

单词 发送



fax transmission


optical transmitter

发送电子邮件 v

mail v

External sources (not reviewed)

全球导航卫星系统将利用地面站生成测量和矫正信息, 并将发送至 MM2 地球静止卫星,以传送至最终用户。
Using the ground stations, GNSS
measurements and correction messages would be
[...] generated and sent to the MM2 geostationary [...]
satellite to be broadcast to end users.
咨询委 员会还获悉,关于拟议变革的通知已 发送 开 发 署 、儿基会和人口基金的行政首 脑,大会部将就如何尽量压缩翻译量以减少费用向上述实体提供咨询意见。
The Committee was further informed that notification of the
[...] proposed change had been sent to the Executive Heads [...]
of UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA, and that
the Department would be advising those entities on how to minimize their translation volume to reduce costs.
按照 工作组的工作方法,向黎巴嫩政 发送 了 案 件的副本。
In accordance with the Working Group’s usual practice, the Government of Lebanon received a copy of the case.
(d) 以本章程预期的任何其他方式送达的通知,应在相 发送 、 传 送 或 刊 发的 时 间视为送达,而在证明送达时,本公司的秘书或其他人员或董事会指定 的其他人签署作出,关送达、发送 、 传 送 或 刊 发 的 事实和时间等的书面 证明,应为最终证明。
(d) A notice served in any other manner contemplated by these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served at
the time of the relevant
[...] despatch, transmission or publication; and in proving such service a certificate in writing signed by the secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board as to the fact and time of such service, delivery, despatch, transmission or publication [...]
shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
此外,工作组还经常促请报发送 者尽 可能多地提供有关失踪人员的身份和失踪情况的细节。
In addition, the WGEID
[...] constantly urges the senders of reports to furnish [...]
as many details as possible concerning the identity
of the disappeared person and the circumstances of the disappearance”.
如果委员会根据规则 69 第 1
款所指的通知获悉一国未按照规则 66 第 3 款提交《公 约》第 40 条第 1
[...] 款(a)和(b)项所规定的任何报告的情况并且已向该缔约 发送 了 催 促信,委 员会可在斟酌后通过秘书长通知该缔约国委员会打算在通知中指明的日期或一届会议上以非 [...]
In cases where the Committee has been notified under Rule 69.1 of the failure of a State to submit under rule 66.3 any report,
under article 40, para. 1(a) or (b) of the
[...] Covenant, and has sent reminders to the State [...]
party, the Committee may, at its discretion,
notify the State party through the Secretary General that it intends, on a date or at a session specified in the notification, to examine in a private session the measures taken by the State party to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, and to proceed by adopting provisional concluding observations which will be submitted to the State party.
[...] 大长度之前就已超过扫描仪的处理能力,那么扫描仪上将显示文档卡 纸,页面的影像将不发送到主 机应用程序。
If the scanner’s processing capacity is exceeded before the user-selected Maximum Length is
reached, then a document jam will be posted on the scanner and the image of
[...] the page will not be sent to the host application.
此 外,德国表示,在销毁工作完成之后,德国武装部队采购局的一名技术专家将对 销毁情况进行核实,之后将向保障供给 发送 一 份 合格证书。
In addition, Germany stated that once achieved, the completion of the destruction would be verified by a technical expert of the Office for Procurement of the German Armed Forces and that a certificate of compliance will be given to NAMSA.
当前它能够管理每个广告主拥有的多种任何尺寸横幅广告,按天查看,详细和概要统计并通过电子邮 发送 报 表 给广告主。
It can manage each current advertisers of any size with a variety of
banner ads , according to the Daily View , Detailed and
[...] summary statistics and send reports via e-mail [...]
to the advertiser .
食典委还注意到,将继续向食典联络 发送 以 下 出版物的印刷版本(或电子媒 体):食典文本和数字标准光盘以及食典录像带和多媒体演示等宣传材料;程序手册; [...]
部分食典文本的 A5 格式手册;食典委的报告。
The Commission noted further that the following publications
[...] would continue to be sent as hardcopies (or [...]
electronic media) to Codex Contact Points:
Codex CD-ROMs of text-based and numerical standards as well as advocacy material such as Codex video and multimedia presentation; the Procedural Manual; A5 format booklets of selected Codex texts; and the Reports of the Commission.
此地址也会在通过电子邮发送文档 时,作为 “发件人” 电子邮件地址。
This address is also used as the “From” email
[...] address when sending documents via email.
少数民族的成员,除其他外,享有以下权利:培育、发展 和公开表达自己的民族、种族、文化和宗教特性;在公共场所使用自己的符号; 使用自己的语言和文字;在他们的人口占多数的地方,在国家机构的诉讼程序中
以他们的语言开展工作;建立私立教育机构;使用以自己的语言表示的姓名;在 他们的人口占多数的地方,以其自己的语言书写传统的本地名称、街道和住区名
[...] 称及地名;以自己的语言接受完整、及时和客观的信息,包括表达、接收 发送 和交 流信息和想法的权利;建立自己的大众媒体。
Members of national minorities have, inter alia, the following rights: to foster, develop and publicly express their national, ethnic, cultural and religious specificity; to use their symbols in public places; to use their language and script; to have proceedings conducted in their languages before State bodies in areas where they make up a significant majority of population; to receive education in their languages in public institutions and institutions of autonomous provinces; to found private educational institutions; to use their name and family name in their own languages; to have traditional local names, names of streets and settlements and topographic names written in their languages, in areas where they make a significant majority of population; to receive complete, timely and objective information
in their language, including the right
[...] to express, receive, send and exchange information [...]
and ideas; and to establish their own mass media.
刚果(金)武装部队内部报告表明,参与南基伍兵变的 369 名士兵全部被逮 捕,发送到加 丹加省卡米纳军事基地受训。
FARDC internal reports indicate that all of the 369
soldiers who joined the mutiny in South Kivu were
[...] either arrested or sent for training at Kamina [...]
military base in Katanga.
二者的主 要区别实际上在于取消了文件的印制(印刷)环节以及向用户交付文 件的打印文本;后者是以发布、或“上载”的形式把文件登入会议 网站、或以电子邮件形式将发送给 会 议用户。
The main difference lies in the elimination of document production (printing) and the delivery of paper documents to the client, with the latter accomplished by publishing, or “uploading”, the documents onto the meeting website or delivering them to the client by email.
请在下方输入您的电子邮件地址,我们 发送 一 个 新密码给您。
Please enter your e-mail address
[...] below and we will send a new password to you.
如果设备没有获准通过主站传输数据(传输故障等原因),则按照所设 发送 重试最大次数重复进行数据传输。
If the device receives no release for data transmission through the Master (for example, in case of
transmission errors), then the data transmission is repeated in accordance with the
[...] set maximum number of send attempts.
例如,上诉司工作人员 现在已承担下列责任:维持前南刑庭的实质和程序判例法摘要,并确保摘 发送 到办 公室各部门;协助开发新的检查官办公室网页,以方便收集和制订办公室各 部门普遍感兴趣的法律资源;负责对办公室实习生的甄选、分配、培训和管理; 定期举办法律顾问会议,以促进办公室内部的交流信息和工作人员司法能力的不 断提高。
For example, staff members in the Appeals Division have now assumed responsibility for: maintaining a digest of the Tribunal’s substantive and procedural case law and ensuring its dissemination throughout the Office; assisting with the development of a new web page for the Office to facilitate the collection and development of legal resources of general interest throughout the Office; overseeing the selection, assignment, training and management of interns for the Office; and organizing periodic Legal Advisers’ meetings to promote information-sharing and the continuing legal development of staff within the Office.
提交人称,他对有关缺席判决的法院文件内容没有任何控 制,因为该文件是在他抵达挪威之后其亲 发送 给 他 的。
The complainant submits that he had no control over the content of the
court document providing the sentence in
[...] absentia, since it was sent to him by his relatives, [...]
after his arrival in Norway.
为此,模拟输入端(端子排 X7)必须与预期电压水发送器的 信号相匹配。
This requires the analog input (terminal strip X7) to be adapted to the voltage level transmitter signal.
电压捡 测逻辑也可以设发送到用户板的 JTAG 信号的 驱动电压。
The voltage sensing logic also sets the drive levels
[...] for JTAG signals sent to the target.
发送张伯 伦在世界各地的雪橇,并试图让爱德华多·福斯特的烟囱滑下来,试图证明,圣诞老人是真实的,在这个过程中,成本可可她在商场圣诞老人的工作;布卢学先生Herriman只给一个目前大家(这是部分的原因,他试图证明圣诞老人是真的),并在他的自私出更多的礼物,在一个颇为有趣的方式试图使Herriman手。
Bloo sends Wilt on a sleigh ride [...]
around the world and tries to get Eduardo to slide down the Foster’s chimney, trying to
prove that Santa is real, and in the process, costs Coco her job at the mall as Santa; Bloo learns that Mr. Herriman is only giving one present to everyone (which is part of the reason that he tries to prove Santa real), and in his selfishness tries to make Herriman hand out more presents, in a rather interesting way.
为了防止他们,厄里发送一组 警报器,谁入口和勾引男人乘坐辛巴达的船与他们的迷人诱惑的,柔软的旋律歌唱的声音,但也没有影响码头,飞行员的船舶安全;和后来的ROC,谁抓住码头,但后来杀死了辛巴达。
To prevent them, Eris sends a group of sirens, [...]
who entrance and seduce the men aboard Sinbad’s ship with their enchantingly
seductive, soft melodic singing voices, but do not affect Marina, who pilots the ship to safety; and later a Roc, who captures Marina, but is later killed by Sinbad.
[...] 亚洲及太平洋地区和拉丁美洲及加勒比地区的原创节目的平台是为了利用因特网作为传播发送渠道,宣传并推广本地内容。
The platform with public-service oriented and innovative productions from Africa, the Asia and Pacific and Latin America and Caribbean regions was created to increase
effective promotion and distribution of local content by using the Internet as a
[...] medium for communication and delivery.
电子通信’指本《规则》所适用的任何人使用经由电子手段、电磁 手段、光学手段或类似手段——包括但不限于电子数据交换、电子邮件、 传真、短信服务(SMS)、网络会议、在线聊天、互联网论坛或微博——生 成发送、接 收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处理而转换或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本和声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
为了简化往往耗费长时间和空间的人工仓库储存,同时融入自动物流的存储 管理,将货舱连接到货车装载调整区,实现供 发送 完 全由自动化的大型货 舱储存系统完成。
In order to simplify warehousing, which is often very time and space consuming when done manually, and to integrate the storage management into the automatic product flow, the delivery range is completed by a fully automatic high bay storage system with a connected commissioning sector for truck loading.
[...] 自并行端口的数据将会被一位一位地读进打印机缓冲区,以防止向连接到并行接口的主 发送 超时 错误。
For example, if the printer is printing a job from the serial port, and then receives a second print job from the parallel port, the data from the parallel port will “trickle” bit by
bit into the printer buffer to prevent a
[...] timeout error from being sent back to the host connected [...]
to the parallel port.
[...] 和天然气建造和生产服务仓、海底石油和天然气井室型歧管、预测设 发送 和收 回过程中船只和有效载荷移动的计算机模拟系统、海洋学和气象学测量浮标系 [...]
Examples of projects include: specialized remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles; service capsules for subsea oil and gas construction and production; chamber manifold for subsea oil and gas wells; computer modelling
system to predict vessel and payload motions
[...] during equipment launch and recovery; [...]
oceanographic and meteorological measurement
buoy systems; deepwater ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system; and survey vessel instrumentation and customization.
联合国儿童基金会收集的资料显示,打游戏、交友和娱乐是主要上网活动,接受调查的半数以上城市儿童和三分之一农村儿童将互联网用于学习 发送 与 教 育有关的内容或聊天。
While data collected by UNICEF shows gaming, social networking and entertainment are the dominant activities online, more than half of urban children and one third of rural
children surveyed reported using the Internet for
[...] educational purposes and sending education-related [...]
text or chat messages.
如果您使用希捷云服务或备份服务,有关您选择备份的设备和/或帐户的信息(如您的联系人、电子邮件地址、日历、备忘录、任务、显示图片、状态消息、媒体文件和其他设备信息),可能会 发送 到 希 捷或希捷服务供应商。
If you use a Seagate cloud-based or back-up service, the information from your device and/or account that you choose to backup such as your contacts, email addresses, calendar, memo, tasks, display
pictures, status messages, media files and other on-device
[...] information may be sent to Seagate or Seagate [...]
service providers.




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