单词 | 发出刺眼的光茫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 发出刺眼的光茫 verb—glare v
出外时 带帽子和/或太阳眼镜,尤其是在光亮及 阳 光刺眼的 环 境 里。 cgh.com.sg | Wear a hat and/or sunglasses when outside, especially in bright and high glare situations. cgh.com.sg |
计划推出一套具 有区域眼光的旗舰出版物 ,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得 出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目 标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。 regionalcommissions.org | A set of [...] flagship publications have been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region 2025, which will forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development [...]of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda. regionalcommissions.org |
當香港人坐在電視機前,看到趙連海孩 子 茫 然 無 助 的眼光 , 在風 中舉着“爸爸回家”的薄紙,看到趙連海年紀老邁的母親或哭得肝腸寸 斷的妻子,在法庭外高呼趙連海無罪,甚至還看到攝影機鏡頭所及的 [...] 那位無耻的法院官員,帶着權力的囂張和冷笑,欣賞趙連海家人的悲 [...]苦時,任誰都會血脈擴張和感到傷痛。 legco.gov.hk | When the people of Hong Kong saw on television ZHAO Lianhai's son staring around [...] aimlessly and hopelessly while holding [...]up a thin paper reading "Daddy, come home" in the wind; when we saw ZHAO's elderly mother and wailing wife shouting out loudly his innocence outside the court; and furthermore, when we saw the arrogant and sneering face of that shameless court official who was enjoying the suffering of ZHAO's family members, how could we not feel outraged and sad. legco.gov.hk |
委员会获知,有必要做出区域努力,以确保:(a) [...] 为促进可持续 增长纳入了具生态效益的基础设施发展,包 括 刺 激 方 案中所 提 出的发 展;(b) 得到恢复的河流和环境以及呈现出绿色的资本和金融市场,以期推动 [...] 更强劲的增长和促进社会辅助体制;(c) 以跨部门规划方式而纳入基础设 [...]施发展以便提出更好的生态效益机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee was informed that regional efforts would be necessary to ensure that (a) [...] infrastructure development, [...] including that envisioned in stimulus packages, incorporated eco-efficiency [...]for sustainable growth; [...](b) rivers and the environment were rehabilitated and capital and financial markets greened in such a way as to lead to stronger growth and contribute to social support systems; (c) infrastructure development was integrated by means of cross-sectoral planning in order to provide better opportunities for eco-efficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,声名卓著的鲁纳•格拉姆风(Rune Grammofon)唱片公司还为该乐队发行了一张音乐会现场 演 出 视 频 光 碟 ( DVD)。该乐队20 04 年 发 行 的 《 这 就是我的心跳律动》(This Was The Pace Of My Heartbeat)、2006年发行的《丢掉石头、捡起骨头》(Losing Stones, Collecting Bones)和2008年发行的《白色苍茫》(Whiteout)获得大量好评。 norway.org.cn | Since then they have played concerts in Europe, USA and Asia and released three albums and a concert DVD on the prestigious Rune Grammofon label (”This Was The Pace Of My Heartbeat” in 2004, "Losing Stones, Collecting Bones" in 2006 and ”Whiteout” in 2008) to much critical acclaim. norway.cn |
教科書內不許出現一些刺眼的詞語 ,例如坦克及戰艦等。 hkahe.com | Some vocabularies were also not allowed in textbooks, like tanks and submarines. hkahe.com |
尽管一些难民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运,然而等待那些移徙到城市的人们的情境往往是艰难 和冷漠的,而出路的寻找往往扑朔迷 茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | While some refugees indeed succeed in improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently harsh and unwelcoming, and the search for solutions often elusive. daccess-ods.un.org |
从技术和风格上看,Xavier的滑雪板玩得大气、准确,完美无瑕,就如他要 冲 刺的 冰 封 的 大 山 的 脸 庞及 白 茫茫的 雪 景 一样。 swatch.com | In terms of technique and style, Xavier’s snowboarding is majestic, precise, and flawless, like the icy mountain faces and snowscapes he lives to charge. swatch.com |
一个讨论贯彻实施《北京行动纲要》和大会 第二十三届特别会议成果文件以及各项国际商 定 发 展 目标,包括千年宣言所载目 标(进展、差距和挑战)之间的联系的专题小组讨论会,以及“关于从青年男 女的 眼光看促进两性平等的前景”专题小组讨论会,都 突 出 介 绍 了土著妇女的状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The situation of indigenous women was also highlighted in a panel discussion that addressed the linkages between the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome document of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly and the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration (progress, gaps and challenges) and in a panel discussion on future perspectives on the promotion of gender equality: through the eyes of young women and men. daccess-ods.un.org |
由社会学研究中心为国家移民部撰写的名为《对移民的态度》的调查 报告,以及之后通过对不同重点领域的研究对调查结果所作的分析表 明:要以长期和发展的眼光来看待问题(最近的数据可能会与以前的有 所不同,这就能看出事物 的发展过程),并作出相应的解释(要对原因进 行调查,并对观察到的变化趋势进行解释)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Sociological Research Centre (CIS) surveys on “Attitudes to immigration” carried out for the Secretariat of State for Immigration and Emigration, and the subsequent analysis of the survey results on the basis of a [...] longitudinal [...] approach to trends (the most recent data are compared with those recorded earlier to determine how they have evolved) and an analytical [...]approach (investigating [...]causes and explaining the observed changes in trends); and daccess-ods.un.org |
此次全球金融危机以及此前的粮食和燃料价格危 机使得实现这些目标的前景更加渺茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | The global financial crisis, as well as the food and fuel price crises that had preceded it, made the attainment of those goals even more uncertain. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,一些发展中国 家谨慎地表示,在缺乏国家森林政策、方案、足够的立法、机构和信息,甚至缺 乏所有这些要素的情况下,成功执行森林文 书 的 希 望 十分 渺 茫。 daccess-ods.un.org | On the other hand, some developing countries cautioned that, in the absence of national forest policies, programmes, adequate legislation, institutions and information, or the combination of these, there was little hope for successful implementation. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了推动加强法治、公共安全和社会经济发展等 领域,整个国际社会都必须为海地重建、机构恢复、 警察安全结构重建做出重大的努力 ,并提供广 泛 的合 作和援助来刺激社会经济发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to move forward in strengthening the rule of law, public security and the socio-economic sphere, a major effort of the entire international community has been necessary for Haiti’s reconstruction and the recovery of its institutions, the [...] re-engineering of [...] its police security structure, and broad cooperation and aid to stimulate socio-economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,我想指出,涂謹申議員是一名基督徒,我在小時候聽到《聖 經》有這樣的記載:耶穌說世人看見別 人 眼 中 的刺 , 卻 看不到自己眼 中的梁木。 legco.gov.hk | But I wish to point out that Mr James TO is a [...] Christian, and when I was a child, I heard that the Bible says: People see the speck of sawdust in other people's eyes, but consider not the beam that is in their own eyes. legco.gov.hk |
如果隧道较短,从入口可以看到出口外的亮度很高,形成强烈视觉差,称为“黑框效应”,这时司机对隧道出口的光亮度较难适应;如果隧道较长,当车辆刚驶入隧道时,会感觉出口很黑,甚至无法辨认出口附近的状况,称为“黑洞效应”,而车辆在长隧道中行驶一段时间,接近隧道出口时,由 于 出 口 光 线 和 隧道内的黑暗形成强烈视觉差,会看到一 个 刺眼的 “ 白 洞”,称为“白洞效应”。 orient-opto.com | If the tunnel is shorter, outside the exit from the entrance you can see the brightness is high, the formation of a strong visual difference, known as the "black box effect", when the driver of the tunnel exit is more difficult to adapt to the brightness; if the tunnel is longer, when the vehicle just enter the tunnel, the export will feel very dark, near the exit can not even recognize the situation, known as the "black hole effect", and vehicular traffic in the long tunnel [...] of time, close to [...] the tunnel exit, due to the export of light and darkness of the tunnel the formation of a strong visual difference, you will see a glaring "white hole", known as the "white hole effect. orient-opto.com |
一些代表团要求,在实施有关 《中期战略》两个横向专题的项目时,应采取更加 突 出 重 点 和富有战 略 眼光的 方 法,并更注意地区 的均衡。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several delegations requested a more focused and strategic approach for and a better regional balance with respect to the projects related to the two cross-cutting themes of the Medium-Term Strategy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
充足的光照条件、银装素裹的森林 、积雪覆 盖 的 树 林 ,以及 白 茫茫 一 片 一 眼 望 不到 边 的 荒 原,正是这些构成了芬兰人所谓的“Lapin taika”的独特氛围,即“拉普兰的魔力”。 visitfinland.com | Remarkable light conditions, silvery forests with snow-laden trees and a white wilderness stretching as far as the eye can see are key contributors [...] to the unique [...]atmosphere referred to by Finns with the term “Lapin taika”, “the Magic of Lapland”. visitfinland.com |
的表达形式和怀孕,其中密西拿曾编纂Halakhoth精确简洁 作 出 他 们 的 解 释是必要,而工 作 的 诡 辩 特点是诡 辩 发 展 , 以进一 步 刺 激。 mb-soft.com | The precise brevity of expression and the pregnant form in which the [...] Mishna had codified [...] the Halakhoth made an interpretation of them necessary, while the casuistic features of the work were a stimulus to further casuistic [...]development. mb-soft.com |
說到底 , 如果香港工人個個變 成青光眼 、 生 骨 刺 , 香港亦不會 有 好 的人力 質 素,不 會 有高生 產 力 , 最後也 不 會 有 好 的 營 商 環境。 legco.gov.hk | In the final analysis, if all the [...] workers in Hong Kong suffer from glaucoma or bone spur, we will be unable to secure quality [...]manpower and maintain high productivity. legco.gov.hk |
但是,据许 多非政府组织报告,它们遇到一些官僚主义障碍和腐败问题,使那些本来就很难 获得体面的生活和生计的脆弱人群本已 渺 茫的 机 会受到进一步影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet many NGOs reported encountering bureaucratic hurdles and corruption, which are thus affecting the already poor chances of the most vulnerable to a decent life and livelihood. daccess-ods.un.org |
其它行动有:如正在开发的旨在向全国委员会及其合作伙伴提供更广泛服务的 数据库,将有关传播题材纳入培训研讨会(曼谷、里加、达累斯萨拉姆多国办事处),向全 国委员会分发光盘,发行《 电视媒体操作技能》新手册及为全国委员会设 计 的 网 站 模板 ,出 版简 讯《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》第四和第五版。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Other initiatives included an ongoing development of the databases in order to offer a wider range of services for National Commissions and their partners, the inclusion of communication-related topics at training seminars (Bangkok, Riga, Dar es [...] Salaam cluster), the [...] distribution of the CD-ROM for National Commissions, a new brochure on “Skills for Handling the TV Media” and the creation of a website template for National Commissions, the publication of the fourth [...]and fifth editions [...]of the newsletter NCP Synergy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
該等車頭燈的 光度較原裝一般用燈絲的車頭 燈高一倍,並 發 出刺眼光 線 , 令行人及其他駕 駛者無法看清路面情況,影響他們的安全。 legco.gov.hk | As such headlamps are twice as bright as the original filament headlamps and emit dazzling light, they blur [...] the vision of pedestrians [...]and other drivers, jeopardizing their safety. legco.gov.hk |
以对环境友好型社会和创新照明的不懈追求,早在2000年以前,神谷茂先生即预见到,21世纪的前50年里一定 会 出 现 更理 想 的 新 光 源 , 而这种光源则与电子器件和电子线路的进步密切相关,并预测了两种未来理想新光源,一种是半导 体 发 光 二级管,而另一种就是无极放电光源,即无极灯,光效性、显色性都将较传统照明明显提高,且节能耗、无污染。 cn.lvd.cc | In hot pursuit of environment-friendly [...] society and [...] innovative lighting, around the year 2000, Mr. Shen Gumao predicted that a better new illuminant must appear in the early 50 years of the 21st century, which is closely connected with the progress of electron [...]device and electronic [...]circuit; and he also forecasted that there would be two excellent illuminants in the future, one of them, the semiconductor LED, and the other one, electrodeless discharge illuminant, namely induction lamp, whose lighting effect and color rendering would obviously be increased in comparison with traditional lights and which would be energy-saving and pollution-free. en.lvd.cc |
虽然厄立特里亚当局可能继续向索马里武装反对派团体提供 财政和其他形式的援助,他们的活动未被 查 出 , 但 监察组认为任何此种援助无足 轻重,而且厄立特里亚目前在索马里是很不 起 眼的 角 色 ,对事 态 发 展 进 程的影响 极小,无论是正面还是负面影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although it is possible that the Eritrean authorities have continued to provide financial and other forms of assistance to armed opposition groups without their activities being detected, it is the Monitoring Group’s assessment that any such assistance is negligible, and that Eritrea is currently a marginal actor in Somalia, with little, if any, influence, either positive or negative, on the course of events. daccess-ods.un.org |
AVDU5500触摸屏带有数字和模拟输入,可直接或通过柯蒂斯赖特公司Skyquest VMS视频分配单元连接至电子-光学吊舱;分辨率达到1080像素,满足国防、执法监视、搜救等领域的应用要求;具有四屏显示功能,可同时独立显示多达四屏的实时视频图像;采用光学贴合技术确保显示器在日光下可读;配备 双 发光 二 级管(LED)背光源,满足夜视 镜 的 使 用 ;通过连接至普通电脑,可对显示器配置数据进行升级和更新;触摸屏为5线电阻屏,可运行数字移动地图;可选USB、Ethernet和RS422/232等输入 输 出 接 口。 jxlcd.com | AVDU5500 touch screen with digital and analog input, can be directly or through the curtiss Wright company Skyquest VMS video allocation unit connected to electronic - optical pods; Resolution of 1080 pixels, defense, law enforcement surveillance, search and rescue in areas such as application requirements; Have four display function, can at the same time independent real-time video image display up to four screens; By optical laminating technology to ensure that the display can be [...] read in the sun; [...] Equipped with double light emitting diode (LED) light source back, meet the use of night vision goggles; By connecting to a computer, it can be to display the configuration data upgrade and update; Touch screen is 5 line resistive screen, can run digital mobile map; An optional USB, Ethernet and RS422/232 input/output interface. jxlcd.com |
有五种基本类型的荧光染料:小分子染料(如荧光异硫氰酸酯/ FITC和Alexa染料),蛋白染料(藻红蛋白、别藻蓝蛋白、绿色荧光蛋白),串联染料,其中蛋白染料收集荧光,将它传输至小分子染料,然后串联染 料 发出 同 小 分子染料(如APC-Cy7)量子点和多聚染料( 亮紫)相同波长的光波。 labome.cn | There are five basic types of fluorochromes: small dyes (e.g. Fluoroscein isothiocyanate /FITC and Alexa dyes) protein dyes (PhycoerythrinAllophycocyaninGFP) Tandem dyes, where a protein dye collects laser light, transfers [...] it to a small dye, [...] and the tandem emits at the wavelength of the smaller dye (e.g. APC-Cy7) quantum dots, and polymer dyes ( Brilliant Violet). labome.com |
城市热闹声光的刺激可 能也会让人感到疲惫厌倦,此时可试着摆脱曼哈顿忙碌的步伐,逃逸到东方文华酒店,酒店中有一座令人难以置信的游泳池,纽约市鳞次栉比的建筑屋顶全景尽 收 眼 底 , 还有城内最受好评的spa。 audemarspiguet.com | The stimulation of the city’s sights and sounds can be exhausting; but one can escape the hectic pace of Manhattan in the Oriental Mandarin, which has an incredible pool with a panoramic view of New York’s rooftops and the city’s best-rated spa. audemarspiguet.com |
在 推行環保工作 方 面 , 我認為 切 勿 光 是 “ 手 指指” ,即 指 別 人 而 忘 記 自 己 的 責任範疇 , 只 懂 批評而不作自我反省 個 人 在 環保工作可作出甚 麼 貢 獻 , 將責任轉嫁 他 人 身 上 , 這種只 看 見 別 人 眼 中 的 刺 而 看 不 見自己 眼 中 的 樑 木 的 做 法,只 會 造 成 社 會 分 化,阻 礙 環保工作的推行。 legco.gov.hk | As regards the Sustainable Development Unit, it should be assigned with the responsibility to assist the Council for Sustainable Development to give full play to its role and statutory functions, as well as to monitor the achievement of various objectives that government departments have set in regard to sustainable development. legco.gov.hk |