

单词 发网

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绑定的应用程序有即时消息,文件共享,聊天,论坛,个人注释,共享的日历...这个平台是 发网 络 应 用程序的一种简单方法。
Bound application has instant messaging, file
sharing , chat , forums, personal notes , shared calendar ... this
[...] platform is to develop web applications a [...]
simple way .
此外,许多国家真的发网络 攻 击的能力,这对空间系统是真正的威胁。
Additionally, many states are developing cyberattack capabilities, which would represent a true threat to space systems.
孟加拉国在学校系统使用强化微量营养素,有助于将营养不良情况减半,这典型 说明了学校系统如何成为这一重要保健干预措施的杰出 发网 络。
Bangladesh is one country where the use of micronutrient-fortified solutions in school systems has helped to halve
malnutrition, exemplifying how school systems are an
[...] excellent distribution network for this important [...]
health intervention.
十.17 咨询委员会询问后获悉,正在发网 基 系 统,以跟踪与联检组建议有关 [...]
X.17 Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was
[...] informed that a web-based system is [...]
being developed to track information related
to the recommendations of JIU.
发展中国家的因特网用户应享有正当使用权,如为教育和研究目的打印和 发网 上 资料及 其复制品的权利,以及合理摘录注释和评论的权利。
Users of information available on the Internet in the developing nations should be entitled to “fair use” rights such as making and distributing printed copies from
electronic sources in reasonable numbers for
[...] educational and research purposes, and [...]
using reasonable excerpts in commentary and criticism.
教科文组织也同样支持编写网络学习程序,支持地区和国家起草协议发 网络课 程,以加强在信息与传播技术新发展中给中美州、古巴、多米尼加共和国、墨西哥带 来知识增长,能力提高,学习机会增加。
Similarly, UNESCO supported the design of e-learning processes and the preparation of agreements with regional and national organizations for the development of online courses with a view to enhancing expertise, capabilities and learning opportunities in new trends in ICTs in Central America, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Mexico.
分布于世界各地的研发机构构成了紧密的 发网 络 , 使得我们可以充分发挥企业的创新性和多元化方面的潜能。
Our R&D facilities around the
[...] world are closely networked, and we call [...]
upon the creative and entrepreneurial potential of a wide variety of cultures.
其中值得一提的是,建立了教科文组织--水教育研究所合作伙伴研究基 金、与一些教育机构建立了相互承认学分的制度,以促进双方或联合授予学位、联合 发网 络学 习材料,融入当地知识与经验、支持水部门的网络建设和机构能力建设。
The most notable were the establishment of the UNESCO-IHE Partnership Research Fund, the initiation of credit transfer systems with a number of educational institutes to facilitate the issuing of double or joint degrees, the joint development of educational material in an online learning structure to facilitate the incorporation of local knowledge and experience, and support to water sector networks and capacity building of institutes.
该伙伴关系的总体目标和具体目标包括:加强现有的组织结构,必要时建 立新的结构,以促进非洲各国的可持续消费和生产(例如支持制定可持续消费
[...] 包括发起制定非洲产品生态标签制度;在选定的行动领域支持 发网 络 和 以知 识为基础的信息工具,例如废物管理及回收、生物燃料和饮用水;支持非洲学 [...]
持续公共采购的培训课程和提高认识活动,以促进政府组织实行可持续的公共 采购。
The goals and objectives of this partnership include: strengthening existing organizational structures and establishing new ones when necessary to promote sustainable consumption and production in all African countries (for example, supporting the development of national action plans on sustainable consumption and production); developing and supporting projects for implementing sustainable consumption and production methods, including initiating the development of an eco-labelling
mechanism for African products; supporting the
[...] development of networks and knowledge-based [...]
information tools in selected fields
of action, such as waste management and recycling, biofuels and drinking water; supporting the integration and mainstreaming of environmental education in African schools and universities; and promoting sustainable procurement by governmental organizations through training courses and awareness-raising in cooperation with the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement.
通过将视频可用性作为标准测量指标,视频服务供应商可持续监测和报告视频 发网 络 的 性能和设备可靠性,以改善服务质量(QoS),控制运营成本并加强服务水平协议(SLA)管理。
Using program availability as a standard measurement, video service
providers can continuously monitor and
[...] report on delivery network performance and [...]
device reliability for quality of service
(QoS) improvements, operational cost control and service level agreement (SLA) management.
我们需要精通软件发、网络架 构和工程、信息安全以及系统工程的人士。
We need people who are well versed in the fields of
[...] software development, network architecture and [...]
engineering, information security and systems engineering.
显然,电子政务的一个主要问题是 发网 站 及 推出在线服务的先期费用。
Clearly, a major problem of electronic government is the up-front costs of developing a website and putting services online.
经常性开支包括工作人员的薪水和津贴、公共设施的使用费 用、信息技术设备维护、通讯服务(包括制定年度报告和 发网 站 ) 、参加国际组织或地 区组织会议的差旅费用和每年向世界知识产权组织和地区性组织交纳的会费。
Recurrent costs could include staff salaries and benefits; charges for utilities; information technology equipment maintenance; communications services (including development of an annual report and website); travel expenses for participation in meetings of the international and regional organisations; and annual contributions to WIPO and regional organisations.
2011年4月,博伯利再出奇招,在北京举办了3D全息投影秀,并同时在官方网站上同步直播, 发网 友 热 议和称赞。
In April 2011, Burberry then surprised netizens with an
innovative 3D holograms runway show in Beijing that was streamed live
[...] on its official pages, generating buzz [...]
and praise.
在加勒比地区,儿基会与加勒比共同 体(加共体)结成伙伴关系,支助 发网 络 发 展 信 息数据系统数据库,以便共享加 共体秘书处(CARICOMInfo)和圣卢西亚(HelenInfo)系统中有关儿童的国家数据; [...]
In the Caribbean, UNICEF, in partnership
with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM),
[...] has supported the development of online DevInfo [...]
databases for sharing national data
on children in the CARICOM secretariat (CARICOMInfo) and St. Lucia (HelenInfo), while the secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States and the Governments of Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines have developed desktop versions of their databases.
大多数实体在发网站方 面都获得 了新闻部的技术援助,而网站的维护费用来自各个实体现有的新闻经费或其他的 信息技术工作人员经费。
Most entities had received technical assistance from the Department of Public Information in developing websites, the cost for the maintenance of which comes from within existing resources for public information or other information technology staff at each entity.
由于Akamai的全球网络实力、他们为BBC和RAI等主要电视网络提供商 发网 站 内 容的经验以及他们支持观众峰值流量的能力,使我们确信他们就是正确的解决方案。
Because of Akamai's global network capacity, its tradition in Web content distribution for leading TV networks including BBC and RAI, and its capacity to support audience peaks, we knew it was the right solution.
发展中国家农村能源是全球能源构成的非常重要的组成部分;尤其是在当今大气环境全球变化中, 发展中国家农村能源建设将起到至关重要的作用。随着经济的迅速发展,石油供应紧张局面越来越严 峻,发展中国家应该更积极的从事农村能源的研究和开发,并形成发展中国家农村能源 发网 络 , 在全 球能源生产与供应和保护全球环境中团结协作、共谋发展。
The handling of the affairs of the General Secretariat will be taken over by Prof. Takaaki Maekawa, University of Tsukuba, Institute of Agriculture and Forest Engineering, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 3005-8572, Japan, T.: +81 298 53 6989, F.: +81 298 53 7496, E-mail: biopro@sakura.cc.tsukuba.ac.jp
[...] 识产权审计,协助制定一个国家知识产权战略和大学和研究中心的机构知识产权 政策,以及创建研究和发网络及 知识产权中心。
This is accomplished through an intellectual property audit, assistance in the development of a national intellectual property strategy and institutional intellectual property policies for
universities and research centres, and the creation of
[...] research and development networks and intellectual [...]
property hubs.
(c) 鉴于认识到涉及大量资源,应向麻委会第五十三届会议提出一项已估
[...] 算费用的提案供其审议,其中概述一项战略,内容涉及 发网 上 报 告机制和为 在该系统内提交报告者提供技术支持
(c) In recognition of the substantial resource implications involved, a costed proposal should be submitted to the Commission for consideration at its
fifty-third session, outlining a strategy for the
[...] development of a Web-based reporting [...]
mechanism and the provision of technical support
to those reporting within this system
执行局成员如果希望能够定期被告知人类发展报告处活动的最新情 况,可以向人类发展报网发电邮 订阅,地址为 hdr-net@groups.undp.org。
Board members wishing to be regularly updated on the activities of the Human Development Report Offices are invited to subscribe to HDRNet by sending an email to hdr-net@groups.undp.org.
2008 年爆发于美国的金融危机对中国产生了一定的冲击,但并没有对中国的互 网发 展产生过大影响,2009 年上半年网民规模稳步增长。
The outbreak of the US financial
crisis in 2008 had
[...] little impact on Internet development in China, where the first half of 2009 saw the steady increase in the number of Internet users.
[...] 乎第一次发出这样的信息——甚至是公开通过因网发出信 息——即他们或许已从这一错误当中汲取 [...]
There are some indicators that they appear for the
first time to be sending messages — even
[...] publicly through the Internet — that they might [...]
have learned from that mistake.
而且,已经有 180 个县级以上城市公布每日空气质量 指数,其中 90
[...] 个能够预测空气质量,并通过当地电视台、电台、报纸和互 网发 布 预 测结果。
Moreover, there have been 180 cities of a prefectural level and above that announce daily air quality index, 90 of which are
able to forecast air quality and publish the forecasts via local TV stations, radio
[...] stations, newspapers, and the Internet.
CNNIC作为建设者、运行者和管理者,在 “国家公益、安全可信、规范高效、服务应用”方针的指导下,负责国家网络基础资源的运行管理和服务, 承担国家网络基础资源的技术研发并保障安全,开展互 网发 展 研 究并提供咨询,促进全球互联网开放合作 和技术交流,不断追求成为“专业·责任·服务”的世界一流互联网络信息中心。
CNNIC, as a builder, operator and manager, is responsible for the operation management and service of China’s network basic resources under the guideline of “national public interest, security and reliability, standardization and efficiency, service application”, undertakes the technical R&D, support and security of national network basic resources, conducts Internet development research and provides consultancy, facilitates global Internet opening-up and cooperation and technical exchanges, and unremittingly pursues the goal of building CNNIC into a “professional, responsible and service” world-class Internet network information center.
教学人员和研究生的研究兴趣领域范围广阔,涵盖了一系列政治、文化、历史、社会、知识事务,如西方在中国的发展、互 网发 展 及 其对中国社会、政治、法律体系的影响、中国智力发展、中国儿童文学以及语言习得。
The research interests of staff and postgraduate students cover a great range of political, cultural, historical, social and
intellectual issues, such as Western
[...] development in China, internet development and [...]
its impact on the Chinese social, political
and legal systems, Chinese intellectual development, Chinese children’s literature, and language acquisition.
承认按照《突尼斯承诺》和《信息社会突尼斯议程》13 促进信息社会和 因网发展的 重要性,鼓励联合国与欧洲委员会在这方面继续合作,并注意到信 [...]
息社会和因特网除其他外,可以促进对行使和享有人权和基本自由的认识与了 解;16.
Acknowledges the importance of
fostering the development of the
[...] information society and the Internet in line with the Tunis [...]
Commitment and Tunis Agenda for
the Information Society,13 encourages continued cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe in this area, and notes that the information society and the Internet can, inter alia, promote awareness and understanding of the exercise and enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms
[...] 黎加外长今天上午指出的那样,我今天代表人的安网发言,它的成员包括奥地利、智利、作为主席的哥 [...]
斯达黎加、希腊、爱尔兰、约旦、马里、挪威、瑞士、 泰国和斯洛文尼亚以及作为观察员的南非。
(Thailand): As the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica indicated this
morning, I am speaking today on behalf of
[...] the Human Security Network, which comprises [...]
Austria, Chile, Costa Rica as Chair, Greece,
Ireland, Jordan, Mali, Norway, Switzerland, Thailand and Slovenia, and South Africa as an observer.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关 政府机关进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成发展战 略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建网络和 平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同侪学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of public resources; (d) supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets
at the domestic and
[...] international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms [...]
for policy dialogue and
peer learning among Member States at the regional and international levels.
[...] [...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时 发 文 件 ;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合网站上 同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among
representatives of Member
[...] States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the [...]
Department of Public
Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).




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