单词 | 受困 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 受困 —trappedless common: stranded Examples:受困于...的 adj—confined adj See also:困—stranded • destitute • trap • tired • hard-pressed • surround
(b) 运用体恤儿童的程序保护他们在司法过程中 免 受困 苦 , 包括使用专门 为儿童设计的询问室,体恤儿童的讯问方法,减少询问、陈述和听证的次数。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Use child-sensitive procedures to protect [...] children from hardship during the justice [...]process, including by the use of special [...]interview rooms designed for children, child-sensitive methods of questioning; and by reducing the number of interviews, statements and hearings. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,受影響道路的交通可以更快恢 復正常,而受困於車 龍的車輛亦可減少。 legco.gov.hk | As a result, it [...] would enable affected roads to resume [...]normal traffic quicker and reduce the number of vehicles caught in traffic queues. legco.gov.hk |
应当牢记,这种对行动自由逃离战区的限制是强加在 已经因封锁而饱受困苦的人民身上的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It should be kept in mind that this restriction on free movement, to escape from the war zone, was imposed on a population already severely weakened by the effects of the blockade. daccess-ods.un.org |
平均生产率水平低下的持久存在(见表 2)反映出大 量的人仍然受困于临 时工作和农业生计活动、城市非正规经济或非正式的自雇。 daccess-ods.un.org | The persistence of low average levels of productivity [...] (see table 2) reflects the large number of [...] people who remain trapped in casual work and [...]subsistence activities in agriculture, [...]the urban informal economy or informal self-employment. daccess-ods.un.org |
保护暴 力 受 害 者组织提到 了以色列对 加沙地带 发 起 的 军 事行动,并提 到 了巴勒斯坦人和受 困 居 民的死 亡 、 受伤和 流离失所。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Organization for Defending Victims of Violence referred to the Israeli military operation launched against the Gaza Strip and to the death, injuries and displacement of Palestinians and the blockaded population. daccess-ods.un.org |
异味和可怕的臭味:住户遭受困扰的 程度有变化,但冬季和有风时问题特别严重。 ecosanres.org | Odour and terrible [...] smell: households suffered to various degrees, [...]but especially in winter and with wind. ecosanres.org |
第一台路过的是 台专为高速豪华旅游而设的高档火车头,它不会考虑帮助这 些 受困 的 乘 客。 socialrights.ca | The first engine to come along is a fancy engine, [...] designed for high speed, luxury travel, that does not consider it its job [...] to address the plight of these destitute passengers. socialrights.ca |
但是, 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的人权局势例外,而且当 前的决议草案对于帮助朝鲜人民和 受困 于 朝鲜的别 国人口来说十分必要,包括被朝鲜民主主义人民共 和国绑架的日本公民。 daccess-ods.un.org | The human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was, however, an exceptional case and the current draft resolution was necessary to help its people and others detained there, including the Japanese citizens abducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,“邦特兰”反海盗特遣队已向许 多 受困 的 船 员提供了援 助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The “Puntland” anti-piracy task force rendered assistance to a number of stranded crews during the reporting period. daccess-ods.un.org |
在“真誠對話”時,梁博士評論雙方有 “ 受困 心 態 ”,他也 關注莫禮時教授和陸教授的表現,並說李教授較羅太易於溝通,儘管 [...] 他“好戰而且會戰鬥到底”。 legco.gov.hk | In the “heart-to-heart” talk, Dr Leung [...] commented that both sides had a “siege mentality”, and [...]that he was concerned about the performance [...]of both Professors Morris and Luk, and then said Professor Li was easier than Mrs Law to communicate with although he “liked to fight and would fight to the end”. legco.gov.hk |
迄今为 [...] 止,捕鲸船、独桅帆船和渔船已被成功用作母船,成为后勤、部署平台,并在 必要时支援受困海盗袭击团伙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Whalers, dhows and fishing vessels have so far been successfully used in [...] that capacity as platforms for logistics, deployment and, if necessary, [...] assistance to pirate attack groups in distress. daccess-ods.un.org |
Gruber(2007)说,社会构建元数据的方式 是单向的,因而受困于不 一致以及缺乏组织;而根据标准建立元数据的方式则无法呈现用户的 [...] 词汇表。 conference.ifla.org | Gruber (2007) argues that socially-constructed metadata approaches are [...] one-dimensional, and hence, plagued with inconsistency [...]and lack organisation, whilst standards-based [...]metadata approaches are criticised for failing to represent the vocabularies of users. conference.ifla.org |
位于瑞典林雪平市的烤肉生产商Meetab,对于交付的肉中脂肪含量的变化曾经 深 受困 扰。 foss.cn | Kebab producers Meetab in Linköping, Sweden were having problems with variations in the fat content of meat deliveries. foss.dk |
该处继续代表难民署参加全球移徙与发展论坛和全球移徙小组,并为全球 [...] 移徙小组的一个实际工作者专题讨论会编写了一份关于 “ 受困 和 脆 弱移徙者”问 题的讨论文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Service continued to represent UNHCR at the Global Forum on Migration and Development and the Global [...] Migration Group (GMG) and prepared a discussion [...] paper on “stranded and vulnerable migrants” [...]for a GMG Practitioners’ Symposium. daccess-ods.un.org |
在面临 严重限制的安全环境中,人权呼叫中心已经证明是为 [...] 特派团搜集有关情况的一个重要工具,提供了一条急 需的与阿比让城中受困平民 人口接触的联络线。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a very restricted security environment, the human rights call centre has proved to be an essential tool for the [...] collection of information for the Mission and has provided a much needed link with the [...] civilian population trapped in Abidjan. daccess-ods.un.org |
簡介 首播日期: 2013.01.21 民國初年,義字當頭的幫會話事人蘇飛(黃浩然)經營苦力館,財 政 受困 , 誤 以為性格單純的宋禮和(陳錦鴻)是西關唐家大戶至親,刻意奉迎,欲在禮和所經營的新碼頭取利……誰料禮和只是唐家大閒人,而真正掌舵人是廣州商界翹楚──唐家大小姐唐雅媛(郭羡妮)。 justlatte.com | Synopsis Release Date: 2013.01.21 In the early years of the Republic of China, gang leader SO FEI (Wong Ho Yin), to whom the brotherly loyalty will always prevail, runs a hard labour business which encounters financial difficulties. justlatte.com |
2012是奧比斯踏入救盲工作第30個年頭,為了讓更多人關注全球失明人 的 受困 與 無 助,奧比斯藉著今年30周年的機會,以「打破黑暗圍牆,創造光明歷史」為主題,推出一個名為Break [...] the Wall「打破黑暗圍牆」的紀念活動。 orbis.org.mo | To further increase awareness of needlessly [...] blind peoples' plight, ORBIS Hong Kong [...]has now pioneered a bold new initiative called "Break the Wall". orbis.org.mo |
此外,房地產業繼續受困,而企業仍關注外資擁有權限制及勞工市場欠缺彈性等問題。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The real estate sector remains tough, and companies also cite concerns over the limits of foreign ownership and the rigidity of labour markets. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
此外, Jackson的定額指數年金銷售亦受惠於公司強大的財務實力評級以及部分頂尖定額指數年金銷售 商 受困。 prudential.co.uk | Additionally, Jackson’s FIA sales have benefited from the company's strong financial strength ratings and disruptions among some of the top FIA sellers. prudential.co.uk |
普納即面臨如此重要關頭,城市發展完全無規劃,塞車、空氣污染、交通事故屢創新高,卻無穩定與普及的大眾運輸系統,居民常抱怨公車老舊、擁擠、效能低落、班次不固定,車站大多殘破,地點也不方便,況且搭公車也無法節省時間,由於欠缺公車專用道,故和其他車輛一 同 受困 在 車 陣中。 thisbigcity.net | The city is entirely unplanned; [...] traffic congestion, air pollution and [...] automobile accidents are at all time highs; [...]and yet no reliable and broad public transportation system. thisbigcity.net |
采取了很多平权行 动,来帮助受困妇女和老龄妇女。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many affirmative actions have been taken that [...] help women in distress and elderly women. daccess-ods.un.org |
有關增長反映客戶及分銷商延續重視質量的趨勢、股票市場持續好轉、Jackson 所提供產品的相對連貫性、本公司若干主要競爭者持 續 受困 及 分銷能力有所提升。 prudential.co.uk | This growth reflects customers’ and distributors’ continued flight to quality, the continued improvement in the equity markets, the relative consistency of Jackson's product offering, continued disruptions among some of our major competitors and increased distribution capacity. prudential.co.uk |
它的反应类似 于法院传统的对于经社文权利的诉请——特别是有关贫困和无家可归的权利诉请——的 “正当性”的关注,就是撇下受困的 乘 客不管,因为处理他们的困境不是它的正当角色,那 台火车头说:“要是我愿意,我是可以(帮忙),但我不(愿意)”。 socialrights.ca | Its response, analogous to the traditional “legitimacy” concerns of courts in relation to ESC rights claims, particularly those related to poverty and homelessness, is to leave the passengers stranded because it is not his proper role to deal with their plight: “I could, if I would” says the locomotive “ but I won’t”. socialrights.ca |
但当部分企业因运用 ISO 50001后开始分享成功管理能耗的经验 后,便逐渐吸引一些受困于海 外工资日益上 扬及生产设备老旧耗能的厂商。 tuv.com | Once businesses that introduced ISO 50001 began sharing detail on their successful experience with managing energy consumption, they began attracting the attention of other companies under pressure from foreign labor costs and aging, energy-intensive production equipment. tuv.com |
教科文组织不可能置身于当今世界的复杂现实之外, 它 受困 于 一 系列的危机(银行金 融,食品,能源和环境)之中,这些危机不仅对各国的经济造成了直接的影响,而且还影响 [...] 到了亿万人民的日常生活。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO cannot distance itself from the complex reality of [...] today’s world, beset by a combination [...]of crises (banking-financial, food, energy [...]and environmental) that have a direct impact not only on the economies of countries but also on the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了进一步提振经济,欧洲央行于9月初宣布计划购买问题成员国国债,以扶持成员国经济并防范通货紧缩,但这一计划的前提 是 受困 成 员 国需要遵从由欧盟(European Union)监督执行的经济改革方案。 jpmifc.com | In order to further boost the economy, members of the European Central Bank in early September announced plans to purchase issues Treasury bonds to support the economies of Member States and [...] to guard against deflation, but the premise [...] of the plan is beset by the EU Member [...]States need to comply with (European Union) [...]to supervise the implementation of economic reform programmes. jpmifc.com |
故事根據英女皇之父佐治六世的史實改編,英皇次子伯特(Colin Fifth飾)臨危登位,可惜自小患有口吃毛病,令他和皇后伊莉沙伯(Helena Bonham Carter飾)飽受困擾。 think-silly.com | Based on the true story of King George VI, the British monarch who suffered from a stammer, the film tells the story of Bertie (played by Colin Fifth) and Queen Elizabeth (played by Helena Bonham Carter) seeking help from an avant garde speech therapist Lionel Logue (played by Geoffrey Rush). think-silly.com |
這項應用程式能幫助各位瞭解,在點對點(P2P)模式之下,如何提供自己的商品與服務,同時避 免 受困 於 市場銷售機制中,例如很快就將過時的郊區購物商場,並且將產品與服務的社會價值擴至極限,協作式消費的最大優點,在於準確回應顧客需求。 thisbigcity.net | This app will help you understand how you could rethink delivery of your own business’s goods [...] and services, using P2P models, and in so [...] doing, avoiding being locked in to market [...]delivery mechanisms (such as an out-of-town [...]retail outlet), which could soon become redundant. thisbigcity.net |
為配合今年奧比斯踏入救盲工作第三十個年頭,澳門郵政及奧比斯攜手以「奧比斯救盲三十年」為題,推出紀念郵票,希望藉此喚起更多市民大眾關注全球失明患者 的 受困 與 無助,亦能有效地提高大眾對保護健康視力的意識。 hongkongpoststamps.hk | In tribute to the 30th anniversary of ORBIS' sight-saving work, Macao Post and ORBIS joined hands to release an issue of commemorative stamps with the theme "ORBIS - 30 Years of Saving Sight", aiming to raise [...] public awareness on the global blindness [...] problem, the hardship suffered by the visually [...]impaired and the importance of healthy eye-sight. hongkongpoststamps.hk |