

单词 发案

案发 ()

occur (of a crime)
investigate a crime on the spot
be discovered (of a crime)


将(案件)发回原审判法庭(重审) v

remit v

External sources (not reviewed)

武器扩散已助长了持械打劫、抢掠、勒索等暴力犯 发案 率 的 增 加,犯罪者中包括科特迪瓦共和军人员和其他武装人员。
The proliferation of weapons has contributed to a higher incidence of
[...] violent crimes, such as armed robberies, [...]
looting and racketeering, including by FRCI and armed elements.
委员会再次请涉及国政府务必根据其国内发生的变化,而不再根 案发 时 的 特殊情况 对该案进行复审(136 EX/3 PRIV.第 87 段)。
The Committee decided once again to request the government concerned to review the case in
the light of the
[...] changes that had occurred in the country and not in the light of the exceptional circumstances obtained at the time of the [...]
events in question (136 EX/3 PRIV., para. 87).
马来西亚还回顾此前向各国发出的关于进一步就 2010
[...] 年委员会报告(A/65/10)第 四章中有关这个专题的一整套暂时通过的准则 案发 表 意 见的邀请。
Malaysia further recalls the invitations previously made to States to make further
observations on the entire set of the
[...] provisionally adopted draft guidelines on [...]
this topic in chapter IV of the 2010 report of the Commission (A/65/10).
(f) 发展和提高太平洋岛屿国家有效进行废物管理的现有机构能力,方法 是开展有针对性的国家和区域培训 案 , 发 展 高 等院校的现行方案,以及开发 和维护适当的信息网络。
(f) To develop and improve current institutional capacities for effective waste management in Pacific island countries through
targeted national and regional
[...] training programmes, the development of ongoing programmes within the relevant [...]
tertiary institutions
and the development and maintenance of appropriate information networks.
应在最高法院建立一项国家集中登记制度,记录所有酷刑案件或者其他被 认定为有组织暴力犯罪的案件,并注 案发 的 时 间和地点、案犯所属单位、受害 者的情况、肇事者的情况、处理情况、参与审理的司法机构以及审判结果。
A central register should be created in the Supreme Court, for recording cases of torture and other forms of institutional violence that are defined as offences, giving the date and probable location of the incident, institutions, possible victims and perpetrators, stage reached in the proceedings, courts involved and outcome of each case.
本文件建议为 2012-2013 两年期总部和区域办事处的宣传和 案发 展 以 及国 家间方案拨付总额为 31 600 000 美元的经常资源和 633 910 000 美元的其他资 源,但以获得特定用途捐款为前提。
The present paper contains recommendations for allocations totalling $31,600,000 in regular resources and $633,910,000 for other resources, subject to the availability of specific-purpose contributions, for advocacy and programme development during the 2012-2013 biennium for headquarters and regional offices and intercountry programmes.
丰巴先生说,他先发表一些一般性意见,然后对特别报告员建议的准则案 发表看法。
Mr. Fomba said that he would begin by making some general comments before giving his
[...] opinion on the draft guidelines proposed [...]
by the Special Rapporteur.
行预咨委会在有关共同问题的报告中已经对 高级特派团行政管理和资源培训 案发 表 了 意见并建议对该方案在培训工作人 员承担所涉职能方面的成效进行评估,并提供外地工作人员业绩提高的证据(见 A/64/660,第 68 段)。
The Advisory Committee has made comments in connection with the senior mission
administration and resource
[...] training programme in its report on cross-cutting issues and recommended an assessment of the effectiveness of the programme in training [...]
staff for the functions
involved, as well as evidence of improved performance of staff in the field (see A/64/660, para. 68).
四.7 如拟议预算中第 9.14 段所述,拟议裁撤 12 个员额,以理顺员额架构,情 况如下:次级方案 1(经济及社会理事会的支助和协调)项下裁撤
[...] 1 个 P-4 员额; 次级方案 3(社会政策和发展)项下裁撤 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额;次级方案 4(可持续发展)项下裁撤 1 个 P-5 员额;次级方案 5(统计)项下裁撤 1 个 P-3、1 个 P-2 和 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员额;次级案 7(发展政策和分析)项下裁撤 2 个一般事务(其他职等)员额;次级方案 8(公共行政和发展管理)项下裁撤 2 个 一般事务(其他职等)员额;次级案 10(发展筹资)项下裁撤 1 个一般事务(其他 职等)员额。
IV.7 As indicated in para. 9.14 of the proposed budget, 12 posts are proposed for abolition, as the result of an effort to rationalize the post structure, as follows: 1 P-4 post under subprogramme 1, Economic and Social Council support and coordination; 2 General Service (Other level) posts under subprogramme 3, Social policy and development; 1 P-5 post under subprogramme 4, Sustainable development; 1 P-3, 1 P-2 and 1 General
Service (Other level) posts under subprogramme 5, Statistics; 2 General Service (Other level) posts
[...] under subprogramme 7, Development policy and analysis; 2 General Service (Other level) posts under subprogramme 8, Public administration and development management; and 1 General Service (Other level) post under subprogramme 10, Financing [...]
for development.
在能力建设及消耗臭氧层物质淘汰措施的编制和执行方面,履约协助 案发 挥 着 日 益重要的作用,它为海关官员和制冷技师提供培训方案,协助建立许可证制度和消耗臭氧 层相关法规,并支持数据收集和汇报。
CAP has assumed an
[...] increased role in capacity building and the preparation and implementation of ODS phase-out measures, providing training programmes for customs officers [...]
and refrigeration
technicians, assistance to establish licensing systems and ODS-related regulations as well as support for data collection and reporting.
[...] 即的,但对影响国民健康的疾病的新治疗 案发 展 所 带来的益处却是长期的。
The premise of our recommendations is that for most developing countries any benefits in terms of the development of
new treatments for diseases that afflict
[...] them will be, at best, long term, while [...]
the costs of implementing a patent system are both real and immediate.
在本项目下,还请执行局:(a) 注意到对厄立特里亚和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 的国家方案首次延长一年;(b) 对关于佛得角、巴布亚新几内亚和越南的共同国 家方案文件案发表意 见;(c) 在定稿之前,对关于中非共和国、冈比亚、马拉 维、莫桑比克、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、泰国、阿尔及利亚、 也门、巴西、多米尼加共和国、圭亚那、巴拿马、秘鲁和苏里南的国家方案文件案发表意见。
Under this item, the Executive Board will also be asked to: (a) take note of the first one-year extensions of the country programmes for Eritrea and the Syrian Arab Republic; (b)
comment on the draft
[...] common country programme documents for Cape Verde, Papua New Guinea and Viet Nam; and (c) comment on the draft country programme documents for the Central African Republic, Gambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Islamic Republic of Iran, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand, Algeria, Yemen, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Panama, Peru and Suriname, prior to their finalization.
[...] 165EX/35),开发计划署很可能从 2004 年起停止通过“政策和案发展支助”和“技术事务支助”等办法与包括教科文组织 [...]
在内的各专门机构的合作,而目前这些专门机构制定的各种计划和项目正是通过这些渠道获 得资金支助的。
As described during the 165th session of the Board (cf.
document 165 EX/35), it is likely that
[...] UNDP, with effect from 2004, will discontinue [...]
its cooperation with the specialized
agencies, including UNESCO, through the SPPD and STS facilities, whereby funds are channelled for various programme and project support activities provided by these agencies.
1 个缔约方的代表以欧洲联盟及其成员国的名义就塞浦路斯和欧洲联盟关于 修正《公约》附件一的案发了言
A representative of a Party made a statement on
behalf of the European Union and its member
[...] States on the proposal from Cyprus [...]
and the European Union to amend Annex I to the Convention.
委员会注意到缔约国采取了若干措施改进拘留条件,包括和国际伙伴一起 制订了《监狱改革支持案》、发布 了 有关囚犯配额和牢房设备的二级法令、制 [...]
The Committee takes note of measures adopted by the State party to improve conditions of
detention, including through the Prison
[...] Reform Support Programme (PRSP), the issuance [...]
of a Sub-decree regulating prisoners’
rations and cell equipment, the development of draft Minimum Design Standards for Prison Construction together with international partners and the construction of new prisons.
在同一次会议上,南非和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的代表就决议案 发表了一般性评论。
At the same meeting, the representatives of South Africa
and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland made general comments
[...] in relation to the draft resolution.
根据统一联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、联合国开发计划署(开发署)和联合国 人口基金(人口基金)预算的进程,此前类别 4(总部和区域办事处的宣传和案发 展)的 拟议预算与机构预算(E/ICEF/2011/AB/L.2)分开列报。
In accordance with the harmonization of the budgets of UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United
Nations Population Fund
[...] (UNFPA), the proposals relating to the previous category 4 (advocacy and programme development [...]
for headquarters and regional
offices) are presented separately from the institutional budget (E/ICEF/2011/AB/L.2).
(d) 组织间妥善管理化学品问题案:发 布 一 份指导文件,协助各国在过渡 阶段实施《全球统一制度》。
(d) Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management [...]
of Chemicals: release of a guidance document to assist countries
with the transition phase for implementation of the Globally Harmonized System.
9 年多以后、武装抢劫被定罪7 年以后和他因后几种罪名入狱服刑被 释放若干年以后。 委员会根据向其提交的资料认为部长的将申诉人驱逐出境的决定对申诉人 造成了不可挽回的后果,是不符合防止发生进一步犯罪的正当目的的,特别是鉴 于在部长所考虑的犯案发与驱 逐之间的间隔时间漫长,情况更是如此。
7.11 In light of the information made available before it, the Committee considers that the Minister‟s decision to deport the author has had irreparable consequences on the author, which was disproportionate to the legitimate aim of preventing the commission of further crimes, especially given the important lapse of time, between the commission of offences considered by the Minister and the deportation.
事实上,以色列继续开展非法的定居点活动,不仅仅 是对以
[...] 1967 年前边界为基础的两国解决案发出 威 胁,并且从实际和政治方面 [...]
As such, more than merely threatening
[...] the two-State solution on the basis [...]
of the pre-1967 borders, the continuation of Israel’s
illegal settlement campaign will make it physically and politically impossible to achieve the two-State solution.
为了能够以一种尽可能完整的方式展现全球杀 案发生 的 程度,根据刑事司法和公共卫生统计源的各国最近有资料可查年度的杀 案平 均发生率,按地区分列,见图一。
In order to show global homicide levels in as complete a way as possible, the average homicide rate in countries for the latest available year, organized by subregion according to both criminal justice and public health sources, is presented in figure I.
这 12 个员额包括行政领导和管理项下的一个 P-2 协理经济事务干事员额;次级 方案 1(与全球经济的联系、区域一体化及合作)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 2(生 产和创新)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 3(宏观经济政策和增长)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级案 5(社会发展与平等)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 12(墨西哥和 中美洲的次区域活动)下的一个 P-2 员额;次级方案 13(加勒比次区域活动)下的 1 个当地雇员员额;方案支助项下的一个 P-4 临时员额、一个 P-2 员额和 3 个当 地雇员员额。
These 12 posts comprise one P-2 post of Associate Economic Affairs Officer under executive direction and management; one P-2 post under subprogramme 1, Linkages with the global economy, regional integration and cooperation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 2, Production and innovation; one P-2 post under subprogramme 3, Macroeconomic policies and growth; one P-2 post under subprogramme 5, Social development and equality; one P-2 post under subprogramme 12, Subregional activities in Mexico and Central America; one Local level post under subprogramme 13, Subregional activities in the Caribbean; and one P-4 temporary post, one P-2 post and three Local level posts under programme support.
重点领域包括改革和更新立法和政策框架; 启动针对不同的目标受众的教育和培训 案 ; 发 展 信 息收集和宣传系统;加强研 究内容广泛的课题,包括可持续森林管理、合理地利用木材、生态系统服务等。
Focus areas included: reforming and updating the legislative
and policy frameworks; launching
[...] education and training programmes for different target [...]
audiences; developing information
collection and communication systems; and strengthening research on a broad range of subjects, including sustainable forest management, sound use of wood, ecosystem services, etc.
[...] 罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔和乌拉圭等国就决议 案发 表 了 一般性评论。
At the same meeting, the representatives of Chile, China, Cuba, Egypt, Kyrgyzstan,
Mexico, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Uruguay made general comments in
[...] relation to the draft resolution.
最近将嫌犯缉拿案发出了 重要的信息,告诫所 有那些今天仍然打算通过命令和筹划攻击平民而上 台或留在台上的人,告诫所有那些因犯下战争罪、危 害人类罪或灭绝种族罪行而面对国际刑事司法的逮 捕令、但却以为他们可以期望安理会会疲惫或者不作 为的人。
Recent arrests have made it possible to send an important message to all of those who today still try to come to power - or stay in power - by ordering and planning attacks against civilians, to all those who, when faced with an international criminal justice arrest warrant for war crimes, crimes against humanity or the crime of genocide, think that they can count on weariness or inaction on the part of the Council.
会议再次指出,在确保缔约国卫生、康 复、社会服务、教育、就业、性别和残疾人权利专家参与方面,非正式赞助案 发挥了不可或缺的作用。
It was noted again that the informal Sponsorship Programme plays an indispensible role in ensuring the participation of States Parties’ health, rehabilitation, social services, education, employment, gender and disability rights experts.
第二,我愿代表下列国家代表团就载于文件 A/C.1/65/L.10* 题为“中亚无核武器区条约”的决议案发表联 合声明,这些国家是:奥地利、爱尔兰、 日本、列支敦士登、马耳他、新西兰、瑞典和瑞士。
Secondly, I would like to deliver a joint statement in explanation of vote on the draft resolution contained in document A/C.1/65/L.10*, entitled “Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia”, on behalf of the following delegations, which have all voted in favour of the draft resolution: Austria, Ireland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Malta, New Zealand, Sweden and Switzerland.
这 使得公民的安全状况大有改观,比如敲诈勒索式绑架案发率降至过去 20 年的最低点、被非法组织夺取 的城镇数量减少至零、在全国巩固了国家存在和安全 部队。
This has allowed for significant progress in terms of citizens’ security, such as the reduction in the rate of extortive kidnappings to its lowest point in the past 20 years, the reduction to zero of the number of towns taken by groups outside the law and the consolidation of the State presence and security forces throughout the country.
德国在回应关于根据缔约方第十九次会议第 XIX/6 号决定第 11(b)款调动额外资源
以最大程度实现氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的环境惠益的潜在财政奖励措施和机会的第 54/39(h)
[...] 号决定时解释说,虽然玻利维亚在这一阶段没有共同筹资,但该国政府将在执行氟氯烃淘 汰管理计划期间继续探索其他供资来源,以寻求气候惠益,并与其他能效 案发 挥 协 同增 效作用。
In response to decision 54/39(h) on potential financial incentives and opportunities for additional resources to maximize the environmental benefits from HPMPs pursuant to paragraph 11(b) of decision XIX/6 of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Parties, Germany indicated that, although Bolivia has no co-financing at this stage, the Government will continue to explore other
funding sources to seek climate benefits and synergy with
[...] energy efficiency programmes during the implementation [...]
of the HPMP.




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