单词 | 取悦 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 取悦 verb —please v (almost always used)less common: delight v 取悦 —try to pleaseExamples:难取悦的 adj—demanding adj See also:悦—pleased
政府这样做是想取悦贝都 因人口,并顾及他们的 特殊需求,包括他们希望以部族形式居住的需求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government did so based on the desire to please the Bedouin population and in consideration of their special needs, including their desire to settle according to a tribal format. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一优雅而复杂的重新诠释以L.U.C.系列的新美学代 码 取悦 于 高 级钟表的爱好者以及所有懂得鉴赏卓越产品线的人士。 hautehorlogerie.org | This elegant and sophisticated reinterpretation adopts [...] the new aesthetic codes of the L.U.C [...] collection and will delight devotees of Haute [...]Horlogerie as well as all those with a [...]taste for distinguished lines. hautehorlogerie.org |
这就是我们为什么竭力去打造取悦 我们感官的产品。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Which is why we endeavour to manufacture products that please the senses. hansgrohe.de |
德国牧羊犬外表华丽,生来就十分忠诚,脾气温顺、易于训练,总是渴 望 取悦 主 人 ,是理想的伴侣犬。 eukanuba.com.cn | Majestic in appearance and loyal in character, the German Shepherd has a sound temperament, and his aptitude for training and desire to please make him an ideal companion. fr.eukanuba.ch |
拉布拉多犬喜欢取悦于人 ,这也印证了该犬种被认为是最佳家犬的原因。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Labrador has a need to please, which indicates why this dog breed can be regarded as the ultimate family dog. fr.eukanuba.ch |
它获得了“犬中斗士”的美誉,斗牛梗犬 为 取悦 主 人不惜打斗至死。 eukanuba.com.cn | It gained the reputation of the ""canine gladiator"" as it would fight to the death to please its master. eukanuba.com.au |
从高品质的设计,到曲线柔美、精致舒适的表链,Ebel Beluga 作出明显的改进,来取悦将计 时器当做珠宝佩戴的女士。 hk.ashford.com | From quality of design to the supple curves and [...] refined comfort of the bracelet, the Ebel Beluga [...] has been subtly yet perceptibly enhanced [...]to please women who see their timepiece as a piece of jewelry. ashford.com |
但是我认为这种变化很大程度上是表面性的,最可能的目的 是 取悦 投 资 者,因为该公司数十亿美元的上市可能在今年晚些时候发生。 youngchinabiz.com | But this change looks largely superficial to me, and is most likely [...] designed to please investors as the company gets set for its [...]multibillion-dollar IPO that could happen later this year. youngchinabiz.com |
的气味本身是惊人的,的婴儿按摩后皮肤))主料:大米胚芽油,荷荷巴油,甜杏仁油,薰衣草,甜罗勒,伊兰,伊兰,薄荷和维生素E的精油我要特别注意的存在依兰油 - 这要感谢他,你的皮肤的气味,特别 是 取悦 你 的 第二个一半。 cn.badgood.info | The smell itself is amazing, the skin after a massage as a baby)) Ingredients: rice germ oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, essential oils of lavender, sweet basil, ylang-ylang, peppermint and vitamin E. I would like to pay special attention to the presence ylang-ylang oil - that thanks to him, smell of your skin is particularly pleasing to your second half. en.badgood.info |
还是愿意撒谎来取悦于人 ,得到他们的赞许 呢? liangyou.net | 87. or, am I willing to lie in order to please people and gain their approval? liangyou.net |
事实上,当问及给予的生活,取悦上 帝 的总结,基督劝他的听众“爱你的心与所有主你的上帝,并与所有你的灵魂,并与所有你的头脑”和“爱你的邻居的你自己“(太22点37分,39)。 mb-soft.com | Indeed, when asked to give a summary of the [...] life that pleases God, Christ advised his listeners to "love [...]the Lord your God with all your [...]heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" and to "love your neighbor as yourself" (Matt. 22:37, 39). mb-soft.com |
夸大的支付意愿及肯定态度:受调查者也许 想取 悦调查 人员或者表现自己热心于公益事业。 teebweb.org | Exaggerated willingness-to-pay and yeasaying: Respondents may want to please the surveyor or appear charitable. teebweb.org |
当时,北京把边界领土让给缅甸,以 取悦缅 甸政府,打破对中国的国际封锁。 crisisgroup.org | They feel that China first abandoned them during the border negotiation with Myanmar in the 1950s, when Beijing ceded border territories to please the Myanmar government and break China’s international isolation. crisisgroup.org |
在软件更新成为了运营商和制造商寻求的可提供新功能新应用以不 断 取悦 消 费 者的战略方案后,Red Bend公司在全球的部署持续增加。 redbend.com | Red Bend continues to increase its global deployments as software updating becomes strategic to operators and manufacturers looking to keep consumers happy with new features and applications. redbend.com |
我不想太愤世嫉俗,但是我已经从事媒体行业足够长的时间,明白捷豹路虎首次展示其最新车型的时机和地点,看上去是一场公关活动,旨 在 取悦 中 国 监管部门,因为他们决定着捷豹和奇瑞合资企业的命运。 youngchinabiz.com | I don’t want to sound too cynical, but I’ve been in the media business long enough to know that the timing and location of Jaguar Land Rover’s debut for its newest models looks like a major public relations exercise designed to please Beijing regulators as they decide the fate of the Jaguar-Chery joint venture. youngchinabiz.com |
但是现在的事情不是发生在其他国家,而是发生在中国,中国的大公司不管是国企还是私企,总是热衷于追随来自中央政府的最新指示 来 取悦 推 进最新经济要务的中央政府领导人。 youngchinabiz.com | This is China, a place where major companies — both state-run and private — are always keen to follow the latest directives from Beijing to please central government leaders promoting their latest economic priorities. youngchinabiz.com |
神经美学的创始人、英国伦敦大学学院教授森伊尔·齐格(Semir [...] Zeki)在提出“神经美学”的概念时指出:“许多人认为绘画是 要 取悦 人 心 ,或是为后代留下一幅场景,抑或滋养,骚动,激发。 vantageshanghai.com | The pioneer in Neuroaesthetics, Professor Semir Zeki from University College London, pointed out that “the definition of the function of [...] the visual brain- a search for constancies [...] with the aim of obtaining knowledge about [...]the world – …is applicable with equal [...]vigor to the function of art”. vantageshanghai.com |
决议的本意是说,即使“虚拟利用”能够代表现代技术带来的一种新的 有用的工具,它也无法取代原创文化财产所产生的 愉 悦。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Nor is there any such implication in the text of the Explanatory Note. The scope of the resolution is indeed to state that even if “virtual access” can represent a new [...] useful instrument provided by [...] modern technology, it cannot supplant enjoyment of cultural property [...]in its original and authentic setting. unesdoc.unesco.org |
答:所有的MSC豪华邮轮都有充足的空间和令人 愉 悦 的 设 计。 msccruises.com.cn | A. All of our luxury MSC liners are spacious and pleasantly designed. msccruises.com.eg |
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施 并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 [...] 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria was [...] encouraged by the measures and [...]efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially [...]children and women, and by the increased participation of women in the labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们讨论的将是我们各 国人民过上有尊严的生活的喜悦之情 。这样,我们将 能超越社会福祉问题,不仅会缩小不同群体之间的距 离,而且也会弥合经济、领土、环境和文化方面的鸿 沟。 daccess-ods.un.org | With that, we would move beyond social well-being, not merely reducing the distances between human groups but also bridging enormous economic, territorial, environmental and cultural chasms. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效 行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 [...] 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" [...] 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。 legco.gov.hk | That, in view of the Administration's [...] failure to take effective action to amend the [...]15 relevant Ordinances which bind the [...]Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances. legco.gov.hk |
大会第六十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或 采取 其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its sixty-second session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61). daccess-ods.un.org |
(F) 在公司法及本公司細則下一段之規限下,任何董事或候任或擬委 任董事不得因其擔任任何職務或受薪職位,或因其賣方或買方身份或其他原因,而喪 失與本公司訂約之資格; 任何董事亦毋須避免訂立以任何方式涉及利益之任何有關 合約或任何其他合約或安排,而訂立有關合約或涉及上述利益之任何董事亦毋須純粹 因為擁有上述職務或因此建立之受信關係,就有關合約或安排所 收 取 之 任 何報酬、收 益或其他利益向本公司或其股東交代。 asiasat.com | (F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested by liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby established. asiasat.com |
朝鲜人希望并期望将曾给国家带来耻辱和痛苦的朝鲜西海存在争议水域变 成和平与繁荣水域,给国家带来荣耀和 喜 悦 , 但这并未变成现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | But the expectation and hope of the Koreans of seeing the disputed waters in the West Sea of Korea which brought disgrace and pain to the nation turn into waters of peace and prosperity adding to the pride and joy of the nation have not been translated into reality. daccess-ods.un.org |