

单词 取款

取款 noun

withdrawal n

取款 ()

withdraw money from a bank





automated teller machine (ATM)

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,本集團與中信之附屬公司中信技術有限公司達成一項協議,代表本集團向其中國客 戶取款項。
In addition, the Group has entered into an agreement with
CITIC Technology Company Limited, a subsidiary of CITIC, for
[...] collecting money from China [...]
customers on behalf of the Group.
政府即刻下令限取款并限 制贷款回收和 抵押召回。
The government ordered
[...] restrictions on withdrawals and the recall of loans and mortgages [...]
at very short notice.
(e) 或以任何董事會批准及持有人或有權 取款 項 的 人士同意(以本公司 認為合適的方式)的方法支付。
(e) by any other method approved by the board and agreed (in such form as the Company thinks appropriate) by the holder or person entitled to payment.
澳大利亚大多数市镇和所有城市都有自 取款 机 ( ATM),此外还有银行网点,均可兑现旅行支票。
There are automated teller machines (ATMs) in most Australian towns and all cities, as well as banks that will cash travellers cheques.
根 據 該 "設計、建造、融資及營運"合約,經營A1(M)高速公
[...] 路的私人財團,以影子收費形式,向英國公路局取款項,而款 額主 要 根 據 道路的使用率計算 。
Under the DBFO contract, the private consortium which
[...] operates A1(M) receives payments from the Highways [...]
Agency of the UK in the form of shadow
tolls, calculated primarily on the basis of road usage.
如果你已经注册了FXOpen账户,在您进行任何转账 取款 时 系统将要求您输入您的主帐户密码。
If you are a registered FXOpen client, the system will ask you to enter your Main Account PIN to confirm all transfers.
有關應收賬款組合減值之客觀減值證據可包括本集團過往 取款項 之 經驗、組合中已過信貸期之拖欠付款次數增加,以及與拖欠應收賬款相關之國家或本地經濟狀 況顯著變動。
Objective evidence of impairment for a portfolio of receivables could include the Group’s past experience of collecting payments, an increase in the number of delayed payments in the portfolio past the credit period, observable changes in national or local economic conditions that correlate with default on receivables.
所以,你應該把在取款項 中的所有費用做好記錄。
Therefore, you should keep good records of all of your costs in pursuing your award.
本公司的財務報告內部控制包括以下政策和程序:記錄與維持有關的政策和程序,此等記錄須詳盡、準確及公平地反 映資產的交易和處置;合理保證已記錄必需交易的政策和程序,以便根據IFRS編制財務報表,並且僅按照本公司管理 層和董事的授權取款項及作出開支;就預防和及時發現將對財務報表造成重大影響的未獲授權資產收購、使用或處 置提供合理保證的政策和程序。
The Company’s internal controls over financial reporting include policies and procedures that: pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and disposition of assets; provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of the financial statements in accordance with IFRS and that receipts and expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorization of management and directors of the Company; and provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use or disposition of assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
很多外國地方可能容許僱員在強積金 或公積金中取款項購 買物業或作其他安排,是因為一般來說,在僱 員仍在工作期間,僱主與僱員的供款比率是較香港高出很多,所以才 有空間讓他們作那些安排。
Employees in many overseas places might be allowed to withdraw part of the benefits in their MPF or central provident fund accounts for purchasing properties or making other arrangements because, generally speaking, the rates of contributions made by employers and employees while the employees are still working are much higher than those in Hong Kong, and this gives them room to make other arrangements.
9.2 只要閣下仍欠敦沛任何債項時,敦沛有權拒絕閣下 取款 項 的 要求,以及閣下在未獲敦沛事先同意時, 無權取任何款項。
9.2 For so long as there exists any indebtedness to Tanrich on the
part of you, Tanrich may
[...] refuse any withdrawal of money in the Account and you shall not without consent of Tanrich withdraw any such money.
投資之股息收入於股東取款項之 權利確立時確認,前提是經濟利益可能流向本集團,且收 益能夠可靠地計量。
Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders’ rights to receive payment have been established [...]
(provided that
it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the amount of revenue can be measured reliably).
倘 本 集 團 保 留 所 轉 讓 金 融 資 產 所 有 權 的 絕 大部 分風 險及回 報,則 本集 團會繼 續 確認該項金 融資 產,還會 確認 所取款 項為 一項 已抵 押 借 款。
If the Group retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of a transferred financial asset, the Group continues to recognise the financial asset and also recognises a collateralised borrowing for the proceeds received.
银行将为您开设一个账户,并寄给您一张可以 取款的 ATM 卡。
The bank will then open an account for you and send you an ATM card
[...] allowing you to access your money.
(ee) 就投資、貸款、付款、傳達及取款 項 , 以及購買、銷售、改良、發展及管 理物業(包括商業公司及營運)充當代理,以及通常辦理及承擔所有種類的 代理業務,不論商業或財務事宜,以及擔保及負責支付款項或履行任何債務, 以及免費或以其他方式辦理所有類型的代理業務。
(ee) To act as agents for the investment, loan, payment, transmission, and collection of money, and for the purchase, sale, improvement, development and management of property including business concerns and undertakings, and generally to transact and undertake all kinds of agency business, whether in respect of commercial, or financial matters, and to guarantee and become liable for the payment of money or for the performance of any obligations, and to transact all kinds of agency business, either gratuitously or otherwise.
在不影響敦沛可得到的其他權益或補救的情況下,閣下特此同意給予敦沛常設授權,授權敦沛處理敦沛代 閣下在香港於一個或多於一個獨立帳戶中持有或 取款 項 (包 括持有款項而產生不屬於敦沛的利息)(“該 等款項”)。
Without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Tanrich, you hereby agree to give the standing authority to Tanrich to authorize Tanrich to deal with money held or received by
Tanrich in Hong Kong (including
[...] the any interest derived from the holding of the money which does [...]
not belong to Tanrich) in one
or more segregated account(s) on your behalf ("Monies").
如果你已经有了FXOpen账户,但是没有获得主帐户的PIN,在您第一次进行转账 取款 请 求时,系统会要求您输入某一个交易账户的PIN,之后这个PIN就将成为您的主账户的PIN。
If you are a registered FXOpen client, but do not have the PIN for your Main Account, the system will ask you to enter the PIN for one of your trading accounts the first time you withdraw or transfer.
任何債權證、債券或其他證券均可按折讓(股份除外)、溢價或其他價格 發行,並可附帶任何有關贖回、退回、 取款 項 、股份配發、出席本公司股東大會及 表決、委任董事及其他方面的特權。
Any debentures, bonds or other securities may be issued at a discount (other than shares), premium or otherwise and with any special privileges as to redemption, surrender, drawings, allotment of shares, attending and voting at general meetings of the Company, appointment of Directors and otherwise.
在厄立特里亚大使馆财务文件上出现的另一个人是 Mohamed Wali Sheikh Ahmed Nuur(别名 Ugas
[...] Mohamed Wali Sheikh),监察组前一份报告提 到他在 2009 年代表索马里再次解放联盟/阿斯马拉从厄立特里亚 取款 项。
Another individual who appears on Eritrean embassy financial documents is Mohamed Wali Sheikh Ahmed Nuur (also known as Ugas Mohamed Wali Sheikh), who was mentioned in the Monitoring Group’s previous report as receiving payments from Eritrea on behalf of
ARS-Asmara in 2009.250
[...] Nuur appears on the payments documentation as receiving $20,000 from the [...]
embassy of Eritrea in April 2008.
董事會可行使本公司一切權力集資或 取款 項 , 並按揭或抵押本公司全部 或任何部分現時或未來之業務、物業及資產以及未催繳股本,及按照法例 [...]
發行債權證、債券或其他證券作為本公司或任何第三方債項、負債或責任 之全部或附屬抵押。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to
[...] raise or borrow money and to mortgage [...]
or charge all or any part of the undertaking,
property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Act, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
於本年度內,Winworth Investment Pte Ltd 重新融資,増加銀行款取代部 份股東貨 款,並已向本集團償還新加坡幣 5.1 百萬元。
During the year, Winworth Investment Pte Ltd refinanced part of its shareholders’ loans with additional bank borrowings and S$5.1 million was repaid to the Group.
因 此,有人建议以一个“不妨碍” 款取 代第 15 条草案,或者以一个适当扩充的 第 14 条草案涵盖其主要问题。
As such, it was proposed that draft article 15 be replaced by a “without prejudice” clause, or that its subject matter be covered by an appropriately expanded draft article 14.
这些条款包括第 7 条(最惠国待遇的法 律依据),第 8 条(最惠国待遇的来源和范围),第 9 条(根据最惠国款取得的 权利的范围),第 10 条 (根据最惠国款取得的 权利),第 16 条(授予国 和第三国之间商定的限制的无关性),第 23 条(最 惠国条款对普遍优惠制的关系)和第 24 条(最惠国 条款对于发展中国家之间的安排的关系)。
Those articles included article 7 (Legal basis of most-favoured-nation treatment), article 8 (The source and scope of mostfavoured-nation treatment), article 9 (Scope of rights under a most-favoured-nation clause), article 10 (Acquisition of rights under a most-favoured-nation clause), article 16 (Irrelevance of limitations agreed between the granting State and a third State), article 23 (The most-favoured-nation clause in relation to treatment under a generalized system of preferences) and article 24 (The most-favoured-nation clause in relation to arrangements between developing States).
有人 建议以一个“不妨碍”条款或者一个更笼统的 款取 代 该条草案,比如 2001 年 《国家对国际不法行为的责任条款》中的第 59 条。
It was proposed to replace the draft article by a “without prejudice” clause, or a more general clause such as that in article 59 of the 2001 articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts.
儘管有上述的任何沒收情況,董事會仍可於出售、再次配發或以其他方式 處置遭沒收的任何股份前,隨時按董事會認為屬適當的 款取 消 沒收或批准按須支付 相關股份的所有催繳股款、應付利息及產生所有開支的條款以及其認為適當的其他條 款(如有)贖回沒收股份。
Notwithstanding any such forfeiture as aforesaid the Board may at any time, before any shares so forfeited shall have been sold,
re-allotted or
[...] otherwise disposed of, cancel the forfeiture on such terms as the Board thinks fit or permit the share forfeited to be redeemed upon the terms of payment [...]
of all calls and interest
due thereon and all expenses incurred in respect of the share, and upon such further terms (if any) as it thinks fit.
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些款的基 础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
任何因上述原因被沒收的股份將被視為本公司的資產,可以按董事會認 為適當的有關條款及有關方式於董事會按其認為適當的有關 款取 消 沒 收股份的出 售或處置前的任何時間,進行出售或以其他方式處置。
Any share so forfeited shall be deemed to be the property of the Company, and may be
sold or otherwise
[...] disposed of on such terms and in such manner as the Board thinks fit and at any time before a sale or disposition the forfeiture may be cancelled on such terms [...]
as the Board thinks fit.
於根據公司法之規定註銷前,任何被如此沒收的股份將視為本公司的財產,可按董 事會認為合適的條款及方式向股份被沒收前的原持有人或享有有關權利的任何其
[...] 他人士出售、重新配發或處置;而在出售或處置該股份前的任何時間,董事會可按 其認為合適的款取消該項沒收。
Until cancelled in accordance with the requirements of the Act, any share so forfeited shall be deemed to be the property of the Company and may be sold, reallotted or otherwise disposed of either to the person who was, before the forfeiture, the holder thereof or entitled thereto or to any other person on such terms and in such manner as the Directors think fit and at
any time before a sale or disposition thereof the
[...] forfeiture may be cancelled on such terms as the Directors think fit.
支付第四次款取决于洪都拉斯政府是否向基金秘书处 提交正式通知,指出 2009 年的甲基溴消费量低于 183.6 ODP 吨(也即协定中规定的最高 允许消费量)。
Disbursement of the fourth tranche was conditional on the submission to the Fund Secretariat of an official communication from the Government of Honduras stating that the level of MB consumption in 2009 was below 183.6 ODP tonnes (i.e., the maximum allowable level of consumption in the Agreement).
父母补贴是在第一个孩子出生后提供的一次性补 贴和为第二、第三和第四个孩子进行提供 24 个月的分期款,取代几个先前实 行的月补贴或一次性补贴。
Parent allowance represents a one-off allowance provided upon the birth of the
first child and is paid in
[...] 24-month instalments for the second, third and fourth child, replacing several [...]
previous monthly or one-off allowances.




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