

单词 发刊

发刊 ()

put out (a document)



preface (a publication)

See also:

peel with a knife

External sources (not reviewed)

荷兰注意到据报告,摩洛哥禁止一些名声素著的报纸最 近发刊。
The Netherlands noted reports that recent publications
[...] from respected newspapers have been banned [...]
from Morocco.
刊物于 2011 年 5 月在 埃塞俄比亚发,刊载了 研究与发展调查的结果。
This was launched in Ethiopia in May 2011 and contains the results of research and development surveys.
报章」指每日在香港发行及流通,及行政司为该条例第 71A 条的目的在宪报刊发及刊登的报章名单所载的报章。
newspaper” means a newspaper published daily and circulating generally in Hong Kong and prescribed in the list of newspaper issued and published in the gazette for the purposes of section 71A of the Ordinance by the secretary for administrative service and information
知道相关文章预计何时发表有助于确定合适 刊发 时 间 表并且选择适合的期刊。
Knowing when related articles are expected to be published can help determine the suitable timeframe to reach publication and identify a journal aligned with the publication needs for the paper.
法语版和德语版分别作为法国《Le Temps》报和德国《NZZ》报的刊发行 , 并在瑞士各大高端星级酒店、销售点和 刊 亭 发 售。
The French and German editions are distributed as inserts in Le Temps and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung as well as directly to a selection of the best hotels, sales outlets and kiosks in Switzerland.
一 个显著发展趋 势是同行审评出版物中科 刊 物 的数量稳步增加。
A visible development is the steady increase in the number of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals.
(g) 立即结束对记者和传媒工作者施加的一切形式压力;撤销对因从事职 业活动遭起诉记者的指控;撤销对各 刊发 出 的 警告,并停止这种做法
(g) Put an immediate end to all forms of pressure on journalists and media workers; withdraw all charges against journalists prosecuted for their professional
activities, and take measures to rehabilitate them; and recall official warnings
[...] issued against newspapers and cease such [...]
(d) 以本章程预期的任何其他方式送达的通知,应在相关发送、传送 刊发的 时 间视为送达,而在证明送达时,本公司的秘书或其他人员或董事会指定 的其他人签署作出,关于送达、发送、传送 刊发 的 事实和时间等的书面 证明,应为最终证明。
(d) A notice served in any other manner contemplated by these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served at the time of
the relevant despatch,
[...] transmission or publication; and in proving such service a certificate in writing signed by the secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board as to the fact and time of such service, delivery, despatch, transmission or publication shall be conclusive [...]
evidence thereof.
2012伦敦新闻画报有限公司( www.iln.co.uk)。若非玛莎拉蒂和发行人允许,不得复制 刊发 表 的 原文和其他稿件。玛莎拉蒂和发行人对于从他处转载的文章中的观点和陈述不负任何责任。玛莎拉蒂对本刊中的广告内容不负任何责任,发行人保留自行决定接受或拒绝广告的权利。
2012 Illustrated London News Limited www.iln.co.uk. Original articles and other contributions published in this journal may be reproduced only with permission from Maserati and the publisher.
这个时间不太早,同时又给记 者们留下足够的时间写完报道,以 刊发 至 第二天的报纸上。
It is not too early and gives journalists enough time to write reports and meet their
[...] deadlines for the next day’s newspapers.
上述资源将用于加强联发援框架各项 工作的两性平等层面,以及包括制止暴力侵害妇女行为、移徙的两性平等层面 刊发 最 重 要出 版物在内的知识生成和管理。
The resources will be utilized to strengthen the gender equality dimension of all UNDAF exercises, and the generation and management of knowledge, including on ending violence against women, gender dimension of migration, and launch of flagship publications.
例如,1999 年,文字刊发表了 41 篇有关平等 问题的文章。
For example, 41 articles on issues of equality were published in the written press in 1999.
[...] 在发言时提到“组织名称已极大地改变了成百上千流浪狗的生活”...,这样你们组织的名 称出现刊发文章中的机率更大了。
Also mention it in a summary quotation about your group: “Name of organisation has made a tremendous difference to the lives of
thousands of stray dogs...” for example, then you can be more sure that your organisation
[...] will be named in published articles.
每年用本组织的六种正式语言在网 刊发 10 期《教科文组织信使》。
Ten issues per year of the online edition of the UNESCO Courier disseminated in the six official languages of the Organization.
1990 年以来青少年刊发行量 的提升,就可以证明 这一点:1995 年青少年刊的发行量为 480 万份,1991 年只有 350 万份(大约 1400 万 14 至 26 岁的年轻人构成了德国青少年媒体的核心受众群)。
Another proof is the circulation of youth magazines since 1990: The 4.8 million circulation reported to IVW in [...]
1995 was much higher than the
3.5 million in 1991 (about 14 million young people between 14 and 26 form the core target group for German youth media).
如上所述,截至 2011 年,他已进行了若干项在海洋地质领域具有十分重要意义和影响的研究,并 通过国际和全国性学术刊,发表论文 120 多篇,出版书籍 12 本。
As described above, he has carried out a number of researches of great significance and high impact in the field of marine geology, and published over 120 papers through international and national academic journals and 12 books, as of 2011.
2004年12月3 日信函的 拷贝,函件阐明该报编辑部不反对提交人拷贝 刊发 表 的 文章。
The author notes that he submitted to the higher courts a copy of the letter from the chief editor of People’s Will dated 3 December 2004,
stating that the
[...] editorial board did not object to the copying of the articles published in the newspaper [...]
by the author.
出版:外部印刷和装订;期刊;纸张和印刷;其他印刷: 刊发 表 的文章的重印;小册子; 条约;文本汇编;手册;办公表格和其他杂项印刷材料;以及制作 CD-ROM、录像带、磁带 和其他形式的电子出版物。
Publishing: outside printing and binding; reviews; paper and printing; other printing: reprints of articles published in reviews; brochures; treaties; collections of texts; manuals; working forms and other miscellaneous printed material; production of CD-ROMs, videos, magnetic tapes and other forms of electronic publishing.
艺术世界》杂志最近出版了一期挪威艺术专刊 – 《挪威森林》
[...] – 150多名宾客,包括著名中国诗人西川,共聚上海出席 刊发 行 仪 式。
Art World magazine presented its special feature magazine on Norwegian art –
“Norwegian Wood” in a launching ceremony
[...] that gathered over 150 people in Shanghai, [...]
including the renowned Chinese poet Xi Chuan.
我还要强调,我国政府依然严重关切,迄今尚未 在委员会网站刊发专家 小组的最后报告。
I should also like to stress that my
Government remains seriously concerned at the
[...] fact that the Panel of Experts’ final [...]
report has not yet been posted to the Committee’s website.
我们的季刊杂 志《社科视角》(SHSviews)开刊发 一 个连载文献系列,介绍探讨社会科学及人文科学 在各国教科文组织全国委员会中所占的位置,首批文章涉及 3 个国家:菲律宾、加拿大和马 拉维。
The quarterly magazine SHSviews has launched a series of dossiers exploring the place occupied by the social and human sciences within UNESCO National Commissions with the first three countries being the Philippines, Canada and Malawi.
人口司网站包括人口刊发的大多数出版物,通常都 早于印本的发布时间。
The Population Division’s website contains most of the publications issued by the Division, which are often posted well in advance of their availability in printed form.
协 议 」 指 本 协 议 ( 可 根 据 本 协 议 的 条 文 而 不 时 修 改 )
, 包 括 构 成 本 协 议 一 部 份 并 为 提 供 恒 生 商 业
[...] e-Banking 服 务 而 不刊 发 的 任 何 补 充 条 文 [...]
及 本 协 议 所 提 及 的 任 何 其 他 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 文
件 ( 包 括 所 有 恒 生 商 业 e-Banking 客 户 指 南 及 本 行 的 重 要 声 明 及 互 联 网 私 隐 政 策 声 明 ) 。
Agreement" means this Agreement as modified from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, including any supplementary terms for the provision of the Hang
Seng Business e-Banking Services published
[...] from time to time which shall form part [...]
of this Agreement and any other Hang Seng
Business e-Banking documents (including all Hang Seng Business e-Banking Customer Guide and the Bank’s Important Message to Readers and Internet Privacy Policy Statement) mentioned in this Agreement.
(e) 监察本公司的财务报表以及年度报告及账目、半年度报告及(若 刊发 ) 季 度报告的完整性,并 审阅报表及报告所载有关财务申报的重大意见。
(e) to monitor integrity of the Company’s financial statements and annual
report and accounts, half-year report and, if
[...] prepared for publication, quarterly [...]
reports, and to review significant financial
reporting judgements contained in them.
著名的《财富》杂志在2009年7月刊发 表 了 一篇关于西班牙能源部的文章,聚焦西班牙工业、商业及旅游部长Miguel Sebastián先生提出的关于可再生能源和采取的行动,文章中指出,CIRCUTOR是效率创造技术的领跑者。
The prestigious FORTUNE magazine published an article about Spain’s energy sector in their July 2009 issue, with a focus on renewable energies and actions taken by Mr. Miguel Sebastián, Spain’s Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.
虽 然德意志银行已尽力确保X-markets网站的资料是可靠的,或是转载自德意志银行 刊发 日 期 相信为可靠的来源,但德意志银行不能保证该等资料是否准 确、完整及充分。
Although best efforts have been used to ensure that the information set out on the X-markets Website is reliable or reproduced from sources which Deutsche Bank AG believe to be reliable as at the date of publication, no warranty is made as to its accuracy, completeness and adequacy.
刊 发 的 基 金 概 览 为 你 提 供 市 场 概 览 , 以 及 四 个 恒 生 强 积 金 集 成 信 托 计 划 ( 精 选 计 划 、 智 选 计 划 、易 选 计 划 及 自 选 计 划 ) 内 基 金 的 资 产 分 布 等 资 料 。
Issued quarterly, Fund Fact Sheet, provides you with the market overview and asset allocation of the investment funds under the four Hang Seng MPF master trust schemes, SuperTrust, SuperTrust Plus, SimpleChoice and ValueChoice.
程序员》——中国最专业的IT杂志之一——在它的四 刊发 布 了 中国博客网(blogcn.com)的CEO方兴东先生”Google要赢过百渡需要做些什么”的一篇文章。
The April issue of “Programmer”, one of the China’s most professional IT magazines, published an article on how Google should do to win over Baidu by the CEO of the blogcn.com, Mr. Xingdong, Fang.




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