单词 | 发热 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 发热 —have a high temperatureless common: emit heat • feverish • unable think calmly 发热 verb —malaise vExamples:热蒸发 n—thermal evaporation n 蒸发热—latent heat of evaporation 发热伴血小板减少综合征—severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) 地热发电厂—geothermal electric power station
因此,与国际伙伴合作 [...] 制定了一项国家学校供膳计划,负责在公立学校 分 发热 饭 , 并向提出请求的私立 学校提供烹饪食品。 daccess-ods.un.org | A National School Canteen Programme (PNCS) was therefore developed in partnership with [...] international cooperation agencies for the [...] purpose of supplying hot meals to public [...]schools and food for cooking to private schools that so request. daccess-ods.un.org |
热敏打印机的工作方式不同于行式点阵打印机或激光打印 机,因为热敏打印机采用了发热元件打印头以及特殊的打印纸或碳带。 printronix.com | The thermal printer operates differently from a line [...] matrix or laser printer, because the thermal printer uses a [...] printhead with heating elements and special [...]paper or ribbon. printronix.de |
除此之外,瘦客户机没有任何移动部件,因此不仅能节省空 间,还能减少机器的发热量并省电。 igel.com | Combine this with the fact that the thin clients have [...] no moving parts and you not only save on space but also [...] cut down on the heat output from the machines [...]and the power use. igel.com |
两种煤的主要差别是开采的方式以及他们 的发 热量。 paiz.gov.pl | The major differences between the two materials are the means of [...] mining them and their calorific value. paiz.gov.pl |
通过分 别在多个发热元件内的最佳温度冷却油循环实现理想的热位移控制。 moriseiki.com | Ideal control for thermal displacement is [...] achieved by separately circulating the optimum temperature cooling oil in the [...]multiple heat-generating components. moriseiki.com |
它提高了各种应用的能效、为所有性能级别 提供了恒定扭矩、提高了加速度且电机运行 时的发热低于同等异步产品。 interroll.com | Applications become more energy efficient, the torque is consistent at every performance level, acceleration can be increased and the motors run cooler than their asynchronous counterparts. interroll.com |
Z 轴则采用 [...] ORC™的八角形滑枕结构来消除热移位,就算在高速移动下导致滑动 面 发热 也 能 确保卓越 的平线度。 moriseiki.com | And the Z-axis uses ORC™, which offsets thermal displacement because of its [...] octagonal ram structure, ensuring superior straightness even when [...] the guideways heat up as a result [...]of high-speed travel. moriseiki.com |
极少的感染了柯萨奇病毒A16型的病人可并发无菌性或病毒性脑膜炎,其症状 是 发热 、 头痛、颈部强直或背痛,这需要住院治疗一段时间。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Rarely, the patient with coxsackievirus A16 infection may also develop [...] "aseptic" or viral meningitis, in which [...] the person has a fever, headache, stiff [...]neck, or back pain, and may need to be hospitalized for a few days. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
没 4 有冷却,即便是有很好的磷熏蒸,谷 物 发热 也 可 能限制粮仓内的储藏时间,同时还需要将 谷物打包以便减少发热造成的损害。 multilateralfund.org | Without cooling, even with good [...] phosphine fumigation, it is [...] likely that grain heating will limit storage time in the silo, and the grain would need to be bagged off to limit heat damage. multilateralfund.org |
这种高效的E类开关模式设计 发热很少,可降低关键元件上 的温差应力。 advanced-energy.net.cn | Its highly efficient class E switchmode design also generates less heat, reducing temperature stress on critical components. advanced-energy.com |
私营部门中发热病人得到抗疟药物的可 能性比在公共部门设施就诊的病人低 25%,而那些留在家里的病人则低 60%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the private sector, febrile patients are 25 [...] per cent less likely to receive an antimalarial than those visiting public [...]sector facilities, while those that stay at home are 60 per cent less likely. daccess-ods.un.org |
在亚马逊河,如 [...] 果森林植被减少至临界点(即没有足够水分可以蒸 发),热带森 林的降雨模式可能会改变。 teebweb.org | In the Amazon, tropical forest rainfall [...] patterns can change if the forest cover is reduced to a point where not enough moisture is evaporating. teebweb.org |
此外,DBS曾试图找出一种可 以减少终端设备发热量并 提高其耐久度的方法。 igel.com | In addition, the DBS was seeking a way to decrease the [...] amount of heat generated by end devices and increase [...]their ruggedness. igel.com |
一支打破的发热温度 计,含0.5到1.5克汞,如果蒸 发进入一个狭小且通风不善的空间,足以对健康造成威胁(HCWH [...] 2002d)。 zeromercury.org | A single broken fever thermometer, containing [...] 0.5 to 1.5 grams of mercury, is enough to create a health risk if it evaporates [...]into a small, poorly ventilated room (HCWH 2002d). zeromercury.org |
传动箱对振动、发热和机 械过载不敏感。 voith.com | The transmission is insensitive to [...] vibrations as well as thermal and mechanical overloads. voith.com |
冷却功能也可以减少纤维类样品在摩擦过程中 的 发热 现 象。 foss.cn | The cooling option also stops fibrous samples generating heat due to friction. foss.nl |
在此过程中,两片需焊接的金属工件在上下电极中被加压,然 后发 热使中 间的焊核熔化,因而连接在一起。 miyachiunitek.com | The name “resistance’ welding derives from the fact that the resistance of the workpieces and electrodes are used in combination or contrast to generate the heat at their interface. miyachiunitek.com |
geniSYS 帮助全球客户消除了昂贵的拆卸成本,它提供下列操作功能: 稳定的、可重复的切割,发热量最 少,无需用手,确保最大安全性,不需要复杂的 [...] CNC 编程,预装的螺纹铣削和钻孔程序可以方便地更改镗孔直径、深度和应用场合;geniSYS [...] 提供创新的快速切割技术,维护成本低,而且 geniSYS 还能够快速、轻松地切割大多数具有锈蚀和杂质的金属。 hydratight.com | Helping customers around the globe eliminate expensive dis-assembly costs, the geniSYS offers these [...] operational features: a stable and repeatable [...] cut with minimum heat generation, hands [...]free guarded cutting for maximum safety, [...]no complex CNC programming required with preloaded thread milling and boring programs that can easily change bore diameters, depths and applications, the geniSYS offers innovative quick cut technology and low maintenance costs, plus the geniSYS has the power to cut most metals, corrosion and impurities with speed and ease. hydratight.com |
在塞内加尔,2007 年启用快速诊断检测后,疟疾诊断检 测率从 4%迅速上升至 [...] 86%(截至 2009 年);在整个期间内青蒿素综合疗法处方的 使用率从占疑似疟疾的发热疾病的 73%降至 32%,几乎等于已确诊的疟疾病例(占 58.5 万个疑似发热病例中的 30%),避免了采用 50 多万个不适合利用青蒿素综合 疗法处方的疗程。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Senegal, following the introduction of rapid diagnostic tests in 2007, malaria diagnostic testing rates rose rapidly from 4 per cent to 86 per cent (by 2009); the prescription of [...] artemisininbased combination therapy [...] dropped throughout this period from 73 per cent of malaria-like febrile illness to 32 per cent, reaching close equivalence to confirmed [...]malaria [...](30 per cent of 585,000 suspected fever cases). daccess-ods.un.org |
新系列的主角, Korra中, 头像 后 Aang,是一个头脑发热的和叛逆的女青年 南方水部落 谁是“准备采取的世界”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The protagonist of the new series, Korra, the Avatar [...] after Aang, is a hot-headed and rebellious young woman from the Southern [...]Water Tribe who is “ready to take on the world”. seekcartoon.com |
一位业内人士就LED光源应用于农业植物领域的优势这样表示,“相较于传统光源,除了众所周知的节能特性,LED还具有波长窄、光质纯、光效高、波长类型丰富、光谱能量调制便捷以及 低 发热 、 小 体积、长寿命等突出优势,便于集中植物所需波长实施均衡近距离照射。 jxlcd.com | One industry source has advantage in the field of LED light source used in agricultural plants such said, "compared with the traditional light source, in addition to the well-known energy-saving features, LED has narrow wavelength, the light quality of pure, high photosynthetic efficiency, wavelength modulation type is [...] rich, spectrum energy is [...] convenient, and low fever, such outstanding advantages as small volume, [...]long life, easy to focus close [...]irradiation wavelength to implement balanced plant need. jxlcd.com |
较小的量应以批量方式使用混凝土搅拌机处理, 尽管此过程会发热,但 反应的腐蚀性会妨碍对 热能的利用。 itopf.co.uk | Smaller quantities could be treated in a batch process using concrete [...] mixers, although the heat generated by the [...]process and the corrosive nature of the [...]reaction may preclude their use. itopf.co.uk |
当环境温度上升至动作温度时,内部热敏元件融化,使得弹簧伸长从而断开触点。此类温度保险丝可防止因电路或其 它 发热 电 气 产品异常升温导致的火灾。 digikey.cn | These cut-offs are used to prevent fires caused by abnormal heat generation from circuits and other heat producing electrical products. digikey.ca |
通过这项联合开发协议,SPTS将负责为这项技术的商业化 开 发热 处 理 和设备技术。 tipschina.gov.cn | Through the JDA, SPTS [...] will develop the thermal process and equipment [...]expertise necessary to commercialize the technology. tipschina.gov.cn |
感应加热是通过电磁感应来加热导电材料的工艺,在材料内 部产生涡流,其电阻导致发热,产生 热量。 efd-induction.com | Induction heating is a process of heating electrically conductive material by [...] electromagnetic induction, where eddy currents are generated within the material and [...] its resistance leads to the heating. efd-induction.com |
因此杀死他们符合武装团伙的利益,目的是推动对叙利亚无论什么形式 的人道主义和军事干预,并对能敦促本地区头 脑 发热 者 为 该国稳定起见保持理智 的那些人予以消灭。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was therefore in the interests of the armed groups to kill them, the purpose being to push for humanitarian and military intervention in Syria, in whatever form, and eliminate those who could urge hotheads in the area to be reasonable for the sake of stability in the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
感染性疾病:例如脑膜炎和脑炎CSF分析可用于确定致病菌是细菌、结核菌、真菌还是病毒,可对其它疾病进行鉴别诊断;还可用于检测感染是否靠近脊髓;或者用于研究不明原因 的 发热。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Infectious diseases such as meningitis and encephalitis—testing is used to determine if the cause is bacterial, tuberculous, fungal or viral, and to distinguish it from other [...] conditions; may also be used to detect infections of or near the spinal cord or [...] to investigate a fever of unknown origin. labtestsonline.org.br |
我公司利用Outlast空调纤维开发的“空调弹力织物”通过了省级科技成果鉴定,开发生产了吸湿排汗系列产品,以穿着柔软舒适、回弹性良好而著称的SOMALOR纤维面料,具有蓄热保暖功能的陶瓷纤维面料,具有天然冰凉效果的云母纤维面料,具有吸 湿 发热 功 能 的THERMOGEAR纤维面料等舒适功能系列产品。 cnzztex.com.cn | I use the air conditioning stretch fabric Outlast air conditioning fiber developed by the provincial science and technology achievement appraisal, development and production of products of wicking fiber fabric soft and comfortable to wear, well known resilience SOMALOR regenerative thermal mica fiber fabric, [...] ceramic fiber fabric, has a natural [...] cold effect with moisture heating THERMOGEAR fiber [...]fabric, comfortable and functional products. cnzztex.com.cn |