单词 | 发起人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 发起人 —initiatorless common: founding member • proposer See also:发起 (...) v—sponsor v • launch (sth.) v • start v 发起—originate • launch (an attack, an initiative etc) • propose sth (for the first time)
用于评价该请求的现有信息应由该(这 些)成员或发起人直接提供。 codexalimentarius.org | The available information for evaluating the request shall be provided either directly by the Member(s) or by the sponsor. codexalimentarius.org |
通过此次展出,活动的发起人以及 西南民族大学希望能够促进两国艺术家、艺术教育者以及学生之间的相互理解与合作。 norway.org.cn | Through the exhibition, the group and the university hope to contribute to increased mutual understanding and cooperation between artists, teachers and students from both countries. norway.cn |
该亚摩兰,作为董事和这些院校的成员被称为(见阿莫拉),成为了犹太法典 的 发起人 , 而 且它最终节录标志着以同样的方式结束了amoraic倍说,该tannaim期由完成该米示拿一样的mishnah的犹大一编译,犹太法典不是一个作者或多个作者的工作,但对许多世代,他们的辛劳终于在一书在其独特的模式导致了集体劳动的结果发展。 mb-soft.com | The Amoraim, as the directors and members [...] of these academies were called ( see [...] Amora), became the originators of the Talmud; [...]and its final redaction marked the end [...]of the amoraic times in the same way that the period of the Tannaim was concluded by the compilation of the Mishnah of Judah I. Like the Mishnah, the Talmud was not the work of one author or of several authors, but was the result of the collective labors of many successive generations, whose toil finally resulted in a book unique in its mode of development. mb-soft.com |
Trainer1 会获知聊天发起人的电 子邮件地址和电话号码,可以稍后联系他们,继续对话。 providesupport.cn | Trainer1 captures e-mail addresses and phone [...] numbers of chat initiators and contacts [...]them later to continue the dialogue. providesupport.com |
她还是 埃及全国竞争理事会的发起人和主席团成员,该委员会由院士、商务人士和民间人士组成, 旨在增强埃及在类似国家中的竞争力,促进埃及向知识社会迈进。 unesdoc.unesco.org | She is also a founding member and member of the board of the Egyptian National Competitiveness Council, formed by academicians, business people and civil society to enhance Egypt’s competitiveness among comparable nations and to support Egypt’s direction towards the knowledge-based society. unesdoc.unesco.org |
关键利益相关者、发起人和高 级管理人员必须致力于该过程,充分利用资源实施和支持变革。 pactera.com | Key stakeholders, sponsors, and senior management must be committed to the process and adequate, knowledgeable resources must be fully engaged to implement and support the change. pactera.com |
按照此战略,欧洲理事会将作为区域 的 发起人 和 各国及区 域倡议的协调者,以制止对儿童的暴力,并作为落实联合国研究报告中的建议并 与特别代表进行合作的欧洲论坛。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under the strategy, the Council acts as the regional initiator and coordinator of national and regional initiatives to combat violence against children, and as the European forum for follow-up to the recommendations contained in the United Nations study and cooperation with the Special Representative. daccess-ods.un.org |
00:30至07:30 内举行集会或示威,但举行地点属封闭场地,如剧院,无住 户的楼宇,或有住户的楼宇而住户系 发起人 或 已作出书面同意的情况下,则不在 此限。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are also temporal restrictions, since meetings or demonstrations are not allowed between 00:30 and 07:30 except whenever held indoors, e.g. in closed premises, halls, unoccupied buildings or, in case of occupied ones, when the people involved are themselves the occupants, or after having obtained written consent from the latter. daccess-ods.un.org |
在执行局上届会议上,这一新的分项目 的 发起人 注 意 到执行局的一些成员国作出了某 些特别安排,并认为针对这些特别安排,应根据《联合国教科文组织组织法》以及有关外交 代表方面的国际条约和义务,特别是 1961 年 4 月 18 日在维也纳通过的《维也纳外交关系公 约》,对执行局的《议事规则》重新进行审议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is felt that these ad hoc arrangements merit a re-examination of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board in the context of the UNESCO Constitution and relevant international treaties and obligations relating to diplomatic representation and, in particular, the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations adopted in Vienna on 18 April 1961. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在 2010 年加入 Blackstone 之前,Hwang 女士曾在 Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP 担任经理,主要从事与寻求各种另类投资策略的私人基 金 发起人 的 基金成立和资金筹集活动相关的工作以及与私人投资公司高资产净值客户战略投资有关的协商工作。 china.blackstone.com | Before joining Blackstone in 2010, Ms. Hwang was an Associate at Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP where she focused her practice on the fund formation and capital raising activities of private fund sponsors pursuing various alternative investment strategies as well as the negotiation of strategic investments for high net worth clients in private investment firms. blackstone.com |
俄罗斯联邦交通运输部副部长 Andrey Nedosekov 先生代表本届论坛 的发起人—俄罗斯联邦交通运输部部长 Igor Levitin 先生—作了发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Andrey Nedosekov, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation delivered a statement on behalf of Mr. Igor Levitin, Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation, as a sponsor of the Forum. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家总统为国家《司法系统改革和进一步自由化范畴内优先改革领域执行 框架》的发起人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The President of the Republic initiated the drafting [...] of a national framework document on priority measures for the reform and further [...] liberalization of the judicial system. daccess-ods.un.org |
CCRVDF按照世贸组织关于知识产权与贸易有关方面的协议(TRIPS)第7部分:保 [...] 护未披露的信息-第39条考虑对保密信息的保护,并尽一切努力鼓 励 发起人 自 愿为 JECFA评估提供数据。 codexalimentarius.org | The CCRVDF takes into account the protection of confidential information in accordance with WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - Section 7: Protection of Undisclosed [...] Information - Article 39, and makes every [...] effort to encourage the willingness of sponsors [...]to provide data for JECFA assessment. codexalimentarius.org |
Indomina集团是一家垂直一体化的独立制片厂,2008年由共 同 发起人 兼 首 席执行官Jasbinder Singh Mann和资产经理Vicini一手创办。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Indomina Group is a vertically integrated independent studio launched in 2008 by Co-Founder and CEO Jasbinder Singh Mann and asset manager Vicini. tipschina.gov.cn |
开放国际表演艺术节的幕后发起人之 一 朱明前不久曾访问过丽塔的家乡卑尔根,去参加那里举办的《交汇点》表演艺术节。 norway.org.cn | Zhu Ming, one of the initiators behind the Open [...] International Performance Art Festival, recently visited Marhaug’s hometown [...]Bergen where he attended the performance art festival Meeting Point. norway.cn |
全国会议是议会提出的倡议,其 发起人 是 共 和国 总统。 daccess-ods.un.org | The national conference is a parliamentary initiative whose patron is the President of the Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去五年以来,与 radiofrequency 和皮肤的一位组织上和紧张变化的非常锋利观察者,我已经成为一个非侵入治疗的狂 热 发起人 , 既 微妙的且引人注目的在程序期间恢复皮肤老化的告示。 venus-concept.com | Over the last five years I have become an enthusiastic promotor of non-invasive treatments with radiofrequency and a very keen observer of textural and tension changes of the skin, both subtle and noticeable during the process to revert the signs of skin ageing. venus-concept.com |
您可以作为该慈善项目 的公司发起人,共同发展一个有意义的长期慈善事业。 loreal.com | You could be the corporate sponsor for this project, and develop a meaningful long-term programme together. loreal.com |
李先生自二零零七年五月起历任本基 金 发起人 远 洋 地产控股有限公司(HK:03377)董事局秘书、联席公司秘书、秘书行政部总经理、投资开发部总经理,同时,亦担任远洋地产多家项目公司及附属公司之董事。 sprefund.com | Since May 2007, he has served as the secretary of the board, joint company secretary, general manager of the secretary administration department and general manager of the Investment Development Department of Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited (HK:03377), the sponsor of SPREFund. sprefund.com |
当晚,著名环保人士苏珊与大卫•洛克菲勒与著名企业家任志强先生(阿拉善SEE生态协会重 要 发起人 之 一 )及众多嘉宾亲临活动现场,共同观看由苏珊•洛克菲勒女士最新执导的《美人鱼的使命》(Mission of Mermaids)纪录片,将艺术、文化、环境与人文精神完美交融,并深入探讨海洋酸化、过度捕捞以及海洋污染等环境问题,以启示并倡导公众参与到海洋生态保护的积极行动中。 girard-perregaux.com | Event panelists Susan and David Rockefeller, together with Chinese entrepreneur Mr. Ren Zhiqiang (one of the co-founders of Alashan Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology) engaged in a roundtable discussion about the inter-connections between the arts, culture, the environment and the state of the human spirit, in an exchange of ideas on how to solve environmental issues such as ocean acidification, overfishing and pollution. girard-perregaux.com |
在 2 月 3 日第 7 次会议上,委员会进行了关于“社会发展筹资特别活动”的 小组讨论。副主席(苏丹)和调节员(经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室主任)致开 幕词后,委员会听取了以下小组成员的陈述:国际货币基金组织驻联合国特别代 表埃利奥特·哈利斯、国际劳工组织社会保障部技术合作和国家义务小组组长克 里斯蒂娜·伯克斯塔尔、“全球发展中的社会公正”共 同 发起人 和 主任爱娃-玛 丽亚·汉夫斯塔恩格勒,以及委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国国家统计所所长埃利亚 斯·埃尔胡理·亚伯拉罕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the opening remarks by the Vice-Chair (Sudan) and the Moderator, Director of the Financing for Development Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Commission heard presentations by the following panellists: Elliot Harris, Special Representative of the International Monetary Fund to the United Nations; Christine Bockstal, Chief, Technical Cooperation and Country Operations Group, Social Security Department, International Labour Organization; Eva-Maria Hanfstaengl, Co-founder and Director, Social Justice in Global Development; and Elias Eljuri Abraham, President, National Institute of Statistics, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. daccess-ods.un.org |
学会特别感谢《准 则》的最初发起人和设计者 Julian Malnic,以及进一步起草、编辑和增订 2001 年版本的 Derek Ellis。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Society recognizes in particular Julian Malnic, initiator and original architect of the Code, and Derek Ellis, who further drafted, edited and updated the 2001 version. daccess-ods.un.org |
欢迎发起人口贩 运特别是妇女儿童贩运受害者联合国自愿信托基金,根据 [...] 大会第 64/293 号决议第 4 段,该基金将成为联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室所管 理的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法基金的一个附属基金,并感谢先前和现在对支 持打击人口贩运工作的其他筹资来源的捐款 daccess-ods.un.org | the launch of the United Nations [...] Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, [...]which will operate as a subsidiary fund of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund managed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, in accordance with paragraph 4 of General Assembly resolution 64/293, and acknowledging previous and ongoing contributions to other funding sources that support efforts to combat trafficking in persons daccess-ods.un.org |
他不仅是皇家橡树系列革命的发起人 , 随后亦陆续设计出20世纪制表工业中数款最伟大的传奇经典巨作。 audemarspiguet.com | Responsible not only for the Royal Oak revolution, but also some of the greatest designs in 20th century watchmaking, he should above all be revered for the avant-garde nature of his dynamic vision of “revolutionary” watchmaking. audemarspiguet.com |
王胜先生,香港大学 MBA,苏州大学教育哲学在读博士,身兼新教育基金会 秘书长、21 世纪教育研究院副院长、上海百特教育咨询中心 的 发起人 之 一 、陈一 心家族基金会理事。 chenyetsenfoundation.org | Alan is a doctoral student in Suzhou University and received the MBA degree from HKU. He is the secretary general of New Education Foundation, deputy head of 21st Century Education Research Institute, co-founders of Shanghai Better Education Center, and board member of the Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation. chenyetsenfoundation.org |
作者 2012 年 10 月 10 日 全球建筑能效网络(GBPN)执行主任 Peter Graham 博士和中国可持续能源 [...] 项目(CSEP)的建筑节能项目主任莫争春(Kevin Mo)博士是这个项目都最早 发起人。 gbpn.org | Authors, June 25, 2012 This report was initially conceived by Peter Graham, Executive Director of Global [...] Building Performance Network (GBPN), and Kevin Mo, building program [...] manager of China Sustainable [...]Energy Program (CSEP). gbpn.org |
警察当局仅得在下列情况下中断集会或示威之举行:(一) 以法律为依据, 已按规定将不容许集会或示威通过官方管道通知有 关 发起人 , 即集会或示威本身 违反法律所规定的 daccess-ods.un.org | Police authorities may only interrupt meetings or demonstrations when: (a) the organizers have been informed through official channels that they have not been allowed to carry out those gatherings on the grounds exhaustively enumerated in law, i.e., the demonstration is contrary to law; or (b) the demonstration, different from its aim or without previous notice, turns out to be contrary to law; or (c) the organizers fail to keep the demonstration [...] within its aims through the [...] practice of acts against the law causing serious and effective [...]disturbance to public security [...]or to the free enjoyment of other persons’ individual rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 项目管理:目前的项目管理由副高级专员作为行 政 发起人 , 财 务主管 作为项目所有人,业主委员会代表受到《公共部门会计准则》影响的企业单位, 指导委员会由各司的司长和区域局主管组成,除此以外还在 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Project Governance: In addition to the existing Project Governance which includes the Deputy High Commissioner as Executive Sponsor, the Controller as Project Owner, the Business Owners Committee representing the business units impacted by IPSAS, and the Steering Committee consisting of Directors of Divisions and Regional Bureaux, regular consultations with the Board of Auditors (BOA) and the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) were initiated in June 2011 to review project strategy, plan and key deliverables of the project. daccess-ods.un.org |
1月28日举行的“国际葡萄酒旅游业Conferenceche将在翁布里亚,为首由杰米Verbraak女士,智利代表团将访问我们公司,他的e-mail请求访问描述为著名以其优质的产品和酒店的建筑风格以及作 为 发起人 的 想 法......麻将! 。 gabrielemontioni.it | January 28 at the 'International Wine tourism Conferenceche will take place in Umbria, the Chilean delegation headed by Ms Jamie Verbraak will be' visiting our company, the e-mail request to visit he describes as famous for its quality products and architectural style of our hotel as well as a promoter of ideas ....... gabrielemontioni.it |
在俄罗斯联邦,人权高专办通过重印和传播与经济、社会和文化权利有关 的出版物,共同发起人权宣 传活动,以及与监察员进行讨论,继续努力提高公众 认识。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR continued raising awareness in the Russian Federation through the reprinting and dissemination of ESCR-related publications, co-sponsoring human rights promotional activities, and holding discussions with ombudspersons. daccess-ods.un.org |