

单词 发明创造

See also:

创造 adj

creative adj

创造 v

generate v
produce v


set (a record)
bring about

External sources (not reviewed)

即使我们确 定的产权保护水平和结构可以使其 发明创造 的 激 励程度与其所需的社会成本保持平衡, [...]
Moreover, even if we get the level and
structure of protection right, to balance
[...] the incentive to invention and creation against [...]
the costs to society, we also have
to worry about the distribution of gains.
关键问题是,发展中国家被迫采纳已经在发达国家演变发展至今的专利制度,而这种专利 制度究竟能在多大程度上激 发明创造。
The crucial issue here is the extent to which the patent system as it has now evolved in the
developed world, and which the developing world is being pressed to adopt, will provide
[...] appropriate incentives for invention.
与贸易有关的知识产权协议》同意前一种观点,同时认为保 发明创造 者 和 技术 用户之间的权利平衡是必要的(该协议第 7 [...]
The TRIPS agreement treats them in the former sense, while recognising
the need to strike a balance
[...] between the rights of inventors and creators to protection, [...]
and the rights of users of technology (Article 7 of TRIPS).
有 关‘全球经济一体化’的空谈掩盖不了这样一个事实,对一些工业品出口贸易极少并很 少(如果有的话)出售发明的国家来说,授予专利给在国外完成并获得专利 发明创造 完全是无利可图的,只能够避免其它方面一些令人不快的外交报复。
No amount of talk about the “economic unity of the world” can hide the fact that some countries with little export trade in
industrial goods and
[...] few, if any, inventions for sale have nothing to gain from granting patents on inventions worked and patented [...]
abroad except the
avoidance of unpleasant foreign retaliation in other directions.
这些制度无疑会十分有助于发达国家进行研究 发明创造 , 特 别 是在诸如医药品和化学药品之类的行业。
There is no doubt that it can make an important contribution
[...] to research and innovation in developed countries, [...]
particularly in industries such
as pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
[...] 越担心,商业压力未受到对公共利益考虑的足够限制,在其影响下,延长专利保护与其说 是为了刺发明创造,还不如说是为了保护投资价值。
Increasingly there is concern that protection, under the influence of commercial pressures insufficiently circumscribed by considerations of public
interest, is being extended more for the purpose of protecting the value of investments
[...] than to stimulate invention or creation.
其目的是,通 过授予发明者防止他人使用其发明的排他性权利来促 发明创造 , 这 种授权形式的回报应 该和有关发明对社会的有用程度相关。
The purpose was to stimulate invention, by rewarding inventors with a right to exclude others from the use of their invention, where the reward should relate to the usefulness of the invention to society.
如果允许专利人在专利期间的任何时候扩大其保护的有效范围,那 么这种情况可能产生的法律不确定性也许会阻止其他发明人在该专利的基础上进 发明创 造。
The legal uncertainty that might arise if a patentee is allowed to extend the effective scope of his protection at
any point in the life of the patent may
[...] deter other inventors from building on or designing around the patented invention.
我们必须确保全球知识产权制 度的发展,通过刺激与发展中国家有关 发明创造 和 技 术转让来促进这些国家的发展,同 时也可以使科技产品具有最具竞争力的价格。
We need to ensure that the global IP systems evolve so that they may contribute to
the development of developing
[...] countries, by stimulating innovation and technology transfer [...]
relevant to them, while also making
available the products of technology at the most competitive prices possible.
对于科技基建设施薄弱的大多数 发展中国家来说,知识产权保护对其国 发明创造 的 激 励作用将会较弱,而它们还需要付 出实行主要来自国外的科技保护带来的成本。
In the majority of developing countries, with weak scientific and technical
infrastructures, the benefits in the form of the
[...] stimulus to domestic innovation will be muted, but [...]
they will still face the costs arising
from the protection of (mainly foreign) technologies.
与生物(如微生物)有关发明创造 获 取 专利的许可标准(第 27.3 条 b 款)以及植物 [...]
the extent to which patents
[...] should be allowed on inventions relating to living [...]
forms, for example microorganisms (Article 27.3(b)), and the requirement to provide IP protection for plants.
[...] 两种公共利益的关系,一种是使用新知识及新知识产品的公共利益,一种是刺 发明创造 物质和文化进步所依靠的新知识及新产品的公共利益。
23 The crucial issue is to reconcile the public interest in accessing new knowledge and the products of
new knowledge, with the public interest
[...] in stimulating invention and creation which [...]
produces the new knowledge and products
on which material and cultural progress may depend.
对某些在大自然中发现的生物和物质也授予专利权,如同那些更容易被外行认作为发 明创造的人工产品和程序。
The patenting of living things and
materials found in nature, as opposed to man-made products and processes more readily
[...] recognisable to the layman as inventions
如果通过大量工作、巧妙设计和调查研究才得以推出的一项产品很容易就能被复制 的话,那么从社会角度讲,投入资源 发明创造 就 没 有充分的财务动机了。
If a product takes considerable effort, ingenuity and research, but can be copied
easily, there is unlikely to be a sufficient financial incentive from society’s point
[...] of view to devote resources to invention
重写历史的发明常常先是混迹在众多 发明创造 中 , 直到有一天得到充分的应用。
Ground-breaking discoveries are often buried amongst
[...] a multitude of inventions, before they eventually [...]
come to light and gain worldwide recognition and application.
知识产权组织加强了其对与妇女和知识产权有关会议的参与和组织,以促进 提高公众对妇女参发明创造以及 保障其知识产权权利的重要性的认识。
WIPO increased its participation in and organization of meetings on women and intellectual property to
contribute to improving public awareness of the importance of
[...] involving women in inventions and intellectual [...]
property rights.
[...] 于无力支付专利品出售商定价的潜在消费者和用户,专利保护就等于剥夺了他们使 发明 创造的权 力,但专利制度的目的正是为人们提供这些权力。
In some cases, protection means that potential consumers or users, who are unable to pay
the prices charged by IP owners, are deprived
[...] of access to the innovations the IP system is [...]
intended to make available.
因此 “创造者”对其“精神与物质利益”的(人身)保护权利势必与这种保护所产生的个人物 质利益结合到一起,发明创造者的 个人利益却建立在消费者的开支之上。
Thus the (human) right to the protection of “moral and material interests” of “authors” is inextricably bound up with the right to the private material benefits which result from such protection.
考虑到《联合国海洋法公约》为本地区建立的法律机制,如何通每开放海底有机体 研究所产生的知识产权,与保 发明创造 者 和 全球共同财富相协调?
In 1999, the General Assembly decided to establish the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea (the Consultative Process) in order to facilitate the annual review by the General Assembly of developments in ocean affairs and the law of the sea by considering the report of the Secretary-General on
oceans and the law of the
[...] sea and by suggesting particular issues to be considered by it, with an emphasis on identifying areas where [...]
coordination and cooperation
at the intergovernmental and inter-agency levels should be enhanced (resolution 54/33).
[...] 应当允许更多的利害关系人参与,听取政府内外部的意见以及知识产权的潜 发明创造人 和使用人的意见。
We also recommend that it, and the government concerned, involve a wider range of
stakeholders in the preparation of IP laws both within government and outside, and
[...] both potential producers and users of IP.
在 19 世纪 80
[...] 年代的瑞士,实业家们并不欢迎专利法律,因为他们想继续使用外国竞争者发明创造,尽管瑞士人自己积极在别国申获专利,但他们却保持着这种反对意见。
In Switzerland in the 1880s, industrialists did not want a patent law because they wished to
[...] continue to use the inventions of foreign competitors.
这次哆啦A梦用自己发明创造,大 雄,他自己的世界,在天空中,一个巨大的CL ...
This time
[...] Doraemon used his inventions to create, along with [...]
Nobita, his own world in the sky, a giant cl...
这包括加拿大利用著作权 保护措施保护基于传统知识 发明创造 , 如 :土著艺术中的面具、图腾和录音带;利用外 [...]
观设计保护物品的外观,如:哈萨克斯坦的头饰和地毯;利用地理标志保护传统产品,如: 委内瑞拉和越南的烈性酒、调味品和茶。
In recent surveys of the existing protection of traditional knowledge
and folklore, a number of countries have
[...] provided further examples of how IP tools [...]
have been utilised to promote and protect
traditional knowledge and folklore.12 These include the use of copyright protection in Canada to protect tradition-based creations including masks, totem poles and sound recordings of Aboriginal artists; the use of industrial designs to protect the external appearance of articles such as head dresses and carpets in Kazakhstan and the use of geographical indications to protect traditional products such as liquors, sauces and teas in Venezuela and Vietnam.
他毕生的追求就是对发明创造和产 品精益求精,以满足客户的愿望和需求。
His commitment to excellence enabled him to constantly refine and perfect his products, to meet customers' expectations as well as simplify their lives.
除了中 国签定的国际知识产权保护协议有特殊的规定外,美国或英国注册的专利在中国仍然受 第一注册原则的约束,而不适用第 发明创造 原 则
Unless China has acceded to international  IPR treaties requiring different treatments, pate nts filed in the US or England has no legal stand‐ ing in China.
中心的任务是记录、诠释和传播发明创新信息,鼓励年轻 发明创造 , 提 高人们对美国历史上的发明创新作用的认识。
The center's mission is to document,
interpret, and disseminate
[...] information about invention and innovation, to encourage creativity in young people, and to foster an appreciation for the central role of invention and innovation in the history [...]
of the United States.
惠普的基本业务目标发明创造、开 发和交付IT解决方案,以提升商业价值、创造社会价值和改善消费者生活。
The basic business
[...] purpose of HP is to invent, engineer and deliver technology solutions that drive business value, create social [...]
value and improve the lives of customers.
因此,对产权的“强 化”并不总是能够激发明创造的动 力;对于某些先驱者而言,它可能会起到激发作用,但 [...]
它同时也会极大地增加改进者成为被起诉对象的机率......当授予一个范围广的专利时......较 之于更加接近发明者的实际成果的专利而言,其范围就会减少激励别人继续进行发明活动的 动力。
Thus a "strengthening" of property rights will not always
[...] increase incentives to invent; it may do so for [...]
some pioneers, but it will also greatly
increase an improver's chances of becoming enmeshed in litigation… When a broad patent is granted…its scope diminishes incentives for others to stay in the invention game, compared again with a patent whose claims are trimmed more closely to the inventor's actual results.
企业主要以服务为主, 同时也有企业从事产品的设计和研发并在产业 内处于领先地位,坎塔布里亚政府和坎塔布里 亚地区发展协会在新技术领域采取的是积极支 持的政策,对于信息产业发明创造 , 政 策支 持的具体体现为:坎塔布里亚政府制定了I+D+i 研发创新的区域规划,以支持通讯产业与其它 产业的相互配合,协同发展。
To provide a backbone for its policies in innovation and information society matters, the Government of Cantabria designed the Regional RD&I Plan, which broaches different sectors of the economy and the tools it offers provide support for the region’s inclusion in the Knowledge Society.
最后,高校发创联 行政 总裁问贸发会议是否 愿 意与高 校 发创联合 作开展 DR100 创业方案 ,在全球复制高校 发创联 的工作,即 : (a) 动员世界各 地大学 参 与;(b) 甄 别内部 的 领 袖 人 物 ; (c)
制定框架; (d) 交 流 典 型做法、课 程资料和在 线 教育资料; (e) 开展方案
[...] 制定活动;(f) 通过结 成伙伴或 辅 导的办法培养师资, 最 终 目标是由各国地 方社区 出资建立 一 个 创业发展方案 网,通过全球培养大学创 新人和创业人发明创造一个 更好的世界。
Finally, the NCIIA Executive Director asked if UNCTAD would be prepared to partner with NCIIA in the DR100 entrepreneurial programme to replicate NCIIA work at the global level – that is, to (a) engage universities around the world; (b) identify leaders within; (c) develop frameworks; (d) share exemplary practices, curriculum resources, and online education resources; (e) conduct programme development activities; (f) train faculty, either by partnership or mentoring, with the final aim of having a network of entrepreneurial development programmes funded by
local communities within
[...] countries, to invent a better world through nurturing university innovators and entrepreneurs [...]
at the global level.




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