

单词 受知

External sources (not reviewed)

上载含受知识产 权(或隐私权)法保护的软件或其他材料的文件,除非用户拥有或控制这些权利,或已取得一切必要允许。
Upload files that contain software or other material
[...] protected by intellectual property laws [...]
(or by rights of privacy of publicity)
unless the User owns or controls the rights thereto or has received all necessary consents.
发展中国家,特别受 知识产 权保护产品的贫穷消费国的谈判地位较低,发达国家与发展中国家的基本不对称关 系的最终根源是他们的经济实力。
There is a fundamental asymmetry in relationships between developed and developing countries, based ultimately on their relative economic strength.
文化统计框架对文化产品和服务的定义中也认为它 受知 识 产 权的 潜在约束。
In the FCS, cultural goods and services are defined as being potentially subject to copyright.
但一位代表对替代物质的可获取性表示担心,并指出 受知 识产 权所限,发展中国家可能在引进此类替代物质方面面临困难。
One representative, however, expressed concern about the availability of alternative
substances, saying that developing countries might have trouble introducing
[...] them owing to intellectual property rights.
(a) 创建一个全球气候变化技术知识产权库,推动和确保以非专有、免特 许使用费的条件向发展中国家提 受知 识 产 权保护的技术和相关诀窍
(a) Creation of a Global Technology Intellectual Property Rights Pool for Climate Change that
promotes and ensures access
[...] to intellectual property protected technologies and the associated know-how to developing [...]
countries on
non-exclusive royalty-free terms
正如我们在第 7 章中所说,发展中国家从各种各样的国家 和国际机构受知识产 权领域内的技术援助,如欧洲专利局 (EPO),美国专利商标局 (USPTO) 以及发达国家的知识产权机构。
As we note in Chapter 7, developing countries receive technical assistance in the IP field from a wide range of national and international institutions, such as the EPO, the USPTO, and the IP authorities of developed countries.
塞舌尔认识到受知识型 社会这一概念的重要性,于2010年11 月成立了 塞舌尔的第一所大学,为尽可能多的塞舌尔学生提供高等教育机会。
In recognition of the
[...] importance of embracing the concept of a knowledge-based society, [...]
the first Seychelles University
was opened in November 2010 notably to extend access to tertiary education to a maximum of Seychellois students.
[...] 欧盟会适用强制许可,而美国的限制则相对 更多一些,允许第三方在拒绝交易的情况下 获受知识产权保护的技术。
The analysis made in this section reveals that compulsory licences can be used, under certain conditions, in the EC and possibly to a more
limited extent in the US, to allow third parties access to
[...] technologies protected by IPRs in cases of refusals [...]
to deal.
请注意,本网站中所有的软件,包括但不限于所有的 HTML 代码和 Active X
[...] 控件归美国联合航空公司和/或其供应商所有, 受知 识 产 权法和其他法律保护,包括但不限于版权法和国际条约。
Please note that all software, including without limitation all HTML code and Active X controls contained in this Web site, is owned by
United Airlines and/or its suppliers and is
[...] protected by intellectual property and [...]
other laws, including without limitation
copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
上傳或另行提供含有圖像、照片、軟體 受知 識 產 權法(例如但不限於著作權法或商標法)(或受隱私權或公開權)保護之其他資料的各個文檔,除非您擁有或掌握前述各項上的各種權利,或已獲得所有必要許可、能實施此類行為。
Upload, or otherwise make available, files that contain
images, photographs, software or other
[...] material protected by intellectual property laws, including, [...]
by way of example, and not
as limitation, copyright or trademark laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consent to do the same.
您应尊重PPF对网站拥有的版权以及第三方对PPF在网站发布的任何材料和文本拥有的权利(包括但不限于商标、标志等),上述内容构成第三方财产, 受知 识 产 权相关保护法律的保护。
You are furthermore obligated to respect PPF's copyright to the Sites and third-party rights to materials and texts posted by PPF on the Sites (including but not limited to trademarks, logos etc.), which
constitute the property of third parties and are protected under relevant laws on the
[...] protection of intellectual property rights.
我 們 建 議 在 調 查 的
[...] 初 步 階 段 把 此 事知 受 疑 人,以 便 受 疑 人 能 [...]
決 定 自 己 在 接 受 執 法 人 員 查 問 時 應 採 取 甚 麼 行 動 。
It is recommended that
[...] a suspect be informed of this fact [...]
at an early stage in the investigation so that he can then make
a decision on the course of action he should take when being questioned by a law enforcement officer.
在许多情况下,政府专家知受审议 缔约国和秘书处,他们需要对指南所 规定的截止日期加以延长,以便全面审议所提交的信息。
In many cases,
[...] governmental experts informed the State party [...]
under review and the Secretariat that they would need an extension
of the deadline foreseen by the guidelines in order to thoroughly review the information submitted.
倘發生暫停買賣事宜 ,基金經理將知受暫停 買賣影響之申請認購及要求贖回基 金單位之人士。
If there is a suspension of dealings the Manager will give notice to any person whose subscription or
[...] redemption request is affected by the suspension.
如果认缴参加国已交存了合格的承诺文件,并且在此之后 知受 托 人 在到期日期之后分期款 项或部分分期款项是无限制条件的,那么即应在此通知日期之后的30 [...]
天之内支付此分期款项 或部分分项款项。
(d) If a Contributing Participant has deposited a
Qualified Instrument of Commitment
[...] and thereafter notifies the Trustee that an installment, [...]
or part thereof, is unqualified
after the date when it was due, then payment of such installment, or part thereof, shall be made within 30 days of such notification.
可悲的是,在二十世纪最后几年以及二十一 世纪初也发生了一些令国际社会的 知受 到 震 撼并 感到不安的事件。
Sadly, the final years of that century and the early years of the twentyfirst century have also produced events that have shaken and disturbed the conscience of the international community.
倘聯席牽頭經辦人認為,國家或國際金融、政治或經濟狀況或貨幣匯率或外匯管制出 現變動(無論於證券認購協議日期是否可以預見),並認為該變動極有可能對成功發 售及分發證券或於第二市場買賣證券產生重大損害,則聯席牽頭經辦人可在合理可行 之情況下與本公司協商後,於發行日根據證券認購協議就證券本應向受信人付款時之 前任何時間,經知受信人 及本公司後終止證券認購協議。
The Joint Lead Managers may, following consultation with the Company if reasonably practicable in the circumstances, by notice to the Fiduciary and the Company terminate the Securities Subscription Agreement at any time before the time on the Issue Date when payment would otherwise be due under the Securities Subscription Agreement to the Fiduciary in respect of the Securities if, in the opinion of the Joint Lead Managers, there shall have been such a change, whether or not foreseeable at the date of the Securities Subscription Agreement, in national or international financial, political or economic conditions or currency exchange rates or exchange controls as would in its view be likely to prejudice materially the success of the offering and distribution of the Securities or dealings in the Securities in the secondary market.
立法強制公私營機構公佈涉及個人資料的外洩事故,並 知受 害 人 ,以加 強對消費者的保障。
The Government should legislate to require public and private
institutions to have
[...] mandatory notification of breaches concerning personal data and inform the affected victims in order [...]
to strengthen the protection of consumers.
(a) 在法医调查工作开始之前、进行期间以及结束之后向受害人家属提供相 关基本信息,将法医调查可能出现的许多结果(比如找到或鉴定遗骸的可能性等) 以及最终调查结果知受害人家属
(a) Providing basic information before, during and after the forensic work is conducted, informing them of the many possible outcomes of any given forensic investigation (such as the likelihood of locating or identifying remains) and the final results
委员会建议采取措施,提高外国血统人士对其权利的认识,将受害人可利用 的所有补救措施知受害人 ,方便他们诉诸司法,并为此对法官、律师和执法人 [...]
The Committee recommends that measures be taken to raise
awareness among people of foreign origin about
[...] their rights, inform victims of all [...]
remedies available to them, facilitate their
access to justice, and train judges, lawyers, and law enforcement personnel accordingly.
(2) 議會可就任何根據第72條轉歸議會的據法權產提起訴訟、進行追討或作強制執行,而無須 將該項轉歸知受該據 法權產約束的人。
(2) The Council may sue on, recover or enforce a chose in
action vested in it under section 72 without
[...] having to give notice of the vesting to a person bound by the chose [...]
in action.
[...] 油麻地及西九龍地區帶來廣泛及長遠的負 面交通影響,當局必須負起所有交通改善 措施的費用及盡快諮詢和知受影響 的市 民及西九文化區管理局。
That, given the extensive and long-term adverse traffic impact of the construction of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link on Tsim Sha Tsui, Jordan, Yau Ma Tei and the West Kowloon District, the authorities must bear the costs of all traffic
improvement measures, as well as
[...] consult and notify as soon as possible the affected members of the [...]
public and the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority.
(d) 确保尽快知受伤或 有关人员的亲属或好友。
(d) Ensure that relatives or close friends of
[...] the injured or affected person are notified at the earliest [...]
possible moment.
[...] 分的最少資料;(ii)在切實可行的情況下,移轉擁有權後應盡快 知受 影響人士有關事宜;及(iii)新買家應遵從賣方的政策,尊重私隱,讓所 [...]
Particularly, recommendations are made to amend the PIPEDA along the line of the Alberta’s approach with the following enhancements, namely, that (i) due diligence exercise should involve the least amount of personally identifiable
information possible; (ii) all affected
[...] individuals be informed of the transfer [...]
as soon as practicable after the transfer
of ownership; and (iii) the new owner should adhere to the selling organization’s policies respecting privacy until all individuals have had an opportunity to choose whether they want to have a relationship with the new owner.
我 們 認 為 執 法 人 員 如 果知 受 疑 人 在 被 落 案 貣 訴 後 會 立 即 由 一 名 獨 立 於 調 查 的 人 士 [...]
會 見 , 是 不 大 可 能 會 惡 待 受 疑 人 或 造 供 認 的 。
It is submitted that a law enforcement
officer would be unlikely
[...] to mistreat a suspect or fabricate a confession knowing that the suspect [...]
was to be interviewed immediately
after being charged by a person independent of the investigation.
在后期安置及签证申请、办理出国相关手续阶段,国家留学基金委和美国国际教育协会北京代表处将分别负责各自的工作,这些工作都会在相关的通知中明确 知受 资 助 者。
At the stage of placement and pre-departure preparation (visa application, preparation of the necessary documentation and travel arrangements, etc.),   the China Scholarship Council and the IIE Beijing Representative Office will each be responsible for their respective parts of the
process – details about these arrangements will be specified in relevant
[...] communication to grantees at the appropriate time.




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