

单词 取纸

See also:

classifier for documents, letter etc

External sources (not reviewed)

带提举把手且易于滑动的后端滑出式纸张抽屉可让您的用户更加简便安全地 取纸 张。
The easy-to-slide Rear
[...] Slide Out Paper Drawer with [...]
lifting handles makes form collection easier and safer for your users.
仍然在供片盒中 (介质没有离开过供片盒,可能是因 取纸 轮 太 脏不 能抓紧介质)。
Still in the cassette (the sheet never left the cassette, possibly because the pick tires are dirty and could not grab the sheet).
页面设置对话框可以进行风格的设计和 取 、 纸 张 、 页眉/页脚内容和布局、页边距的选取。
The page setup dialog supports the selection and creation of styles, selection of paper types, header/footer content and layout, and margins.
需要沿纵向和横向取纸样进 行横幅检查。
Paper samples are taken from machine direction [...]
and cross direction for this profile check.
使用打印头清洁抹布清取纸轮有 可能损取纸轮。
The tires could be damaged if you use the print head cleaning wipe.
该防护盖具备一个自引导纸张路径并采用易于向外倾斜的设计,让用户可以随时 取纸 张。
The shroud features a self-guiding paper path and easy tilt away design for ready access to the media.
取纸器超时:取纸器处于活动状态,但要扫描的文档未从进纸台中移出 (通常由滚筒打滑引起)。
Skimmer timeout: the skimmer is active, but the document to be scanned did not move out of the feeder table (commonly due to roller slippage).
取纸滚筒 和驱动滚筒上轻轻卸下每个滚轮,并妥善处置旧滚轮。
Gently remove each tire from the pick and drive rollers and dispose [...]
the old tires.
还可向联合国出版部门[**参引**]索 取纸 件 《 指南》。
Hard copies are also available through United Nations Publications [**reference**].
这样可允许您在纸张被收回进行下一轮打印前有 时取出纸张。
This allows
[...] you time to remove the form before [...]
the form is retracted to print the next form.
2011年: 在巴塞尔钟表展上推出“21点”(21 Blackjack)腕表,带来一个纯正的迷你赌场。它包含三个游戏:21点( 取纸 牌 使 之点数等于或尽可能接近21点,每次要牌显示一张牌)、轮盘与骰子。
2011 : Presented at Baselworld, the 21 Blackjack watch is a fully functioning casino with three games: blackjack, where players draw cards to equal or come as close as possible to 21 points - the watch strikes each time a card is displayed - roulette and dice.
在第三个世纪开始,埃及之外,取 代 纸 莎 草 纸 ; 牛 皮 纸和食品,或书本形式的第四个世纪早期的一部分,取得了彻底胜利了纸莎草纸和卷形式。
In the third century, it began,
[...] outside of Egypt, to supersede papyrus; in the early [...]
part of the fourth century vellum and
the codex, or book-form, gained complete victory over papyrus and the roll-form.
其后不久,秘书处的各个下属部门,包括亚太经社会,在秘书 长开展的改革管理努力的背景下,提出了若干旨在减少 取 消 纸张 使 用的附加措施包括大规模地使文件数字化,并重新审视翻译 文件的必要性问题以及减少会议数目和频率。
Later, in the context of the change management effort undertaken by the Secretary-General, various parts of the Secretariat, including ESCAP, have proposed several additional measures to reduce or eliminate the use of paper—including by mass digitizing documents, and revisiting the issue of the need to translate documents—and reduce the number and frequency of meetings.
这种趋势可能是由于会员国认识到迫切的环境可持续性问题,大会部有能力以节 约的方式提供替代的电子版本取代 纸 面 印 刷版本,以及已成功试用不断发展的 可持续节纸模式来提供会议服务。
This trend may be attributed to the recognition by Member States of the imperative of environmental sustainability, the ability of the Department to provide alternative electronic outputs economically to replace paper printouts, and the successful trials of evolving sustainable paper-smart modes for provision of conference services.
报告还指出,目前 80%的大会和执行局文件都使用再生纸印刷,逐渐用再 纸取 代 以 复印用纸为主的白纸的可 能性也在研究之中。
It also indicated that 80% of General Conference and Executive Board documents were now printed on recycled paper and that the possibility of gradually replacing white paper, used mainly for photocopying, by recycled paper was under consideration.
目前 80%的大会和执行局文件使用再生纸印刷,逐渐用再 纸取 代 主 要用于复 印的白纸也在考虑之中。
Today 80% of General Conference and Executive Board documents are printed on recycled paper and the possibility of gradually replacing white paper, used mainly for photocopying, by recycled paper is under consideration.
最终可能会采用一种电子签字系 统,以便为此目的而最终完取消此 方面 纸 张 使 用。
Eventually, an electronic signature system may be implemented to eliminate the use of paper for this purpose.
ROTOVARIO 非浮型产品推荐用于多种颜色效果 (如假金),并且适取代镀铝纸。
ROTOVARIO non-leafing products are recommended for polychromatic effects like artificial gold and are suitable for foil replacement projects.
按ON LINE/CLEAR(联机/清除)按钮来关闭警报器,不要打开 纸 链 门 或 取 出 旧 纸。
Do not open the
[...] tractor doors or remove the existing paper.
这种计算程序在整个订单过程中有着不同用途: 从商业投标到 AVOR 纸张,到材取样和优化切割清单,交付/开具发票。
The varied use of this calculation program extends
over the entire order process: from
[...] business bids to AVOR papers, to material samples [...]
and optimised cutting lists, delivery/invoicing.
两年期内的每一年中,97%的员工准时完成业绩与成果考评;2012 年,用于 个体承包商业绩管理的在线工具取 代 纸 质 系 统。
In both years of the biennium, completion of the performance and results assessment was on time for 97 per cent of staff, and in 2012 an online tool replaced the paper-based system for performance management of individual contractors.
随着辊子包层与热涂层的不断改善,我们 纸 张 生产 中 取 得 明 显优势。
Due to continuous innovations of our roll covers and coatings, you can achieve notable advantages in the paper production.
[...] (S/PRST/2011/15),因为它向我们表明,安全理事会 还有大会已经真正开始明白,这种状况已十分严峻, 要求我们不取得纸面上 的成果,而且还要采取清 楚、坚定的解决办法。
I very much welcome the presidential statement that has just been adopted (S/PRST/2011/15) because it signals to us that the Security Council and, by extension, the General Assembly are truly beginning to understand
that this situation is
[...] serious enough to deserve not just a paper outcome, but also clear, determined [...]
solutions that we can
all use to seize the opportunity to improve the lives of our children.
多年来,我厂一直致力于指向机械的开发、制造、 取 国 内 外 纸 箱 机械的新工艺、新技术,结合我国纸箱生产行业不断提高发展的需要,使本厂的产品品质步步提高,逐渐以其较强的国情化赢得了广大纸箱生产客户的意志好评。
Over the years, our factory has been committed to the mechanical
[...] manufacturing to absorb the new technology of domestic and international carton machinery, new technology, combined with our carton manufacturing [...]
industry to continuously
improve the development needs, so that the factory product quality at every step, and gradually to strong national conditions of won the praise of the will of the majority of carton production customers.
公司2004年推出了国内第一台内置差速补偿圆压圆模切机﹙专利号:ZL2005 20046244X﹚;2005年成功研发伺服控制前缘进纸印刷机﹙专利号:ZL20052 0045628X﹚,该产品获得上海市重点新产品证书﹙项目编号:07XP05151﹚,同时,被列入“上海市高新技术转化项目”;2006年全伺服控制全程真空传送印刷机获得成功﹙专利号:ZL200620049634、7﹚;2007年免压式前缘 纸取 得 专利保护﹙ZL20062004143、5﹚,该技术的成功运用使纸箱包装朝轻量化发展,符合国家倡导的绿色环保、低碳经济要求,目前,已有多家企业投入使用,取得了良好的社会和经济效益;2008年我们引进欧州最新技术,率先在国内用胶辊匀墨水印机进行六十网线的印刷,今年目标要实现更高网点印刷。
We specialized in R&D and manufacturing equipments such as machine center,miling machine ,high precision internal and external grinding machine,deep hole boring machine,etc.Equip with CAD 3D animation operation from 2000,and cooperate with Bosch Rexroth Automation company from Germany in 204,developed the first printing machine in china with servo control and Lead Edge Feeder.
针对这一要求,秘书长在 2004 年关于大会和会议管理部改革问题的 报告中提出了 5 种替代交付方法,即用数字录音取 代 简要纪录;减少有权获得 简要记录的机构数目;只制作英文简要记录;限制简要记录的长度;只提供原始 记录电子副本(而不提纸质副 本)(A/59/172,第 53-63 段;另见 A/60/93)。
In response to that request, the Secretary-General, in his report in 2004 on the reform of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, suggested five alternative methods of delivery, namely, replacing summary
records with digital recordings; reducing the number of bodies entitled to
[...] summary records; producing summary records in English only; restricting their length; and providing only electronic (rather than paper) copies of the original records (A/59/172, paras. 53-63; see also A/60/93).
如此一来,就有 可能在电子环境下复纸质环境下 取 的 办 法,即电子可转让纪录的转让涉及 纪录本身的转移(或者对纪录的控制权的转移)。
In this way, it is possible to replicate the approach taken in the paper-based environment in the electronic environment, whereby the transfer of an electronic transferable record involves the transfer of the record itself (or of the control of the record).
阿根廷的请求书附有一项指明临时措施的请求,请法院命令乌拉圭在法院 做出最后裁决之前,暂不批准建造纸浆厂和所有建筑工程,为保护和养护乌拉圭 河的水生环境同阿根廷合作,并且不要为建造两 纸 浆 厂 采 取 任 何 与 1975 年《规 约》不符的进一步单方面行动,也不要采取任何其他可能加剧争端或使争端更难 解决的行动。
Argentina’s application was accompanied by a request for the indication of provisional measures, whereby Argentina asked that Uruguay be ordered to suspend the authorizations for construction of the mills and all building works pending a final decision by the Court; to cooperate with Argentina with a view to protecting and conserving the aquatic environment of the River Uruguay; and to refrain from taking any further unilateral action with respect to construction of the two mills incompatible with the 1975 statute, and from any other action which might aggravate the dispute or render its settlement more difficult.
纸的环保高取决于 材质和用料档次、印刷工艺等方面,有条件现场可通过燃烧小样(环保等级高的壁纸 没有燃烧异味没有浓烟,灰烬是灰色粉末状)和闻( [...]
PVC 壁纸 有明显的塑胶味、档次低的壁纸有很浓的印刷油墨味)来鉴别,检测报告存有水分,并不能说明问题,新开卷且没有异味的纸浆壁纸环保等级是最高的,我们建议您儿童房不要用 PVC 壁纸。
Wallpaper of environmental high and low depends on material and materials [...]
grade, and printing technology, aspects, has conditions
scene can through combustion sample (environmental grade high of wallpaper no combustion smell no smoke, ashes is grey powder shaped) and smell (PVC wallpaper has obvious of plastic taste, and grade low of wallpaper has is concentrated of printing ink taste) to identification, detection report has water, and cannot description problem, new uncoiling and no smell of pulp wallpaper environmental grade is Supreme of, we recommendations you children room don't with PVC wallpaper.
他们创造了一个纯粹和简约的腕表却又毫不妥协:完美的可读性,最少的品牌宣传,独特的只有9个零件组成的而不是通常的30-40零件的年历,抗过敏的钛金属表壳,橡胶表带,简化的包装(你将换来Neue Zürcher Zeitung当日纸),取消多 级分销,最后但非常重要的是富有吸引力的价格。
They created a pure and minimalistic watch without compromise: perfect readability, minimal branding, unique annual calendar with only nine instead of the usual 30-40 parts, non-allergic titanium case and rubber strap, reduction in packaging (you get the daily edition of Neue Zürche Zeitung instead), abandonment multilevel distribution and last but not least very attractive pricing.




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