

单词 发麻

See also:

feel numb
hemp or flax fiber for textile materials
(of materials) rough or coarse
have pins and needles or tingling
generic name for hemp, flax etc
surname Ma

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2011 年初发麻疹疫 情以来,已记录的病例超过 126 000 [...]
个,疫情特别 发生在加丹加省和东开赛省,有大约 1 600 人死亡,其中主要是儿童。
Over 126,000 cases of measles have been recorded [...]
since the outbreak of an epidemic in early 2011, notably in Katanga and
Kasai Oriental provinces, with some 1,600 deaths, mainly of children.
成人中,最初的效应是非特定症状,如 paresthesia, 麻木或“发麻”的感觉是最低剂量时出现的最早症状。
In adults, the earliest effects are non-specific symptoms such as
[...] paresthesia, a numbness or a "pins and needles" [...]
sensation, is the first symptom to appear at the lowest dose.
问题 12 询问各国政府授权发麻醉药品(1961 年《麻醉品单一公约》第 18 条 第 1(d)款)和精神药物(1971 年《精神药物公约》第 16 条第 2 款)进出口证明 书和许可证的国家主管当局的信息。
Question 12 asks about national competent authorities empowered by the Government to issue certificates and authorizations for the import and export of narcotic drugs (art. 18, para. 1 (d) of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961) and psychotropic substances (art. 16, para. 2 of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971).
由于政府的应急反映,以及联合国儿童基金组织迅速调动资源,在政府宣布全国范围内 发麻 疹 疫 情的14天之内,麻疹疫苗被空运到朝鲜。
Thanks to the immediate response of the government and UNICEF, which mobilized resources and flew a consignment of measles vaccine to DPR Korea within 14 days of the government’s declaration of a nationwide measles outbreak, millions of children under 15 have now been protected against measles.
除缺少许多人多年依靠的人 道主义援助以外,一场据报告将发 的 麻 疹 疫情和营养不良率上升有可能使情况 进一步恶化。
In addition to the lack of humanitarian assistance, upon which many people had depended for years, a reported measles outbreak and the rise in malnutrition rates are likely to further exacerbate conditions.
这些带着清晰的信息搜寻目标的用户明确地发现这种特定的Fla sh 开 发 产 品 很 麻 烦 , 对于要有效完成他们的任务有太多的障碍。
These users with a defined information-seeking goal clearly found this particular implementation of Flash to be cumbersome, with too many impediments to allow efficient completion of their tasks.
在安全发展和遏止麻醉品 贩运的背景下,区域 合作确实很重要。
Regional cooperation is indeed crucial in the context of security, development
[...] and the fight against narcotics trafficking.
(h) 与国际社会合作,根据对年度报告调查表和两年期报告调查表分析所 取得的经验,发可供麻醉药品委员会考虑并采用的高级数据收集工具,以便 对减少毒品需求措施的质量、范围和覆盖面迅速作出衡量,确保所使用的工具 适合各国的不同需要和报告能力,有科学依据,同时充分利用现有信息资源并 在适当情况下借助现有区域监测系统的经验,尽量减少报告负担。
(h) Develop, in cooperation with the international community and in the light of lessons learned in the analysis of replies to the annual reports questionnaire and the biennial reports questionnaire, enhanced data-collection instruments to be considered and adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, allowing streamlined measurement of the quality, extent and coverage of drug demand reduction measures, ensuring that the tools used are appropriate for the different needs and reporting capacities of countries and are scientifically sound, making full use of existing information resources and, benefiting from, if appropriate, the experience of the existing regional monitoring systems, while minimizing the reporting burden.
在 7 月 28 日第 48
[...] 次会议上,理事会审议了议程项目 14(b)(社发展)、 (d)(麻醉药 品)、(e)(联合国难民事务高级专员)、(f)《德班宣言和行动纲领》 [...]
The Council considered agenda items 14 (b) (Social
[...] development), (d) (Narcotic drugs), (e) (United [...]
Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees), (f) (Comprehensive implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action) and (g) (Human rights) at its 48th meeting, on 28 July.
一个代表团建议更多地注意塔吉克斯坦最近 发 的 小 儿 麻 痹 症、由药物注 射引起的艾滋病毒/艾滋病病例数目上升以及教育青少年了解药物使用的危险, 它对本区域的儿童构成威胁。
One delegation recommended that increased attention be paid to the recent outbreak of polio in Tajikistan, the rise in the number of HIV/AIDS cases resulting from drug injection, and educating adolescents on the dangers of drug use, a threat to the region’s children.
另外,国家还应推行早发现方案,确麻风病 得到及时治疗,包括对可能出现的任何反应和神经损伤的治疗,以防止 耻辱性后果的发展。
In addition, States should provide for early detection programmes and ensure prompt treatment of leprosy, including treatment for any reactions and nerve damage that may occur, in order to prevent the development of stigmatic consequences.
如在关押外国人的设施或外国人身 发 现第 8 节或麻醉药刑法》规定禁止 拥有的财产,可保留该财产(1968:64)。
If property possession of which is forbidden under section 8 or under the Penal Law on Narcotics (1968:64) is found in premises where an alien is being held in detention or on the person of an alien, the property may be retained.
在某些文化背景下,由于二三十年前手术过程 发 生 了 因 麻 醉 而 死亡的案例,因此全身麻醉往往是令人害怕和需要极力避免的,这种情况仍然时常发生。
In some cultures general anesthesia is often feared and avoided because 20-30 years ago death during surgery from anesthesia was still a frequent occurrence.
z 自从 1983 年第一次记录有毒腰鞭毛虫以来,菲律宾 发 生了 2,000 多麻痹 性贝毒中毒事件,死亡 115 人。
El mejor modo de conseguirlo es a través de un mecanismo que permita a los programas nacionales y a las Alianzas Regionales de GOOS un rol significativo en (1) la coordinación del desarrollo de una red mundial de observaciones, gestión y análisis de datos; (2) el establecimiento de normas y protocolos comunes para las mediciones, el intercambio y la gestión de datos; (3) facilitar la transferencia de conocimientos y de tecnología; y (4) fijar prioridades para la creación de capacidades.
好处 :  芝麻可以增加抗氧化功能,并降低血胆固醇,研 发 现 , 黑、白 麻 都 可 以防止溶血现象,延缓低密度脂蛋白氧化,具有预防动脉硬化的功能。
According to
[...] researches, black and white sesame can prevent hemolysis, [...]
delay oxidation of low density lipoprotein and prevent atherosclerosis.
腕管综合症又称为发性正中神麻 痹 , 属于"累积性创伤失调"症,是指人体的正中神经进入手掌部的经络中,受到压迫后产生的食指、中指疼痛、麻木和拇指肌肉无力感等症侯。
The compression
[...] can cause tingling and numbness in parts of the hands.
经过六年集中而专注的研究和发, Ma simo SET 于 1995 年麻醉技术协会上首次推出并获得了声望很高的“卓 越技术创新奖”(Excellence in Technology Innovation Award)。
After six years of dedicated and focused
[...] research and development, Masimo SET debuted in 1995 at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia and won the prestigious [...]
Excellence in Technology Innovation Award.
1月28日举行的“国际葡萄酒旅游业Conferenceche将在翁布里亚,为首由杰米Verbraak女士,智利代表团将访问我们公司,他的e-mail请求访问描述为著名以其优质的产品和酒店的建筑风格以及作 发 起 人 的想法. .. . . . 麻 将!
January 28 at the 'International Wine tourism Conferenceche will take place in Umbria, the Chilean delegation headed by Ms Jamie Verbraak will be' visiting our company, the e-mail request to visit he describes as famous for its quality products and architectural style of our hotel as well as a promoter of ideas .......
很多時候,他們都不能 找到正當的宣洩途徑和支援,便唯有借助藥物,甚至毒品 麻 醉 自 己。
Often enough they can find neither a proper way to vent
their feelings nor can they get any support; hence they would resort to
[...] drugs or even narcotics to intoxicate [...]
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并 发 展 中国家建立基准科学教育实验室网 络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing
[...] countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, [...]
Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
最不发达国家在人的能力发展方面的努力受到以下各方面的影响:贫穷率 高、失业现象严重、人口增长率高、卫生和营养结果差(反映于妇 发 病 率和死 亡率高),以及营养不良的沉重负担;传染性疾病的流行,包括艾滋病毒/艾滋病、 疟疾、结核病和小麻痹症 ,以及日益沉重的非传染性疾病负担。
Efforts at development of human capacities in least developed countries have been affected by high incidence of poverty, mass unemployment, high population growth rates, poor health and nutrition outcomes, as evidenced by high child and maternal morbidity and mortality rates and the high burden of undernutrition, the prevalence of communicable diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and polio, and the growing burden of non-communicable diseases.
在《英国医学期刊》主办的一次对 11 000 多人的民意测验中,卫生设施 被确认为是自 1840
[...] 年(该期刊创刊号问世 的那一年)以来最重要的医学突破, 排在 抗生素、疫苗麻醉和发现 DNA 结构之前。
Sanitation has been identified in a poll of over 11,000 participants, organized by the British Medical Journal (BMJ), as the most important medical breakthrough since 1840 (the year the
first issue of the journal appeared) - beating
[...] antibiotics, vaccines, anaesthesia and the discovery of [...]
the DNA structure.
打他们是什么芭比娃娃,棒球,保龄球,高尔夫球场,迪斯尼,winx的,在距离开始,空间 麻 将 , 在内存中 发 现 差 异,新年,维修,培训,打扮,益智,搜索,跳跃,油漆,钓鱼,滑雪,舞蹈,汤姆和杰里,三连冠,足球和曲棍球游戏。
Playing them is what barbie, baseball,
bowling, Winx, golf, Disney,
[...] starting at a distance, space, Mahjong, in memory, find differences, [...]
New Year, maintenance, training,
dress up, puzzle, search, jumping, paint, fishing , snowboarding, dance, Tom and Jerry, three in a row, football and hockey games online.
受国际管制的物品,包括麻醉药品、精神药物和经常用于非法制造麻醉药 品和精神药物的物质最新修订清单,载 麻 管 局 另行 发 的 统计表附件(“黄 单”、“绿单”和“红单”)最新版。
The updated lists of substances under international control, comprising narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and substances frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, are contained in the latest editions of the annexes to the statistical forms (“Yellow List”, “Green List” and “Red List”), which are also issued by the Board.
人数与前一年相仿;㈢ 旧金山:从 2005 年,每 年大约有 6 000 个无家游民得到服务;㈣
[...] 尼日尔尼亚美/非洲:在本报告所述期 间,每月在科阿拉坦吉麻风村分发 食 物给 110 个家庭。
Similar numbers were performed the previous years (iii) San Francisco: since 2005, about 6,000 homeless people were served yearly; (iv) Niamey
Niger/Africa: During the reported period, feeding distributions to 110 families
[...] every month, in the Leper Village of Koara Tangui.
由于日本财团和世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)的支持以及日本财团会长、世卫组织消灭 麻风病亲善大使笹川阳平先生的奉献和投入,东帝麻风病发病率现在不足万分之一。
With the support of the Nippon Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO) and the commitment and dedication of its patron, Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for the Elimination of Leprosy, the incidence of the disease in Timor-Leste is now less than one case per 10,000 people.
(b) 進行下列全部或任何業務,即:棉紡及併條; 麻 、 大 麻 及 粗 麻 紡 紗; 亞 麻 布 生 產; 麻、 大麻、粗麻及毛 料紡紗;紡紗商務;絨料生產;漂染及生產硫酸鹽及漂染物料;以及購買、 梳織、製作、紡織、染製及交易麻 、 大 麻 、 粗 麻 、 毛 料、棉質、絲質及其他纖維物質;以 及編織或以其他方式生產、買賣及交易 麻 布 、 布匹及其他貨品及布料(不論是織布、絨 布、夾層布或起圈布);以及供電。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses following: Namely, cotton spinners and doublers, flax, hemp, and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute, and woollen
spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff
[...] manufacturers, bleachers and dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials, and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye, and deal in flax, hemp, jute, wool, cotton, silk, and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen, cloth, and other goods and fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted, or looped, and to supply power.




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