

单词 受屈

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就提出上訴的程序,政府當局表示,條例第 128C(7)及 (18)條清楚訂明,
[...] 任何對被封閉處所有權益的人士及對封閉令感 受屈 的 人士,可於 7 天內或 上訴委員會主席所容許的較長時間內,向上訴委員會提出上訴。
On appeal procedures, the Administration has advised that under section 128C(7) and (18) of the Ordinance, any
person having an interest in the premises
[...] and any person aggrieved by the closure [...]
order may, within seven days, or a longer
period as the Chairman of the Appeal Board may allow, appeal to the Appeal Board.
關於法律及草擬方面,法案委員會察悉,其法律顧問認為, 由於積金局須根據擬議第19B(1)條支付特別供款的責任似乎不屬強制 性質,如積金局沒有將特別供款存入某人的有關帳戶,或誤把該筆款 項存入他人的帳戶,感受屈的有關人士未必有針對積金局的訴訟因 由。
On the legal and drafting aspects, the Bills Committee notes its legal adviser's comment that since the obligation imposed on the MPFA to pay a special contribution under the proposed section 19B(1) does not appear to be mandatory, an aggrieved person may not have a cause of action against the MPFA if it has failed to pay the special contribution into that person's relevant account or has paid the sum to a wrong account.
就如何進一步保障市民大眾的個人私隱,條例草案主要從3方面 着手,包括強化規管資料使用者(即是企業及機構)將資料當事人的個
[...] 直接促銷或售賣有關資料;授權個人資料私隱專員(“私隱專員” ) 向受 屈人士提供法律協助,向違反《私隱條例》的資料使用者透過法律行 [...]
用者同意而取得的個人資料及重複違反《私隱條例》的規定訂為新罪 行等。
Regarding how to further protect the personal privacy of the general public, the Bill mainly tackles the matter in three aspects, which include stepping up regulation on data users (that means enterprises and organizations) in the use of the personal data of data subjects for direct marketing, the provision of such data to other people, enterprises or organizations for use in direct marketing, and the sale of such data; empowering the Privacy Commissioner for Personal
Data (the Commissioner) to provide
[...] legal assistance to aggrieved persons to claim [...]
compensation through legal proceedings
against data users in contravention of the PDPO; as well as imposing heavier penalties for contravention of the PDPO, and creating a new offence for the disclosure of personal data obtained without the consent of the data user, and for repeated contravention of the requirements under the PDPO.
根據《條例》第 26 及 26A 條,就民事法律程序而言,如申請人
[...] 對法律援助署署長(署長)拒絕批出法援或其他所作的命令或決定(例如取 消法援)感受屈,申 請人可向高等法院司法常務官提出上訴;如案件由終 [...]
審法院審理,則可向由高等法院司法常務官、1 名香港大律師公會代表及
1 名 香港律師會代表組成的覆核委員會提出上訴。
Under section 26 and 26A of the LAO, for civil proceedings, if an applicant is refused legal aid or feels aggrieved by any order or decision of the Director of
Legal Aid (DLA) (such as discharge
[...] of legal aid), the applicant may appeal [...]
to the Registrar of the High Court; or in CFA
cases, to a Review Committee made up of the Registrar of the High Court and a representative each of the Hong Kong Bar Association and the Law Society of Hong Kong.
對於投訴機制的成效,環境食 物局局長強調受屈的工 人不應向僱主的壓力讓步,當 應有的權益遭到剝奪時,他們一定要前來投訴。
On the efficacy of the complaint mechanism,
[...] SEF stressed that aggrieved workers must not [...]
yield to employers' pressure and must
come forward to lodge complaints if they were deprived of their entitlements.
修訂條例》對《個人 資料(私隱)條例》(第 486章 )(下稱"《私隱條例》")作出修訂,包 括訂定條文,以規管在直接促銷中使用個人資料及提供個人資 料以供用於直接促銷;將披露未經資料使用者同意而取得的個
[...] 擬根據《私隱條例》向資料使用者提出法律程序以申索補償受屈資料 當事人提供法律協助;對重複違反執行通知施加較重 [...]
罰則;以及將重複違反《私隱條例》的規定(已有執行通知就其 發出者)訂為新罪行。
The Amendment Ordinance introduced amendments to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) ("PDPO"), inter alia, to provide for regulation over the use of personal data in direct marketing and provision of personal data for use in direct marketing; to create a new offence for disclosure of personal data obtained without consent from data users; to empower the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
("the Privacy Commissioner") to provide legal
[...] assistance to aggrieved data subjects [...]
in bringing proceedings to seek compensation
from data users under PDPO; to impose a heavier penalty for repeated contravention of enforcement notices; and to create a new offence for repeated contravention of the requirements under PDPO for which enforcement notices have been served.
各省/領 地用以描 述 這些人
[...] 的 字眼不盡相同,一般 包括"受 屈 的 人 "或 "對有關事宜 有 充 分 [...]
利 害 關 係 的 人 "。
The term used to describe such persons varies from
one State/Territory to another and
[...] generally includes "aggrieved person" or "person [...]
who has a sufficient interest in the matter".
法 案委員會亦曾詳細討論政府當局和個人資料私 隱專員(下稱"私隱專員")建議的規管規定,包括
[...] 在維護個人資料私隱與利便營商之間取得平衡 的需要;授權私隱專員受屈的資料當事人提 供法律協助,以提起法律程序;增訂有關私隱 [...]
專員的權力和責任的條文;將披露未經資料使 用者同意而取得的個人資料訂為新罪行;以及
The Bills Committee had discussed at length the regulatory requirements proposed by the Administration and the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data ("PCPD"), including the need to strike a balance between safeguarding personal data privacy and facilitating business
operations; empowering PCPD to provide legal
[...] assistance to an aggrieved data subject to [...]
institute legal proceedings; making new
provisions relating to the powers and liability of PCPD; creating a new offence for the disclosure of personal data obtained without the consent of the data user and imposing a heavier penalty for repeated contravention of enforcement notices.
(f) 根據《商船(本地船隻)(證明書及牌照事宜)規例》,任何人如 因海事處處長根據該規例作出的若干決定而感 受屈 , 可向 根據《行政上訴委員會條例》(第 442章 )設立的行政上訴委員 會提出上訴。
(f) Under the LV(C&L) Regulation, a person who is aggrieved by certain decisions of the Director of Marine made under the Regulation may appeal to the Administrative Appeals Board established under the Administrative Appeals Board Ordinance (Cap. 442).
此舉是要配合本條例草案另㆒項條文所構想的類似修訂;該條修 訂公司條例第 168A 條有受屈股東 向法庭申請命令的事宜。
This is in line with another clause in the Bill contemplating a similar
amendment to section 168A of the Companies Ordinance, concerning application for
[...] court orders by aggrieved shareholders.
如有需要,政 府當局會考慮改善第72I(6)條的草擬方式,確保除特許持 有人外,因終止特許而感受屈的任何一方將有28日的 時間向法院申請覆核,而根據擬議第72G(2)(b)條在官方 公報刊登終止特許的公告的日期會用作計算28日限期的 起始日,以貫徹給予感受屈的各方足夠時間提出覆核 的政策目的。
If necessary, the Administration would consider improving the drafting of proposed section 72I(6) to ensure that
any party, apart from
[...] the licencee, aggrieved by the termination of the licence, would be given 28 days to apply to the court for a review and the starting point for calculating the 28-day period would be from the date when the notice of termination was advertised on the official journal under proposed section 72G(2)(b) so as to tie in with the policy intention that sufficient time would be given to aggrieved parties for lodging [...]
of review.
政府當局設立 獨立訴訟權利,原意雖然是受屈各 方 可選擇另一"自助"方案,但 中小企業認為,實際上所涉訴訟費用會令他們對行使這權利卻步。
Despite the Administration's original intention of providing the
stand-alone right as an alternative
[...] "self-help" option for aggrieved parties, SMEs considered [...]
that in practice, the legal costs
involved would discourage them from invoking such rights.
任何一方如因署長就有關 進口或出口某藥劑製品的強制性 特許的批予,或進口或出口強制性
[...] 特許的條款或條件作出的決定而 感受屈,可根據條例草案 第 72I或 72Q條向法院提出覆核的 [...]
In case any party was aggrieved by the decision of the DH in relation to the grant of a compulsory licence to import or export a pharmaceutical product or the terms or
conditions of the import or export
[...] compulsory licence, he might apply to the court [...]
for review under the proposed sections 72I or 72Q in the Bill.
評估機構如 對教統 局局長 的決定感受屈 ,可 向 行政上訴 委員會提 出上訴 。
If an assessment agency is aggrieved by SEM's decision, [...]
the assessment agency may appeal to the Administrative Appeals Board.
[...] 佔用人是否有權就監督向法院申請手令進入處所作出回應,以受屈的業 主或佔用人採取跟進行動的程序。
The Bills Committee has sought information on whether an owner or occupier of a premises has the right to respond to BA's
application to the Court for a warrant to enter the premises, and the
[...] procedures for the aggrieved owner or occupier [...]
to follow up.
我們亦建議賦權法庭,命令因 違反《條例》中公平營商條文的罪行而被定罪者,繳付補償予因其犯 罪行為而蒙受損失或損害的任受屈 的 人( “命令作出補償的權 力”)(附件 C 第 18 項 ) 。
We also proposed to empower the court, where a person is convicted of a fair trade offence under the TDO, to order that person to pay to any aggrieved person such compensation for loss or damage sustained as a result of the offending conduct (“power to order compensation”) (items 18 of Annex C).
(b) 屋宇署人員破門進 入處所的個案數 目;及 需要採取的行動 (c) 關於以下事宜的資 料:某處所的業主或 佔用人是否有權就
[...] 監督向法庭申請手 令進入其處所一事 作出回應,以受屈 的業主/佔用人可 採取的跟進程序。
(c) information on whether an owner or occupier of a premises had the right to respond to the BA's
application to the court for a warrant to enter his/her premises and the
[...] procedures for the aggrieved owner/occupier [...]
to follow up.
(ii) 指明任何㆟因所建議的更改而感 受屈 , 可在不遲於該公告首次在憲報刊登 [...]
之日起計的 30 日內,透過向排水事務監督遞交反對的陳述書,反對所建議 的更改,而該陳述書須列明他的反對的性質及理由;及”。
(ii) specify
[...] that any person aggrieved by the proposed [...]
alterations may, by a written statement of objection delivered to
the Drainage Authority not later than 30 days from the date of first publication of the notice in the Gazette, object to the proposed alterations and the written statement shall set out the nature of and reasons for the objection; and".
(1) 反對者如對處理反對事宜委員會的決定感 受屈 , 可針對該決定向區域法院提出上訴。
(1) An objector who is aggrieved by a decision [...]
of the Objections Committee may appeal to the District Court against that decision.
由于此种违法行动而蒙受屈的人 有权获得巴勒斯坦民族权力机构保障的公平 补偿。
Individuals who are wronged by such a violation shall be entitled to fair compensation, guaranteed by the Palestinian National Authority”.
[...] 保任何人士如因公職人員根據該條例的相關條文所作出的決定而受屈,可 得到公正無私及獨立的審裁機構進行公平研訊。
It is also proposed to take this opportunity to amend the appeal
provisions of the APCO to further ensure
[...] that a person aggrieved by a decision [...]
of a public officer under the relevant provisions
of the APCO will have a fair hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal.
(e) 必须有一个复核制度,受冤屈者可向另一名法官或另一个法庭上诉, 以复核法官发出国际逮捕证的裁判。
(e) There must be a system of
[...] review whereby an aggrieved person can appeal [...]
to another judge or another tribunal to review
the decision of a judge issuing an international arrest warrant.
[...] 良營商手法的不法商人作出私人民事訴訟,以 受屈 消 費者 討回公道,以及促進商界妥守法律。
A member supported that the proposed right to institute private civil action on traders adopting unfair trade practices
should be created under the TDO, in order
[...] to facilitate aggrieved consumers to [...]
obtain restorative justice and promote business compliance.
5.7 平机会乃独立法定组织,于1996年5 月成立,负责执行反歧视的法例,包
[...] 括处理投诉、进行正式调查、鼓励争议各方进行调解、 受屈 人 士 根据反歧视法 例提供协助。
5.7 The EOC is an independent statutory body established in May 1996. It is responsible for enforcing the anti-discrimination ordinances, including handling complaints, conducting formal investigations, encouraging
conciliation between parties in dispute and
[...] providing assistance to aggrieved persons in accordance [...]
with these ordinances.
被关押在以色列拘留设施的巴勒斯坦囚犯受 屈辱待 遇、经受了非法审讯甚至是酷刑,行政拘留 令已使以色列当局能够未经正当程序而拘押囚犯。
Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention facilities were subject to demeaning treatment, unlawful interrogation tactics and even torture, and administrative detention orders had enabled the Israeli authorities to hold prisoners without due process.
舉 例 來 說,《 1 9 5 2 年 裁 判 署 法 令 》 第 3 8 ( 4 ) 條 訂 明 頇 在 切 實 可 行 的 範 圍 內 , 盡
快 把 在 無 手 令 的 情 況 下 拘 捕 的 人 帶 到 裁 判 署 庭 上,而
[...] 一 名 被 羈 留 而 又 感受 屈 的 受 疑 人 , 可 以 在 高 等 法 [...]
院 提 貣 申 請 人 身 保 護 令 的 法 律 程 序 。
For example, s.38(4) of the Magistrates' Courts Act 1952 provides that a person arrested without a warrant shall be brought before a
Magistrates Court as soon as practicable, and
[...] it is open to an aggrieved detained suspect [...]
to issue proceedings for Habeas Corpus in the High Court.
1.25.2 這項條文的目的是提供一個機制,讓部門可以在有
[...] 關人士正式向申訴專員作出任何投訴之前重新檢視其在較 早時根據《守則》所作的決定,不 受屈 一 方 是可以隨時向 申訴專員投訴。
1.25.2 The purpose of this provision is to provide a mechanism for a second look by departments at an earlier decision in relation to the Code ahead of any formal complaint
being made to The Ombudsman, although it is
[...] always open to an aggrieved person to complain [...]
to The Ombudsman at any time.




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