单词 | 取走 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 取走verb—removevless common: pick upv 取走—take away走走verb—walkvSee also:走—through go away die (euph.) change (shape, form, meaning) move (of vehicle) 走v—walkv gov runv visitv leavev
代表团注意到,没有登记执法人员取走被剥夺 自由者个人财产物品的一般做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation noted that there was no [...] general practice of recording items of [...] personal propertytaken frompersons deprived [...]of liberty by law enforcement agents. daccess-ods.un.org |
将管道固定到位,使 管道垂直于底部边缘并小心取走直角尺。 graco.com | Hold duct in place to keep duct perpendicular to base [...] edge and carefully remove square. graco.com |
另 ㆒方面,倘若终审庭裁定㆒九九㆒年的协议符合联合声明及基本法,则那所谓的规定 比例便会将我们㆗间㆒些㆟认为是好的灵活比例 取走了。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, if the CFA concluded that the 1991 agreement conformed with the Joint Declaration and [...] the Basic Law, the fixed formula, so to [...] speak, would remove the flexibility formula which some of us consider desirable. legco.gov.hk |
例如,您发现未经自己同意,您银行账户中的钱被 取走了。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | For example there may be an instance where you see that money has been withdrawn from your bank account without your consent. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
海关保税仓库的主要好处是与货物进口相关 [...] 的所有税赋(进口税、消费税和增值税)都 可以推迟到货物取走后在 波兰消费时缴纳。 paiz.gov.pl | The main advantage of a customs bonded warehouse is that all payments connected with a goods [...] import (import duties, excise tax and VAT) are postponed until the [...] moment oftheir withdrawal for consumption [...]within Poland. paiz.gov.pl |
所以,他们会留有余地,不会取走在野反对党所有表 达意见的工具,因为将来他们自己都需要用。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, they will allow some [...] leeway and will not takeaway all the tools [...]from the opposition party for expression of [...]views, since they themselves may need to use them in the future. legco.gov.hk |
如果您的客户提出拒付, 相关金额将直接从您的Skrill账户中取走。 moneybookers.com | If your customer initiates a chargeback, the respective [...] amountwill be taken directlyfrom [...]your Skrill account. moneybookers.com |
以色列间谍网还构成对黎巴嫩主权的公然侵犯,因为以色列情报机构特工不 [...] 止一次为摩萨德特工通过海路秘密进入黎巴嫩境内提供便利,以便从死信信箱取 走物品,向特工提供钱款,或由摩萨德特工自己在黎巴嫩境内实施暗杀。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli spying networks also constitute a flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty because, on more than one occasion, the agents of Israel’s intelligence agencies facilitated the surreptitious entry of Mossad [...] agents into Lebanon by [...] sea in order toretrieve itemsfrom dead letter boxes, providemoney [...]to agents or for the Mossad [...]agents themselves to carry out assassinations in Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
当机器完成饮品冲煮时,如果饮品准备就绪,该信息将在显示屏上显示数 秒,提示取走杯子。 download1.cremi...ternational.com | When the machine has finished dispensing a [...] beverage, once the beverage is ready, this message will appear on the display for some [...] seconds, advising to takethe cup. download1.cremi...ternational.com |
7.决定所有会员国应采取适当步骤,促 进将 1990 年 8 月 6 日第 661(1990)号 决议通过以来从伊拉克国家博物馆、国家 图书馆和伊拉克其他地点非法取走的伊拉 克文化财产以及其他考古、历史、文化、 科学稀有和宗教重要物品安全交还伊拉克 机构,包括规定禁止买卖或转让这类物品 和可合理怀疑是非法取走的物 品,并吁请 联合国教育、科学及文化组织、国际刑警 组织和其他国际组织酌情协助执行本 段;”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 7. Decides that all Member States shall take appropriate steps to facilitate the safe return to Iraqi institutions of Iraqi cultural property and other items of archaeological, historical, cultural, rare [...] scientific, and religious [...] importance illegally removedfrom the Iraq National Museum, the National Library, and other 8 locations in Iraq since the adoption of resolution 661 (1990) of 6 August 1990, including by establishing a prohibition on trade in or transfer of such items and items with respect to which reasonable suspicion exists that they have been illegally removed, and calls upon [...]the United Nations Educational, [...]Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Interpol, and other international organizations, as appropriate, to assist in the implementation of this paragraph unesdoc.unesco.org |
这些事实不能成为谴责苗圃没有照顾好这些苗木(原本应由买方 在很久以前就取走)的理由(见《销售公约》第 85 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These circumstances cannot lead to the nursery being accused [...] for having cared badly for the trees — of which the [...] buyer should havetaken deliveryalong [...]time before (article 85 CISG). daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,国家的出口补贴也从更为有效的发展中国家出口 商和当地的生产商手上取走了很大的市场份额。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, subsidized [...] country exports take significant market [...]shares away from more efficient developing-country exporters and local producers. daccess-ods.un.org |
重新扫描页面:如果需要重新扫描页面,请从出纸托盘中 取走顶部页 面并将这些页面放回到输入托盘中(确保纠正任何文档预备问题)。 graphics.kodak.com | Rescanning the page: if the page needs to be rescanned, remove the top page(s) from the exit tray and place the pages back in the input tray (be sure to correct any document preparation issues). graphics.kodak.com |
取而代之的是,在转运后,可以方便地从椅子上 取走吊衣。 liko.com | Instead, the sling is easily removedfrom the chair after the transfer. liko.com |
他 们 无 权 检 取 每 份 拿 到 手 的 文 件 , 只 可 有权取 走他们合 理 地 相 信 是( 以 这 宗 案 例 而 言 )伪 造 的 或 是 有 证 据 价 值 的 文 件 。 hkreform.gov.hk | They were not entitled to seize every document they could lay their hands on but were entitled to takedocuments which they reasonably believed were (in this case) forged or would be of evidential value. hkreform.gov.hk |
使用和维护这些资 产时要十分小心和谨慎、严防浪费和 滥用,没有管理阶层的允许绝对不能 私自借用或取走。 lockeedmartin.com | You must use and maintain these assets with the utmost care and respect, guarding against [...] waste and abuse, and you must never [...] borrow or remove themfrom company or customer property without management’s [...]permission. lockeedmartin.com |
作坊里另外一个工人在挤压过程完成之后,将制成的纸从毛毯上 取走。 news.groz-beckert.com | A further employee in the workshop [...] then hadto remove thepaper [...]created by the pressing process from the felt. news.groz-beckert.com |
至于买方关于原告本 应将这些苗木售出的观点,根据《销售公约》第 88 [...] 条,法院认为,原告(树木 苗圃)不可能将买方(苗木贸易商)无法 取走的苗木成功售出。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the buyer’s argument that the appellant should have sold the trees, ex article 88 CISG, the Court held that it could not [...] be seen that the appellant — a tree nursery [...] — couldhave succeeded in selling the [...]trees where the buyer — a tree trader — could not. daccess-ods.un.org |
只能在有工作需要的情况下复制包含公司信息的文档或将此类文档从您的工作区域取走。 bostonscientific.com | Copy documents containing Company [...] information, or removesuchdocuments [...]from your work area, only when your job requires it. bostonscientific.com |
如果我的理解 是正确的,那么让剩余的反对派 别听取走向和平的言论还 有一些希望。 daccess-ods.un.org | If my reading is correct, there may be some hope for the remaining opposition groups to listento arguments for peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿亚拉计划》除了谴责比较温和的马德罗的“背叛”行为外,还提出了萨帕塔主义背叛者土地革命的要求:归还在波菲里奥政府时期从村庄 取走的土 地并对较大的庄园进行土地重新分配同时给予赔偿。 wdl.org | Besides condemning the "treason" of the more conciliatory Madero, the Plan of Ayala puts forward the demands [...] of the Zapatista agrarian rebellion: [...] restitution oflandstaken fromvillages [...]during the Porfiriato, and agrarian redistribution [...]of the larger haciendas, with compensation. wdl.org |
在回卷模式下,将已打印标 签回卷至回卷器以便取走。 printronix.com | In batch rewind mode, rewinds printed labels into a removable roll. printronix.de |
在显示屏停止闪烁并 [...] 且听到准备就绪的哔 哔声之前,请勿取走咖啡壶或保温壶,否 则可能造成严重的喷 [...]溅和灼伤。 download1.cremi...ternational.com | Do not remove decanter or thermos [...] before display have stoped blinking and ready beep has been heard, it can cause serious spill and burns. download1.cremi...ternational.com |
这些被取走之档案没有小心照料,有些被遗失,而原告在该过程中头部曾被击。 childcarelaw.org | These files were seizedwith little care, some were lost, and an employee of Plaintiff was hit in the head in that process. childcarelaw.org |
厄立特里亚官员被定期派去从内罗毕 的使馆银行账户上取钱,然后将把钱交给有关的索马里人,供其在肯尼亚和索 马里旅行和开展行动。350 一个曾亲自参与此类交易的来源告诉监察组说,他 经常奉命专门为此目的从厄立特里亚驻内罗毕使馆开在巴克莱银行的账户上取 走上万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | Eritrean officials are routinely dispatched to retrieve money from their embassy bank accounts in Nairobi, whereupon such proceeds are distributed to various Somalis for their travel and operations in Kenya and Somalia.350 One source personally involved in such transactions told the Monitoring Group that he was regularly instructed to remove tens of thousands of dollars from a Barclays Bank account held by the Eritrean embassy in Nairobi, specifically for this purpose.351 Payments to members of Somali armed opposition groups are documented in paragraphs 315 to 326 of this report, and additional supporting documentation has been archived with the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
取出行李后,此人被带往一 [...] 个不对外的场所,工作人员在这里搜查行李并进行搜身,复印所有证件, 取走其电话并将电话内所有信息储存起来。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the luggage is picked up, the individual is taken to a private location where the baggage and the person is searched, all documentation with [...] the individual is photocopied, and the [...] individual’sphone is takenand information [...]from the phone stored by the officers. daccess-ods.un.org |
它分散融入,并且可以在不需要移位机系统时方便地 取走。 liko.com | It blends in discretely and [...] is easyto remove theday the [...]lift system is no longer needed. liko.com |
万一受权人取走我的钱财,那该怎麽办? malssa.org.au | What if my Attorney takes my money? malssa.org.au |
月 1 日 日日 日前大会搭建商仍未收到参展商的书面要 求,搭建商将会自行替展商取走转角位置的侧面墙。 siaf-china.com | Unless informed otherwise by the exhibitor in writing before 1 Feb 2013, the Organizer will assume that exhibitors occupying corner booths would like to open on the additional side(s). siaf-china.com |
客户可领取尚未取走的产品,但由 Lex Watches 存放所产生的费用和风险应由客户承担。 lex-watches.com | Products which have not been collected by the customer remain available to the customer and will be stored by Lex Watches at the cost and risk of the customer. lex-watches.com |