定。 eisourcebook.org | Many respondents referred to these [...] initiatives as being unique and promising, but the same respondents also felt that officials [...]in the SSE and Chinese government needed to enforce and clarify these regulations. eisourcebook.org |
Visa和亚太旅游协会(PATA) 联合开展的2010年亚太旅游意愿调查显示,中 国 受访 人 员中,超过一半以上准备在未来两年内赴澳旅游,游客赴海外旅游的三大原因分别是自然景观、阳光海滩和新地点。 australiachina.com.au | The Visa and Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Asia Pacific Travel Intentions Survey 2010 revealed that more than half of its surveyed Chinese participants intended to travel to Australia over the next two years and that the top three attributes that travellers are looking for in destinations overseas are natural scenery, sunshine and beaches, and new places. australiachina.com.au |
调查结果显示,81.4%的受访企业对工作 准证的申请流程以及审批所需时间表示满意/非常满意,69.2%的企业对工作准证 [...] 的申请标准感到满意/非常满意。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The Survey show [...] that 81.4% of respondents are satisfied/very [...]satisfied with the application process and processing time, [...]and 69.2% of businesses have indicated that they are satisfied/very satisfied with the work permit application criteria. english.sccci.org.sg |
一个受访者说 ,中国投资项目的利益是这样分配的:1) 缅甸联邦国家和平与发展委员会从中国那里获得高额好 [...] 处;2) 中国获得资源;3) 边境停火团体向经它们领地过 境的资源征税;4) 一些当地人得到工作机会。 crisisgroup.org | One interviewee commented that [...] benefits of Chinese investment are distributed among actors in the following way: 1) SPDC [...]cuts a lucrative deal with the Chinese; 2) Chinese get resources; 3) ceasefire border groups tax resources moving through their territory across the border; 4) some locals get jobs. crisisgroup.org |
研究结果还显示,42%的受访者认为Y一代工人、X一代工人和婴儿潮出生的一代工人之间的差异实际上提升了工作效率,而24% 的 受访 者 则认为降低了工作效率,23% 的 受访 者 认 为无影响。 tipschina.gov.cn | Results also show 42 percent of respondents say differences between Gen Y, Gen X and baby boomers actually improve workplace productivity, while 24 percent say they interfere with productivity, and 23 percent say they make [...] no difference. tipschina.gov.cn |
终端用户可能不想逐一浏览每个受访 者 的 年龄,而是想按照21-30和31-40年龄段来查 看 受访 者 的 年龄。 evget.com | End-users may not want to browse through [...] each and every unique respondent age value and instead want to see [...] the ages of respondents in intervals such as 21-30, 31-40, etc. Instead of viewing sales by each unique date, they may want to view the sales against months. evget.com |
尽管有人提议在《2009 [...] 年报告》中讨论移民问题,而且开发计划署署长随后 对此表示认可,也有许多受访者表 示支持通过审查《人类发展报告》对发展思维、 [...] 政策和实践的贡献,开展二十周年纪念活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | While migration was proposed for the 2009 Report and [...] subsequently endorsed by the UNDP [...] Administrator, many respondents also expressed [...]support for commemorating the 20th anniversary [...]through a review of Human Development Report contributions to development thinking, policy, and practice. daccess-ods.un.org |