

单词 发端

发端 noun ()

origin n

External sources (not reviewed)

13 名前部长的即决处决极大地震惊了世界,回过头来 看,很可能以此发端,几 十年来侵犯人权事项和破坏法治的事件不断。
However, the summary public execution of 13 ex-ministers greatly shocked the world and in retrospect, likely set the stage for decades of human rights violations and the breakdown of the rule of law.
这些数据可使我们得出这样一个结论,即,国家 资助、针对性明确发端于循证医疗做法的项目能够 促使发病率和死亡率在短时间内下降。
State-funded, specifically targeted projects originating from evidence-based medical practices can lead to reduction of morbidity and mortality in a very short time span.
如你所知,联合国对尼泊尔目前和平进程的支 发端 于 当 时的总理吉里 贾·普拉萨德·柯伊拉腊于 2006 年 8 月 9 日给秘书长的一封正式的信以及当时 的尼泊尔共产党(毛派)主席普拉昌达的一封同文信。
As you are aware, the original basis for United Nations support for Nepal’s current peace process was an official letter from the then Prime Minister G. P. Koirala to the Secretary-General dated 9 August 2006 and an identical letter from Chairman Prachanda of the then Communist Party of Nepal or CPN (Maoist).
在4.1版中,以SSL VPN功能为基础,已经增强了BAS和开放标准,可通过BAS Web用户界面进行管理,无需再改变复杂的最终用户配置,如证书操作或在第三方路由器 发端 口 , 从而使远程部署更易于管理。
In release 4.1, the BAS has been augmented with an Open Standards based SSL VPN capability that can be administered via the BAS Web user interface
without the need for
[...] complicated end user configuration changes such as dealing with certificates or forwarding ports on a third [...]
party router, making
remote deployments easy to manage.
这些修正还考虑到下述情况:即可能因超 发端 人控 制范围的原因(如使用了防电邮垃圾过滤软件)而无法达至收件人的信息系统。
They also take into account the fact that the information system of the addressee may not be reachable for reasons outside the control of the originator (for instance, the use of anti-spam filters for e-mails).
偶而想起,我认为那应该就是形成我时间观 发端 , 也引领我成为一位摄影师,在工作中探索人类与时间推移的关系。
I sometimes reflect that this was the introduction to my thinking about time, and that this has led to my becoming a photographer whose work is about exploring the nature of our relationship with time.
最不发达国家可寻求 多样化,不再局限于初级产品,从而向增值环节的 端发 展 ,形成规模经济,减 少商品价格冲击的影响。
The least developed countries could diversify away from primary goods, move up the value chain, reap economies of scale and reduce vulnerability to commodity price shocks.
在 TD-LTE 规模试验网络中进行测试,20MHz 带宽的 TD-LTE 系统, 采用
[...] 2:2 的下行与上行时隙比例配置,采用 ping 包的方式测试数据 用户业务面时延,小数据包从端发 送 到 网络端的应用服务器,然后 再返回终端所需传输时延平均为 20-30ms,基本符合预期。
When testing user service plane delay by adopting TD-LTE system with 20MHz, 2:2 DL/UL time slot allocation and ping packet in TD-LTE scale test network, the transmission delay required for
small data packet
[...] returning to terminal after being sent to application server of network end from terminal is averagely [...]
20-30ms, which is
basically in line with the expectation.
譬如文档转换就是这种情况,其中在从 端发 起 请 求之前,来自送达邮件的所有需要的转换都在被处理中。
A particular example is that of document conversion where all the required conversions from e-mails arriving were being handled before the requests from the front-end.
同时,采用与上述用户面时延测试相同的网络配置,TD-LTE 网络 的控制面时延(终端发出第一条随机接入 preamble 至端发出 RRC connection Reconfiguration complete 完成的时延)约为 [...]
80ms,切 换时延(在服务小区发出最后一个包到这个包在目标小区到达终端的
时延)约为 60-70ms,均达到较高水平。
Meanwhile, using the network configuration the same as those for user plane delay test above, TD-LTE network’s control plane delay (the time required from
sending the first random
[...] access preamble at terminal to sending RRC connection reconfiguration at terminal) is about 80ms, [...]
the handoff delay (the
time required from sending the last packet in serving cell to the arriving of this packet to terminal in destination cell) is about 60-70ms, all reach higher level.
委员会将审查在便利发展中国家参与全球价值链以及向价值 链端发展从 而有助于提高生产和出口能力方面发挥重要作用的贸易政策和其它 经济政策。
It will review trade and other economic policies that are important in facilitating the integration of developing countries in GSCs and moving along value chains contributing to upgrading productive and export capacities.
还有一些商业解决方案,例如 PusherApp,通过提供向客端发送 WebSocket 讯息的 HTTP API,可轻松地集成到任何网络环境中。
There are also commercial solutions such as PusherApp which can be easily integrated into any web environment by providing a HTTP API to send WebSocket messages to clients.
[...] 冲突——例如调解、分析和冲突风险的评估——方面 所作的投资会为防止端发展成 武装对峙作出重大 贡献。
We remain convinced that investing in conflict prevention — such as mediation, analysis and
assessment of conflict risk — will make a significant contribution to
[...] preventing disputes from becoming armed [...]
《阿克拉协议》第93 段写明,贸发会议应:“协助依赖初级商品的发展中 国家,特别是较小的初级商品生产国,努力做到:制订国家初级商品战略,包括 将初级商品政策纳入本国和区域发展战略的主流;扩大供应能力并形成竞争力; 向价值链分工的端发展, 并使商品部门多样化
The Accra Accord, in paragraph 93, states that UNCTAD should “assist commodity-dependent developing countries, particularly small commodity producers in their efforts to develop national commodity strategies, including mainstreaming commodity policies into their national and regional development startegies, build supply-side capacity and attain competitiveness, move up value chains and diversify commodity sectors…” (para. 93(a)); and “Promote intergovernmental cooperation in the field of commodities and consensus-building on…trade-related policies and instruments for resolving commodity problems…” (para. 93(b)).
我们优化设计,从而在广泛的预紧力下工作,而不是一个轻微的 端发 挥 状 态,那是很难达到的。
Our designs are optimized to work under a wide range of preload rather than
[...] a slight axial end play condition [...]
that is very difficult to achieve practically.
将邀请多位来自全球一流运营商、终端制造厂商、国际行业组织、互联网应用企业的董事长 /CEO 级别嘉宾发言及讨论,发布TD-LTE最新进展和计划、无线城市统一平台,探讨 TD-LTE 多样化端发展,分享 TD-LTE 创新业务应用。
Government leaders will also attend and give the speech about China TD-LTE plan and regulatory policies.
STOMP是一个协议,它可以使用多种不同的客 端发 送 消 息。
STOMP is a protocol for sending messages using many different clients.
能够阻断发件人一栏为空的信件,同时正确处理邮件客 端发 出的格式不正确的信件。
Open Relay servers with limited relay list – if a company needs to use an open mail relay server, Dr.Web for UNIX Mail Gateways will help an administrator restrict the list of domains to which the server will relay messages.
2.序列化所有通过客端发送的 输入对象和由你商业逻辑提供的返回对象。
EJOE provides three functions: a multi-threaded , high-performance network IO server and
[...] a corresponding client component .
过去 30 多年来,越南作为联合国成员,同联合国其他会员国携手努力,争
[...] 取通过许多旨在遏制军备竞赛、促进充分和全面裁军及不扩散核武器、通过和平 对话解决国际冲突和端、发展社 会、文化和经济合作并确保人权的许多决议、 决定和具体措施。
For the past thirty years as a United Nations Member, Viet Nam has joined hands with other Member States in working towards the adoption of many resolutions, decisions and concrete measures aimed at curbing the arms race, promoting comprehensive and full disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction, resolving international
[...] conflicts and disputes by peaceful dialogue, developing [...]
social, cultural and economic cooperation, and ensuring human rights.
随后, SMTP 客端发送 DATA 指令至服务器。
When the SMTP client is through adding the recipients to the message, it issues the DATA command to the server.
也可以说这种例 外与专利权的正常行使不会“端发 生 冲 突”,只要出口价格不高,专利权所有人的“合 法权益”得到保障(如产品向其它市场的转移会得到阻止)。
It could also be said that it does not “unreasonably conflict” with the normal exploitation of the patent, being for export at low prices, provided the “legitimate interests” of the patentee are safeguarded (for example, preventing diversion to other markets).
由于在端发展成 为致命的武装冲突之后非洲联盟提供和平之助的能力有 限,非洲联盟在应对大陆的稳定、和平与安全方面挑战时,在很大程度上要依赖 [...]
预防性外交和调解,例如通过智者小组、高级别小组以及次区域组织(西非经共 体和南部非洲共同体)的调解努力。
Given its limited resources to undertake peace support
[...] operations after disputes have escalated [...]
into deadly armed conflicts, the African
Union strongly relies on preventive diplomacy and mediation through, for example the Panel of the Wise, high-level panels, and mediation efforts by subregional organizations (the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC)) in dealing with challenges to stability, peace and security on the continent.
此页面上的照片是东部花栗鼠,这是在美国和加拿大 端发 现 的唯一物种的所有。
The photographs on this page are all of Eastern Chipmunks, which is the only species found in the easternmost part of the United States and Canada.
端发生数 量仍然很高,但近 几年略有降低,已建立一个工作组制定《保护儿童免受伤害全国计划》,将重点 置于地方社区和民众社会在提高认识方面的合作。
Although the number of accidents remained high, it had decreased slightly in recent years. A working group had been set up to prepare a National Plan for the Protection of Children from Injuries, and focus would be placed on the cooperation of local communities and civil society in improving awareness.
转换指令通过接口 X1 上对应的控制输端发出。
The switchover is performed via the corresponding control inputs on the X1 interface.
如果即使进行了充分麻醉,仍在 PPV
[...] 期间 观察到胃液引流导管出现漏气,可能是由 于喉罩端发生移动。
Should leakage through the drain
tube be observed during PPV, even though anaesthesia is adequate, this may be due to the
[...] mask having migrated proximally.
不干涉、 国家在法律上的平等、和平解决端 、 发 生 侵 略时的 集体自卫、尊重基本人权以及促进和加强代议制民主 [...]
The principles of non-intervention,
the legal equality of States, the peaceful
[...] resolution of disputes, collective self-defence [...]
in cases of aggression, respect
for fundamental human rights and the promotion and strengthening of representative democracy are enshrined in today’s prevailing basic norms.
借助这些特点,研究人员可以在主齿轮箱的输 端 ( 发 动 机 输出扭矩),以及四轮驱动农用拖拉机的前、后驱动轴处进行扭矩测量。
These features enabled the researchers to make torque measurements at the input to the main gearbox (engine output torque) and the front and rear driveshafts of the four wheel drive agricultural tractor under investigation.




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