

单词 受助人

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 立法程序所需的時間及行政成本與法律 助受助人 所 得 的邊 際「利益3 」可能不成正比。
(b) the time and administrative costs
involved in the legislative process may not be commensurate with the marginal
[...] “benefits” for the legally aided persons3 .
另一方面,我們規定領取綜援少於三個月的個 受助人 不獲 豁免計算入息,防止那些有足夠能力應付基本需要的人士加 [...]
On the other hand, we introduced the rule of
[...] allowing no DE for recipients in cases which [...]
have been on CSSA for less than three
months to deter those who would have sufficient means to meet their basic needs from gaining entry into the welfare system.
至於入住私營安老院舍而且無自 理能力的綜受助人,可 在有需要時授權親友或社署的社會工 [...]
For incapacitated CSSA recipients living in private [...]
RCHEs, their relatives or a social work officer of SWD could be authorized
to handle the money on their behalf if needed.
倘支付 借 貸 服 務方面 的開支後剩 餘的稅收不 足 以 抵銷政府開支 ,政府便會削減支付予公務員 及 福受 助人的款 項,以期達至收支 平衡。
If tax collection after debt service payments is not enough to cover government expenditures, payments to civil servants and pensioners will be reduced so as to match spending to revenue.
修訂規例由行政 長官會同行政會議根據該條例第28條訂立,對《法律援助(評定資源及 分擔費用) 規例》(第
[...] 91章,附屬法例B)附表3第 I 部 ( 當中載列法律助 受助人在普通計劃下按照其財政能力分擔訴訟費用的分擔費用表)作出 [...]
相應修訂,廢除"$158,300",而 代 以 "本條例第5(1)條指明的財務資源款 額 "。
It was made by the Chief Executive in Council under section 28 of the Ordinance to make corresponding amendments to Part I of Schedule 3 to the Legal Aid (Assessment of Resources and Contributions) Regulations (Cap.
91 sub. leg. B), which sets out the
[...] scale of contribution by legally aided persons towards [...]
the costs of litigation according
to their financial capacity under OLAS, by deleting "$158,300" and substituting "the amount of the financial resources specified in section 5(1) of the Ordinance".
何秀蘭 議員認為,社援指數未有準確反映社會經濟狀況的
[...] 轉變,例如租金及課本價格的通脹升幅,而單憑參 考社援指數來調整綜援金額,無法充分保障綜受 助人的福祉。
Ms Cyd HO commented that SSAIP did not reflect accurately the changes in socio-economic conditions such as the inflationary increase in rental and textbook prices, and that
adjustment to CSSA solely by reference to SSAIP could not provide sufficient safeguard
[...] to the well-being of CSSA recipients.
[...] 補貼及監察非政府機構尊重員工合約,並成立由政府、機構、 員工受助人四方組成委員會檢討整筆過撥款制度。
That this Panel demands the Administration to immediately scrap the SOG, extend the TOG and monitor whether NGOs honour their contractual commitment to staff; as well as
setting up a four-party committee, comprising the Administration, NGOs, staff and users,
[...] to review the LSG subventions system.
[...] 好轉,但當局有需要繼續向本地工作人口(特別是綜合社會保障 援助(下稱"綜援")的長受助人) 提供 適切的培訓及再培訓,以 提高他們的就業能力、協助他們在經濟轉型中作出適應,以及 [...]
On the use of the levy, SLW highlighted that while the economy had been picking up in recent years, it was necessary to continue to provide the local
workforce, particularly the
[...] long-term recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), with [...]
suitable training and
retraining to enhance their employability help them adjust to the economic restructuring, and meet the challenges of a knowledge-based economy.
其目的是鼓 勵家庭照顧殘疾的家屬,以及 受助人 可 以 對家庭的經濟情況作出一 些供獻。
It was intended to encourage families to take
care of family members with severe disabilities;
[...] and enable the beneficiary to make some contribution to the family budget.
由於根據輔助計 劃,一受助人若敗訴,其承擔的最高額訟費只限於已繳付的 初次申請費用及中期分擔費用,有關案件的訟費總額的不足之 [...]
數將由輔助計劃基金承擔,故有需要一開始便將第II類法律程序 的最終分擔費用比率定於15%及 20%,以維持輔助計劃基金財政 穩健。
As the maximum liability
[...] for costs of an aided person under the [...]
SLAS if the case is lost is limited to the initial application
fee and interim contribution paid, any shortfall in the total costs of the case would be borne by the SLAF, it is therefore necessary to set the final contribution rates for Type II proceedings at 15% and 20% at the outset to maintain the financial viability of the SLAF.
政府 當局亦會與僱員再培訓局合作,研究如何可透過培訓協助綜受助人培養工作習慣及持續工作。
The Administration would also work
with the Employees Retraining Board to see how
[...] training could help CSSA recipients to develop [...]
work habits and stay in work.
他補充,綜 援旨在為有需要人士提供安全網,因此不應對綜 受助人 存在 任何歧視。
He added that CSSA was meant to provide a safety net to those in need, and that there should be no
[...] discrimination against CSSA recipients.
另 一 方 面, 倘 若 大部受助人是 長者、殘障人士或 有 孩 子 的 家庭,這 [...]
類人士可能缺 乏 賺 錢 能力或並無資源自 行租住私人單位,因 此不管經濟好 壞 ,租金津貼的需求都 可能不會改 變 。
On the other hand, if
[...] the majority of recipients are the elderly, [...]
disabled persons or families with children, demand for
rental subsidy may persist regardless of the economic performance, because these people may not have the earning power or resources to rent private flats out of their own pockets.
議員要求政府當局考慮採取部分海外國家的做 法,透過其他途徑(例如郵局)提供基本銀行服務;以及社會福利署(下 稱
[...] "社署")可否考慮容許綜援、高齡津貼及傷殘津 受助人 選 擇 在郵局 而不必透過銀行提取有關款項。
The Administration was requested to consider adopting the practice of some overseas countries to provide basic banking services through other channels such as post offices, and whether the
Social Welfare Department (SWD) could
[...] consider providing recipients of CSSA, Old Age [...]
Allowance and Disability Allowance with
the option of collecting payments at post offices instead of through banks.
綜援殘受助人除獲 發標準援助金外,亦可領 取各項特別津貼,包括緊急召援系統的安裝費或每月服務費、往返醫 院或診所的交通費、特別膳食津貼、購買醫療、康復、手術用品和 生用品的費用( 如輪椅、助聽器、紙尿片)、購買眼鏡的費用和牙科診療 [...]
Apart from the standard rate, disabled CSSA recipients are also eligible to receive special grants in items such [...]
as installation or
monthly service charge of emergency alarm system, fares to and from hospital or clinics, special diet allowance, cost of medical, rehabilitation, surgical appliances and hygienic items (e.g. wheel-chair, hearing-aid, disposable diapers), and costs of glasses and dental treatment.
买方,如果他确定他的身份,有权向卖方索取有关的个人资料,证实关于他的或不受到这种待遇,信息加工用途,个人资料的处理和类别 受助人 或 受助 会 员国类别该等资料披露,在适当的转移,个人资料数据认为注定非欧洲共同体,数据通信在个人可访问的形式到有关他的任何现有资料的来源及其信息,要知道,挑战逻辑在自动处理决定的基础上,采取个人及其和生产方面的法律效果探讨。
The Buyer, if he establishes his identity, has the right to question the Seller to obtain confirmation that personal data concerning him are or are not subjected to this treatment, information on for purposes of processing, the categories of personal data processed and the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the data are disclosed, where appropriate, information on transfers of personal data considered destined for a non-member State European Community, the communication in an accessible form of personal data concerning him and any available information on the origin thereof, of information to know and challenge the logic- the automatic processing where a decision taken on the basis thereof and producing legal effects in respect of the individual.
按建議注資信託基金後,除上文所述的變動外,FCR(2003-04)44 號文件所載的所有現行安排將維持不變,包括繼續通過信託基金向綜 合症病故者遺下依賴其供養的家屬發放恩恤金、規定所有信託基受 助人( 不論 他們領取經濟援助是否已達 500,000 元累計上限) 接受經濟狀 況覆檢和健康評估( 雖然頻密程度或會因上文第 15 段的建議而有所變 動 ) ,以及保持現行向患者提供的各類援助。
Other than the changes outlined above, all the existing arrangements set out in FCR(2003-04)44 for setting up the Trust Fund, such as the continued use of the Trust Fund to provide ex-gratia payments to dependent families of deceased SARS patients, the requirements of financial reviews and medical reviews (albeit the frequency may vary as proposed in paragraph 15 above) for all Trust Fund beneficiaries (regardless of whether they have reached the accumulative ceiling of $500,000) and the types of assistance available to them will remain unchanged following the proposed injection of fund to the Trust Fund.
此外,残疾综受助人的补 助金可包括长期个案补助金、社区生活补助金等。
Besides, supplements for
[...] disabled CSSA recipients include long-term [...]
supplement and community living supplement, etc.
委员会关切地注意到,社会福利基金福利水平,尤其是养老金水平不足以 确受助人及其家人适足的生活水准。
The Committee notes with concern that the Social Welfare Fund benefit levels, in
particular pension levels, are not sufficient to ensure an adequate standard
[...] of living for recipients and their families.
该基金作 为一项集合基金,有助于降低政府 受助人 的 交 易成本,为参与解决过渡问题 提供战略一致和方案协调。
As a pooled funding
[...] instrument, the Fund helps to reduce transaction costs for the Government and recipients, and provides [...]
strategic cohesion and
programmatic harmonization for engagement on transitional issues.
他 們呼籲委員支持中止討論這個項目,以催迫政府當 局進行更全面的公眾諮詢,藉此制訂經過深思熟慮 的措施鼓勵就業,使現時所有交通費支援計 受助 人均能繼續領取津貼。
They appealed for members' support to adjourn discussion of the item, so as to press the Administration to conduct more thorough public consultation with a view to drawing up
well thought-out measures to promote
[...] employment, and to enable all existing TSS recipients to continue to receive subsidy.
受助人經醫 生證明為需要經常護理並獲 社工推薦,例如居住在家中四肢癱瘓 受助人 , 更 可申請 「特別護理費津貼」,以支付在家中使用特別護理服務的費 用,包括聘請照顧者的實際開支。
For those medically certified to be in need of constant attendance, a “Care and Attention Allowance” may also be provided to cover [...]
the costs of care
and attention services at home (including the cost of hiring a carer) on social worker’s recommendation.
社會福利署副署長(服務)回應時表示,營辦 服務的非政府機構會因應個別個案的情況評估食 物援助服務的申請,申請人不會純粹因居留身份或 身為綜受助人而得不到援助。
DDSW(Services) responded that the NGOs operating the service would assess the applications for food assistance service on individual
merits and applicants would
[...] not be denied assistance solely on the basis of their residence status or their being CSSA recipients.
受 助 人 敗 訴 , 他 有 法 律 責 任 繳 付 [...]
評 定 的 最 高 分 擔 費 用 或 在 法 律 程 序 中 實 際 招 致 的 律 師 費 , 兩 者 以 數 額 較 低 者 為 準 。
If the aided person loses the [...]
case, he is liable to pay the assessed maximum contribution or the actual legal costs incurred
in the proceedings, whichever is lower.
居住在公營房屋的綜受助人如獲任何免租優惠或減租優惠,在優惠期間社會福利署不會發放租金津貼或只發放減租優惠後實際需繳付的租金,但仍以有關的租金津貼 [...]
If CSSA recipients residing in public [...]
housing receive any rent-free incentives or rent-reduction incentives, Social Welfare
Department will not pay rent allowance or will only pay rent allowance at an amount equal to the actual rent paid after deducting the rent-reduction incentives, up to the appropriate maximum rent allowance during the incentive period.
受助人经医 生证明为需要经常护理并获社工推荐,例如居住在家中四肢 瘫痪受助人,更 可申请“特别护理费津贴”,以支付在家中使用特别护理服务 的费用,包括聘请照顾者的实际开支。
For those medically certified to be in need of constant attendance, a “Care and Attention Allowance” may also be provided to cover [...]
the costs of care
and attention services at home (including the cost of hiring a carer) on social worker’s recommendation.
在充分考受助人群各 方面需求的基础上(情感、物质、教育需求等),爱心协 会帮助处于困境或遭到遗弃的人们,尤其是孩子们,通过重塑自我重新融入社会, [...]
Working in close solidarity, they cater to [...]
all aspects of the person—emotional, physical, and educational—so that vulnerable
people in distress or the excluded, in particular children, can rebuild and reintegrate into the social fabric, and in so doing seek to bridge the gap between the street, families and local structures.
请提供详细资料,说明社会援助福利、尤其是养老金的数额,是否足以确 保各受助人及其 家庭成员维持适当生活水平。
Please provide detailed information on whether the level
[...] of social assistance benefits, especially pensions, is sufficient to ensure an adequate standard of living for all groups of recipients and members of [...]
their families.
[...] 依無靠的孩子及貧窮人;以生命改變生命,不但賦予 教育及基本生活的需要,更重要是讓每 受助人 的生 命得著改變 - 喜樂與盼望;藉著人與人彼此的關愛和幫 [...]
Silver Lining Foundation is dedicated to support the helpless impoverished children and families with love and action; changing
lives with our life, not only by supporting their needs in school and their basic daily needs, but also changing
[...] the lives of our beneficiaries by bringing joy [...]
and hope into their lives,
and encouraging them to help one another.




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