

单词 发直



hair straightener

(头发)直的 adj

straight adj

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,我敦促两国政府保持最大限度的克制,避免做 出可能发直接对抗的任何挑衅姿态。
Therefore, I urge both Governments to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any provocative posture that
[...] could trigger direct confrontation.
由于沸点低,废物中多数汞含量在燃烧过程中 发 , 直 接 排放入大气,除非 派出气体被正确控制。
Because of its low boiling point, most of the
mercury content of the waste
[...] evaporates during combustion, and is emitted directly to the atmosphere, [...]
unless the exhaust gas is properly controlled.
使用合适的产品,发型就不再是个令人 发直 立 的 难题。
With the right products, hairstyling need not be a hair-raising problem.
Per V. Brüel
[...] 一直按照美国声学学会杂志(J.A.S.A.) 中介绍的声场进行发,直到战争爆发,导致该杂志在欧洲不可用。
Per V. Brüel followed the development within the acoustical
field in the Journal of the American Society of
[...] Acoustics (J.A.S.A.) until it became unavailable [...]
in Europe due to the war.
Alios拥有一支由经验丰富的科学家和临床研究人员组成的创新团队,他们正在针对几种对公共健康至关重要的人类病毒病原体(包括肝性病毒和呼吸道病毒)以及其他慢性、急性和新出现的病毒性疾病 发直 接 作用的抗病毒药。
Alios has an innovative team of highly experienced scientists and clinical researchers who are developing direct acting antiviral agents against several human
viral pathogens of public health importance
[...] including hepatotropic and respiratory [...]
viruses, and other chronic, acute and emerging viral diseases.
在英法海底隧道项目中,我们主要参与 European Nightstock Railway 列车的研发,其中列车由多节车厢组成,从英国车站 发直 达 欧 洲大陆。
Our main involvement in the Channel Tunnel Project was with the European Nightstock Railway rolling stock which comprises a rake of vehicles travelling non-stop from destinations in the UK to mainland Europe.
产生实施“指导原则”的需求:投资者、消费者、劳动者、工会、民间社 会和受影响的人员,包括土著社群,通过 发直 白 和 引人瞩目的方式,要求各国 和工商企业处理商业活动的人权影响。
Activate the demand for implementation of the Guiding Principles: Investors, consumers, workers, trade unions, civil society and affected persons, including indigenous communities, demand in increasingly vocal and visible ways that States and business enterprises address the human rights impact of business activities.
在促进发展和人权各领域中残 疾人的权利方面,第三委员会发挥着并将 直发挥 重要的作用。
The Third Committee had played and would continue to play a major role in the advancement of the rights of persons with disabilities in all aspects of development and human rights.
为了Kantar Health在这个充满活力的地区的发展,他 直发 挥 着 重大作用。
He has been instrumental in building Kantar Health in this dynamic region," says Lynnette Cooke, Kantar Health Global CEO.
对不富裕家庭每个孩子的月补贴 直发 放到 16 周岁(对在普通教育机构就 [...]
读的学生发放到毕业,但不超过 18 周岁)。
Monthly child allowances are paid to needy families for each child up to
the age of 16 (for pupils in general
[...] education institutions until the completion [...]
of their schooling, but only until the age of 18).
直发还是 卷发,短发还是长发,自然卷发还是大波浪卷发——精心打理的发型是表达个性的重要方式。
Smooth or wavy, short or long, natural curls or pinned-up elegance – a fine head of hair is a great way to express individuality.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些直接回 应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the
following strategic
[...] areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy [...]
and technical support to strategic planning.
[...] 力于保存文献遗产,为获得资金和提高形象据报进行着不懈的努力,在这方面世界记忆计划 和其他宣传工作对推动遗产的保存 直发 挥 着 巨大作用。
Those communities engaged in the preservation of their documentary heritage are reporting a continuing struggle for funding and profile, which is where the Memory of the World
Programme and other awareness-raising efforts continue
[...] to have such a vital role to play in [...]
catalysing preservation work.
教科文组织 曼谷办事处在建立一个由 22 个机构为创始成员的亚洲大学网络方面 直发 挥 着促进作用, 这个网络旨在提供文化政策和文化资源管理专业的研究生学位和在职培训。
UNESCO Bangkok has been instrumental in establishing a network of Asian universities offering post-graduate degrees and in-service professional training in the field of culture policy and culture resource management with an initial membership of 22 institutions.
各位部长回顾,多年来,不结盟运动在其成员关心和十分重要的问题方面直发挥着 关键的积极而有效的作用,比如非殖民化、种族隔离、包括巴勒斯 坦问题在内的中东局势、维护国际和平与安全,以及裁军。
The Ministers recalled that the
[...] Movement has been playing a key active, effective and central role, over [...]
the years, on issues of
concern and vital importance to its members, such as decolonisation, apartheid, the situation in the Middle East including the Question of Palestine, the maintenance of international peace and security, and disarmament.
自1980 年代初以来,非政府组织在执行《公约》方面 直发 挥 着 重要作 用,在委员会活动的所有阶段均做出了贡献。
Since the early 1980s NGOs have been playing an important role in the implementation of the Covenant and have been making contributions at all stages of the Committee’s activities.
一些委员还回顾道,豁免原则在习惯国际法中早已确立,该原则在确保国 际关系稳定、确保国家有效行使职能方面 直发 挥 着 重要作用。
Some members also recalled the important role that the principle of immunity, which was well-established in customary international law, continued to play in ensuring stability in international relations and for the effective discharge by the State of its functions.
此外,挪威在建立将两性平等问题纳入北大西洋公约组织 (北约)主流的指导方针的工作中 直发 挥 推 动力量。
Furthermore, Norway has been a driving force in the efforts to establish guidelines for gender mainstreaming in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
多数 难民说 其出逃 的 原 因 与 逃 往 肯尼亚的人相 同,即 索马里生活 没有安全保 障(多数人还来自摩迦 迪沙),失去家人,失去或缺乏生计, 缺乏 粮食或粮食太贵,
等等。一名 最近抵 达 的 妇女描 述 了 她
[...] 在索马里分娩 时 痛苦的状况,她告诉我, 她 一直找机会想离开家里寻求医疗帮助,但等了 70 多小时仍然无法离开家里,因为 所有这段 时 间 在 她 的 街坊里直 发生着 激烈的 武 装 冲突。
Most of the refugees gave me the same reasons for their flight as those who fled to Kenya, namely insecurity of life in Somalia (most were also from Mogadishu), loss of close family members, loss of or lack of livelihood, lack of or high cost of food etc. In describing her situation when she was in labour pain in Somalia, a woman who arrived recently told me that she had waited for an opportunity to go out of her home for
medical help for more than 70
[...] hours, but failed to do so because of raging armed conflict in her neighbourhood all that time.
此外,(最低)书面语言能 力也在直发生变 化,因此其定义也应当不断进行更新。
Moreover, (minimum) written language skills are constantly changing, and their definition would have, as a result, constantly to be updated.
外层空间活动机构间会议自 1975 年以来直发挥着 空间相关活动机构间协 调与合作方面协调中心的作用,目的是促进协同效应,防止联合国各实体在利 用空间技术和应用方面出现工作重复。
The Inter-Agency Meeting on Outer Space Activities has served as the focal point for inter-agency coordination and cooperation in space-related activities since 1975, with the aim of promoting synergies and preventing duplication of efforts related to the use of space technology and applications in the work of United Nations entities.
顺便说一下,关于造纸生产的更多具体详细信息---从它的起源 直发 展 到 今天,都刊登在«造纸» 这篇文章中.您可以从在线新闻阅读栏目中找到这篇文章。
By the way, more detailed information on paper production from its beginnings to the present day is provided by the article "Paper Production", which you can also find in this online newsletter.
我们确认,在秘书长领导下,联合国在巴勒斯坦 领土的人道主义援助和重建方面 直发 挥 着 至关重 要的作用。
We acknowledge that the United
Nations, under the leadership of the
[...] Secretary-General, has been playing a vital [...]
role in the Palestinian territory in the
areas of both humanitarian assistance and reconstruction.
安全理事会作为联合国内负有维持国际和平与 安全首要责任的最高机构,过去 60 年来在解决国际 冲突和争端方面直发挥不可或缺的作用,在非洲大 陆尤其如此。
As the highest body of the United Nations entrusted with the primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security, the Security Council has, for the past 60 years, played an indispensable role in resolving international conflicts and disputes, especially on the African continent.
强调指出包括巴勒斯坦-欧洲社会经济援助管理机制及世界银行信托基 金在内的所有国际筹资工具在直接援助巴勒斯坦人民方面 直发 挥 作
Stresses the role that all funding instruments, including the European Commission’s Palestinian-European Mechanism for the
Management of Socio-Economic Aid and the World Bank trust fund, have
[...] been playing in directly assisting the [...]
Palestinian people
在就是非直发表意见后结案的 41 个事项中, 人权咨询小组认为科索沃特派团应对 39 个事项中侵犯人权的行为负责,并根据 其授权,向特别代表提出了适当建议。
Of the 41 matters closed through an opinion on the merits, the Panel opined that UNMIK had been responsible for a violation of human rights in 39 matters and made appropriate recommendations to the Special Representative in accordance with its mandate.
从 1978 年以来,Prep for Prep 一直发掘来 自普通家庭背景、而才能出众的纽约市学生,帮助他们适应在纽约市及东北部地区私立学校的生活。
Since 1978, Prep for Prep has identified promising New York City students from modest economic backgrounds and prepared them for placement at independent schools in the city and throughout the Northeast.
Weinberger(2012)相信,“最初的语义网强调构建本体,作为世界的 ‘知识呈现’,但是如果我们想要 直发 布 很多相互关联但是并不完美的数据,以标准化的形 [...]
Weinberger (2012) believes that “while the original Semantic Web emphasised building ontologies that are ‘knowledge
representations’ of the world, it turns
[...] out that if we go straight to unleashing an abundance [...]
of linked but imperfect data,
making it widely available in standardised form, the Net becomes a dramatically improved infrastructure of knowledge”.




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