

单词 叔本华

See also:


uncle n
nephew n

father's younger brother
husband's younger brother


father's younger brother

External sources (not reviewed)

叔本华的悲 观主义和他的学校是非常喜欢佛教悲观和韦丹塔的哲学体系,似乎已经从这些来源之一派生但是,除了这不重要线的现代投机,并从流产时间比较近theosophic运动。
The pessimism of Schopenhauer and his school [...]
is indeed very like the pessimism of Buddhism and of the Vedanta system of
philosophy, and seems to have been derived from one of these sources.
特立尼达的科学叔叔霍华德下 降炫耀他的新的不可见的。
Trini's scientist uncle Howard drops by to [...]
show off his new invisibility formula.
叔叔霍华德, 不仅是科学家,但一位武术大师,提供给他一些在公园里训练。
Uncle Howard, not only a scientist [...]
but a master martial artist, offers to give him some training at the park.
我在上次發言時曾舉出叔文這本書 的 第三稿,這裏說得很清楚, 便是要在一人一票直選的基礎上才能做到普選。
When I spoke last time, I quoted from the third edition of the book
[...] complied by WANG Shuwen. It is explained [...]
clearly in this book that only an election
based on "one person, one vote" can realize the implementation of universal suffrage.
本案而言,受到指控的缔约国从 来没有质疑提交人关于将其父亲叔 父 作 为受害人的权利。在这种情况下,委员 会能够做的就是核实他们是否确实具有受害人的地位;换句话说就是:在这个案 件中《公约》所规定的权利是否受到了侵犯。
In the Benaziza case, the respondent State has never questioned the author’s right to present her father and uncles as victims, and, [...]
under those circumstances,
all that remains for the Committee to do is to verify whether they do indeed have the status of victims, in other words, whether in their case one or more of the rights contained in the Covenant has been violated.
2010年,Dirk Eilers 先生被任命为管理委员会成员,负责认证领域的战略业务,以及东南亚,大 华 地 区, 日 本 , 韩 国及南亚区域的业务。
In 2010, Dirk Eilers was appointed as a Member of the Board of Management responsible for the CERTIFICATION Strategic Business Segment as well as the ASEAN, Greater China, Japan, Korea and South Asia Regions.
申诉人重申,叔叔去世之前,当 局试图从他那里获知申诉人的下落。
The complainant reiterated that his uncle died after the authorities attempted to obtain from him information on the complainant’s whereabouts.
然而华德士并不本网站 的任何信息、内容或资料的准确性或可信性进行保证或担保。
However, Robert Walters does not guarantee or [...]
warrant the accuracy or reliability of any information, content or materials in this site.
本《协定》华盛顿签订,本一份 ,保存于国际复兴开发银行档案库内;银行在协议下方 签字表明愿意承担保存本《协定》的责任并负责将本《协定》根据第九条第一款开始生效的 日期通知附录 A 中所列的各国政府。
DONE at Washington, in a single copy which shall remain deposited in the archives of the International Bank for Reconstruction [...]
and Development,
which has indicated by its signature below its agreement to act as depository of this Agreement and to notify all governments whose names are set forth in Schedule A of the date when this Agreement shall enter into force under Article IX, Section 1 hereof.
至於“好漢”方面 ─ 這數個字的一句是我們請司徒華寫的,而“叔”的墨寶本身已 象徵很大意義 ─ 不過,更重要的是,以他的國學根 底,他可以進一步闡釋“好漢”的意思。
As regards being a "real man" ― we invited SZETO Wah to write this phrase comprising several words and the fact that this is the calligraphy of Uncle Wah is in itself highly symbolic ― however, more importantly, with his knowledge of Chinese culture, he can further elaborate the meaning of being a
本条款不影响瓦华终止本协议 的其他任何法定或合同权利。
This provision is without prejudice to any other statutory or contractual right of VAC to rescind the contract.
华德士不保本网站 所含功能不间断或无误差,不保证本网站缺陷将得到纠正,不保证本网站及其使用的任何服务器免受病毒或其他有害因素的攻击,不保证您使用本网站会获得成功或准确的结果或效果。
Robert Walters does not warrant that [...]
the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects
will be corrected, that the site or any server that makes it available is free from viruses or other harmful components, or that successful or accurate results or outcomes will result from your use of this site.
本国 最繁华的地 区是基希那乌,绝对贫困率为 19.7%,比南部地区低 [...]
1.7 倍。
The most
[...] prosperous region of the country [...]
is Chisinau (19.7%), where the rates of absolute poverty were 1.7 times lower than in the South.
据报导,这位法拉利车主名叫Joerg Daecher,现年53岁,当时他正驾本人 的 豪 华 法 拉 利回家,蓦地间,他透过车子前大灯发现路上有一只刺猬正在横穿马路,他便机灵转向,直接撞上了公路旁的护栏,豪华的法拉利很有问题受损,幸其自己和那只刺猬并不有生命伤害。
According to the report, the Ferrari owners named
Joerg Daecher, now 53 years old, when
[...] he was driving my luxury Ferrari home, suddenly, [...]
he found the car headlights on a
hedgehog is crossing the road, he was smart steering, directly into a highway guardrail, luxury Ferrari has a problem very much damaged, fortunately, the self and the hedgehog is not life-threatening injury.
雖 然我跟 大 部分同事共 事的日 子 不 算
[...] 特 別長,不 及“嫻姐 ”、“叔 ” 等 由 前 朝 擔任立法局議員到今天的立法會議員,但 [...]
我 也 會 珍 惜 曾一起 為 各項 政 策 努 力 的 日 子,亦 感 到能和大家愉 快 地 度
過了 6 年光陰,實 在是我 的 榮 幸。
Although to most colleagues, the period in which I have worked together with them was not particularly
long, or as long as Members like "Sister
[...] Han" or "Uncle Wah", who have served [...]
as Members of the Legislative Council since
the days of the former administration to the present, I will still cherish the days when we worked hard together on various policies, and I feel that it is indeed my honour to have spent six happy years with all of you.
不過, 鑒於那些臨時居住在麥當叔叔之家 、 等 候轉送往威爾 斯親王 醫院接受治療的 困苦兒 童有特殊需 要 , 政府當局 同意在這個例外的個案中 ,為麥當叔叔之家 的 窗戶裝 設更厚 的 玻璃,以免 他 們 需 承受過 量 的噪音。
However, in view of the special needs of the children in distress who were temporarily housed in RMH awaiting transfer to the Prince of Wales Hospital for treatment, the Administration agreed in this exceptional case to provide the windows of RMH with thicker panes to protect the children from exposure to excessive noise.
[...] 世界城市论坛第三届会议: 2006 年 6 月,加拿大温华;本协会在国际住房联盟的协调下,在会上提供行政 [...]
Specific events and activities during the reporting period include:
(a) third session of the World Urban
[...] Forum: June 2006, Vancouver, Canada; at which [...]
the Association provided administrative
and financial support, under the coordination of the International Housing Coalition.
可以通过以下途径购买兰博基尼 2011
[...] 年秋冬系列产品:兰博基尼位于圣亚加塔•波隆尼、洛杉矶、温 华 、 墨 尔 本 、 柏林、香港、成都、重庆和汕头的精品旗舰店;全球 [...]
120 家兰博基尼汽车经销商店铺以及兰博基尼网上商城 Lamborghinistore.com。
The Autumn/Winter 2011 collection is available at the
flagship boutiques in Sant’Agata
[...] Bolognese, Los Angeles, Vancouver, Melbourne, Berlin, [...]
Honk Kong, Chengdu, Chong Qing and Shantou,
as well as at the 120 Lamborghini dealerships worldwide and online at the Lamborghinistore.com.
得以支持的理由是, 1994 年之前中国对军事停战委员会事务的参与,安全理事会 1950 年 11 月 8 日第
88(1950)号决议(邀请中华人民共和国参加安全理事会关于朝鲜问题的讨论);大会 1951
[...] 年 2 月 1 日第 498(V)号决议(断定华人民共和国本 身 参 与侵略朝鲜”);大会 1953 年 [...]
8 月 28 日第 711(VII)号决议(建议美国、北朝鲜、中华人民共和国、俄国和另外
15 个向联合 司令部派遣部队的会员国以及大韩民国参加各次和平会议)。
This is supported by China’s prior involvement in the MAC before 1994 and Security Council resolution 88 (1950), dated 8 November 1950 (inviting the People’s Republic of China to Security Council discussions of the Korean question); General Assembly resolution 498 (V),
dated 1 February 1951 (finding the
[...] People’s Republic of China had “itself engaged in aggression [...]
in Korea”); and General Assembly
resolution 711 (VII), dated 28 August 1953 (recommending that the United States, north Korea, the People’s Republic of China, Russia, the 15 other United Nations Member States contributing forces to the unified command, and the Republic of Korea participate in a peace conference).
随后,男孩正面临由诺曼的疏远,看似错乱 叔叔 , 先 生​​Prenderghast(约翰·古德曼)谁告诉他的侄子的愿景是,他很快就必须采取了定期的仪式,以保护镇的一个标志。
Afterward, the boys are confronted by NormanXCHARXs estranged and
[...] seemingly deranged uncle Mr. Prenderghast [...]
(John Goodman) who tells his nephew that
the vision is a sign that he soon must take up his regular ritual to protect the town.
不过,华语学生在本地教 育体系下学习,并不表示他们 非以中文学习不可。
That said, studying under the local education system does not mean that the NCS students are forced to learn in Chinese at all costs.
香港特区政府教育局邀请了取录较多非华语学生的学校成为“指定学校”,并向它们提供集 中支持,以帮助这些学校累积和发展专业经验,支持非华语学生的学与教,使这些学校可成 为这方面的支柱,通过支持网络,与其它亦取录非华语学生的学校分享经验,让所有就读本地学校的华语学生都能受惠。
The EDB of the HKSAR Government has invited schools which have admitted a critical mass of NCS students to become “designation schools” and provided these schools with focused support to facilitate their accumulation of experience and development of expertise in the learning and teaching of NCS students so that
they may serve as the
[...] anchor point for sharing experience with other schools which have also admitted NCS students through a support network formed to benefit all NCS students
本工作坊由华民营 企业联合会会长保育钧担任主席,并由德勤中国首席执行官卢伯卿与华北区主管合伙人陈建明共同主持,旨在讨论在各国推行财政紧缩政策的艰难环境下,中国民营企业的融资策略和如何生存并持续发展。
Deloitte China CEO Chris Lu and Deloitte China Clients & Markets Managing Partner James Chen moderated this discussion on the transition towards a sustainable business model and the financing strategies in times of austerity and depressed market for private enterprises.
The site is located on the eastern end of the main axis of the campus with an area of 2439 square meters.
不仅如此,为了迎接 2018 年的创业 100 周华诞,本公司 制定了以环境贡献 与事业发展一体化为指针的“创业 100 周年愿景”,并宣布了努力成为电子产业 No.1 的“环境革新企业”这一目标。
With our centennial anniversary in fiscal 2018 approaching, we have formulated our "vision looking to the 100th anniversary of our founding", in which we will integrate our environmental contribution and our business growth, and have declared that we aim to become the No. 1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry.
总商会不但本地华商华社的 最高领导机构,在国际商业舞台上享有良好的信誉,同时也是世界华商大会的创办机构,并拥有广泛联系世界各地华人企业的商业资讯网站 “世界华商网络” (www.wcbn.com.sg)。
It is the founder of the biennial World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention (WCEC) and the World Chinese Business Network (WCBN), a global online business portal (www.wcbn.com.sg).
博世(中国)投资有限公司执行副总裁徐大全博士表示:"博世长期致力于在节能减排、驾乘安全与舒适性等领域的技术创新,并通过研发、生产、人才等多方面持续的本土化,实践其'根 本 土 ,服 务 本 土 '的 在 华 发 展 战略。
says, "Bosch has always been devoted to pursuing innovations in such fields as energy saving and emission reduction, driving safety and comfort enhancement, and continuously practiced its 'local for local' strategy through the localization of R&D, production, talent and other aspects.
加入BDA之前,顾小姐华松资本工作 ,担任行业分析员,研究涉及林业,体育用品零售业,金融服务和教育行业。
Before joining BDA, Ms. Gu worked as an Analyst at Huasong Capital, a Chinese based PE firm, where she conducted research for Huasong’s direct investments in Chinese SMEs in the forestry, sportswear retail, financial service, and education sectors.
为了应对未来世界经济发展的趋势,我希 本 地 人勤 学 华 语 , 深入了解中国国情,充分发挥新加坡与中国合作的优势。
In order to adapt to new trends in the global economy, I would urge my fellow Singaporeans to do their best to learn Mandarin and gain a deeper understanding of China, to fully tap on the respective strengths of Singapore’s cooperation with China.




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