单词 | 受热 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 受热 —heatedsunstroke
因此,实现了高精度加工而不会颤动,以及 高速进料而不受热位移的影响。 moriseiki.com | As the result, it offers highly accurate machining without chattering, and high speed feed [...] which is not affected by thermal displacement. moriseiki.com |
世伟洛克进行的测试表明、世伟洛克卡 套管接头有足够的能力承受热冲击和 高温。 swagelok.com | Swagelok has conducted tests that demonstrated the capability of Swagelok tube [...] fittings to withstand thermal shock and high temperature. swagelok.com |
热膨胀危险 在诸如软管的密闭空间内受热的流 体因热膨胀可导 致其压力迅速升高。 graco.com | Fluids subjected to heat in confined spaces, including hoses, can create a rise in pressure due to the thermal expansion. graco.com |
这种天然纤维复合材料(NFC)可被回收利用,且节能率高,并能 够 受热 加 工。 reports.wacker.com | These natural fiber composites (NFCs) are recyclable, [...] energy-efficient and can be thermoformed. reports.wacker.com |
将漏斗放在电灯泡下(60W),植株上的蓟马畏 光 受热 后 向 下爬 逃到容器中。 ippc.int | The funnel is placed under an electric lamp [...] (60 W), and the heat and light will [...]drive most of the thrips present in the plants down towards the receptacle. ippc.int |
此外, 有机硅还能够在吹发时保护头发不致褪色 或 受热 损 伤。 wacker.com | The silicone also reduces color fading [...] and provides excellent protection during heat treatments [...]such as blow-drying. wacker.com |
极度高温会导致金属部件受热膨胀 ,其延展率与橡胶密封垫圈有所不同。 hk.ashford.com | The extreme heat causes the metal [...] parts to expand at a different rate than the rubber gaskets. ashford.com |
网链的清洁 有时候残留在输送网链上的塑料废料受 热会导致设备不能正常运行,因此我们 采用了一个金属的滚筒刷随时来清除这 些残留物。 ocme.it | A metal roller brush ensures the removal of any plastic waste that, if subjected to heat, could lead to malfunctioning. ocme.co.uk |
一定要考虑到由于受热高度将有 L= +6 / -6 的变化。 highvolt.de | Thermal deformation in length L = [...] +6/-6 mm must be taken into account. highvolt.de |
激光打印和复印的工艺对材料胶力性能要求极为苛刻,因为胶粘剂需要 耐 受热 熔 合过程中的热量。 upmraflatac.com | Laser printing and copying are especially demanding as the [...] adhesive needs to withstand the heat of the hot fusion process. upmraflatac.com |
在产品及连接配管内残存液剂的状态下长期不使用时,因受周围环境的影响液剂发生(冻结以 及受 热)膨 胀,可能导致产品破损以及液剂泄漏等现象发生。 yamadacorp.co.jp | Therefore, be sure to purge the system of fluid and clean the pump before prolonged disuse. If the product is left unused for a prolonged period with fluid remaining in the connected piping as well as the pump itself, the fluid may expand, [...] depending on the ambient temperature (because [...] of freezing or heat), which may cause [...]damage to the pump and/or piping and possible leakage of fluid. yamadacorp.co.jp |
此次大奖的幸运得主为…来自泰国的Panjapol Laopoonpat先生!他与其贵宾将和我们一同参与今年的巴塞尔世界钟表珠宝展, 享 受热 血 沸腾的冒险旅程。 oris.ch | That lucky winner is Mr. Panjapol Laopoonpat from Thailand! oris.ch |
2008 年初,粮农组织技术合作方案资助的一个项目获得批准, [...] 以便紧急支援生产能力的恢复,降低 受热 带 风暴诺埃尔影响的拉斯图纳斯、奥尔 [...] 古因、关塔那摩、古巴圣地亚哥和格拉玛等省生产者的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the beginning of 2008, a project funded by the FAO Technical Cooperation Programme was approved, allowing for emergency support to be given the recovery of [...] production capacity and to the reduction of [...] producers’ vulnerability in the provinces [...]of Las Tunas, Holguín, Guantánamo, Santiago [...]de Cuba and Granma, which were affected by the tropical storm Noel. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,SBS 类 Dryflex® Mediprene® 和 [...] Lifoflex®不 能长时间保持稳定,因为这些材料对热氧降解更敏感,即存在氧气 时受 热后更容易裂解。 elastotpe.com | On the other hand, Dryflex, Mediprene and Lifoflex based on SBS must not remain stationary in the nozzle for any length of time, since the material is more [...] sensitive to thermooxidative degradation, i.e. [...] it is broken down more easily by heat in the presence [...]of atmospheric oxygen. elastotpe.com |
若将冷却器安装在室内环境中,则务必确保 无 受热 空 气再循 环情况出现—如此才能保证室内有足够的通风条件。 nissens.com | it is important that there is no [...] recirculation of the heated air - and to ensure [...]sufficient ventilation in the room, - if the cooler is mounted indoor. nissens.com |
对公园、湿地和森林等绿色基础设施进行投资可为调 [...] 整气候变化提供多重服务,如保护城市区域 免 受热浪 侵害及帮助其疏导暴雨水。 teebweb.org | Investing in green infrastructure, like parks, wetlands and forests can provide [...] multiple services for climate change adaptation such as help protect [...] urban areas during heat waves and drain [...]storm water. teebweb.org |
联合国儿童基金会为受热带风 暴影响的印度西孟加拉邦提供物资 unicef.org | UNICEF provides [...] supplies for cyclone-affected West Bengal unicef.org |
焊粘组件和滚压轴平缓的连续焊接下去,让焊粘的上下两面均 匀 受热 , 均 匀的粘合在一 起。 lucobit.de | The welding unit and pressure roller are continually moved in [...] the welding direction so that both surfaces [...] of the seam are heated evenly and bonded [...]uniformly with the pressure roller. lucobit.de |
档案和手稿易受热气和 潮湿侵蚀,易 被各种害虫损坏(包括人类!),常被疏忽和处置不当。 ttc.edu.sg | Archives and [...] manuscripts are adversely affected by heat and damp; they [...]are the prey of pests of all kinds (including human [...]ones!) and are often subject to neglect and/or careless handling. ttc.edu.sg |
(b) 在对军舰内部和外部进行认真调查后,我们发现有证据表明减少船只严 [...] 重摇摆的装置减摇鳍承受了极大压力;舰体底部承受水压和气泡喷射;线缆被割 断,但无受热痕迹(见附录 3)。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Through a thorough investigation of the inside and outside of the ship, we have found evidence of extreme pressure on the fin stabilizer, a mechanism to reduce significant rolling of the [...] ship; water pressure and bubble effects on the bottom of the hull; and wires cut [...] with no traces of heat (see attachment 3). daccess-ods.un.org |
然后又用风速廓线计算人口受热带气 旋影响情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | This was then used to compute [...] population exposure to tropical cyclones. daccess-ods.un.org |
B. 在膜壳长度方向由于受热而膨胀。 codeline.com | B. Thermal growth in vessel length. codeline.com |
为了承受热膨胀 和风引起的加固钢拱架的摆动,轴承必须能够支撑在极端条件下最大+/- 2.5°和正常条件下+/- [...] 0.7°的摆动运动——在免维护的状态下工作100年。 schaeffler.cn | In order to accommodate thermal expansion and wind [...] movements of the braced steel arch, the bearings must support maximum [...]swivel movements of +/- 2.5° under extreme conditions and +/- 0.7° under normal conditions – for 100 years and completely maintenance-free. schaeffler.com |
这些数据将使 其能够确定小行星的受热历程 和演变、粒子辐射和地质构造,并深入了解两个原 [...] 行星的内部结构和核心体积。 oosa.unvienna.org | These data will make it possible [...] to determine the thermal history and evolution, [...]bombardment and tectonics, and to get some [...]insight into the internal structure and core size of the two proto-planets. oosa.unvienna.org |
夏天的时候,享受热烘烘 的桑拿;或在冬季的日子,靠近暖洋洋的炉火,度假的小屋保证令你身心舒畅,重新充满活力。 visitfinland.com | Heat up the lakeside sauna in the [...] summer or get cosy in front of the fireplace in the winter, rest and revitalisation are guaranteed. visitfinland.com |
结晶的程度主要取决于材料的受热历 程,尤其是成型参 数:加工温度、模具温度、成型周期、成型后的后处理 [...] (退火)。 solvaysites.com | The level of crystallinity obtained [...] depends heavily on the thermal history of the material, [...]and particularly on the molding [...]parameters: processing temperature, mold temperature, molding cycle time, post-treatment after molding (annealing) solvaysites.com |
与热核实验堆项目设在法国有关的程序,包括赋予热核实验堆组织的特权 和豁免的适用和国内法的适用,受热 核 实 验堆组织与法国订立的《法兰西共和 [...] 国政府与热核实验堆国际聚变能组织关于热核实验堆组织总部及热核实验堆组 织在法国领土上的特权和豁免的协定》管辖。 daccess-ods.un.org | The procedures relating to the hosting of the ITER project in France, including in relation to application of the privileges and immunities granted to the [...] ITER Organization and the application of [...] national law, are governed by the Agreement [...]between the Government of the French Republic [...]and the ITER International Fusion Energy Organization regarding the Headquarters of the ITER Organization and the Privileges and Immunities of the ITER Organization on French Territory, concluded by the ITER Organization and France. daccess-ods.un.org |
和普通加 热器相比,厚膜加热器非常适合使用在只能提供有限空间的 加 热 设 备 、 受热 表 面 需有 不同的热量输出、无尘或具有腐蚀性的化学应用场合。 watlow.co.jp | Thick film heaters are ideal for applications where space is limited, where conventional heaters can’t be used, when heat output needs vary across the surface, or in ultra-clean or aggressive chemical applications. watlow.co.jp |
本产品在用于安装LED元件的受热基板 上安装热管,并向直角方向延展, 在 受热 基 板 间留出空隙,并沿着热管方向纵向插入多个铝制散热片。 furukawa.co.jp | The heat pipes are arranged on the heat receiving base plate for mounting the LED device that extends at almost a right angle with some space between the multiple aluminum heat dissipating [...] fins placed longitudinally [...]in the direction of the heat pipes. furukawa.co.jp |