

单词 取消禁令

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External sources (not reviewed)

一些对虾养殖国继续禁止养殖这一外来物种,孟加拉国对虾养殖者和 海产品出口商近来要取消禁令
Some shrimp-farming countries maintain bans on the farming of
this exotic species, and Bangladeshi shrimp growers and seafood exporters have
[...] recently requested alifting ofthe ban.
尽管这一步骤是值得赞扬的,但我们认为, 完全、无条件取消禁令结束对加沙的封锁所造 成的人道主义危机是至关重要的。
Commendable as this step is, we
believe that a complete and unconditional
[...] liftingof the banisimperative tobringing [...]
an end to the humanitarian crisis that
has resulted from the Gaza blockade.
The lifting ofthe prohibition shall be subject [...]
to the same provisions.
应受害者请求或应检察官办公室请求,经受害者同意,初步调查法官 或法院可以修正临时禁条件取消
At the request of the victim or at the request of the Prosecutor's Office and with the consent of the victim, a preliminary
investigation judge or court may amend the
[...] conditions of a temporary restraining orderor annul atemporary restraining order.
只有在与格拉斯哥条约 1502禁令取消国王詹姆斯四 (James 1 英格兰) 自己接手这项运动。
Only in 1502 with the Treaty of
[...] Glasgow was the banlifted with King James IV (James 1 of England) himself taking up the sport.
道 明 宏 达 理 财
[...] 会 即 时 提 交 您 更 改取 消求 , 但 交 易 可 能 [...]
已 执 行 , 只 不 过 尚 未 呈报您的账户。
This means that we will immediately submit your
[...] request to change orcancel yourorder, but the [...]
order may already be filled, even though
the fill has not yet been reported to your account.
如果平等待 遇权受到侵犯,平等待遇署可以令消关情况关行为进一步延续、 公布其决定或处以罚款。
Should the right to equal treatment
have been violated,
[...] ETA may order the eliminationofthe situation concerned, prohibit furthercontinuation [...]
of the conduct
concerned; publish its decision or impose a fine.
我还欢迎刚果矿业当局采取初步措施,处取消工采禁令果 民主共和国东部开采和交易的矿物的追踪和验证事宜。
I also welcome the initial steps taken by the Congolese mining authorities to addressthe tracing and certification of the minerals mined and traded in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, following the lifting of the ban on artisanal mining.
杨耀忠议员原则上同意,维持有效竞争是保障 消费者利益的最佳方法,他并问及消委会可能动,以打击有关宽频互联网服务的指称具欺骗性的销售 行为/具误导性的广告,以及此等行动是否包括公开谴 责或公布产品/服务的资讯令消能够作出明智的 决定。
While agreeing in principle that effective competition was the best safeguard to protect consumer interest, Mr YEUNG Yiu-chung enquired about the
possible courses of action
[...] that could betaken by CC against alleged deceptive sales conduct/misleading advertisements on broadband Internet services, and whether such action included public censure or publication of product/service information toenableconsumers to make informed [...]
委员会促请缔约国加强努取消,保护儿童不受任何形式的性剥削和经济剥 削,包括最恶劣形式的童工劳动;特别是要按照国际标准加强工的国家 法规;增加劳工检查的次数以确工的国家法规得到遵守;确保对非法利 用童工者处以罚款和制裁;安排对执法人员、检察官和法官的强制性法律培训; 采取适当措施,为前童工的康复和得到受教育机会提供便利。
The Committee urges the State party to intensify
[...] its efforts to combat childlabour and protect children from all forms of sexual and economic exploitation, including the worst forms of child labour, inter alia through strengthening its national legislation prohibitingchild labour in accordance with international standards; increasing the number of labour inspections in order to ensure the respect of its national legislationprohibiting child labour; [...]
ensuring the imposition
of fines and criminal sanctions to persons making use of illegal child labour; organizing mandatory training for law enforcement officials, prosecutors and judges; and adopting appropriate measures to facilitate recovery and access to educational opportunities for former child workers.
倘若刑事检控并不适合,反垄断部门会法律行动,向法院申领规企业日後违反有关 法例,并可要求,补救以往违反竞争事宜的影响,例如 对有关企业施加经济罚则等。
Where criminal prosecution is not
[...] [...] appropriate, the Antitrust Division institutes a civil action seeking a court order forbiddingfuture violations of the law and requiring steps to remedy [...]
the anti-competitive effects
of past violations, such as imposing a financial penalty on the business concerned.
委员会建议缔约国修订法律,明确列入禁止种族分隔的规定,并必 要措施防止其管辖的领土上出现属于这种性质的任何做法。
The Committee recommends that the State party amend its legislation to explicitly include a prohibition of racial segregation and
to undertake all
[...] necessary measures to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature [...]
in territory under its jurisdiction.
其实,除了非法没收土地和建造定居点外,以色列还继续采用其他各种非法手段, 其目的是驱赶巴勒斯坦原住民,包括拆除房屋(从今年初以来,占领国至少拆毁 了31座巴勒斯坦住宅楼,造成 106 名巴勒斯坦平民无家可归,包括 61 名儿童在 内)取消权、继续关闭城内的巴勒斯坦机构、最近还决会活动家 前往西岸其他地区,实际上切断了他们的工作及其与自然环境的亲密关系。
Indeed, in addition to illegally confiscating land and constructing settlements, Israel continues to apply a host of other illegal measures aimed at driving out the indigenous Palestinian population, including the demolition of homes (the occupying Power has demolished at least 31 Palestinian residential buildings, leaving 106 Palestinian civilians, including 61 children,
homeless since the
[...] start of this year), the revocation of residency rights, the continued closure of Palestinian institutions in the city and the recent decisiontoban social activists [...]
from travelling to other
parts of the West Bank, effectively severing them from their work and familial relations with their natural surroundings.
美国还就特定专题向一些国家提供了技术援助和能力建设援助,包括 制定国家鲨鱼行动方案和执行禁止鱼翅禁令
Technical assistance and capacity-building was provided to some States on specific topics,
including the development of national programmes of action for sharks and the
[...] enforcementof shark-finning prohibitions.
(2) 如法庭或裁判官裁定任何人犯了第(1)款所订 的罪行,则法庭或裁判官除非基於特别理由,令取消的驾驶资格一段较短期间,或取消的驾驶资格, 否则须按照第(2A)或(2B)款,令取消的驾驶资格。
an offence under subsection (1),
the court or
[...] magistrate shall order that the personbe disqualified in accordance with subsection (2A) or (2B) unless the court or magistrate for special reasons orders that the person be disqualified for a shorter period or that the person not be disqualified.
该 审裁处可 采 取的民事制 裁措施(草案第 249条 ),已 扩大至包 括 “交 回 利 润命令 ”(要 求 违 规者向政府缴 付 相当於因 其作出的失 当行为所赚 取的 利 润 或 避 免 损 失 的 款 项 )、 “冷淡对 待命令 ”(限 制有关人士进入市场)、 “格 命(取消人士出任任何 法团董 事或其 他高级 人员的资 格 )、“终止及 停止命 令 ”(命 令 有关人士不 可 参与任何 指 明形式的市场失 当行为)、“支 付 政府及证监 会 讼 费 令 ”(要 求 有关人士支 付 政府及证监 会 因调查其市场失 当行为而招 致 的费用),以 及 “纪 律 转 介 令 ”(在该人是某 团体的成员的情况下,建议该团体针 对 他 展开纪 律行动)。
The range of civil sanctions (clause 249) available to MMT is expanded to include “disgorgement order” (to demand payment to the Government the amount of the profit gained or loss avoided as a result of the misconduct engaged by a person), “cold shoulder order(to restrict a person’s access to the market), “disqualification order” (to disqualify a person from being a director or other officer of any corporation), “cease and desist order” (to order a person not to engage in any specified form of market misconduct), “Government and SFC cost orders” (to demand the person to pay the costs incurred by the Government and SFC in investigating his market misconduct), and “disciplinary referral order” (to recommend to any body to commence disciplinary action against the person who is one of its members).
俄罗斯联邦关于本决议的立场众所周知:我们同意国际社会绝大多数成员的 意见,坚决反对美国对古巴实行禁运,要求尽取消禁
The Russian Federation’s position of principle in respect of this resolution is well known. Our country fully shares the view of the overwhelming majority of member States of the international
community in firmly rejecting the
[...] United States embargo against Cuba and callingforitswithdrawal as soon aspossible.
政府应便利迅速和顺利地运送无偏袒 的平民人道主义救济,武装冲突各方应遵守不以平民为目标禁令
The Government should facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of impartial
humanitarian relief for civilians, and all parties to the armed conflict
[...] shouldrespect theprohibition oftargetingcivilians.
[...] 犯言论自由和宗教信仰自由的问题,厄立特里亚应当废除其宗禁令再逮捕 其他宗教的信徒;不再歧视耶和华见证会。
Regarding the violation of freedom of opinion and worship, Eritrea
[...] should repeal its banonreligions, cease [...]
its practice of arresting individuals
who meet and practise other faiths, and end discrimination against Jehovah’s Witnesses.
就这㆒点来说,重要的促进因素就是取消禁医疗保险 承保㆟成立闭门医生专责小组的权力,因为这种权力根本阻碍了管理性医护小组(例 [...]
A key stimulus to this would be the
[...] retraction of the prohibition against the formation [...]
of closed panels of doctors by medical
insurers, which effectively prevents the development of managed care groups such as Health Maintenance Organizations and Preferred Provider Organizations.
应当定期向上述各方和反兴奋 剂组织通报最新信息——按照第 7 条(检测检测结果管理)、第 8 条(参加公正听证 会的权利)或第 13 条(上诉)做出的任何审查或处理过程的情况和结果,以及在按 照第 10.5.1 条(无过错和无疏忽取消禁期,或按照第 10.5.2 条(无重大过错 和无重大疏忽)缩减禁赛罚期的情况下,还应提供一份书面的说明,充分解释为何 做缩减禁赛罚期的裁决。
The same Persons and Anti-Doping Organizations shall be regularly updated on the status and findings of any review or proceedings conducted pursuant to Articles 7 (Results Management), 8 (Right to a Fair Hearing) or 13 (Appeals), and, in
any case in which the
[...] period of Ineligibility is eliminated under Article 10.5.1 (No Fault or Negligence), or reduced under Article 10.5.2 (No Significant Fault or Negligence), shall be provided with a written reasoned decision explaining the basisfor theelimination [...]
or reduction.
Ban/ Un-Ban/ Kick Clients as well as set Client connection number limits.
这类似于军备竞赛的动力机制,现在正驱使一些运动员 使用提高成绩的违禁药物,而一禁令取消么这种机制将会驱使运动员采用更极端的兴奋 剂使用模式。
The same dynamic, akin to an arms race, that now
motivates some athletes
[...] to use bannedperformance enhancing drugs will drive athletes to more extreme patterns of use ifthe bansare lifted.
因为联合外国代表只要求《美国法典》第 11 篇第 362
[...] 节规定的自动中止在等待关于承认的听证时适用于债务人及其资产,而非禁令或 停止执行,法院认为不宜适用于取禁令的所有要求。
Because the joint foreign representatives requested only that the automatic stay found in 11 U.S.C. § 362 of the United States law apply to the debtor and its assets pending the hearing on recognition, and not an injunction or stay of
execution, the court thought it inappropriate to apply all of the requirements
[...] associatedwith obtaining an injunction.
在下达了令取消改的司法令或行政令之后,登记处必须取消或修改 已登记通知。
Upon delivery of a judicial or administrative order ordering cancellation or amendment, the registry has to cancel or amend the registered notice.
2010 年,这些法规通过第 35676-S-H-MAG-MIANET 号执布进行了修订,使许可证制度成为管制包括氟氯烃在内的所氧 层物质及含有此种物质的设备的强制措施。
The regulations were amended in 2010 through Executive Decree 35676-S-H-MAG-MIANET to make the licensing system mandatory for all [...]
ODS and ODS-containing equipment including HCFCs.
Almost at the very time that the Babylonian saboraim put the finishing touches to the redaction of the Talmud, the
emperor Justinian issued his
[...] edict against the abolition of theGreek translation of the Bible in the service of the Synagogue, and alsoforbade theuse ofthe [...]
δευτέρωσις, or traditional exposition of Scripture.
2009 年 8
[...] 月,特克斯和凯科斯群岛立法会议的一项命令生效,令取消审团进行审判的宪法权利,并规定行政委员会和立法会议工作暂停两年(可以缩 [...]
In August 2009, an Order in Council was
brought into force in the Turks and Caicos
[...] Islandswhich removedthe constitutional [...]
right to trial by jury and suspended
the ministerial Government and the House of Assembly for a period of two years (which can be shortened or lengthened).
您承认并同意,如果您违反关于 Eurotainer 内联网的任何责任,这将导致
[...] 或其他第三方遭受财务或其他损失和损害,Eurotainer 或任何其他受影响的第三方有权立即采取任何必要的措施(包括提起取禁令的诉讼)以保护其权益,您将有责任支付赔偿金以及因您的行为导致的所有费用和开支(包括全额支付所有诉讼费和开支)。
You acknowledge and agree that if you breach any of your obligations regarding the Eurotainer Intranet, this would cause Eurotainer or other third parties to suffer financial or other loss and damage, and Eurotainer or any other affected third party is entitled to
immediately take
[...] whatever action is necessary (including commencing proceedings for injunctive relief) as is [...]
necessary to protect its
interests and that you will be liable to pay damages, plus all costs and expenses (including all legal costs and disbursements on a full indemnity basis) incurred as a result of your conduct.
(ii) 2004 年将取消禁使用拉丁字母出版的一百周年,从其具有分地区影响的文化 特性和文化发展来看,拉丁字母在立陶宛的历史上,占有重要的位置。
(ii) The year2004 will mark the 100th
[...] anniversary of the abolitionof the banon publishing in [...]
the Latin alphabet which
holds an important place in the history of Lithuania in terms of its cultural identity and cultural development with subregional implication.




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