

单词 受病

External sources (not reviewed)

該禽舍門口樹上的塵土及 沙泥,若帶受病毒污 染的糞便,便有可能在刮風時吹入禽 舍,並在禽舍的角落積聚。
Any dust and dirt on the trees at the
[...] entrance of the affected sheds, if containing droppings contaminated with the virus, could reach [...]
the chickens inside
the shed on windy days and accumulate in the corner of the shed.
[...] Symantec試用版軟體,避免您的電腦 受病 毒 攻 擊或出現防火牆漏洞。
And there is a Norton Symantec 60 day free trial version included in the CD driver to
[...] prevent your PC from virus attack and firewall breach.
若您不能确定程序名称或发 ⾏者,为确保您的电脑受病毒感 染和其它恶意软件的影响,请单 击 保持阻⽌。
To ensure that your computer is not infected by viruses and other malware, click Keep Blocking if you can not identify the program name or publisher.
請列出當局曾利用的護理方法及有關詳情,並按護理方式分項列出過去 五年迄受病蟲害 影響樹木的數量及護理開支。
maintenance methods for use on trees infected by pests? Please provide a detailed list of maintenance methods in use in the past and give
a breakdown by maintenance method of the
[...] quantities of infected trees and relevant [...]
maintenance costs in the past five years.
AIA會在許可範圍內盡量依據適用之法律:(1) 本網站所載資料是以「現狀」形式提供,且不帶有任何明示或隱含的保證,英屬百慕達商友邦人壽保險股份有限公司台灣分公司及總公司暨友邦保險集團旗下之的分公司、附屬公司及聯營公司 (統稱「AIA」) 就所有明示或隱含保證作出免責聲明,而此等保證範圍包括但不限於隱含的可銷售性及特殊用途合適性保證;(2) AIA並不保證所載資料的功能不會中斷或不含錯誤,也不保證不妥當之處必被更正,或本網站所設之伺服器 受病 毒 或其他有害成份影響;及(3) AIA不會就使用本網站內資料、或因使用此等資料之正確性、準確性、可靠性或其他方面所導致的後果作出保證或其他聲明。
To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law: (1) The materials on this website are provided “as is” and without warranties or any kind either expressed or implied and American International Assurance Company, Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “AIA”) disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose; (2) AIA does not warrant that the website or the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components; and (3) AIA does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials on this website in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise.
這些地區爆發腸胃炎的原因,可能是患者曾食 受病 原 體( 例如諾沃克類 病毒及藍氏賈第鞭毛蟲) 污染的冰。
The possible causes of these outbreaks were due to the consumption of ice contaminated with pathogens such as Norovirus and Giardia lamblia.
就委員建議當局應設立獨立機制,以檢討藥物名冊及受病人對 公立醫院及診所用藥的投訴,政府當局表示,應給予 [...]
醫管局更多的時間,以便落實新設立的病人團體諮詢機制及評 估其成效。
On the suggestion that an independent mechanism should be set up
to review the Formulary and to
[...] receive complaints from patients concerning the use [...]
of drugs at public hospitals and clinics,
the Administration advised that more time should be given for HA to implement the newly established consultation mechanism with patient groups and to assess its effectiveness.
儘管如此,只要我們採取適當的防護措施,電 受病 毒 感 染的機會還是可以避免/減至最小的。
Notwithstanding, with appropriate counter-measures in place, we are still able to prevent/minimize the loss from computer infection.
受病毒感 染、做運動、情緒不安、有害氣味及煙草煙霧等情況所刺激的人士。
People with stresses such as viral infection, [...]
exercise, emotional upset, noxious odours, and tobacco smoke.
[...] 消費者進食更多新鮮蔬果、全球和本地分銷制度轉變、加工處理過程中 沒有消除病原體的步驟,以及缺乏系統管理程序來防止蔬 受病 原 體污 染2 。
Reasons for the increase, besides im proved surveillance, include an increase in the consumption of fresh produce, changing global and domestic distribution systems, lack of a processing step
to elimin ate pathogens and lack of syst ematic controls to prevent
[...] the presence of pathogens in fruits and vegetables2 .
Junos Pulse移动安全套装保护运行大多数主流移动操作系统的智能手机、平板电脑及其他移动设备 受病 毒 、 恶意软件、丢失或被盗、物理泄露和其他破坏与威胁的侵害。
Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite protects smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices running most major mobile operating systems from viruses, malware, loss or theft, physical compromise, and other exploits and threats.
许多呼吸道感染、胃肠道疾病和皮肤感染都可能通 受病 原 体 污染的手接触眼睛、嘴巴和鼻子传播。
Many respiratory infections, gastrointestinal illnesses and skin infections are acquired when hands that are contaminated by pathogens touch your nose, mouth and eyes.
华德士不保证本网站所含功能不间断或无误差,不保证本网站缺陷将得到纠正,不保证本网站及其使用的任何服务器 受病 毒 或 其他有害因素的攻击,不保证您使用本网站会获得成功或准确的结果或效果。
Robert Walters does not warrant that the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, that
the site or any server that makes it
[...] available is free from viruses or other harmful [...]
components, or that successful or accurate
results or outcomes will result from your use of this site.
一九九八年,美國一家名為「國際電腦保安機構」(International Computer Security Agency,簡稱ICSA) 的公司,對超過580
[...] 000部桌上工作站及12 000 部應用系統及檔案伺服器進行調查,發現電 受病 毒 感 染的情況非常普遍。
This is illustrated by the results of a
[...] survey conducted by ICSA (International Computer [...]
Security Agency, a US-based company)
in 1998 over 580,000 desktop workstations and 12,000 application and file servers.
该 技术与使用改良种子、适当的轮作、清 受病 毒 病 影 响 的植物和遵守生长季节等 其他简单的和可持续的做法共同使用。
This technique is used in association with other simple and sustainable practices such as the use of improved seeds, appropriate crop rotation, the removal of plants affected by viral diseases and limiting cultivation to the growing seasons.
預防、診斷或治療病、受傷、病症 、疾病或其 症狀且符合公認的醫學標準所需之健康照護服務 或用品。
Health care services or supplies needed to prevent, diagnose or
[...] treat an illness, injury, condition, disease or its symptoms [...]
and that meet accepted standards of medicine.
本网站不保证向用户提供的服务是连续的、准确的或及时的,不保证缺陷一定会被纠正,也不保证所提供的服务或服务器 受病 毒 或 其他有害成分的侵袭。
The Website do not guarantee its service provided for users are continuous, accurate or timely, flaws are not guaranteed to be
corrected, the service or server provided are not guaranteed against the
[...] invasion of any virus or other hazardous [...]
Xylem不对任何损失承担责任,包括您访任何Xylem网站或从Xylem网站下载任何材料导致您的电脑设备或其他财 受病 毒 感 染造成的任何损失。
Xylem shall not be liable for any damages to, including any damages from viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property by virtue of your access to any Xylem Site or your downloading of any materials therefrom.
在苟活的同時,Joel答應垂死好友的懇求,為其照顧一名十四歲少女Ellie,自此故事便展開,性格迂迴的兩人將要攜手克服重重障礙和謎團,並以在廢墟中找到的武器,對抗四周 受病 毒 感 染而變種而成的怪物,採取臨時的戰鬥求生技巧,在險景中存活下來。
Throughout the game, Joel has to work with Ellie to overcome different obstacles and solve the mystery lying behind the virus outbreak. At the same time, they also  have to look for
weapons in their surroundings in order to fight
[...] against the virus infected mutants [...]
that they are going to encounter in the city.
除本声明和适用使用条款的规定之外,EFI对于任何无线或网络服务的安全或您使用的无线或网络服务不含错误、未受干扰、未 受病 毒 或 其他第三方的恶意代码或行为影响不做任何陈述或担保。
Except as stated in this Notice and in the applicable Terms of Use, EFI makes no representations or warranties about the security of any wireless or web services or that your use will be error-free, uninterrupted, or free of infection by viruses or other malicious codes or acts of third parties.
AIA並不會就您連結、使用或瀏覽本網站、或由本網站下載任何資料、數據、文字、影像、視像或音效而對您的電腦設備或其他財產造成的損害 受病 毒 的影響負任何責任。
AIA also assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for, any damages to, or viruses that may infect, your computer equipment or other property as a result of your access to, use of,
or browsing in the website or your downloading of any materials, data, text,
[...] images, video, or audio from this website.
Digital River不承担任何与维修或替换任何计算机部件、硬件、其他软件、计算机文件有关的费用,也不承担任何与维修、替换或移除计算机 受病 毒 感 染的文件有关的费用。
Digital River does not assume liability for any costs associated with repairing or replacing any computer components, hardware, additional software,
computer files, or any other costs associated with repairing, replacing,
[...] or removing virus-infected files from [...]
your computer.
因此,我們並不保證網站所載資料或材料的準確性或完整性,且在法律所允許的最大程度下,我們在向閣下提供網站時,排除及免除所有可能對網站產生影響的聲明及明示或暗示的保證、條件及其他任何形式的條款(本使用條款除外),包括(但不限於)就適銷性、不侵犯第三方權利、 受病 毒 及 其他有害代碼攻擊以及適合某特定目的的任何暗示性保證。
Consequently, we do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information or material on the Website and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide you with the Website on the basis that we exclude all representations and disclaim all express and implied warranties, conditions and other terms of any kind which, but for these Terms of Use, might have effect in relation to the Website, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, non infringement of third party rights, freedom from viruses and other harmful code and fitness for a particular purpose.
鑒於病、受傷、 症狀或病情如此嚴重,以致理 智的人都會馬上尋求健康照護,以免嚴重傷害。
An illness, injury, symptom or condition [...]
so serious that a reasonable person would seek care right away to avoid severe harm.
[...] 的后果,或在法律规定的情况下,补偿或最大程序地减轻其他公民因失业、工伤 或职业病、残疾、病、受伤、 怀孕和生育、丧失养育(赡养),以及衰老、就 [...]
Compulsory social insurance in the Russian Federation is the State system of legal, economic and organizational measures designed to offset or minimize the effects of a change in the material and/or social situation of working citizens and, in cases provided for by law, that of other categories of citizens as
a result of unemployment, occupational or
[...] other injury or illness, disability, pregnancy [...]
and childbirth, or loss of breadwinner,
as well as in connection with old age, the need for medical assistance or treatment in a sanatorium and the occurrence of other social insurance risks defined by legislation and subject to compulsory social insurance.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒 逸 漏事故,必 受 法 定 呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.




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