单词 | 取名 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 取名verb—namev取名—be named seek fame christen
取到一个事件流并将其转换为其他某种形式,比如从一个新客户事件组成的流中选取名字。 infoq.com | Taking an event stream and converting it to some other form, [...] e.g. selecting name from astream [...]of new customer events. infoq.com |
然而,陛下惩教署面临 的一个挑战是,如何为这些儿童争取到正规学校的录取名额,使他们能够一边服 刑一边读书。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, HMCS faces a challenge in finding places for children in the formal schools where the child completes his or her term of imprisonment in the middle of the schoolyear. daccess-ods.un.org |
1710 年,他被任命为总主教——过去叙利亚东正教会等级制度中仅次于宗主教的元老,取名巴西里奥斯 (Basileios)。 wdl.org | He was appointed maphrian—historically [...] the prelate second to the patriarch in the hierarchy of the Syriac Orthodox Church—in [...] 1710 and took the name Basileios. wdl.org |
他的名字Jarno,就是来自蒙扎;他的父母为他取名Jarno是为了纪念芬兰赛车手Jarno Saarinen,这位赛车手于1973年一场可怕的撞车意外中死亡。 audemarspiguet.com | His first name, Jarno, comes from Monza; his parentsnamed him in honor [...] of the Finnish driver, Jarno Saarinen, who died [...]on the circuit in 1973 in a terrible crash. audemarspiguet.com |
在商业中他观察到80 / 20原则并取名为帕雷托,经济学家在不同政治系统下研究财富的分配并总结出大部分财富总是在很少人的手上。 shainin.cn | He observed the 80/20 [...] rule in business and namedit for Vilfredo Pareto, [...]an economist who studied the distribution of wealth [...]in different political systems and concluded the a very few people always wound up with most of the wealth. shainin.com |
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到,评注将解释:(a)如果信息输入的栏目不 当(例如,把设保人身份识别特征输入有担保债权人一栏),所载其他信息准 [...] 确、充分的通知便可归于无效;(b)颁布国的取名惯例将予以适用;(c)登记处系 统的设计应当能够确保,按照已登记通知所确定的某一设保人的身份识别特征 [...]进行查询就能披露可确定所有其他设保人身份的已登记通知;及(d)为建议 [...]21-25 和执行这些建议的条例的目的,设保人和有担保债权人的身份识别特征应当是 登记时的身份识别特征。 daccess-ods.un.org | Note to the Working Group: The Working Group may wish to note that the commentary will explain that: (a) if the information is entered in the inappropriate field (for example, the grantor identifier is entered in the secured creditor field), a notice that contains otherwise [...] correct and sufficient information may [...] be ineffective; (b) namingconventions of the [...]enacting State would apply; (c) the registry [...]system should be designed so that a search against the identifier of one of the grantors identified in the registered notice would reveal the registered notice in which all of the other grantors would be identified; and (d) for the purposes of the recommendations 21-25 and the regulations that would implement them, the grantor and the secured creditor identifier should be the identifier at the time of the registration. daccess-ods.un.org |
取名为《国家概况》的新丛书将很快定期提供关于外国直接投资和跨国 公司的全面数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | A new series entitled Country Profile will soon regularly provide comprehensive data on FDI and transnational corporations. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,在校学生平均不足 100 人的 116 所学校,实际在校学生人 数为 12 591 名(平均一个班 14 名学生),计划录取30758名学生;在校学生从 101 人到 200 人不等的 414 所学校,入学总人数 56 355(平均一个班 18 名学生), 计划录取115 501名学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thus, at 116 schools each with a number of less than 100 pupils, there are 12,591 pupils enrolled (on average, 14 pupils a class) with the project [...] capacity of 30,758 places; [...] at 414 schools, each with a number ranging from 101 to 200 pupils, there are 56,355 pupils enrolled (on average, 18 pupils a class), their total project capacity being of 115,501 places. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组还似宜考虑 [...] 在《登记处指南》草案评注中列入保留颁布国其他取名惯例是否便以足够,还 是应当将这一措词列入《示范条例》草案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group may also wish to consider whether it [...] would be sufficient to include in the commentary of the draft Registry Guide wording [...] preserving other namingconventionsof the [...]enacting State or whether [...]this wording should be included in the draft Model Regulations. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年 3 月 24 日,阿根廷共和国政府经布宜诺斯艾利斯自治市的同意,在原海军机械 工程学院(ESMA)的校园,即阿根廷上一次军事独裁期间(1976--1983 年)最大的秘密拘 留和屠杀中心的所在地,设立了取名为“纪念以及保护和扞卫人权园区1 ”(以下简称“园 区”)的纪念博物馆。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On 24 March 2004, the Government of the Republic of Argentina, in agreement with the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, established on the premises of the former Naval School of Mechanical Engineering (ESMA), in which the largest clandestine detention and extermination centre was in operation during Argentina’s last military dictatorship (1976-1983), a Remembrance Museum entitled the “Espacio para la Memoria y para la Protección y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos”1 (henceforth “Espacio”). unesdoc.unesco.org |
选取名称时,尤以合夥业务的集合名称为然,选取的名称,最好能避免可解作暗示其提供的服务,具有某些 其他本地牙医所无的正式认可资格。 dchk.org.hk | In selecting a name, and particularly a collective title for a partnership, it is desirable to avoid [...] a namewhich could be interpreted as [...]implying that the services being provided have received some official recognition not extended to other local dental practitioners. dchk.org.hk |
我建议今天下午 3 时复会,以听取名单上其他发言者的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | I propose to resume the meeting at 3 p.m. this afternoon in [...] orderto listen to the other speakerson thelist. daccess-ods.un.org |
到 2015 年以前,计划将博士生的录 取比例提高到 86.1%,其中 60%以上的录取名额将来自高科技学科领域。 daccess-ods.un.org | An 86.1 per cent increase in the number of doctoral students is planned for 2015, with more than 60 per cent of thoseadmissions inhigh-tech fields. daccess-ods.un.org |
1998年,伯爵超薄表款正式取名为Altiplano,与南美阿根廷一片神秘广袤的高原同名。 piaget.com.cn | In 1998, the ultra-thin [...] watch tookthe nameAltiplano, a [...]reference to the fascinating bare plateaus of Argentina. en.piaget.com |
活动当天,咖啡黄与读者们分享了出版《咖啡黄·叹咖啡~ 享受咖啡享受人生》的点滴,并慈善发售了他新并配的一款取名为“Happy Ha Ha Ha”的咖啡。 afcr.org.hk | On March 23rd, Mr. Wong shared his feelings and experiences of writing and publishing this book, and also had a charitable sale for his new coffee recipe “Happy Ha Ha Ha. afcr.org.hk |
我们给邮轮取名为“序曲号”是为了向欧洲伟大的交响乐作曲家们表示敬意:从贝多芬的浪漫到莫扎特的活力,还有德彪西、柴可夫斯基、勃拉姆斯的现代之音。 msccruises.com.cn | MSCSinfonia is namedinhomage tothe rousing [...] symphonies of Europe's great classical composers: from Beethoven's romantic [...]masterpieces to Mozart's lively works, paired with the contemporary tones of Debussy, Tchaikovsky and Brahms. msccruises.com.eg |
在给海龟贴上标签以及植入芯片后,学生前往三亚沙滩举行一个放生仪式,并为这个海龟取名为“贝蒂”。 ycis-bj.com | After tagging the turtle and attaching a [...] microchip to the turtle, the students headed to the beach in Sanya where they [...] held a ceremony and namedthe turtle Betty. ycis-bj.com |
简化及廉价的手表或怀表取名自发明者George Frédéric Roskopf [...] (1813-1899)。 oris.ch | A simplified cheap [...] wrist or pocket watch named after theinventor [...]George Frédéric Roskopf (1813-1899). oris.ch |
杏仁的栽培的的变种取名字是是否种子是难以接受甜的或和是否内果皮是脆硬的或。 flora.ac.cn | Cultivated varieties of [...] almonds have been named for whetherthe seeds [...]are sweet or bitter and whether the endocarp is hard or fragile. flora.ac.cn |
一个建筑物取名“轮转”,反映出向其提供的捐款来源,其中的囚犯享有特权。 daccess-ods.un.org | A building bearing thename Rotary, reflecting [...] the source of donations provided for it, housed privileged prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |
认识到振兴、使用、发展和向后代传授其历史、语言、口述传统、思想体 系、书写方式和文学作品以及为其社区、地方和个人取名并保有这些名字对土着 人民的重要性, 欢迎联合国人权事务高级专员关于土着问题的报告,1 并请高级专员继 续每年向理事会提交关于土着人民权利的报告,说明人权机构和机制的相关发展 情况和高级专员办事处在总部和外地开展的有助于促进、尊重和充分实施《联合 国土着人民权利宣言》的规定的各项活动以及落实《宣言》的后续工作 daccess-ods.un.org | Welcomes the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on indigenous issues,1 and requests the High Commissioner to continue to submit to the Council an annual report on the rights of indigenous peoples containing information on relevant developments in human rights bodies and mechanisms and activities undertaken by the Office of the High Commissioner at Headquarters and in the field that contribute to the daccess-ods.un.org |
三年前她生育第一个女 [...] 儿时,也遵循了这一习俗,因为怕女儿活不了多久,一直等到一个月后才给女儿取名。thegatesnotes.com | And when her first daughter was born three years ago, she followed tradition and waited a [...] month to bestow aname,afraid her child [...]would not survive. thegatesnotes.com |
第 23 期和第 [...] 24 期的学员录取工作在继续进行,初步确定了 1 900 人的录取 名单。daccess-ods.un.org | The recruitment process for the 23rd and 24th programmes of admission is continuing, with [...] 1,900 potential candidatesidentified. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天下午的会议取名为“变化——中国和美国”确实很合适,鉴于中国领导层的更替和欧巴马总统最近新内阁成员的提名,以及多得多的跟进,我们肯定会在我们国家领导人中看到新的面孔。 embassyusa.cn | And of course, let me warmly welcome the Foreign Minister here for the first time in this new capacity on behalf of the new Government of Japan... eng.embassyusa.cn |
他给 自己的组织取名印尼战士组织也许并非偶然,这一名字听 起来像2000年在马来西亚建立的伊斯兰教祈祷团附属机构 [...] “马来西亚战士组织”的孪生组织。 crisisgroup.org | It may notbe a coincidence that the name he chose, Kumpulan [...] Mujahidin Indonesia, makes it seem like a twin of the JI affiliate [...]founded in Malaysia in 2000, Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia. crisisgroup.org |
这辆使用中置510匹V8引擎的Sarthe(取名自勒芒所在的Sarthe省),配以六前速手波波箱及限滑差速器,净重不足1400公斤,可以在3.8秒加速至时速100公里,极速则为时速325公里。 hkcarworld.com | Powering the mid-engined Sarthe [...] (which takes its namenot from some Star [...]Wars villain but from the track where Le Mans is [...]held) is a 510-horsepower V8 mated to a six-speed manual transmission with a limited-slip differential. hkcarworld.com |
如果模仿别人的品牌名取一个类似的名字可以激起消费者对原品牌的联想,那么把别人的品牌直接买下来就等于直接占有了原品牌的所有市场份额。 labbrand.com | After all, if [...] creating asimilar name can evoke in the consumers’ minds associations with [...]the original brand, then purchasing [...]the original brand would simply mean capturing the entire market share of the original brand. labbrand.com |