

单词 取整

External sources (not reviewed)

对理解暴力行为取整体做 法要求将暴力侵害妇 女现象置于连续统一体中,以便把握其各种不同的形式和变相的方式。
A holistic approach to understanding violence requires violence against women to be situated along a continuum in order to capture its varied forms and incarnations.
有權利的人士仍有權選擇取整套財 務文件。
An entitled person will continue to have the right to choose to receive the full set of financial documents.
应当吸取的教训包括:需要取整体 行 动,重点开发 机构和个人能力。
Lessons learnt include
[...] the need for integrated action and [...]
for a focus on both institutional and individual capacity.
取整的原 因,在测量值记录器显示屏上显示的时间可能会与时间同步报文 中的时间有所不同。
Because the figures are rounded up or down, the time displayed in the measured value plotter screen may deviate from the time in the time synchronization telegram.
不丹对工作组的各代表团表现出高度的兴趣表示感谢,并对各代表团承认 它在以下方面的努力表示满意,特别是它以“总体国民幸福”理念为指导,对发 展取整体性 办法的努力;在通过改革管理体制和法治,加强公民权利和政治权 利方面的努力。
Bhutan expressed its gratitude for the high level of interest shown by delegations in the Working Group, and expressed satisfaction at the recognition of its efforts, particularly its holistic approach to development, guided by the philosophy of gross national happiness, and its efforts in strengthening civil and political rights through the transformation of its system of governance and the rule of law.
本集團能夠累積龐大的工程合約量,最大原因是我們在興盛但競爭相當激烈的市場,取整體性的策略,(i)透過參與公共房屋等主要市場分部維持重大的市場佔有;(ii)根據香港政府 的倡議鎖定特定增長範圍,如新建鐵路線、新建醫院及大學擴建;(iii)發展本集團內人力資源的專 業及技術,力爭在高價值專項建造工程(如數據中心及醫院)中締造卓越的成績;及(iv)繼續執行 及交付所有已接獲項目,保持多年來創造的佳績。
This strong order book is a direct result of the Group’s cohesive strategies in a strong albeit competitive market to (i) maintain a significant market share via participation in major market segments such as public housing; (ii) target particular growth areas in accordance with the Hong Kong Government’s initiatives such as new MTR lines, new hospitals and university expansions; (iii) developing professional and technical talents and skills of its people resources to pursue excellence in higher-value contracts such as data centres and hospitals; and (iv) continue its convincing track record achieved over many years for execution and delivery of all prior projects.
[...] 与其他负责人权的机制合作,并极力主张整个联合国 系统取整体处理办法。
Finally, he pointed out that he was ready to enter into dialogue on the various questions with
the other human rights bodies and recommended the adoption of a global approach by the
[...] United Nations system as a whole.
经济及社会理事会 在其第 2008/25 号决议中指出需要取整体和全面的国家多部门办法,预防和打 击这类贩运,并需要开展国际协调与合作,包括通过技术援助活动,支持这类 办法。
The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 2008/25, noted the need for holistic and comprehensive national multisectoral approaches to preventing and combating such trafficking and for international coordination and cooperation in support of such approaches, including through technical assistance activities.
其他原则包括取整合办法,全面和整体地看最不发达国家的发展过程;真 正的伙伴关系和团结;成果导向;综合处理和平与安全、发展和人权;强调在所 [...]
Further principles include an integrated approach in which [...]
the development process in least developed countries should be
viewed in a comprehensive and holistic manner; genuine partnership and solidarity; result orientation; an integrated approach towards peace and security, development and human rights; an emphasis on equity at all levels; and the effective participation, voice and representation of least developed countries.
为了实行公共部门会计准则并在财产管理业务中引进机构资源规划系统, 需要对工程资产取整个周 期统筹管理办法,因此,必须任用具有资产管理经验 [...]
Given that the implementation of IPSAS and the introduction of enterprise resource planning into
the property management business process
[...] will require a holistic life-cycle approach [...]
to the management of engineering assets,
the presence of a specialist experienced in asset management is essential to ensure that engineering assets will be properly managed and accounted for under the new system.
这需要取整个政 府参与的方式以及政府的坚定承诺和各部委间的协 调,同时还应与私营部门和其他民间社会利益攸关方结成伙伴关系。
This requires a whole-of-government approach with strong [...]
government commitment and coordination across ministries, in partnership
with the private sector and other civil society stakeholders.
如果以份數 換份數的話,我暫且不理會她是否說從商業角度這是可行的,但如果要 求小業主的五分之一的業權可以換回五分之一發展後的業權的話,這類 樓宇將永遠無法重建,因為所有業主均會成為“釘子戶” ⎯⎯
[...] 便是最後 的五分之一 ⎯⎯ 因為他們要取整個發 展項目的五分之一業權。
If there is a "share-for-share" arrangement, for the moment, let me leave aside whether she has said that this is feasible from a commercial angle; but, if the minority owners can exchange one fifth of the ownership rights for one fifth of the ownership rights after redevelopment, the redevelopment of such buildings will never be realized as all the owners will become "nail households", that is,
the last one fifth, because they want to strive for one fifth of the ownership
[...] rights of the whole development project.
We therefore underline the need to pursue these Goals through a holistic and comprehensive approach.
在大多数情况下,技术援助对市场 取整 体 看 法,以冷风机市场的供需双方为目 标,因此对基础设施产生影响并增加项目获得成功的可能性,增加随之对削减能源消耗和 温室气体排放的影响。
Technical assistance in most instances took a holistic view of the market and targeted both the supply and demand side of the chillers market, thereby impacting infrastructure and augmenting the potential for project success and the concomitant impact on reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
因此,我们确认并强调必须取整体 解决办法, 争取尽快在已经建立的和平进程框架和阿拉伯和平 倡议基础上,从先前谈判停顿之处恢复黎巴嫩和叙利 亚两轨道的谈判。
Hence, we affirm and underscore the importance of a holistic solution and of seeking as soon as possible to resume negotiations on the Lebanese and Syrian tracks from the point at which the previous negotiations stopped, within a frame of reference based on the established peace process terms of reference and the Arab Peace Initiative.
这可能是由于在降低分辨率的过程中产 取整 , 或是由于应用程序创建的图形不完整所引起的误差。
This may be caused by some rounding errors during the scale-down process or an imperfect graphic created by the application.
問:上傳檔案時,是否可以取整個 要 分享的資料夾,還是得逐一選取每個檔案?
Q: Can I upload files by
[...] selecting an entire folder for sharing, [...]
or do I have to select files one by one?
在这方面,我们也要指出,有必要取整个联 合国的方法,这必须包括联合国所有机构 ——除其他外,大会和经济及社会理事会——和《气 [...]
候公约》,以及联合国开发计划署等联合国相关机构 和包括全球环境基金和世界银行在内的国际组织。
In this respect, we would also argue that there is a
[...] need for a whole-of-United Nations approach, which [...]
must include all the United Nations
organs — among others, the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council — and the UNFCCC, along with related United Nations agencies, such as the United Nations Development Programme, and international organizations, including the Global Environment Facility and the World Bank.
超標情況已向西澳環境保育部(「DEC」)報告。調查已完 成,並已取整改措 施預防超標再次發生。
An investigation has been completed
[...] and corrective actions are in place [...]
to prevent the exceedence from re-occurring.
特區政府應取整全的策略,改善《個人資料(私隱)條例》及《非應邀電 子訊息條例》對個人資料收集及使用方面的保障,同時處理好上游與下游的問 題,從個人資料的收集方面限制,包括只能收集最少資料、不能收集與業務無關 資料等,並規定持有個人資料的機構及企業有責任保障資料的安全,儘量降低資 [...] [...]
Enterprises are not allowed to collect any personal data of exceeding scope that is not directly relevant to their businesses.
与文化部门下属的文化多样性全球联盟合作,实施“创意内容计划”,以确保在文化 多样性问题上取整体步骤。
The Programme for Creative Content is implemented in coordination with the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity in the Culture Sector to ensure holistic approaches to the issue of cultural diversity.
局部文件不仅可以保存和取整个配 置,也可以对配置中的某一 部分以“局部文件”的形式进行存取,从而对不同制作类型的系 统设置进行存储和读取。
Not only whole configurations but also parts of the configuration can be saved and reloaded as “partial files” so that system setups for different types of productions can be stored and recalled.
由于标准的 偏离数字非常小,所以用它们乘以 1000,然取整,通常在 5 和 50 之间。
Since standard deviation numbers are very small, they are multiplied by 1000, which yields a small whole number, typically between 5 and 50.
所为的“气体审计”,就是压缩空气专业服务人员 取整 个 系 统的情况,从而给出相应的改善措施。
So called “air audits” are done by compressed air service professionals to get a
[...] picture of the entire system and to [...]
recommend improvements.
联合国电子政务调查”2012 年版侧重于电子政务促进可持续发展,对 193 个会员国的电子政务业绩提出了更新的评估,并就四个关键领域的现有趋 势作了比较分析:(a) 采取整体政府做法;(b) 便于利用;(c) 用户接受情况; 以及(d) 多渠道提供服务。
The 2012 edition of the United Nations E-Government Survey, with a focus on e-government for sustainable development, presents an updated assessment of e-government performance of the 193 Member States with a comparative analysis of current trends in four critical areas: (a) the adoption of a whole-of-government approach; (b) accessibility; (c) user take-up; and (d) multichannel service delivery.
关于无 国籍人员,联合国难民事务高级专员办事处同样重 视持续的状况并重视在寻求解决办法时 取整 体措施,它及时解决孟加拉国比哈里语和乌拉都语使用 者地位问题,使大选得以顺利开展,它使俄罗斯联 邦大量无国籍人员获得了俄国国籍,以及它在吉尔 吉斯斯坦、越南、科特迪瓦、西巴尔干、伊拉克和 尼泊尔的行动都证明了这一点。
The same risk of protractedness and the need for comprehensive solutions animated the Office’s efforts on statelessness, as shown by its work in Bangladesh, where the issue of the status of the Urdu-speaking Biharis had been resolved just in time for the national elections; in the Russian Federation, where an increasing number of those left stateless were being granted nationality; and in Kyrgyzstan, Viet Nam, Côte d’Ivoire, the western Balkans, Iraq and Nepal.
(i) 每个会员国的基本投票权按所有会员国总投票权的5.55%除以会员国总数来计 算,条件是得出的基本投票取整数。
(ii) The share votes of each member shall be the number of votes that results from the allocation of one vote for each share of stock held.6 (b) Except as otherwise expressly provided, all matters before the Corporation shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.
本产品允许您取整个上 传过程,所以上传状态既可以默认存储在本地,也可以存储在一个诸如数据库的远程数据存储器中(对于server [...]
farms和web gardens模式)。
It allows you full access to the
[...] upload so that progress state can be stored locally using [...]
the default settings or - for
server farms and web gardens - in a remote data store such as a database.




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