

单词 受刑



victim of corporal punishment
person being executed
person serving a sentence

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

事实上的加沙当局说,目前在押的所有人都在 受刑 事 调 查,或是 已被判处有期徒刑。
The de facto authorities stated that all persons currently under
[...] detention are under criminal investigation [...]
or have been sentenced to prison terms.
29条第1 款规定:“澳门居民除其行为依照当时法律明文 规定为犯罪和应受惩处外,受刑罚 处 罚。
Article 29 (1) of the BL establishes that “Macao residents shall not be punished, unless their acts constitute a crime and they shall be punished for it as expressly prescribed by law at that time.
在不损害本协定各条款的条件下,该组织不得允许在总部 庇护受刑事判 决者、应当场逮捕或法国主管当局已对其 [...]
Without prejudice to the terms of this Agreement, the Organization shall not permit its Headquarters
to become a refuge from justice for persons
[...] against whom a penal judgement has been [...]
made or who are pursued flagrante delicto,
or against whom a warrant of arrest or a deportation order has been issued by the competent French authorities.
事实上,应该提醒她不能自行评论关于其前雇主 的著作权信息,否则她及 A. O. 史密斯可能受刑事控 告或诉讼。
In fact, she should be reminded that she cannot voluntarily comment on any
proprietary information about her former employer or she and A. O. Smith
[...] could be subject to criminal prosecution or a [...]
同时,刑讯者会受刑人的 腿或脚下塞砖头或者其他硬物,使腿部向上弯曲,有时这一过程会持续到腿骨骨折。
Bricks or other hard objects are then
[...] pushed under the victim's legs or feet, [...]
causing the legs to bend upwards, sometimes until they break.
(8) 任 何 人 士 如 未 能 履 行 根 據 本 條 發 出 的 職 務 孚 則 所 載 的 任 何 規
[...] 定,絕 對 不 會 因 此 而受 刑 事 或 民 事 起 訴 , 但 本 [...]
款 適 用 的 訴 訟 則 屬 例 外 。
(8) A failure on the part of any person to comply with any provision of a code of practice issued under
this section shall not of itself render him
[...] liable to any criminal or civil proceedings [...]
except those to which this subsection applies.
有關㆟士若未能遵守 作業守則的某項條文,雖不足以使其 受刑 事 檢 控,但在任何刑事訴訟㆗,法院或裁判官 倘認為作業守則的任何條文,與所涉及的責任問題有關,則可把該條文作為考慮之列。
Failure to observe a provision of the codes of practice shall
not by itself render a
[...] person liable to criminal proceedings, but in any criminal proceedings, [...]
the court or magistrate may
take into account any provision of a code of practice which appears to be relevant to any liability in question.
4.4.8 《國家人權委員會法令》容許韓國國家人權委員會可基於多 種理由不受理申訴76
[...] ,例如導致申訴的事件於超過一年前發生;有關 事件正受刑事調查或法庭審訊;正進行或已完成其他尋求補救的法 [...]
4.4.8 NHRC Act allows NHRCK to dismiss a complaint for a wide range of reasons76 , such as when the incident leading to a complaint
happened more than one year ago, when the
[...] incident is under criminal investigation [...]
or court trial, in case other legal procedures
for redress are in process or completed, or when NHRCK considers that it is inappropriate to investigate a complaint.
两人已被国家警察逮捕, 仍在审前拘留中,同时受刑事调 查和国家警察的纪律处分。
PNTL arrested the officers, who remain in pretrial
[...] detention while undergoing criminal investigations [...]
and PNTL disciplinary procedures.
关于非洲刑事司法系统中获得法律援助的利隆圭 宣言》注意到,在许受刑事司 法系统影响的人需要法律援助服务方面, [...]
The Lilongwe Declaration on Accessing
[...] Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System [...]
in Africa notes the insufficient number of
lawyers in African countries for providing the legal aid services required by the many people affected by the criminal justice system.
第十四条第6 款原文如下:“在一人按照最后决定已被判定犯有刑事罪而其
[...] 后根据新的或新发现的事实证明发生了误判,他的定罪被推翻或被赦免的情况 下,因这种定罪受刑罚的 人应依法得到赔偿,除非经证明当时不知道的事实的 [...]
Article 14, paragraph 6, states as follows: “When a person has by a final decision been convicted of a criminal offence and when subsequently his conviction has been reversed or he has been pardoned on the ground that a new or newly discovered fact shows conclusively that
there has been a miscarriage of justice, the
[...] person who has suffered punishment as [...]
a result of such conviction shall be compensated
according to law, unless it is proved that the non-disclosure of the unknown fact in time is wholly or partly attributable to him.
2003 年,瑞士通过了《刑法》、《刑事诉讼法》和尽责立法的修正案,规定资 助恐怖主义行为受刑事起诉。
In 2003, Switzerland adopted amendments to the Criminal Code, the Code of
Criminal Procedure and due diligence legislation, which made the financing of
[...] terrorism subject to criminal prosecution.
第 1970(2011)号决议第 6 段,按照将达尔富尔局 势移交国际刑院审理的受质疑先例,规定了一种不受刑院管辖的例外情况,而这是《罗马规约》中所没 有的。
Paragraph 6 of resolution 1970 (2011) follows the questionable precedent set by the referral of the situation in Darfur to the ICC when it formulates an exception to the jurisdiction of the Court that is not provided for in the Rome Statute.
[...] 规定可能致使所涉人员和公司面临巨额罚款、失去未来的政府合同,甚至是 受刑 事 起 诉。
Please note that violations of these rules can result in substantial
fines, the loss of future government
[...] contracts and even criminal prosecution for [...]
the individuals involved and our Company.
When on a
[...] "tiger bench" the victim reportedly sits on a [...]
bench with legs tied stretched out straight on the bench and hands
tied behind a vertical back support.
請注意,欺詐性進入和停留在電腦系統、阻礙或歪曲該系統的運作、或在電腦系統中加入數據或欺詐性修改數據,均屬 受刑 事 懲 處的罪行。
It should be noted that it is an offence, subject to criminal penalties, to access or remain fraudulently in a computer system, to hinder or distort the functioning of such system, or to introduce data to or modify fraudulently the data in a computer system.
有些人持有炼狱的观点,他们解释说这几个讲到惩罚仆人或哀哭切齿的寓言所指的并不是那些没有得救的人,而是得救的人被投入所谓的炼狱——要么是出于公义为他们的罪受罚,要么是通 受刑 洁 净 他们的罪性。
There are also some who hold to a purgatorial concept and for a number of parables that speak of punishment of servants or weeping and gnashing teeth, they interpret to mean that such people don't lose salvation, but rather get thrown into some sort of
purgatorial situation -
[...] either to pay the penalty for their sins judicially or to be cleansed from their sinfulness through being tormented.
国家武警学院接受武警军官训练;在马达加斯加穆拉曼加国家武警学院 受刑事 调 查训练;非洲维持和平人员电子学习课程。
Training as regular military officer,
[...] Military Academy, Antsirabe, Madagascar; training as officer of the gendarmerie, National Gendarmerie Academy, Moramanga, Madagascar; training in criminal investigation, National [...]
Gendarmerie Academy,
Moramanga, Madagascar; E-learning for African Peacekeepers.
人权事务委员会确 定了 1 个思想和言论自由权利案件(《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第 19 条),禁止酷刑委员会确定了 1 个侵犯公正调查权利和 1 个声称受酷刑的人 向 主管机关投诉、要求对案件进行公正调查的权利案件(《禁止酷刑公约》第 12 和 13 条),认定在 2 个案件上刑受害者 获得赔偿和包括适当康复手段在内的公正 和充分补偿的权利受到侵犯(《禁止酷刑公约》第 14 条),消除种族歧视委员会 确定了一个侵犯有效法律补救权利案件(《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第 [...]
6 条)。
The Human Rights Committee established a violation of the right to freedom of thought and expression (article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), the Committee against Torture established a violation of the right to impartial investigation and the right of a person
claiming to have been
[...] subjected to torture to complain to the competent authorities to investigate into the case impartially (articles 12 and 13 of the Convention against Torture), a violation of the right of the victim of torture to obtain compensation [...]
and fair and
adequate indemnification including the means for adequate rehabilitation in two cases (article 14 of the Convention against Torture), the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination established a violation of the right to effective legal remedy (article 6 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination).
该基金接受自愿捐款, 将其发放给向刑受害者 及其亲属提供心理、医疗、社会、经济、法律、人道或 其他形式援助的非政府组织。
The Fund receives voluntary contributions for distribution to non-governmental organizations providing psychological, medical, social, economic, legal, humanitarian or other forms of assistance to victims of torture and their relatives.
(b) 缔约国支持联合国预防和消除酷刑和其他形式虐待机制,包括增加了 对联合国援助刑受害者 自愿基金的捐助,并向酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱 [...]
(b) The support by the State party to United Nations mechanisms established to prevent and eradicate torture and other forms of ill-treatment, including its increased
contribution to the United Nations
[...] Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and its support [...]
to the Special Rapporteur on torture
and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
缔约国应进一步加强努力,特别在监禁期间和监禁之后向 刑受害 者 提供更好的医疗和身心服务,确保他们能够得到有效和迅速的康复服务; 为了加速将刑受害者 从初级保健照料系统转诊至专门服务,在保健和社会 福利专业人员中间提高他们对酷刑后果以及 刑受 害 者 康复需求的认识;根 据所建议的国际标准,提高国家保健机构向 刑受 害 者 ,包括他们的家属提 供专门康复服务的能力,特别向他们提供精神健康方面的康复服务能力。
The State party should further strengthen its efforts to improve the access to medical
and psychological
[...] services for victims of torture, especially during and after imprisonment, and assure that they receive effective and prompt rehabilitation services; raise awareness on the consequences of torture and the need for rehabilitation for victims of torture among health and social welfare professionals in order to increase referrals of these victims from the primary health-care system to specialized services; and increase the capacity of national health agencies in providing specialized rehabilitation services, based on recommended international standards, to victims of torture, [...]
including their family
members, specifically in the field of mental health.
赞扬民间社会、尤其是非政府组织、国家人权机构和国家预防机制以及大量刑受害者 康复中心坚持不懈的努力,以防止和打击酷刑,减轻 刑受 害 者 的痛 苦,回顾人权理事会
Commending the persistent efforts of civil society, in particular non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions and national preventive mechanisms, and
the considerable network of centres for
[...] the rehabilitation of torture victims to prevent and combat torture and to alleviate the suffering of victims of torture
当地非政府组织预防、处理和恢复 刑受 害 者及其家庭中心(CPTRT)依据 手头掌握的资料,举证了自 [...]
2004 年 3 月 16 日至 2008 年 11 月 21 日期间发生的 227 起酷刑和虐待案件,其中,警察机关是主要的施暴者。
One NGO, the Centre for the Prevention, Treatment and
[...] Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and their Relatives [...]
(CPTRT), has in its database 227
cases of torture and illtreatment that took place between 16 March 2004 and 21 November 2008, the Preventive Police being the body most commonly cited.
决定在大会第六十六届会议上审议秘书长的报告,包括关于联合国援助刑受害者 自愿基金和任择议定书所设特别基金的报告,以及禁止酷刑委员会的 [...]
报告及酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问题特别报告员的临时 报告。
Decides to consider at its sixty-sixth session the reports of the Secretary-General, including
the report on the United Nations
[...] Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and the Special [...]
Fund established by the Optional
Protocol, the report of the Committee against Torture and the interim report of the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
以下具有 经济及社会理事会咨商地位的 13 个非政府组织派代表出席会议:研究联合国系
[...] 会;公谊会世界协商委员会;国际天主教监狱福音关怀委员会;促进职业惩戒 国际惩戒所及监狱协会;刑受害者 国际康复理事会;精神残疾宣传中心基金 会;开放社会学会;刑法改革国际以及精神疗法使用者和幸存者世界网络。
The following 13 non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council were represented at the meeting: Academic Council on the United Nations System, Amnesty International, Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, Association for the Prevention of Torture, Conectas Direitos Humanos, Friends World Committee for Consultation, International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care, International Corrections and Prisons Association for the Advancement of Professional
Corrections, International
[...] Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, Mental Disability [...]
Advocacy Center Foundation, Open
Society Institute, Penal Reform International and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.
6 月 26
[...] 日,联伊援助团发表一份新闻稿,纪念支持 刑受 害 者 国际日,其中 敦促伊拉克政府批准《禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公 [...]
On 26 June, UNAMI issued a press
statement to mark the International Day in
[...] Support of Victims of Torture, in which it [...]
urged the Government of Iraq to ratify
the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
[...] 夺了私有化权利的承租人,没有父母照管的儿童和青年,残疾人,老年人,多子 女家庭,牢狱释放人员和刑受监视 人员,无家可归人员,合作社与合作群体, [...]
Target groups supported within the framework of state housing policy include lessees deprived of privatisation rights during the ownership reform, children and young people without
parental care, disabled people, elderly people, families with many children, persons released from prison and
[...] persons under probation supervision, [...]
homeless people, cooperative
societies and communities, and specialists dealing with planning and development of residential environment.
大会第六十四届会议呼吁所有国家和各组织每年向联合国援助 刑受 害者自愿基金捐款,最好是大幅增加捐款数额;请秘书长向人权理事会和大会第六十 五届会议提交关于基金运作情况的报告(第 64/153 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly appealed to all States and organizations to contribute annually to the Fund, preferably with a substantial increase in the level of contributions, and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Human Rights Council and to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session a report on the operations of the Fund (resolution 64/153).




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